`This is Marion Regular 24pt with 75% Vertical
`reduction and 100% horizontal.I increased the
`kerning between last L and first L in Law to 50
`J F. M
`Mitchell Law PLLC
`and between L and A 50 as well.
`111 Congress Avenue, Suite 400
`Austin, Texas 78701
`(512) 686 3940-
`The PLLC size ranges from 5pt (2) to 8pt on 4&5.
`(512) 686- 3941
`my favorite location is 2 because of the symmetry
`with the M.
`July 14, 2024
`Lyle W. Cayce
`Clerk of Court
`United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
`F. Edward Hebert Building
`600 South Maestri Place
`New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-3408
`Re: Corrected appellants’ panel brief in Little v. Llano County, et al., No. 23-50224
`(opening brief)
`Here it is with the flipped letter that you suggested.
`Dear Mr. Cayce:
`I like it because of the symmetry. Your call on the location
`The Court has ordered us to submit additional paper copies of our panel-stage briefs to the
`of the PLLC...though I kind of like it over the W or
`en banc court, which are due on July 17, 2024.
`In reviewing our panel-stage briefs, I discovered and corrected some additional
`typographical and citechecking errors that were missed because the original panel-stage
`briefs were filed under a very expedited briefing schedule.
` have attached to this letter a copy of our opening panel-stage brief that corrects these
`mistakes. No substantive changes have been made. The paper copies that we submit on July
`17, 2024, will track the version attached to this letter.
` I
`cc: All counsel (via CM/ECF)
`J F. M
`Mitchell Law PLLC
`Counsel for Defendants-Appellants