` practice before the Court. Each attorney representing
`Only attorneys admitted to the Bar of this Court
`a party must complete a separate form. (COMPLETE ENTIRE FORM
`The Clerk will enter my appearance as Counsel for
`(Please list names of all parties represented, attach additional pages if necessary.)
`The party(s) I represent IN THIS COURT
`Amicus Curiae
`I certify that the contact information below is current and identical to that listed in my Appellate Filer
`Account with PACER.
`(Type or print name)
`(Title, if any)
` (Firm or Organization)
`City & State
`(e-mail address)
`(State/Bar No.)
` Zip
`Cell Phone:
`Primary Tel._
`NOTE: When more than one attorney represents a single party or group of parties, counsel should designate a lead counsel. In
`the event the court determines oral argument is necessary, lead counsel only will receive via e-mail a copy of the court's docket
`and acknowledgment form.
`ther counsel
`onitor the court's website for the posting of oral argument calendars.
`Name of Lead Counsel:
`A. Name of any Circuit Judge of the Fifth Circuit who participated in this case in the district or bankruptcy court.
`B. Inquiry of Counsel. To your knowledge:
`(1) Is there any case now pending in this court, which involves the same, substantially the same, similar or related isssue(s)?
`(2) Is there any such case now pending in a District Court (i) within this Circuit, or (ii) in a Federal Administrative Agency which
`would likely be appealed to the Fifth Circuit?
`(3) Is there any case such as (1) or (2) in which judgment or order has been entered and the case is on its way to this Court by appeal,
`petition to enforce, review, deny?
`(4) Does this case qualify for calendaring priority under 5th Cir. R. 47.7? If so, cite the type of case
`If answer to (1), or (2), or (3), is yes, please give detailed information. Number and Style of Related Case
`Name of Court or Agency
`Status of Appeal (if any)_
`Other Status (if not appealed)
`NOTE: Attach sheet to give further details.