USA v. Derrick Granger

21-2874 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit

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Filed Oct. 14, 2021
Terminated June 9, 2023
Original Case 1:20-cr-00097
Last Updated: 1 year, 7 months ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
7/10/2023FOR COURT USE ONLY: Certified copy of 06/09/2023 Opinion with Mandate sent to the District Court Clerk & U.S. Probation. [7322229-2] [7322229] [21-2874] (CAH) [Entered: 07/10/2023 09:14 AM]
7/10/2023Mandate issued. No record to be returned. [76] [7322228] [21-2874] (CAH) [Entered: 07/10/2023 09:11 AM]
7/6/2023ORDER re: On motion for extension of time to file petition for rehearing and rehearing en banc. The motion is DENIED. Because appellant Derrick Granger is represented by counsel, any request for relief should be filed by counsel. Further, the time to file a petition for rehearing has expired. [74] CMM [75] [7321740] [21-2874] (HTP) [Entered: 07/06/2023 02:31 PM]
  • Motion
Pro se motion filed by Appellant Derrick Granger to extend time to file petition rehearing en banc. [74] [7321153] [21-2874] (CAH) [Entered: 07/05/2023 10:31 AM]
  • Order
ORDER: Final judgment filed per opinion. With costs: no. [73] [7316225] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (HTP) [Entered: 06/09/2023 03:15 PM]
6/9/2023Filed opinion of the court by Judge Easterbrook. The judgments of conviction are affirmed, as are the sentences of Granger and King. Walker’s sentence is vacated, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. Frank H. Easterbrook, Circuit Judge; Diane P. Wood, Circuit Judge and John Z. Lee, Circuit Judge. [72] [7316216] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (HTP) [Entered: 06/09/2023 03:08 PM]
3/14/2023Filed Appellee USA in 21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382 Citation of Additional Authority, per Circuit Rule 28(e). Argument set for: 02/15/2023. [71] [7297160] [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (Reitz, Brian) [Entered: 03/14/2023 08:59 AM]
2/15/202370Case argued by Mr. Christopher Grohman for Appellant Derrick Granger and Brian L. Reitz for Appellee USA in 21-2874, Mr. Jonathan A. Bont for Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. and Brian L. Reitz for Appellee USA in 21-3056, Vanessa K. Eisenmann for Appellant Eric Walker and Brian L. Reitz for Appellee USA in 21-3382. [70] [7291476] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (MLM) [Entered: 02/15/2023 11:43 AM]
2/15/202369Case heard and taken under advisement by panel: Frank H. Easterbrook, Circuit Judge; Diane P. Wood, Circuit Judge and John Z. Lee, Circuit Judge. [69] [7291473] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (MLM) [Entered: 02/15/2023 11:41 AM]
2/6/202368Received argument confirmation per argument email form for Attorney Brian L. Reitz for Appellee USA in 21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382. [68] [7289302] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (SK) [Entered: 02/06/2023 09:25 AM]
2/6/202367Received argument confirmation per argument email form for Attorney Mr. Christopher Grohman for Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874, Attorney Mr. Jonathan A. Bont for Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056, Attorney Vanessa K. Eisenmann for Appellant Eric Walker in 21-3382. [67] [7289301] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (SK) [Entered: 02/06/2023 09:24 AM]
2/1/2023Amended Circuit Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statement and Appearance filed by Attorney Jonathan A. Bont for Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. [66] [7288446] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-No) [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (Bont, Jonathan) [Entered: 02/01/2023 12:27 PM]
1/25/202365Paper copies of appellant reply brief filed by Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr.. Dist. [65] [7286973] [21-3056] (CAG) [Entered: 01/25/2023 09:32 AM]
1/23/2023Appellant's reply brief filed by Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr.. Paper copies due on 01/30/2023. Electronically Transmitted. REMINDER: If a case is designated to proceed to oral argument, hearing notices will be mailed shortly before the date of oral argument. Please note that counsel's unavailability for oral argument must be submitted by letter, filed electronically with the Clerk's Office, no later than the filing of the appellant's brief in a criminal case and the filing of an appellee's brief in a civil case. See Cir. R. 34(b)(3). The court's calendar is located at Once scheduled, oral argument is rescheduled only in extraordinary circumstances. See Cir. R. 34(b)(4), (e). [64] [7286362] [21-3056] (MAN) [Entered: 01/23/2023 10:54 AM]
1/23/2023Submitted appellant reply brief by Jonathan A. Bont for Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. [63] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7286333] [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (Bont, Jonathan) [Entered: 01/23/2023 09:56 AM]
1/20/202362Paper copies of appellant reply brief filed by Appellant Eric Walker, DIST. [62] [7286097] [21-3382] (KRA) [Entered: 01/20/2023 11:35 AM]
1/19/2023Appellant's reply brief filed by Appellant Eric Walker. Paper copies due on 01/26/2023. Electronically Transmitted. REMINDER: If a case is designated to proceed to oral argument, hearing notices will be mailed shortly before the date of oral argument. Please note that counsel's unavailability for oral argument must be submitted by letter, filed electronically with the Clerk's Office, no later than the filing of the appellant's brief in a criminal case and the filing of an appellee's brief in a civil case. See Cir. R. 34(b)(3). The court's calendar is located at Once scheduled, oral argument is rescheduled only in extraordinary circumstances. See Cir. R. 34(b)(4), (e). [61] [7285867] [21-3382] (LJ) [Entered: 01/19/2023 02:27 PM]
1/19/2023Submitted appellant reply brief by Vanessa Eisenmann and Michelle Jacobs for Appellant Eric Walker in 21-3382. [60] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7285777] [21-3382, 21-2874, 21-3056] (Eisenmann, Vanessa) [Entered: 01/19/2023 12:25 PM]
1/18/2023Received argument confirmation from Vanessa Eisenmann, Jonathan Bont, and Christopher Grohman for Appellant Eric Walker in 21-3382, Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874, Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. [59] [7285376] [21-3382, 21-2874, 21-3056] (Eisenmann, Vanessa) [Entered: 01/18/2023 10:05 AM]
1/13/2023Received argument confirmation from Brian Reitz for Appellee USA in 21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382. [58] [7284753] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (Reitz, Brian) [Entered: 01/13/2023 11:10 AM]
  • OrderDenied
ORDER re: Derrick Granger’s motion to waive oral argument. The motion to waive argument is DENIED. The court has determined that the decisional process would be aided by in-person oral argument. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2)(C). [55] SCR [57] [7284725] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (HTP) [Entered: 01/13/2023 10:32 AM]
1/12/202356Paper copies of appellant reply brief filed by Appellant Derrick Granger. DIST. [56] [7284412] [21-2874] (MAN) [Entered: 01/12/2023 09:57 AM]
  • Motionby Δ
Motion filed by Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874 to waive oral argument. [55] [7284279] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (Grohman, Christopher) [Entered: 01/11/2023 03:41 PM]
1/11/2023Argument set for Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. in the Main Courtroom, Room 2721, of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, 219 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. Each side limited to 20 minutes. [54] [7284204] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (LCP) [Entered: 01/11/2023 02:35 PM]
1/10/2023Appellant's reply brief filed by Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874. Paper copies due on 01/17/2023. Electronically Transmitted. REMINDER: If a case is designated to proceed to oral argument, hearing notices will be mailed shortly before the date of oral argument. Please note that counsel's unavailability for oral argument must be submitted by letter, filed electronically with the Clerk's Office, no later than the filing of the appellant's brief in a criminal case and the filing of an appellee's brief in a civil case. See Cir. R. 34(b)(3). The court's calendar is located at Once scheduled, oral argument is rescheduled only in extraordinary circumstances. See Cir. R. 34(b)(4), (e). [53] [7283875] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (LCP) [Entered: 01/10/2023 01:56 PM]
1/10/2023Submitted appellant reply brief by Christopher T. Grohman for Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874. [52] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7283793] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (Grohman, Christopher) [Entered: 01/10/2023 11:44 AM]
12/30/2022NOTICE: Attorney Mr. Christopher Grohman for Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874 will not be available for oral argument February 2-8; February 28 to March 3; May 15 to August 3. [51] [7281980] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (Grohman, Christopher) [Entered: 12/30/2022 11:45 AM]
12/27/2022NOTICE: Attorney Mr. Jonathan A. Bont for Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056 will not be available for oral argument March 31- April 1; July 3 and 5-7; and August 7-11. [50] [7281292] [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (Bont, Jonathan) [Entered: 12/27/2022 07:27 AM]
12/21/202249Paper copies of appellee brief filed by Appellee USA in 21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382. [49] [7280566] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (LCP) [Entered: 12/21/2022 10:55 AM]
  • Motion to Extend Time to File ReplyGranted
ORDER issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellant's reply brief of Eric Walker. [47] Appellants' reply briefs, if any, are due on or before 01/23/2023 for Appellants Derrick Granger, Clifford R. King Jr. and Eric Walker. CDH [48] [7280397] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (AD) [Entered: 12/20/2022 02:11 PM]
  • Motion
Motion filed by Appellant Eric Walker in 21-3382 to extend time to file appellant reply brief. [47] [7280294] [21-3382, 21-2874, 21-3056] (Eisenmann, Vanessa) [Entered: 12/20/2022 09:59 AM]
12/19/2022Appellee's brief filed by Appellee USA in 21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382. Paper copies due on 12/27/2022. Electronically Transmitted. REMINDER: If a case is designated to proceed to oral argument, hearing notices will be mailed shortly before the date of oral argument. Please note that counsel's unavailability for oral argument must be submitted by letter, filed electronically with the Clerk's Office, no later than the filing of the appellant's brief in a criminal case and the filing of an appellee's brief in a civil case. See Cir. R. 34(b)(3). The court's calendar is located at Once scheduled, oral argument is rescheduled only in extraordinary circumstances. See Cir. R. 34(b)(4), (e). [46] [7280247] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (LJ) [Entered: 12/20/2022 08:50 AM]
12/19/2022Submitted appellee brief by Brian Reitz for Appellee USA in 21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382. [45] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7280219] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (Reitz, Brian) [Entered: 12/19/2022 08:16 PM]
12/19/2022NOTICE: Attorney Vanessa K. Eisenmann for Appellant Eric Walker in 21-3382 will not be available for oral argument February 24-28, 2023 and March 24 - April 3, 2023. [44] [7280213] [21-3382, 21-2874, 21-3056] (Eisenmann, Vanessa) [Entered: 12/19/2022 06:19 PM]
  • Motion to Extend Time to File BriefGranted
Order issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellee's brief. [42] Appellee's brief due on or before 12/19/2022 for United States of America. Appellants' reply briefs, if any, are due on or before 01/09/2023 for Appellants Derrick Granger, Clifford R. King Jr. and Eric Walker. SCR [43] [7270423] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (HTP) [Entered: 11/01/2022 11:27 AM]
  • Motion
Motion filed by Appellee USA in 21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382 to extend time to file appellee brief. [42] [7270283] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (Reitz, Brian) [Entered: 10/31/2022 04:03 PM]
  • Motion to Extend Time to File BriefGranted
Order issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellee's brief. [40] Appellee's brief due on or before 11/18/2022 for United States of America. Appellants' reply briefs, if any, are due on or before 12/09/2022 for Appellants Derrick Granger, Clifford R. King Jr. and Eric Walker. SCR [41] [7257117] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (HTP) [Entered: 08/29/2022 09:43 AM]
  • Motion
Motion filed by Appellee USA in 21-2874, 21-3382, 21-3056 to extend time to file appellee brief. [40] [7256929] [21-2874, 21-3382, 21-3056] (Reitz, Brian) [Entered: 08/26/2022 12:46 PM]
8/24/202239Paper copies of appellant brief filed by Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr.. [39] [7256388] [21-3056] (KRA) [Entered: 08/24/2022 10:13 AM]
8/23/2022Circuit Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statement and Appearance filed by Attorney Christopher T. Grohman for Appellant Derrick Granger. [38] [7256307] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-No) [21-2874] (Grohman, Christopher) [Entered: 08/23/2022 04:55 PM]
8/22/202237Paper copies of appellant brief filed by Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874. [37] [7255845] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (MLM) [Entered: 08/22/2022 10:43 AM]
8/19/2022Added Attorney(s) Brian L. Reitz for party(s) Appellee USA, in case 21-2874 Attorney(s) Brian L. Reitz for party(s) Appellee USA, in case 21-3056 Attorney(s) Brian L. Reitz for party(s) Appellee USA, in case 21-3382 per appearance form. Appearance form filed by Attorney Brian Reitz for Appellee USA in 21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382. [36] [7255639] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-No) [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382]--[Edited 08/19/2022 by AD to reflect the addition of counsel.] (Reitz, Brian) [Entered: 08/19/2022 01:36 PM]
8/19/2022Appellant's brief filed by Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. Paper copies due on 08/26/2022. Electronically Transmitted. REMINDER: Hearing notices are mailed shortly before the date of oral argument. Please note that counsel's unavailability for oral argument must be submitted by letter, filed electronically with the Clerk's Office, no later than the filing of the appellant's brief in a criminal case and the filing of an appellee's brief in a civil case. See Cir. R. 34(b)(3). The court's calendar is located at Once scheduled, oral argument is rescheduled only in extraordinary circumstances. See Cir. R. 34(b)(4), (e). [35] [7255633] [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (LCP) [Entered: 08/19/2022 01:00 PM]
8/19/2022Re-Submitted appellant brief by Jonathan A. Bont for Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. [34] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7255622] [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (Bont, Jonathan) [Entered: 08/19/2022 12:12 PM]
8/19/202233Paper copies of appellant brief filed by Appellant Eric Walker. [33] [7255615] [21-3382] (KRA) [Entered: 08/19/2022 11:48 AM]
8/19/2022Re-Submitted appellant brief by Jonathan A. Bont for Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. [32] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7255583] [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (Bont, Jonathan) [Entered: 08/19/2022 10:32 AM]
8/19/2022Appellant's brief filed by Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874. Paper copies due on 08/26/2022. Electronically Transmitted. REMINDER: Hearing notices are mailed shortly before the date of oral argument. Please note that counsel's unavailability for oral argument must be submitted by letter, filed electronically with the Clerk's Office, no later than the filing of the appellant's brief in a criminal case and the filing of an appellee's brief in a civil case. See Cir. R. 34(b)(3). The court's calendar is located at Once scheduled, oral argument is rescheduled only in extraordinary circumstances. See Cir. R. 34(b)(4), (e). [31] [7255569] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (LCP) [Entered: 08/19/2022 10:00 AM]
8/19/2022Re-Submitted appellant brief by Christopher Grohman for Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874. [30] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7255531] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (Grohman, Christopher) [Entered: 08/19/2022 09:16 AM]
8/19/2022Brief deficiency letter sent to Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874. [29] [7255521] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (LCP) [Entered: 08/19/2022 09:00 AM]
8/19/2022Brief deficiency letter sent to Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. [28] [7255512] [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (LCP) [Entered: 08/19/2022 08:34 AM]
8/19/2022Submitted appellant brief by Jonathan A. Bont for Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. [27] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7255509] [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (Bont, Jonathan) [Entered: 08/19/2022 08:22 AM]
8/19/2022Submitted appellant brief by Christopher Grohman for Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874. [26] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7255508] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (Grohman, Christopher) [Entered: 08/19/2022 08:13 AM]
8/17/2022Appellant's brief filed by Appellant Eric Walker in 21-3382. Paper copies due on 08/24/2022. Electronically Transmitted. REMINDER: Hearing notices are mailed shortly before the date of oral argument. Please note that counsel's unavailability for oral argument must be submitted by letter, filed electronically with the Clerk's Office, no later than the filing of the appellant's brief in a criminal case and the filing of an appellee's brief in a civil case. See Cir. R. 34(b)(3). The court's calendar is located at Once scheduled, oral argument is rescheduled only in extraordinary circumstances. See Cir. R. 34(b)(4), (e). [25] [7255219] [21-3382, 21-2874, 21-3056] (LCP) [Entered: 08/17/2022 03:39 PM]
8/17/2022Submitted appellant brief by Vanessa K. Eisenmann and Michelle L. Jacobs for Appellant Eric Walker in 21-3382. [24] NOTE: Access to this entry is limited to counsel of record. Once the document is approved by the court, it will be filed onto the court's docket as a separate entry which will be open to the public. [7255207] [21-3382, 21-2874, 21-3056] (Eisenmann, Vanessa) [Entered: 08/17/2022 03:16 PM]
8/11/2022Circuit Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statement and Appearance filed by Attorney Jonathan A. Bont for Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. [23] [7254010] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-No) [21-3056, 21-2874, 21-3382] (Bont, Jonathan) [Entered: 08/11/2022 09:48 AM]
8/5/2022Circuit Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statement and Appearance filed by Attorney Carly A. Chocron for Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874. [22] [7252758] (L-No; E-Yes; R-No) [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] --[Edited 08/05/2022 by ER - added Attorney Carly A. Chocron] (Chocron, Carly) [Entered: 08/05/2022 10:23 AM]
  • Motion to Extend Time to File BriefGranted
Order issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellant's brief. [20] Appellants' briefs are due on or before 08/19/2022 for Derrick Granger, Clifford R. King Jr. and Eric Walker. Appellee's brief due on or before 09/19/2022 for United States of America. Appellants' reply briefs, if any, are due on or before 10/11/2022 for Appellants' Derrick Granger, Clifford R. King Jr. and Eric Walker. SCR [21] [7245725] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (FP) [Entered: 07/01/2022 02:03 PM]
  • Motionby Δ
Motion filed by Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874 to extend time to file appellant brief. [20] [7245560] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (Grohman, Christopher) [Entered: 06/30/2022 07:14 PM]
4/28/2022ORDER re: 1. Motion to extend time to file transcript. 2. Motion to extend time to file transcript [13] IT IS ORDERED that the motion for an extension of time to file the transcripts is GRANTED. [11] CMD [19] [7232488] [21-3056] (AP) [Entered: 04/28/2022 08:49 AM]
  • Motion to WithdrawGranted
ORDER issued GRANTING motion to withdraw in appeal no. 21-2874. [9] Attorney Christopher Grohman, TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER LLP, 111 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601,, is appointed to represent defendant-appellant Derrick Granger in appeal no. 21-2874 pursuant to the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act. Counsel is directed to contact the defendant-appellant immediately. Briefing in these appeals shall proceed as follows: Appellant's brief due on or before 07/20/2022 for Derrick Granger, Clifford R. King Jr. and Eric Walker. Appellee's brief due on or before 08/19/2022 for United States of America. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 09/09/2022 for Appellants Derrick Granger, Clifford R. King Jr. and Eric Walker. Counsel for appellants are encouraged to avoid unnecessary duplication by filing a joint brief or a joint appendix or by adopting parts of a co-appellant's brief. Duplicative briefing will be stricken. Appellants, however, may not adopt the "Jurisdictional Statement" of another. Each appellant's brief must include a complete "Jurisdictional Statement". Appellee's brief must comply with Circuit Rule 28(b). Finally, the District Court add attorney Christopher Grohman to their CM/ECF database for purposes of accessing District Court documents. [18] [7231159] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (AD) [Entered: 04/21/2022 11:37 AM]
4/4/2022Circuit Rule 26.1 Disclosure Statements and Appearances filed by Attorney Michelle L. Jacobs and Vanessa K. Eisenmann for Appellant Eric Walker in 21-3382. [17] [7227083] (L-Yes; E-Yes; R-No) [21-3382, 21-2874, 21-3056]--[Edited 04/04/2022 by MM to reflect addition of counsel.] (Eisenmann, Vanessa) [Entered: 04/04/2022 09:53 AM]
  • Motion to WithdrawGranted
ORDER issued GRANTING motion to withdraw appearance. [7209127-2] attorney Michelle L. Jacobs, BISKUPIC & JACOBS, S.C., 1045 W. Glen Oaks Lane, Mequon, WI 53092,, is appointed to represent defendant-appellant Eric Walker in appeal no. 21-3382 pursuant to the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act. Counsel is directed to contact the defendant-appellant immediately. Briefing in this consolidated appeal remains SUSPENED pending a ruling on the motion to withdraw filed in appeal no. 21-2874. Finally, the District Court add attorney Michelle L. Jacobs to their CM/ECF database for purposes of accessing District Court documents. [16] [7226790] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (AD) [Entered: 04/01/2022 11:10 AM]
3/22/2022Filed status report by Appellant Eric Walker in 21-3382. [15] [7224596] [21-3382, 21-2874, 21-3056] (Devries, Scott) [Entered: 03/22/2022 03:01 PM]
  • Order
ORDER: The court, on its own motion, orders that these appeals are CONSOLIDATED for purposes of briefing and disposition. Briefing is SUSPENDED pending a ruling on the motions to withdraw filed in Appeal Nos. 21-2874 and 21-3382. DW [14] [7222598] [21-2874, 21-3056, 21-3382] (MM) [Entered: 03/11/2022 04:23 PM]
3/3/2022Court reporter motion to extend time to file transcript filed by Court Reporter Ms. Cathy Jones in 21-3056. [13] [7220637] [21-3056, 21-2874] (Jones, Cathy) [Entered: 03/03/2022 08:30 AM]
2/1/2022Filed Seventh Circuit Transcript Information Sheet by Appellant Clifford R. King, Jr. in 21-3056. [12] [7214604] [21-3056, 21-2874] (Jones, Cathy) [Entered: 02/01/2022 10:29 AM]
2/1/2022Court reporter motion to extend time to file transcript filed by Court Reporter Ms. Cathy Jones in 21-3056. [11] [7214598] [21-3056, 21-2874] (Jones, Cathy) [Entered: 02/01/2022 10:20 AM]
  • Order
ORDER: The court, on its own motion, orders that the briefing in this consolidated appeal is SUSPENDED pending a ruling on counsel’s motion to withdraw in 21-2874. DW [10] [7201018] [21-2874, 21-3056] (AD) [Entered: 11/23/2021 10:39 AM]
  • Motion to Withdraw as Counsel
Motion filed by attorney John L. Tompkins to withdraw as counsel for Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874 [9] [7200790] [21-2874, 21-3056]--[Edited 11/22/2021 by HTP to correct docket text] (Tompkins, John) [Entered: 11/22/2021 03:06 PM]
11/19/2021Filed District Court order GRANTING Appellant Derrick Granger leave to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis. Date IFP granted: 11/19/2021. [8] [7200461] [21-2874] (CG) [Entered: 11/19/2021 03:20 PM]
11/12/2021ORDER re: Second motion for extension of time to file motion to proceed in forma pauperis and to file motion to withdraw appearance. IT IS ORDERED that the motion is GRANTED to the extent that the appellant shall either pay the $505.00 appellate fees or file a motion for leave to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis with the clerk of the district court by November 29, 2021. CMD [7] [7198682] [21-2874] (AG) [Entered: 11/12/2021 10:01 AM]
  • Motion
Motion filed by Appellant Derrick Granger in 21-2874 to extend time to file Motion to Proceed on Appeal in Forma Pauperis and Motion to Withdraw Appearance. [6] [7198566] [21-2874, 21-3056] (Tompkins, John) [Entered: 11/10/2021 04:04 PM]
  • Order
ORDER: The court, on its own motion, orders that these appeals are CONSOLIDATED for purposes of briefing and disposition. Briefing is SUSPENDED pending a determination of appellant Granger’s fee status on appeal. [5] [7197899] [21-2874, 21-3056] (HTP) [Entered: 11/08/2021 04:21 PM]
11/4/2021Filed Seventh Circuit Transcript Information Sheet by Appellant Derrick Granger. [4] [7196911] [21-2874] (HTP) [Entered: 11/04/2021 09:37 AM]
10/29/2021ORDER re: Motion to extend time to file. IT IS ORDERED that the motion is GRANTED to the extent that the appellant shall either pay the $505.00 appellate fees or file a motion for leave to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis with the clerk of the district court by November 12, 2021. [2]CMD [3] [7195554] [21-2874] (AP) [Entered: 10/29/2021 09:45 AM]
10/27/2021Motion filed by Appellant Derrick Granger to extend time to file Motion to Proceed on Appeal in Forma Pauperis and Motion to Withdraw Appearance. [2] [7194778] [21-2874] (Tompkins, John) [Entered: 10/27/2021 08:54 AM]
10/14/2021Criminal case docketed. Fee due. Docketing statement filed. Transcript information sheet due by 10/28/2021. Fee or IFP forms due on 10/28/2021 for Appellant Derrick Granger. [1] [7191913] [21-2874] (FP) [Entered: 10/14/2021 12:25 PM]