`No. 23-50224
`In the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
`Leila Green Little; Jeanne Puryear; Kathy Kennedy; Rebecca
`Jones; Richard Day; Cynthia Waring; Diane Moster,
`Llano County; Ron Cunningham, in his official capacity as
`Llano County Judge; Jerry Don Moss, in his official capacity as
`Llano County Commissioner; Peter Jones, in his official
`capacity as Llano County Commissioner; Mike Sandoval, in his
`official capacity as Llano County Commissioner; Linda
`Raschke, in her official capacity as Llano County
`Commissioner; Amber Milum, in her official capacity as Llano
`County Library System Director; Bonnie Wallace, in her
`official capacity as Llano County Library Board Member;
`Rochelle Wells, in her official capacity as Llano County
`Library Board Member; Rhoda Schneider, in her official
`capacty as Llano County Library Board Member; Gay Baskin, in
`her official capacity as Llano County Library Board Member,
`On Appeal from the United States District Court
`for the Western District of Texas
`Case No. 1:22-cv-424-RP
`Motion To Stay District-Court Proceedings
`Pending Appeal
`Jonathan F. Mitchell
`Mitchell Law PLLC
`111 Congress Avenue, Suite 400
`Austin, Texas 78701
`(512) 686-3940 (phone)
`(512) 686-3941 (fax)
`Counsel for Defendants-Appellants
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 2 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`Certificate of Interested Persons
`Counsel of record certifies that the following persons and entities as described
`in the fourth sentence of Fifth Circuit Rule 28.2.1 have an interest in the outcome
`of this case. These representations are made in order that the judges of this Court
`may evaluate possible disqualification or recusal.
`Plaintiffs’ Counsel
`Ellen V. Leonida
`Matthew Borden
`J. Noah Hagey
`Max Bernstein
`Ellis E. Herington
`Marissa Benavides
`BraunHagey & Borden LLP
`Ryan A. Botkin
`Katherine P. Chiarello
`María Amelia Calaf
`Wittliff | Cutter PLLC
`Defendants’ Counsel
`Jonathan F. Mitchell
`Mitchell Law PLLC
`Dwain K. Rogers
`Matthew L. Rienstra
`Llano County Attorney’s Office
`• Leila Green Little
`• Jeanne Puryear
`• Kathy Kennedy
`• Rebecca Jones
`• Richard Day
`• Cynthia Waring
`• Diane Moster
`• Llano County,
`• Ron Cunningham
`• Jerry Don Moss
`• Peter Jones
`• Mike Sandoval
`• Linda Raschke
`• Amber Milum
`• Bonnie Wallace
`• Rochelle Wells
`• Rhonda Schneider
`• Gay Baskin
` /s/ Jonathan F. Mitchell
`Jonathan F. Mitchell
`Counsel for Defendants-Appellants
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 3 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`Table Of Contents
`Certificate of interested persons ............................................................................... i
`Table of contents ..................................................................................................... ii
`Table of authorities ................................................................................................ iii
`Argument ................................................................................................................. 5
`I. The defendants-appellants have made a strong showing of likely
`success on appeal ........................................................................................... 6
`A. The defendants cannot “violate” the plaintiffs’ First Amendment
`rights when the disputed books remain available to them through
`Llano Library’s in-house checkout system ................................................ 6
`B. Content and viewpoint discrimination are permissible and
`inevitable when weeding library materials ................................................. 7
`II. The defendants-appellants will suffer irreparable harm absent a stay of
`district-court proceedings ............................................................................ 10
`III. A stay of the district-court proceedings will not substantially injure the
`plaintiffs or any other party interested in the proceeding ............................. 14
`IV. A stay of the district-court proceedings is in the public interest ................... 15
`Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 17
`Certificate of conference ........................................................................................ 18
`Certificate of service ............................................................................................... 19
`Certificate of compliance ....................................................................................... 20
`Certificate of electronic compliance ....................................................................... 21
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 4 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`Table of Authorities
`Board of Education v. Pico, 457 U.S. 853 (1982) ............................................... 8, 9, 10
`Campbell v. St. Tammany Parish School Board,
`64 F.3d 184 (5th Cir. 1995) ................................................................................ 8, 9
`Chiras v. Miller, 432 F.3d 606 (5th Cir. 2005) ................................................... 1, 8, 9
`Christiansburg Garment Co. v. EEOC, 434 U.S. 412 (1978) ..................................... 10
`Earl v. Boeing Co., 21 F.4th 895 (5th Cir. 2021) .............................................. 5, 13, 15
`Nken v. Holder, 556 U.S. 418 (2009) ......................................................................... 5
`United States v. American Library Ass’n Inc., 539 U.S. 194 (2003) ..................... 1, 8, 9
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 5 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`On Friday, May 5, 2023, a motions panel of this Court granted our motion to
`expedite the appeal from the district court’s preliminary injunction and instructed
`the clerk to expedite the appeal “to the next available oral argument calendar.” See
`Order, ECF No. 58 (attached as Exhibit 1). Now that the appeal has been expedited,
`the defendants-appellants respectfully ask this Court to stay discovery and further
`proceedings in the district court until this Court rules on the pending appeal. The
`defendants-appellants also respectfully request that the Court rule on this motion
`by Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
`A stay of the district-court proceedings is appropriate for numerous reasons.
`First, the parties are in the midst of expensive and costly discovery that is premised
`on the plaintiffs’ belief that the First Amendment prohibits public librarians from
`engaging in “content discrimination” or “viewpoint discrimination” when weeding
`books.1 The district court agreed with the plaintiffs’ stance in its order granting the
`preliminary injunction. ROA.3523 (“[T]he First Amendment prohibits the removal
`of books from libraries based on either viewpoint or content discrimination.”). The
`defendants vigorously dispute this and are asking this Court to hold that the First
`Amendment allows public librarians to consider the content and viewpoint of books
`when making weeding decisions. See Chiras v. Miller, 432 F.3d 606, 614 (5th Cir.
`2005) (“‘Public library staffs necessarily consider content in making collection de-
`cisions and enjoy broad discretion in making them.’” (quoting United States v.
`American Library Ass’n Inc., 539 U.S. 194, 205 (2003) (plurality opinion of
`1. ROA.67 (accusing the defendants of “unconstitutional content-based and view-
`point-based discrimination in violation of Plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights.”).
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 6 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`Rehnquist, C.J.))); Mot. to Stay Prelim. Inj., ECF No. 14-1, at 10–12. The defend-
`ants are also asking this Court to rule that the defendants cannot be “violating” the
`plaintiffs’ First Amendment right to “access and receive information” when each of
`the 17 disputed books remains available for the plaintiffs to check out at Llano Li-
`brary through the in-house checkout system. See Mot. to Stay Prelim. Inj., ECF No.
`14-1, at 7–9.
`It will serve judicial economy and conserve the parties’ resources if this Court
`postpones discovery, including expert discovery and Daubert motions, until after
`the merits panel resolves these issues in the pending expedited appeal. The parties
`have already spent hundreds of hours in discovery as the plaintiffs attempt to divine
`Amber Milum’s subjective motivations for weeding the 17 disputed books, and the
`plaintiffs have retained two expert witnesses who accuse Milum of bad faith and
`unprofessionalism in her weeding decisions. ROA.3145-3147. But these factual dis-
`putes could be rendered moot by the pending decision from this Court. And regard-
`less of how the merits panel rules, it would be better for the parties to conduct dis-
`covery with knowledge of this Court’s ruling on the disputed legal issues rather
`than awaiting its decision after the close of discovery. The merits panel’s ruling on
`the First Amendment issues will determine how the parties conduct their expert
`depositions and argue their Daubert motions. And it would be wasteful to have the
`parties barrel ahead with expert discovery when this Court could pull the rug from
`under the experts’ analysis at any moment between now and the scheduled trial
`date of October 16, 2023.
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 7 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`For the same reasons, this Court should postpone summary-judgment briefing
`and trial until after the merits panel rules on the law. The motions panel has already
`expedited the appeal “to the next available oral argument calendar,”2 which means
`that the merits panel’s ruling is likely to drop before the district court enters final
`judgment. Yet a ruling from the merits panel that disagrees with the district court’s
`analysis will upend any summary-judgment briefing or trial proceedings premised
`on the views expressed in the district court’s preliminary-injunction order of March
`30, 2023. ROA.3507-3532. The sounder approach is to await the merits panel’s rul-
`ing and allow the parties to litigate summary-judgment issues with knowledge of
`this Court’s views, and for trial to be conducted after this Court has weighed in on
`the disputed First Amendment issues.
`The Court should stay discovery for an additional reason: The parties will be
`writing their appellate briefs and preparing for oral argument on a highly expedited
`schedule, and need to devote their attention to those appellate-court tasks during
`the months of May and June. Proceeding on the current district-court schedule
`with expert depositions and Daubert motions in May,3 summary-judgment briefing
`in June and July,4 and trial preparation throughout the summer5 will distract coun-
`2. Order, ECF No. 58 (attached as Exhibit 1).
`3. ROA.742 (scheduling order requiring parties to complete expert discovery by
`May 19, 2023, with Daubert motions due 11 days after the expert’s deposition).
`4. ROA.742-743 (scheduling order requiring defendants’ motion for summary
`judgment to be filed by June 9, 2023; plaintiffs’ response and cross-motion for
`summary judgment to be filed by June 23, 2023, the defendants’ response to the
`cross-motion and reply brief in support of their motion for summary judgment
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 8 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`sel from the appeal and hinder their ability to present this Court with a clear, vigor-
`ous, and adversarial presentation of the facts and law. At the same time, the pend-
`ing expedited appeal and its tight briefing deadlines will make it difficult for counsel
`to devote careful attention to their discovery obligations and district-court filings as
`the appeal quickly unfolds. That is especially true on the defendants-appellants’
`side, where their lead attorney works as a solo practitioner and is handling all brief-
`writing and oral-argument responsibilities in this Court as well as motions practice
`and expert discovery in the district court. See Mitchell Decl., ¶ 10 (attached as Ex-
`hibit 3).
`Finally, the plaintiffs will not be prejudiced by a stay of discovery and further
`proceedings in the district court because they have already obtained a preliminary
`injunction that restores the 17 disputed books to the library shelves and catalogs,6
`and the motions panel allowed that preliminary injunction to remain in place while
`the defendants pursue their expedited appeal. See Order, ECF No. 58 (attached as
`Exhibit 1) (“IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Appellants’ Opposed Motion to
`stay the preliminary injunction pending appeal is CARRIED WITH THE
`CASE.”). The preliminary injunction eliminates any possibility that the plaintiffs
`might suffer a violation of their constitutional rights or other forms of irreparable
`to be filed by July 7, 2023; and the plaintiffs’ reply brief in support of their
`cross-motion to be filed by July 21, 2023).
`5. ROA.743 (scheduling order setting a trial date of October 16, 2023).
`6. ROA.3531-3532.
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 9 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`harm during the appeal, and our requested stay of proceedings will not disturb the
`preliminary injunction or its protections in any way.7
`The defendants-appellants respectfully request that the Court rule on this mo-
`tion by Wednesday, May 17, if possible, so that the parties will know whether they
`can cancel the depositions of the plaintiffs’ experts and avoid litigating Daubert mo-
`tions and ongoing discovery issues. See Mitchell Decl. ¶ 11 (attached as Exhibit 3).
`A ruling by May 17 will also enable the parties to focus their efforts on briefing and
`preparing for argument in the expedited appeal. See id. at ¶ 12.
`When deciding whether to stay proceedings in the district court pending ap-
`peal, this Court employs the traditional four-part test from Nken v. Holder, 556 U.S.
`418 (2009): “(1) whether the stay applicant has made a strong showing that he is
`likely to succeed on the merits; (2) whether the applicant will be irreparably injured
`absent a stay; (3) whether issuance of the stay will substantially injure the other par-
`ties interested in the proceeding; and (4) where the public interest lies.’” Id. at 426
`(quoting Hilton v. Braunskill, 481 U.S. 770, 776 (1987)); see also Earl v. Boeing Co.,
`21 F.4th 895, 898 (5th Cir. 2021) (using the four-part Nken test when deciding
`whether to stay district-court proceedings pending appeal). All four factors support
`a stay of proceedings.
`7. We have already moved in the district court for a stay of discovery and further
`proceedings pending the outcome of this appeal. See Opposed Motion to Stay
`Case, ECF No. 168. We do not, however, expect the district court to grant the
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 10 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`I. The Defendants-Appellants Have Made A Strong
`Showing Of Likely Success On Appeal
`The facts and procedural history of this case are described in our previous mo-
`tion to stay the preliminary injunction and expedite the appeal. See Motion to Stay
`Prelim. Inj., ECF No. 14-1, at 2–6. Our previous motion also explains why the de-
`fendants-appellants are likely to succeed on appeal. See id. at 6–14. We incorporate
`that discussion by reference and emphasize two fatal problems with the plaintiffs’
`First Amendment claims that counsel in favor of staying discovery and summary-
`judgment briefing while this appeal proceeds. First, the plaintiffs cannot possibly
`show that the defendants are violating their “right to access and receive infor-
`mation” under the First Amendment because every one of the 17 disputed books
`remains available for the plaintiffs to check out through the Llano Library’s in-
`house checkout system. ROA.3463-3465. Second, the plaintiffs’ (and the district
`court’s) belief that the First Amendment forbids “viewpoint discrimination” or
`“content discrimination” in public-library weeding decisions is incompatible with
`the precedent of this Court and is manifestly untenable, as content and viewpoint
`consideration are both inevitable and permissible when weeding library materials.
`A. The Defendants Cannot “Violate” The Plaintiffs’ First
`Amendment Rights When The Disputed Books Remain Available
`To Them Through Llano Library’s In-House Checkout System
`After the plaintiffs sued and accused the defendants of violating their First
`Amendment rights by weeding 17 books from the Llano Library shelves, the Llano
`Library accepted a donation of the 17 disputed books and made them available for
`the plaintiffs to read and check out through the library’s “in-house checkout” sys-
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 11 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`tem.8 See Mot. to Stay Prelim. Inj., ECF No. 14-1, at 3–4 (explaining the “in-house
`checkout” system at Llano Library). The defendants cannot be “violating” the
`plaintiffs’ supposed First Amendment “right to access and receive information,” as
`each plaintiff is aware of the in-house checkout system and the availability of the
`disputed books,9 and the plaintiffs have the same ability to check out the disputed
`books from Llano Library that they had before the books were weeded.
`To be sure, the plaintiffs would prefer that the 17 disputed books be returned to
`the library shelves and catalog rather than offered through the in-house checkout
`system, which is why they refuse to accept this arrangement and have continued lit-
`igating in the hope of forcing the defendants to restore the books to their previous
`location. But the plaintiffs cannot plausibly assert that the defendants are violating
`their First Amendment rights when each of the disputed books remains available to
`them at Llano Library through the in-house checkout system.
`B. Content And Viewpoint Discrimination Are Permissible And
`Inevitable When Weeding Library Materials
`The district court agreed with the plaintiffs’ claim that the First Amendment
`prohibits content and viewpoint discrimination in public-library weeding decisions.
`ROA.3523 (“[T]he First Amendment prohibits the removal of books from libraries
`based on either viewpoint or content discrimination.”); ROA.3526 (“Content-based
`8. See First Milum Decl., ECF No. 49-1, at ¶¶ 10–11 (ROA.673-674); Second Mi-
`lum Decl., ECF No. 53, at ¶¶ 3–4 (ROA.720-721); Third Milum Decl., ECF
`No. 100-5, at ¶¶ 5–8 (ROA.2497); Stipulation of Undisputed Facts, ECF No.
`126, at ¶¶ 1–7 (ROA.3463-3465).
`9. See Stipulation of Undisputed Facts, ECF No. 126, at ¶¶ 1–7 (App. 491–493).
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 12 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`restrictions on speech are presumptively unconstitutional and subject to strict scru-
`tiny.”). This stance is unlikely to survive appeal, as it contradicts the precedent of
`this Court and imposes intolerable burdens on librarians, who must occasionally
`weed books for content or viewpoint reasons.
`This Court has recognized that “‘[p]ublic library staffs necessarily consider
`content in making collection decisions and enjoy broad discretion in making
`them.’” Chiras v. Miller, 432 F.3d 606, 614 (5th Cir. 2005) (quoting United States v.
`American Library Ass’n Inc., 539 U.S. 194, 205 (2003) (plurality op.)). It has also
`recognized that “forum analysis and heightened judicial scrutiny are . . . incompati-
`ble with the discretion that public libraries must have to fulfill their traditional mis-
`sions.’” Id. (quoting American Library, 539 U.S. at 205 (plurality op.)). The district
`court’s stance is incompatible with these principles. The plaintiffs have tried to de-
`fend the district court by citing cases that disapprove of content and viewpoint dis-
`crimination when the government restricts or regulates speech, but weeding a li-
`brary book does not restrict or regulate speech; it merely determines the optimal
`allocation of a library’s limited shelf space.
`The plaintiffs and the district court rely on Board of Education v. Pico, 457 U.S.
`853 (1982), and Campbell v. St. Tammany Parish School Board, 64 F.3d 184 (5th Cir.
`1995). ROA.3523 (citing Pico to support its claim that “the First Amendment pro-
`hibits the removal of books from libraries based on either viewpoint or content dis-
`crimination.”); ROA.3526 (holding that Campbell is incompatible with the defend-
`ants’ claim that “‘content discrimination is permissible and inevitable in library-
`book selection.’”). But Justice Brennan’s plurality opinion in Pico acknowledges
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 13 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`that content discrimination is permissible in library-book selection, and it allows li-
`braries to remove books that are “pervasively vulgar” or lack “educational suitabil-
`ity.” Pico, 457 U.S. at 871 (plurality op.). Campbell re-affirms the Pico plurality’s al-
`lowance for content-based weeding. See Campbell, 64 F.3d at 188–89 (“The Court
`in its plurality opinion implicitly recognized . . . that an unconstitutional motivation
`would not be demonstrated if the school officials removed the books from the pub-
`lic school libraries based on a belief that the books were ‘pervasively vulgar’ or on
`grounds of ‘educational suitability.’”). The Pico plurality opinion says only that
`school libraries may not weed books “in a narrowly partisan or political man-
`ner”10—a far cry from the categorical prohibition on viewpoint or content discrimi-
`nation that the district court endorsed.
`More importantly, a prohibition on content-based weeding decisions is incom-
`patible with Chiras v. Miller, 432 F.3d 606 (5th Cir. 2005), which recognizes that
`“‘[p]ublic library staffs necessarily consider content in making collection decisions
`and enjoy broad discretion in making them.’” Id. at 614 (emphasis added) (quoting
`United States v. American Library Ass’n Inc., 539 U.S. 194, 205 (2003) (plurality
`op.). The district court and the plaintiffs try to get around Chiras by claiming that it
`applies only to acquisition (not removal) decisions at school libraries, but nothing in
`the quoted passages from Chiras support these distinctions. It is also nonsensical to
`give public libraries “broad discretion” when acquiring new books while forbidding
`10. See Pico, 457 U.S. at 870 (plurality op.); id. at 872 (“[S]chool boards may not
`remove books from school library shelves simply because they dislike the ideas
`contained in those books.”).
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 14 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`them to consider content or viewpoints when weeding. Library shelf space is lim-
`ited, and older books must be weeded so that new materials can be added. A library
`must determine whether the content of the new material is superior to the content
`being replaced, and this comparison requires librarians to consider the content and
`viewpoints of the incoming and existing materials.
`Finally, neither the plaintiffs nor the district court denies that library-weeding
`manuals compel librarians to engage in content and viewpoint discrimination when
`weeding books. See, e.g., Mot. for Stay, ECF No. 14-1, at 12; CREW Manual, ECF
`No. 117-2 (ROA.3172-3279); id. at 19 (ROA.3191) (listing “poor content” as grounds
`for weeding, including “[m]aterial that contains biased, racist, or sexist terminology
`or views” (emphasis added)). Libraries may establish standards for the material on
`their shelves, and there is nothing problematic (or unconstitutional) with weeding
`books that deny the Holocaust, declare that the earth is flat, or peddle crackpot or
`discredited conspiracy theories. Nor is there anything wrong with the content-
`based weeding of “pervasively vulgar” books, or material that lacks “educational
`suitability.” Pico, 457 U.S. at 871 (1982) (plurality op.).
`II. The Defendants-Appellants Will Suffer Irreparable
`Harm Absent A Stay Of District-Court Proceedings
`The defendants-appellants will suffer irreparable harm absent a stay of proceed-
`ings because they will incur additional litigation costs related to fact discovery, ex-
`pert discovery, Daubert motions, summary-judgment briefing, and trial prepara-
`tion—and they cannot recover these costs even if they prevail in the litigation. See
`Christiansburg Garment Co. v. EEOC, 434 U.S. 412, 418 (1978) (forbidding defend-
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 15 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`ants to recover attorneys’ fees under 42 U.S.C. § 1988, even when they qualify as
`“prevailing parties,” unless the plaintiffs’ action was “frivolous, unreasonable, or
`without foundation”); Cunningham Decl. ¶ 5 (attached as Exhibit 2).
`The plaintiffs’ litigation tactics and discovery demands have imposed consider-
`able costs on Llano County and its taxpayers. See Cunningham Decl. ¶ 4 (“Llano
`County has already spent more than $150,000 in attorneys’ fees and expenses de-
`fending this action”); id. at ¶ 6. After filing their complaint, the plaintiffs demand-
`ed expedited discovery and deposed defendants Amber Milum, Jerry Don Moss,
`Bonnie Wallace, and Rochelle Wells. ROA.429-440; Mitchell Decl. ¶ 5 (attached as
`Exhibit 3); Exhibit 7 (notices of deposition). The plaintiffs also demanded e-mails
`from every conceivable e-mail account, including personal e-mail accounts of for-
`mer librarians that the defendants do not have passwords for, and they insisted that
`every e-mail be produced in its native format rather as a PDF. See Mitchell Decl. ¶ 4
`(attached as Exhibit 3). The plaintiffs’ demands for native-format e-mails over-
`whelmed the resources of Llano County, which does not have a full-time IT person
`on staff, and the defendants are still struggling to respond to the plaintiffs’ e-mail
`demands. See id.
`On March 1, 2023, shortly before the close of fact discovery on March 31, 2023,
`the plaintiffs scheduled 19 depositions during the last two weeks of discovery—
`including second depositions of Milum, Wallace, and Moss. See Mitchell Decl. ¶ 6
`(attached as Exhibit 3); Exhibit 8 (notices and subpoenas). The plaintiffs did not
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 16 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`move for leave of court to exceed the ten-deposition limit until March 20, 2023,11
`and the district court did not grant their motion until March 29, 2023,12 only two
`days before the close of fact discovery. But the plaintiffs asked the district court to
`extend the fact-discovery deadline13 and the district court granted their request,14
`giving the plaintiffs an additional two months to conduct depositions that they were
`unable to squeeze in before the deadline of March 31, 2023.
`The defendants will also incur significant costs from the upcoming expert dis-
`covery. The plaintiffs have proffered not one but two expert reports that accuse
`Amber Milum of bad faith and unprofessionalism. ROA.3145-3147. One of the ex-
`perts (Belinda Boon) is located in Kent, Ohio, and the other (David Lankes) is lo-
`cated in Austin, Texas. The defendants’ lead counsel, who will depose each of the
`experts, is located on the west coast and will need to travel separately to conduct
`each deposition. See Mitchell Decl. ¶ 8 (attached as Exhibit 3). The defendants
`asked the plaintiffs’ attorneys to make their experts available for depositions on
`back-to-back days to reduce the defendants’ travel burdens and discovery costs, but
`the plaintiffs refused to accommodate this request. See id.; see also Exhibit 5 (e-mail
`exchange between plaintiffs’ counsel and defendants’ counsel).
`The defendants also asked the plaintiffs to reschedule the deposition of the de-
`fendants’ expert Peter Wood, which was held in New York on May 8, 2023, to May
`11. ROA.3294-3305.
`12. ROA.3492-3493.
`13. ROA.3569-3580.
`14. See Exhibit 4.
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 17 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`17 or May 18 because the defendants were seeking a stay of the district-court pro-
`ceedings and were hoping to obtain a ruling on that request before Dr. Wood’s dep-
`osition, which could obviate the need for the deposition. See Mitchell Decl. ¶ 9 (at-
`tached as Exhibit 3). The plaintiffs flatly refused to reschedule the deposition of Dr.
`Wood, even though they did not claim that they were unavailable to depose him on
`May 17 or May 18, and even though the defendants offered to pay any non-
`refundable costs that the plaintiffs might have incurred when preparing for Dr.
`Wood’s deposition. See id.; see also Exhibit 6 (e-mail exchange between plaintiffs’
`counsel and defendants’ counsel).
`We are not suggesting that plaintiffs’ counsel are acting unlawfully or unethical-
`ly by making discovery expensive and inconvenient for Llano County. The rules of
`civil procedure establish a liberal discovery regime that enables litigants to impose
`heavy costs on their adversaries with depositions and document requests—and the
`duty of zealous representation may occasionally compel an attorney to bombard the
`other side with extensive discovery demands in the hopes of forcing settlement or
`capitulation. But this Court must consider the extent of the unrecoverable costs
`that will be inflicted on Llano County if the district-court proceedings are not
`stayed pending appeal. See Earl v. Boeing Co., 21 F.4th 895, 900 (5th Cir. 2021)
`(“[T]he public interest supports staying district court proceedings to avoid poten-
`tially wasteful and unnecessary litigation costs where, as here, the appellant has
`shown a substantial likelihood of success on appeal.”). The plaintiffs have sought to
`maximize the defendants’ litigation costs throughout this litigation, which counsels
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 18 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`in favor of staying discovery and further proceedings in the district court pending
`the outcome of this expedited appeal. See id.
`III. A Stay Of The District-Court Proceedings Will
`Not Substantially Injure The Plaintiffs Or Any
`Other Party Interested In The Proceeding
`A stay of the district-court proceedings will not “substantially injure” the plain-
`tiffs or any other party interested in the proceeding because the district court’s pre-
`liminary injunction requires the 17 disputed books to remain in the library shelves
`and catalog until the appeal is resolved,15 and the motions panel has left that prelim-
`inary injunction in place while the defendants pursue their expedited appeal. See
`Exhibit 1 (“IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Appellants’ Opposed Motion to stay
`the preliminary injunction pending appeal is CARRIED WITH THE CASE.”). A
`ruling from this Court that stays the district-court proceedings will not stay the pre-
`liminary-injunction order, and that injunction will remain in effect until the merits
`panel issues its ruling.
`The only conceivable injury that the plaintiffs might encounter from a stay of
`proceedings is that it will hinder their ability run up the defendants’ costs of de-
`fending this lawsuit, as well as their attempts to moot the defendants’ expedited ap-
`peal by fast-tracking the district-court proceedings to final judgment. Neither of
`these considerations should receive solicitude in deciding whether to stay the dis-
`trict-court proceedings. This Court has indicated its desire to rule quickly on the
`defendants’ appeal by expediting it “to the next available oral argument calendar,”16
`15. ROA.3531-3532.
`16. Order, ECF No. 58 (attached as Exhibit 1).
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 64 Page: 19 Date Filed: 05/10/2023
`and it should not empower a litigant to sabotage the ruling of the motions panel
`(and waste the resources invested in an appeal) by triggering a race between the dis-
`trict court and the Fifth Circuit. Nor should a court seek to accommodate tactics
`that serve no apparent purpose other than to impose avoidable litigation costs on an
`adversary. See Earl, 21 F.4th at 900 (“[T]he public interest supports staying district
`court proceedings to avoid potentially wasteful and unnecessary litiga

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