`No. 23-50224
`In the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
`Leila Green Little; Jeanne Puryear; Kathy Kennedy; Rebecca
`Jones; Richard Day; Cynthia Waring; Diane Moster,
`Llano County; Ron Cunningham, in his official capacity as
`Llano County Judge; Jerry Don Moss, in his official capacity as
`Llano County Commissioner; Peter Jones, in his official
`capacity as Llano County Commissioner; Mike Sandoval, in his
`official capacity as Llano County Commissioner; Linda
`Raschke, in her official capacity as Llano County
`Commissioner; Amber Milum, in her official capacity as Llano
`County Library System Director; Bonnie Wallace, in her
`official capacity as Llano County Library Board Member;
`Rochelle Wells, in her official capacity as Llano County
`Library Board Member; Rhoda Schneider, in her official
`capacty as Llano County Library Board Member; Gay Baskin, in
`her official capacity as Llano County Library Board Member,
`On Appeal from the United States District Court
`for the Western District of Texas
`Case No. 1:22-cv-424-RP
`Jonathan F. Mitchell
`Mitchell Law PLLC
`111 Congress Avenue, Suite 400
`Austin, Texas 78701
`(512) 686-3940 (phone)
`(512) 686-3941 (fax)
`Counsel for Defendants-Appellants
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 2 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`Certificate of Interested Persons
`Counsel of record certifies that the following persons and entities as described
`in the fourth sentence of Fifth Circuit Rule 28.2.1 have an interest in the outcome
`of this case. These representations are made in order that the judges of this Court
`may evaluate possible disqualification or recusal.
`Plaintiffs’ Counsel
`Ellen V. Leonida
`Matthew Borden
`J. Noah Hagey
`Max Bernstein
`Ellis E. Herington
`Marissa Benavides
`BraunHagey & Borden LLP
`Ryan A. Botkin
`Katherine P. Chiarello
`María Amelia Calaf
`Kayna Stavast Levy
`Botkin Chiarello Calaf
`Defendants’ Counsel
`Jonathan F. Mitchell
`Mitchell Law PLLC
`Dwain K. Rogers
`Matthew L. Rienstra
`Llano County Attorney’s Office
`• Leila Green Little
`• Jeanne Puryear
`• Kathy Kennedy
`• Rebecca Jones
`• Richard Day
`• Cynthia Waring
`• Diane Moster
`• Llano County,
`• Ron Cunningham
`• Jerry Don Moss
`• Peter Jones
`• Mike Sandoval
`• Linda Raschke
`• Amber Milum
`• Bonnie Wallace
`• Rochelle Wells
`• Rhonda Schneider
`• Gay Baskin
` /s/ Jonathan F. Mitchell
`Jonathan F. Mitchell
`Counsel for Defendants-Appellants
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 3 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`Table Of Contents
`Certificate of interested persons ............................................................................... i
`Table of contents ..................................................................................................... ii
`Table of authorities ................................................................................................. iii
`Statement of the case ............................................................................................... 1
`I. Facts and evidence ......................................................................................... 1
`A. The facts stated in the appellants’ panel-stage brief ................................. 1
`B. The facts as stated in the appellees’ panel-stage brief ............................... 3
`C. The facts as stated in the panel opinion .................................................... 3
`II. The panel opinion’s rationale ....................................................................... 11
`Summary of argument ............................................................................................ 14
`Argument ............................................................................................................... 16
`I. The en banc court should overrule Campbell, limit Pico to its facts, and
`hold that a public library’s acquisition and weeding decisions are
`government speech immune from First Amendment scrutiny .................... 16
`II. A public library cannot violate the plaintiffs’ First Amendment right
`to access and receive information when each of the 17 disputed books
`remained available for the plaintiffs to read and check out through
`Llano Library’s in-house checkout system ................................................... 26
`III. The district court’s remedy is overbroad ..................................................... 29
`IV. The en banc court should reaffirm that a preliminary injunction
`cannot issue unless the movant makes a “clear showing” on all four
`prongs of the preliminary-injunction inquiry ............................................... 30
`Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 32
`Certificate of service .............................................................................................. 33
`Certificate of compliance ....................................................................................... 34
`Certificate of electronic compliance ....................................................................... 35
`Appendix ....................................................................................................................
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 4 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`Table of Authorities
`Board of Education v. Pico, 457 U.S. 853 (1982) ..................... 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25
`Campbell v. St. Tammany Parish School Board,
`64 F.3d 184 (5th Cir. 1995) ................................................ 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 24
`Hutto v. Davis, 454 U.S. 370 (1982) (per curiam) ................................................... 24
`Marks v. United States, 430 U.S. 188 (1977) ....................................................... 15, 24
`Mazurek v. Armstrong, 520 U.S. 968 (1997) (per curiam) ........................................ 31
`Mississippi Power & Light Co. v. United Gas Pipe Line Co.,
`760 F.2d 618 (5th Cir. 1985) ................................................................................ 31
`Moody v. NetChoice, LLC, 144 S. Ct. 2383 (2024) .............................. 14, 17, 18, 19, 27
`Murthy v. Missouri, 144 S. Ct. 1972 (2024) ............................................................. 31
`Planned Parenthood Ass’n of Hidalgo County Texas, Inc. v. Suehs,
`692 F.3d 343 (5th Cir. 2012) ............................................................................... 31
`Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas v. Sanchez,
`403 F.3d 324 (5th Cir. 2005) ............................................................................... 31
`Texas Medical Providers Performing Abortion Services v. Lakey,
`667 F.3d 570 (5th Cir. 2012) ............................................................................... 31
`Trump v. Int’l Refugee Assistance Project, 582 U.S. 571 (2017) .................................. 27
`United States v. American Library Ass’n, Inc., 539 U.S. 194 (2003) ......................... 17
`United States v. Students Challenging Regulatory Agency Procedures
`(SCRAP), 412 U.S. 669 (1973) ............................................................................ 28
`Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton, 515 U.S. 646 (1995) ....................................... 20
`Voting for America, Inc. v. Steen, 732 F.3d 382 (5th Cir. 2013) ............................ 16, 31
`Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council, 555 U.S. 7 (2008) ............................... 31
`Fed. R. Civ. P. 52(a)(2) ........................................................................................... 10
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 5 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`Statement Of The Case
`I. Facts And Evidence
`A. The Facts Stated In The Appellants’ Panel-Stage Brief
`The appellants’ panel-stage brief accurately states the facts of this case.
`See Appellants’ Br. at 5–15. But there are two sentences that require clarifica-
`1. On page 11, we wrote that “47 of the books on Ms. Wallace’s spread-
`sheet were on the shelves at Llano Library.” Appellants’ Br. at 11. Those 47
`books were actually on the shelves of three different libraries within the Lla-
`no County library system: Llano Library, Kingsland Library, and Lakeshore
`Library. Most of those 47 books were housed at Llano Library, but not all of
`them were. This sentence in our opening brief should have said: “47 of the
`books on Ms. Wallace’s spreadsheet were on the shelves at Llano County’s
`libraries,” rather than “47 of the books on Ms. Wallace’s spreadsheet were on
`the shelves at Llano Library.”
`A spreadsheet that contains the books on Ms. Wallace’s list, which we
`have attached to this brief and which appears on page 357 of the record, indi-
`cates the library where each of the books was housed. “LC” stands for Llano
`Library; “KB” for Kingsland, and “LB” for Lakeshore. “O” means Over-
`drive, which is an online collection of books. ROA.357.
`2. Page 12 of our opening panel-stage brief contains the following sen-
`Ms. Milum concluded that only 6 of the 47 books on Ms. Wal-
`lace’s spreadsheet should be weeded according to the MUSTIE
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 6 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`criteria: Freakboy; Shine; Caste: The Origins of our Discontents;
`Gabi, a Girl in Pieces; and They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The
`Birth of an American Terrorist Group. ROA.675. Ms. Milum de-
`termined that the remaining 41 books did not meet the criteria
`for weeding and she returned those 41 books to the shelves.
`Appellants’ Br. at 12. But there is an additional wrinkle that needs to be ex-
`plained. The library system had two copies of Being Jazz: one at Llano Li-
`brary and one at Kingsland Library. Ms. Milum weeded the copy at Llano Li-
`brary because it had not been checked out in more than four years.1 But she
`retained the one at Kingsland, where it had been checked out more frequent-
`ly.2 So whether Ms. Milum weeded six of the 47 titles or seven of the 47 titles
`depends on whether Being Jazz should be counted as a weeded book. Titles
`that were held in more than location were counted only once in the denomi-
`nator of 47, so it is more precise to say that Ms. Milum weeded 6 ½ of the 47
`titles on Ms. Wallace’s spreadsheet.
`If we had counted by actual book copies rather than by titles, there would
`be 52 physical items in the denominator (counting twice for Being Jazz, New
`Kid, and I’ll Give You the Sun, and three times for Me and Earl and the Dying
`Girl). ROA.357. By that count, Ms. Milum would have weeded 7 of the 52
`physical items on Ms. Wallace’s spreadsheet. However the precise ratio is
`1. ROA.346 (showing last checkout was July 19, 2017).
`2. ROA.3995 (“Q. Why did you decide to weed Being Jazz: My Life As A
`Transgender Teen? A: It was not getting checked out at the Llano library,
`but it was popular at Kingsland, so we had an extra copy. Q. Did you
`weed the book at Kingsland where it was popular? A. No.”).
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 7 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`calculated, the vast majority of the materials on Ms. Wallace’s list were not
`weeded and were returned to the library shelves after Ms. Milum’s review.
`B. The Facts As Stated In The Appellees’ Panel-Stage Brief
`Our panel-stage reply brief explains the many false and misleading factual
`assertions that appear throughout the plaintiffs’ panel-stage brief. See Appel-
`lants’ Reply Br. at 1–4, 7–15. Some of these falsehoods found their way into
`the panel opinion, such as the claim that Under The Moon: A Catwoman Tale
`was listed on Bonnie Wallace’s spreadsheet. Compare Appellees’ Br. at 8 with
`Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 4. We urge the en banc court to care-
`fully check the plaintiffs’ factual assertions against the primary sources be-
`fore relying on any factual claim that that plaintiffs assert in their briefing or
`at oral argument.
`C. The Facts As Stated In The Panel Opinion
`The panel opinion contains many misstatements of the facts, and we are
`flagging these so the en banc court will avoid these errors.
`1. The panel opinion says that all 17 of the disputed books are “on the
`Wallace List.” See Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 4 (“By the end of
`2021, seventeen books—all on the Wallace List—had been removed from the
`Llano County library system entirely.”); id. at 4 (listing titles of those 17
`books); id. at 18 (“Each of the books Milum removed were on the Wallace
`list.”); id. at 22 (“Milum decided to weed only those books on the Wallace
`list”). That is untrue, as only 7 of the 17 disputed books appear on the Wal-
`lace List. ROA.357; see also App.
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 8 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`2. The panel opinion says that “Defendants’ attorney donated copies of
`the seventeen books back to the library after the inception of this litigation.”
`Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 5. That is untrue; the defendants’ at-
`torney donated only 10 of those 17 books, as Amber Milum had already added
`the seven “butt” and “fart” books to the in-house checkout system before re-
`ceiving the donation of the remaining disputed books. ROA.2293-2294 (¶¶ 4–
`3. The panel opinion says that “no other books were weeded” during
`the time period in which Milum weeded the 17 disputed books. See Lead
`Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 18. It also says that Milum “pulled no other
`books for review during that time period.” Id. at 4; see also id. at 22 (“Milum
`decided to weed only those books on the Wallace list.”). Those statements
`are untrue. Hundreds of other books were pulled for review and weeded be-
`tween August 5, 2021 (the date on which the first of the 17 disputed books
`were weeded), and November 18, 2021 (the date on which Milum weeded
`the last of the 17 disputed books). ROA.1660-1665. Exhibit 52 from the pre-
`liminary-injunction hearing shows that the Llano County library system
`weeded no fewer than 212 books, DVDs, and other items between August 5,
`2021, and November 18, 2021—in addition to the 17 disputed books that the
`plaintiffs are suing over. ROA.1660-1665.
`4. The panel opinion says that by the end of 2021, the 17 disputed
`books “had been removed from the Llano County library system entirely.”
`Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 4. That statement is untrue. Being
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 9 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen remained in the Llano County library
`system and catalog because Milum did not weed the copy held at Kingsland
`library, where it was being checked out sufficiently to warrant retention.
`ROA.2503-2504 (¶ 29); ROA.3995.
`5. The panel opinion says that “today”—meaning June 6, 2024, the
`date on which the panel opinion issued—the 17 disputed books “are not on
`shelves nor in the catalog system.” Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 5.
`That statement is untrue because the defendants have been complying with
`Judge Pitman’s preliminary injunction since March 31, 2023, which ordered
`the 17 disputed books returned to the shelves and restored to the catalog.
`ROA.3531-3532. The defendants asked for a stay of the preliminary injunc-
`tion pending appeal, but the Court carried that motion with the case and the
`panel denied the motion as moot. See Docket Entry No. 58; Lead Panel Opin-
`ion, ECF No. 164, at 27. The preliminary injunction remains in effect and the
`defendants are in full compliance with it. The en banc court should also de-
`scribe the presence of the 17 disputed books in the in-house check-out sys-
`tem in the past tense rather than the present tense, as those 17 books were
`returned to the shelves over a year ago and are not currently part of Llano Li-
`brary’s in-house checkout system. See Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at
`6. The panel opinion says that all of “the seventeen books at issue here
`were removed after constituents complained that they were ‘pornographic
`filth’ inappropriate for children.” Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 18.
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 10 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`This statement is untrue because no constituent ever complained about Un-
`der the Moon: A Catwoman Tale—and no one ever described it as “porno-
`graphic filth.” Under the Moon is not on the Wallace list (although the panel
`opinion incorrectly states that it is),3 and there is no evidence in the record
`showing that any person complained to anyone about the presence of this
`book at Llano Library. We remain at a loss to understand why the plaintiffs
`are suing over the weeding of this book, as none of the plaintiffs complained
`about the removal of Under the Moon or expressed interest in checking out
`that book in their declarations. ROA.227-228 (¶ 4) (complaining about the
`removal of 16 of the 17 disputed books, with no mention of Under the Moon);
`ROA.230 (¶ 3) (same); ROA.233-234 (¶ 3) (same); ROA.236 (¶ 3); ROA.244
`(¶ 3); ROA.278-279 (¶ 3); ROA.423 (¶ 3) (same).
`The panel opinion’s conclusion that the defendants “likely violated plain-
`tiffs’ First Amendment rights”4 rests on its assertions that Milum “likely
`‘adopted’ the motivations of the other Defendants” and that other people’s
`“complaints . . . were likely also the motivating factor in [Milum’s] decision
`to remove the seventeen books from the shelves permanently.” Lead Panel
`Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 18–20. But there were no constituent complaints
`about Under the Moon, and none of the other defendants ever objected to this
`3. Compare ROA.357 with Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 18 (“Each
`of the books Milum removed were on the Wallace list.”); see also supra,
`at p. 1.
`4. Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 18 (some capitalization removed).
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 11 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`book or expressed any concerns about it. The panel opinion’s statement that
`Under the Moon was “removed after constituents complained that [it was]
`‘pornographic filth’ inappropriate for children”5 is untrue.
`7. The panel opinion says that all 17 of the disputed books were de-
`scribed by constituents as “‘pornographic filth’ inappropriate for children.”
`Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 18; id. (“The seventeen books at issue
`here were removed after constituents complained that they were ‘porno-
`graphic filth’ inappropriate for children.”). This statement is untrue. Bonnie
`Wallace’s e-mail to Ron Cunningham on November 10, 2021, in which the
`subject line reads “Pornographic Filth at the Llano Public Libraries,” com-
`plained about pictures in a book entitled “Gender Queer” and included the
`Wallace List as an attachment. See ROA.349-351. Even if one were to surmise
`that Ms. Wallace was denouncing every book on her attached spreadsheet as
`“pornographic filth,” that document contains only 7 of the 17 disputed books
`in this lawsuit. See supra at p. 3; see also App. No one ever described Under the
`Moon, It’s Perfectly Normal, In the Night Kitchen, or any of the butt or fart
`books as “pornographic filth.”
`8. The panel opinion says that “[t]he district court, which had the op-
`portunity to observe Milum’s live testimony, found her explanations for her
`alleged reasons for removing the books to be contradictory and unconvinc-
`ing.” Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 18. This statement is false. There
`5. Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 18.
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 12 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`is nothing in the district court’s 26-page opinion that rejects Milum’s testi-
`mony or declares it “contradictory” or “unconvincing.” ROA.3507-3532. On
`the contrary, the district court recognized the conflicting testimony between
`Milum and Tina Castelan but refused to resolve the dispute, declaring that
`“given its subjective nature, reasonable minds may disagree over how to ap-
`ply the CREW and MUSTIE criteria”:
`The record contains competing testimony on this point. Milum
`stated in her declarations and testimony that she weeded the 17
`disputed books because she believed that each of them met the
`library’s criteria for weeding under the CREW and MUSTIE
`factors. See Milum Decl., Dkt. No. 49-1, at ¶¶ 8, 12–16; Hr’g Tr.
`Vol. 2 95:16–106:20. In contrast, Tina Castelan stated that Mi-
`lum’s decisions to weed some of [the] disputed books violated
`the library’s weeding policies. See id. at 6–9; Hr’g Tr. Vol. 1 at
`33:15–45:18. It appears to be undisputed that, given its subjec-
`tive nature, reasonable minds may disagree over how to apply
`the CREW and MUSTIE criteria. Id. at 127:6–8.
`ROA.3526-3527 n.7.
`9. The panel opinion says that Milum “likely weeded these [17] books
`because she was told to by those who disagreed with their message.” Lead
`Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 20. This statement is untrue. Milum was
`never told by anyone to weed any book in the library. Milum was instructed
`by Judge Cunningham to temporarily pull the butt and fart books from the li-
`brary shelves.6 And Milum was instructed by Judge Cunningham to tempo-
`6. ROA.2499 (quoting e-mail from Judge Cunningham that says: “Amber, I
`am still receiving calls, letters and emails concerning the Farts and Butts
`books. I think it is best to remove these books from the shelves for now.”
`(emphasis added)); id. (Milum) (“Judge Cunningham recommended
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 13 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`rarily pull books containing “sexual activity or questionable nudity.”7 But no
`one ever instructed Milum to weed a book.8 The testimony on this point is
`only that I temporarily remove those books from the shelves.”);
`ROA.2488 (Cunningham) (“My e-mail to Amber Milum . . . recom-
`mended only that Ms. Milum temporarily remove those books from the
`shelves to determine whether they should remain in the children’s sec-
`tion of the library.”); ROA.4009-4010 (“[M]y intent was to neutralize
`the situation until we could investigate it further.”).
`7. ROA.349 (“Amber, As we discussed in our meeting in my office at 9:45
`AM on November 9, 2021 any and all books that depict any type of sex-
`ual activity or questionable nudity are to be pulled immediately.”);
`ROA.682 (“I did in at least one email to Ms. Milum direct her to ‘pull’
`books with ‘sexual activity or questionable nudity,’ it was the shared un-
`derstanding of both myself and Ms. Milum that ‘pull’ in the context
`used meant to remove such books from the shelves for review prior to
`making a decision on whether to re-shelve the books in a different sec-
`tion of the library such as the adult section.”).
`8. ROA.2499 (“I alone made the decisions to weed the 17 disputed books
`in this case. No other defendant in this case, including Bonnie Wallace,
`Rochelle Wells, Rhonda Schneider, Jerry Don Moss, or Ron Cunning-
`ham, has ever weeded a book from Llano library or directed me to weed
`or permanently remove a book from the library. Nor has any of these in-
`dividuals pressured or attempted to pressure me to weed any book from
`the library.”); ROA.676 (“I was never instructed or pressured by the
`County Judge or any of the County Commissioners to weed or other-
`wise permanently remove any books from the Llano County libraries. I
`was also never instructed to remove any books from the libraries by the
`Llano County Advisory Board.”); ROA.4000-4001 (“Q. Were any of
`your ultimate decisions to weed any book from the library shelves
`influenced in any way by anyone on the commissioners’ court? A. No.
`Q. Were they influenced by anyone on the library advisory board? A.
`No.”); ROA.2499 (Milum) (“Judge Cunningham . . . never directed me
`to weed those books, and my decision to weed those books was entirely
`my own.”); ROA.2488 (Cunningham) (“I never directed Amber Milum
`or any other library employee to weed those books or any other book.”).
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 14 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`unrebutted and the plaintiffs do not contest this fact. See Appellants’ Reply
`Br. at 4.
`The panel opinion also says that the district court made findings or un-
`derstood that Cunningham and Moss’s communications with Milum’s were
`directives to weed the 17 disputed books. See Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No.
`164, at 19 (“Although Moss and Cunningham testified that they did not ex-
`pressly direct Milum to permanently remove the books, it was not clear error
`for the district court to understand their communications as instructions to
`do just that.”). But there is nothing in the district court’s opinion that at-
`tempts to characterize Cunningham’s or Moss’s instructions this way, and
`the district court did not make any finding that Milum was instructed by
`Cunningham or Moss (or anyone else) to weed the books. See Fed. R. Civ. P.
`52(a)(2) (requiring district courts to state findings of fact and conclusions of
`law when granting “an interlocutory injunction,” in the same manner as re-
`quired for a bench trial under Rule 52(a)(1)). Milum was instructed to tempo-
`rarily pull the books, not to permanently remove them, and neither the plain-
`tiffs nor the district court disputes this fact.
`ROA.2492 (Moss) (“I never ‘ordered’ or ‘directed’ the removal of any
`book from the library and . . . I have no authority over Ms. Milum’s de-
`cision-making”); ROA.4244 (Moss) (“Q. How many times, if any, did
`you direct Amber Milum to remove a particular book from the Llano
`County Library System? A. I did not direct her to remove any books
`from the library.”).
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 15 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`II. The Panel Opinion’s Rationale
`On March 30, 2023, the district court granted the plaintiffs’ motion for
`preliminary injunction and ruled that the First Amendment prohibits a public
`library from engaging in “content discrimination” or “viewpoint discrimina-
`tion” when weeding books. ROA.3523 (“[T]he First Amendment prohibits
`the removal of books from libraries based on either viewpoint or content dis-
`crimination.”). The district court issued a preliminary injunction that or-
`dered the return of “all print books that were removed because of their view-
`point and content, including” the 17 books at issue in this litigation.
`ROA.3531. The district court’s order also enjoined the defendants from
`“removing any books from the Llano County Library Service’s catalog for
`any reason during the pendency of this action.” ROA.3532.
`The defendants appealed and asked this Court to stay the preliminary in-
`junction and expedite the appeal. See Mot. for Stay, ECF No. 14-1. On May,
`5, 2023, this Court granted the motion to expedite and carried the motion for
`stay pending appeal with the case. See Order, ECF No. 58-2. On June 6,
`2024, a panel of this Court, over dissent, affirmed the preliminary injunction
`with respect to 8 of the 17 disputed books. See Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No.
`164, at 27.
`None of the three judges could agree on the disposition or rationale. The
`lead opinion, authored by Judge Wiener, rejected the district court’s claim
`that the First Amendment bans “content discrimination” in public-library
`weeding decisions. See Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 11 (“[L]ibraries
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 16 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`must consider content to some degree in selecting material.”); id. (“Librari-
`ans may consider books’ contents in making curation decisions.”); id. at 12
`(“[C]ontent is necessarily relevant in removal decisions.”). Instead, Judge
`Wiener opined that public librarians violate the First Amendment if they
`weed a book “with the substantial motivation to prevent access to particular
`points of view.” Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 15. According to Judge
`Wiener, a “motivation is ‘substantial’ when in its absence ‘the opposite deci-
`sion would have been reached.’” Id. at 21–22 (citations omitted). Judge Wie-
`ner would have held that all 17 books were “likely” weeded in violation of the
`First Amendment. See id. at 18–23 & n.12.
`Judge Southwick concurred in part and concurred in the judgment in
`part. His partial concurrence describes the governing standard somewhat dif-
`ferently from Judge Wiener’s lead opinion, declaring that public librarians
`violate the First Amendment by weeding books “‘simply because they dislike
`the ideas contained in those books and seek by their removal to prescribe what
`shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opin-
`ion.’” Lead Panel Opinion, ECF No. 164, at 28 (quoting Campbell v. St.
`Tammany Parish School Board, 64 F.3d 184, 188 (5th Cir. 1995) (emphasis
`added)). In applying this standard, Judge Southwick held that the weeding of
`the seven “butt and fart books” did not violate the First Amendment because
`there was no evidence showing that these books express an “idea” or “view-
`point.” See id. (“I do not find those books were removed on the basis of a dis-
`like for the ideas within them when it has not been shown the books contain
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 17 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`any ideas with which to disagree.”). Judge Southwick also held that the re-
`moval of books containing nudity were constitutionally permissible because
`those books “were removed as part of the library’s efforts to respond to ob-
`jections that certain books promoted grooming and contained sexually explic-
`it material that was not appropriate for children.” Id. at 29–30. But Judge
`Southwick agreed with Judge Wiener that the plaintiffs had shown that the
`remaining eight books were likely weeded in violation of the First Amend-
`Judge Wiener and Judge Southwick also agreed that the district court’s
`preliminary injunction was overbroad, and they vacated the portions of the
`injunction that had ordered the return of “all print books that were removed
`because of their viewpoint or content,” and that restrained the defendants
`from “removing any books from the Llano County Library Service’s catalog
`for any reason during the pendency of this action.” Lead Panel Opinion, ECF
`No. 164, at 25 (internal quotation marks omitted); id. at 27. But the Court
`added a new provision to the injunction that reads as follows:
`Defendants are hereby enjoined from removing any books from
`the Llano County Library Service’s publicly visible and accessi-
`ble shelves and/or searchable catalog without first providing
`Plaintiffs with documentation of (a) the individual who decided
`to remove or conceal the books, and (b) the reason or reasons
`for that removal or concealment.
`Id. at 27.
`Case: 23-50224 Document: 203-1 Page: 18 Date Filed: 08/02/2024
`Judge Duncan dissented, arguing that a public library’s curating deci-
`sions are government speech and that the First Amendment should be inap-
`plicable to a public librarian’s weeding decisions. See id. at 31–76.
`Summary Of Argument
`The en banc court should overrule Campbell v. St. Tammany Parish School
`Board, 64 F.3d 184 (5th Cir. 1995), and hold that a public library’s curating
`decisions are government speech immune from scrutiny under the First
`Amendment. Campbell rejected this idea and held that the constitutionality
`of a library-book removal turns on the “officials’ substantial motivation in
`arriving at the removal decision.” Id. at 190. And this holding from Campbell
`precluded the district court and the three-judge panel from disposing of the
`plaintiffs’ First Amendment claims on government-speech grounds. But the
`en banc court is not constrained by Campbell, and it can and should overrule
`that decision and hold that all acquisition and weeding decisions in public li-
`braries are government speech that cannot be challenged under the First
`Amendment. This follows inevitably from the Supreme Court’s pronounce-
`ment in Moody v. NetChoice, LLC, 144 S. Ct. 2383 (2024), which holds that
`an entity engages in “sp