USA v. Michael Vasquez

20-10268 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit

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Filed Aug. 26, 2020
Terminated Sept. 1, 2021
Original Case 2:08-cr-00655
Last Updated: 5 months, 2 weeks ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
9/23/2021MANDATE ISSUED. (MBC, DPC and KKL) [12236694] (QDL) [Entered: 09/23/2021 08:58 AM]
  • Motion to ExpediteGranted
Filed clerk order (Deputy Clerk: KH): Appellant’s unopposed motion to expedite (Docket Entry No. [30]) is granted. Briefing is complete. The case will be placed on the next available calendar. [12120740] (JBS) [Entered: 05/21/2021 10:21 AM]
5/14/2021Filed (ECF) Appellant Michael Vasquez Motion to expedite case. Date of service: 05/14/2021. [12113782] [20-10268] (Eisenberg, David) [Entered: 05/14/2021 02:57 PM]
5/13/2021Filed (ECF) Attorney Mr. David Eisenberg, I, Esquire for Appellant Michael Vasquez response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 05/13/2021. [12112494] [20-10268] (Eisenberg, David) [Entered: 05/13/2021 03:57 PM]
5/11/202128This case is being considered for an upcoming oral argument calendar in San Francisco

Please review the San Francisco sitting dates for September 2021 and the 2 subsequent sitting months in that location at If you have an unavoidable conflict on any of the dates, please file Form 32 within 3 business days of this notice using the CM/ECF filing type Response to Case Being Considered for Oral Argument. Please follow the form's instructions carefully.

When setting your argument date, the court will try to work around unavoidable conflicts; the court is not able to accommodate mere scheduling preferences. You will receive notice that your case has been assigned to a calendar approximately 10 weeks before the scheduled oral argument date.

If the parties wish to discuss settlement before an argument date is set, they should jointly request referral to the mediation unit by filing a letter within 3 business days of this notice, using CM/ECF (Type of Document: Correspondence to Court; Subject: request for mediation).[12109267]. [20-10268] (KS) [Entered: 05/11/2021 01:31 PM]
4/20/202127Received 7 paper copies of Reply Brief [25] filed by Michael Vasquez. [12080831] (SD) [Entered: 04/20/2021 01:04 PM]
4/19/2021Filed clerk order: The reply brief [25] submitted by Michael Vasquez is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 6 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: gray. The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. [12078528] (KT) [Entered: 04/19/2021 09:32 AM]
4/19/2021Submitted (ECF) Reply Brief for review. Submitted by Appellant Michael Vasquez. Date of service: 04/19/2021. [12078228] [20-10268] (Eisenberg, David) [Entered: 04/19/2021 06:06 AM]
4/2/202124Received 6 paper copies of Answering Brief [22] filed by USA. [12062439] (SD) [Entered: 04/02/2021 03:16 PM]
3/29/2021Filed clerk order: The answering brief [22] submitted by USA is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 6 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: red. The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. [12056391] (KT) [Entered: 03/29/2021 11:30 AM]
3/29/2021Submitted (ECF) Answering Brief for review. Submitted by Appellee USA. Date of service: 03/29/2021. [12056258] [20-10268] (Courchaine, Timothy) [Entered: 03/29/2021 10:51 AM]
2/17/202121Streamlined request [20] by Appellee USA to extend time to file the brief is approved. Amended briefing schedule: Appellee brief due 03/29/2021 for United States of America. The optional reply brief is due 21 days from the date of service of the answering brief. [12006851] (BG) [Entered: 02/17/2021 02:21 PM]
2/16/202120Filed (ECF) Streamlined request for extension of time to file Answering Brief by Appellee USA. New requested due date is 03/29/2021. [12004229] [20-10268] (Courchaine, Timothy) [Entered: 02/16/2021 12:17 PM]
2/1/202119Received 6 paper copies of Opening Brief [12] filed by Michael Vasquez. [11988974] (SD) [Entered: 02/01/2021 05:14 PM]
2/1/202118Received 3 paper copies of excerpts of record [13] in 1 volume(s) filed by Appellant Michael Vasquez. [11988208] (KWG) [Entered: 02/01/2021 01:31 PM]
1/28/202117Attorney Sharon Kathleen Sexton in 20-10268 substituted by Attorney Timothy Harrison Courchaine in 20-10268 [11984781] (QDL) [Entered: 01/28/2021 01:06 PM]
1/28/202116Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Timothy H. Courchaine (U.S. Attorney's Office, Two Renaissance Square, 40 N. Central Ave., Suite 1800, Phoenix, Arizona 85004-4449) for Appellee USA. Substitution for Attorney Ms. Sharon Kathleen Sexton for Appellee USA. Date of service: 01/28/2021. (Party was previously proceeding with counsel.) [11984692] [20-10268] (Courchaine, Timothy) [Entered: 01/28/2021 12:33 PM]
1/28/2021Filed clerk order: The opening brief [12] submitted by Michael Vasquez is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 6 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: blue. The excerpts of record [13] submitted by Michael Vasquez are filed. Within 7 days of this order, filer is ordered to file 3 copies of the excerpts in paper format securely bound on the left side, with white covers. The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. [11984298] (KT) [Entered: 01/28/2021 09:38 AM]
1/27/202114Filed (ECF) presentence report UNDER SEAL by Appellant Michael Vasquez. [11983912] [20-10268] (Eisenberg, David) [Entered: 01/27/2021 05:46 PM]
1/27/2021Submitted (ECF) excerpts of record. Submitted by Appellant Michael Vasquez. Date of service: 01/27/2021. [11983885] [20-10268] (Eisenberg, David) [Entered: 01/27/2021 05:10 PM]
1/27/2021Submitted (ECF) Opening Brief for review. Submitted by Appellant Michael Vasquez. Date of service: 01/27/2021. [11983878] [20-10268] (Eisenberg, David) [Entered: 01/27/2021 05:02 PM]
12/28/202011Streamlined request [10] by Appellant Michael Vasquez to extend time to file the brief is approved. Amended briefing schedule: Appellant briefs and excerpts due by 01/27/2021 for Michael Vasquez. Appellee brief due 02/26/2021 for United States of America. The optional reply brief is due 21 days from the date of service of the answering brief. [11945966] (JN) [Entered: 12/28/2020 11:43 AM]
12/28/202010Filed (ECF) Streamlined request for extension of time to file Opening Brief by Appellant Michael Vasquez. New requested due date is 01/27/2021. [11945867] [20-10268] (Eisenberg, David) [Entered: 12/28/2020 10:56 AM]
9/11/2020Filed (ECF) Appellee USA response to Court order dated 09/03/2020. Date of service: 09/11/2020. [11819793] [20-10268] (Sexton, Sharon) [Entered: 09/11/2020 12:08 AM]
9/10/20208Criminal Justice Act electronic voucher created. (Counsel: Mr. David Eisenberg, I, Esquire for Michael Vasquez) [11819635] (BJK) [Entered: 09/10/2020 04:31 PM]
9/4/20207DISTRICT COURT MINUTE ORDER APPOINTING APPELLATE COUNSEL re: 20-10268 [155] Notice of Appeal : CJA Attorney David S Eisenberg for Michael Vasquez appointed nunc pro tunc: 9/3/20. This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no PDF document associated with this entry. (EJA) in case 20-10268. [11813959] (DL) [Entered: 09/04/2020 02:24 PM]
9/3/20206Terminated Joseph A. Duarte for Michael Vasquez in 20-10268 [11812461] (JBS) [Entered: 09/03/2020 01:27 PM]
9/3/2020Filed order (Appellate Commissioner): The motion of appellant’s appointed counsel, Joseph A. Duarte, Esq., to be relieved as counsel of record and for appointment of new counsel (Docket Entry No. [4]) is granted. Counsel will be appointed by separate order. The Clerk shall electronically serve this order on the appointing authority for the District of Arizona, who will locate appointed counsel. The appointing authority shall send notification of the name, address, and telephone number of appointed counsel to the Clerk of this court at within 14 days of locating counsel. New counsel shall designate the reporter’s transcripts by October 16, 2020. The transcripts are due November 16, 2020. Appellant’s opening brief and excerpts of record are due December 28, 2020; appellee’s answering brief is due January 25, 2021; and the optional reply brief is due within 21 days after service of the answering brief. Appellant’s Registration Number is 85669-008, and his housing status is “not in BOP custody.” Within 14 days after the date of this order, Assistant United States Attorney Sharon K. Sexton shall serve this order on appellant and provide this court with proof of service, including appellant’s current address. The Clerk shall serve this order on former counsel Duarte. (Direct Criminal) [11812456] (JBS) [Entered: 09/03/2020 01:26 PM]
9/1/2020Filed (ECF) Appellant Michael Vasquez Unopposed motion. Attorney(s) Attorney Mr. Joseph A. Duarte for Appellant Michael Vasquez motion to withdraw as counsel. Date of service: 09/01/2020. [11809413] [20-10268] (Duarte, Joseph) [Entered: 09/01/2020 12:29 PM]
8/26/20203Terminated Denise Ann Faulk for USA in 20-10268 [11803792] (QDL) [Entered: 08/26/2020 02:22 PM]
8/26/20202Filed (ECF) Notice of withdrawal of counsel. Filed by Attorney Ms. Denise Ann Faulk, Esquire for Appellee USA. Party proceeding without counsel: No. Date of service: 08/26/2020. [11803785] [20-10268] (Faulk, Denise) [Entered: 08/26/2020 02:19 PM]
8/26/2020DOCKETED CAUSE AND ENTERED APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL. Reporters Transcript required: Yes. Sentence imposed: 18 months. Transcript ordered by 09/15/2020. Transcript due 10/15/2020. Appellant briefs and excerpts due by 11/24/2020 for Michael Vasquez. Appellee brief due 12/24/2020 for United States of America. Appellant's optional reply brief is due 21 days after service of the answering brief. [11803379] (WL) [Entered: 08/26/2020 11:23 AM]