USA v. Frank Pons

15-1193 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit

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Filed Feb. 3, 2015
Terminated Aug. 4, 2015
Original Case 1:11-cr-00670-1
Last Updated: 9 years, 6 months ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
8/26/2015FOR COURT USE ONLY: Certified copy of 08/04/2015 Final Order with Mandate sent to the District Court Clerk. [6687747-2] [6687747] [15-1193] (LJ)
8/26/2015Mandate issued. No record to be returned. [26] [6687745] [15-1193] (LJ)
  • Order
ORDER: Final judgment filed per opinion. With costs: no. [25] [6682501] [15-1193] (MM)
8/4/2015Filed opinion of the court by Judge Sykes. AFFIRMED. Richard A. Posner, Circuit Judge; Diane S. Sykes, Circuit Judge and David F. Hamilton, Circuit Judge. [24] [6682486] [15-1193] (MM)
7/8/2015Filed Appellant Frank Stephen Pons Citation of Additional Authority, per Circuit Rule 28(e). Argument set for: 07/08/2015. [23] [6676350] [15-1193] (Nash, Michael)
7/8/201522Case argued by Mr. Michael Bernard Nash for Appellant Frank Stephen Pons and Jason A. Yonan for Appellee USA. [22] [6676234] [15-1193] (GW)
7/8/201521Case heard and taken under advisement by panel: Richard A. Posner, Circuit Judge; Diane S. Sykes, Circuit Judge and David F. Hamilton, Circuit Judge. [21] [6676233] [15-1193] (GW)
7/6/2015Argument reset for Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in the Main Courtroom, Room 2721. Each side limited to 5 minutes. [20] [6675330] [15-1193] (RS)
7/1/2015Received argument confirmation from Jason Yonan, AUSA for Appellee USA. [19] [6674558] [15-1193] (Yonan, Jason)
5/29/201518Filed electronic transcript of proceedings held on 01/15/2015. [18] [6666567] THIS TRANSCRIPT IS FOR INTERNAL COURT USE ONLY. Remote electronic access to the transcript is ONLY available through the District Court's PACER system. [15-1193] (SP)
5/29/2015Original record on appeal filed electronically. Contents of record : 3 vol. of pleadings; 4 sealed documents. [17] [6666564] [15-1193]--[Edited 05/29/2015 by SP to reflect 1 vol. of pleadings listed on transmittal letter but broken into 3 files] (SP)
5/29/2015Argument set for Wednesday, July 8, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. in the Main Courtroom, Room 2721. Each side limited to 10 minutes. [16] [6666327] [15-1193] (RS)
5/21/2015Notice to the District Court to transmit the record on appeal. [15] [6664540] [15-1193] (RS)
5/11/2015NOTICE: Attorney Jason A. Yonan for Appellee USA will not be available for oral argument May 27, 2015, June 10, 2015, June 12, 2015, June 24, 2015, July 13-17, 2015 and Sept. 14-25, 2015. [14] [6661674] [15-1193] (Yonan, Jason)
4/21/2015Appellant's reply brief filed by Appellant Frank Stephen Pons. Paper copies due on 04/29/2015 Electronically Transmitted. [13] [6657329] [15-1193] (SK)
4/21/2015Submitted appellant reply brief by Michael B Nash for Appellant Frank Stephen Pons. [12] [6657248] [15-1193] (Nash, Michael)
  • Motion to Extend Time to File ReplyGranted
Order issued GRANTING motion to extend time to file appellant's reply brief. [9] 1. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 04/30/2015 for Appellant Frank Stephen Pons. CMD [11] [6653417] [15-1193] (CD)
4/6/2015Appellee's brief filed by Appellee USA. Appellant's reply brief, if any, is due on or before 04/20/2015 for Appellant Frank Stephen Pons. Paper copies due on 04/14/2015 Electronically Transmitted. [10] [6653399] [15-1193] (CO)
  • Motion to Extend Time to File Brief
Motion filed by Appellant Frank Stephen Pons to extend time to file appellant brief. [9] [6653256] [15-1193] (Nash, Michael)
4/6/2015Submitted appellee brief by Jason A. Yonan, AUSA for Appellee USA. [8] [6653046] [15-1193] (Yonan, Jason)
3/17/2015NOTICE: Attorney Jason A. Yonan for Appellee USA will not be available for oral argument April 14, 2015, April 28, 2015, April 29, 2015, May 1, 2015, May 27, 2015, June 10, 2015 and June 12, 2015. [7] [6648460] [15-1193] (Yonan, Jason)
3/5/2015Appellant's brief filed by Appellant Frank Stephen Pons. Paper copies due on 03/13/2015. Appellee's brief due on or before 04/06/2015 for United States of America. Electronically Transmitted. [6] [6646234] [15-1193] (SP)
3/5/2015Submitted appellant brief by Michael B. Nash for Appellant Frank Stephen Pons. [5] [6645835] [15-1193] (Nash, Michael)
2/23/2015Filed Certificate of Service to docketing statement filed on 02/23/2015 by Appellant Frank Stephen Pons. [4] [6643038] [15-1193] (Nash, Michael)
2/23/2015Docketing Statement filed by Appellant Frank Stephen Pons. Prior or Related proceedings: No. [3] [6642985] [15-1193] (Nash, Michael)
  • Order
ORDER: Appellant Frank Stephen Pons is directed to file the overdue Docketing Statement within 14 days from the date of this Rule to Show Cause. Docketing statement response due for Appellant Frank Stephen Pons by 03/04/2015. CC. [2] [6642038] [15-1193] (JO)
2/11/2015TEXT ENTRY: Attorney Mr. Michael Bernard Nash for Appellant Frank Stephen Pons is APPOINTED pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act. DW [6640699-2] [6640699] [15-1193] (JK)
2/3/2015Criminal case docketed. IFP. Docketing Statement due for Appellant Frank Stephen Pons by 02/09/2015. Transcript information sheet due by 02/17/2015. [1] [6638631] [15-1193] Appellant's brief due on or before 03/16/2015 for Frank Stephen Pons. [1] [6638631] (DAM)