State of Texas v. Becerra

23-10246 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit

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Filed March 10, 2023
Terminated Jan. 2, 2024
Judges Southwick, Engelhardt, and Wilson
Nature of Suit 2899 Other Statutes
Original Case 5:22-cv-00185
Last Updated: 4 hours ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
10/7/2024SUPREME COURT ORDER received denying petition for writ of certiorari filed by Appellant Mr. Xavier Becerra in 23-10246 on 10/07/2024. [146] [23-10246] (RA) [Entered: 10/08/2024 08:19 AM]
4/4/2024SUPREME COURT NOTICE that petition for writ of certiorari [145] was filed by Appellant Mr. Xavier Becerra on 04/01/2024. Supreme Court Number: 23-1076. [23-10246] (MFY) [Entered: 04/04/2024 03:45 PM]
2/26/2024MANDATE ISSUED. Mandate issue date satisfied. [23-10246] (MVM) [Entered: 02/26/2024 09:56 AM]
2/2/2024143ATTORNEY NOT PARTICIPATING. Ms. Natalie Thompson is designated as inactive in this case. Reason:counsel no longer with AG's office. [23-10246] (MFY) [Entered: 02/02/2024 11:57 AM]
2/1/2024LETTER filed by Appellee State of Texas Attorney Withdrawal. Date of Service: 02/01/2024 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aden, Aukland-Peck, Brooks, Dewart, Dubner, Eisenberg, Messall, Neil, Perryman, Schaerr, Selden, Squiers, Wheat; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Jackson, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Natalie Deyo Thompson ) [Entered: 02/01/2024 04:21 PM]
1/30/2024140APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Kateland R. Jackson for party(s) Appellee State of Texas, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 01/30/2024 02:36 PM]
1/30/2024APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Kateland R. Jackson ) [Entered: 01/30/2024 11:56 AM]
  • Motion for Judgment
JUDGMENT ENTERED AND FILED. Costs Taxed Against: Each party to bear its own costs on appeal. [23-10246] (RAJ) [Entered: 01/02/2024 01:39 PM]
1/2/2024PUBLISHED OPINION FILED. [23-10246 Affirmed ] Judge: LHS , Judge: KDE , Judge: CTW Mandate issue date is 02/26/2024. (This opinion includes URL material that is archived by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Library, and made available at [23-10246] (RAJ) [Entered: 01/02/2024 01:31 PM]
11/7/2023130ORAL ARGUMENT HEARD before Judges Southwick, Engelhardt, Wilson. Arguing Person Information Updated for: Ryan L. Bangert arguing for Appellee American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists; Arguing Person Information Updated for: McKaye Lea Neumeister arguing for Appellant Xavier Becerra, Appellant Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Appellant Karen L. Tritz, Appellant United States Department of Health and Human Services; Arguing Person Information Updated for: Natalie Deyo Thompson arguing for Appellee State of Texas [23-10246] (SME) [Entered: 11/07/2023 09:11 AM]
10/27/2023128APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Ryan L. Bangert for Appellee Christian Medical & Dental Associations in 23-10246, Attorney Ryan L. Bangert for Appellee American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 10/27/2023 01:57 PM]
10/26/2023APPEARANCE FORM received from Mr. Ryan L. Bangert for American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists and Christian Medical & Dental Associations for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Ryan L. Bangert ) [Entered: 10/26/2023 02:21 PM]
10/20/2023ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND DESIGNATION FORM FILED by Attorney Ms. Natalie Deyo Thompson for Appellee State of Texas [23-10246] (Natalie Deyo Thompson ) [Entered: 10/20/2023 12:06 PM]
10/19/2023ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND DESIGNATION FORM FILED by Attorney Ms. McKaye Lea Neumeister for Appellants Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Ms. Karen L. Tritz, HHS and Mr. David R. Wright [23-10246] (McKaye Lea Neumeister ) [Entered: 10/19/2023 04:13 PM]
10/19/2023ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND DESIGNATION FORM FILED by Attorney Mr. Ryan L. Bangert for Appellees American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists and Christian Medical & Dental Associations [23-10246] (Ryan L. Bangert ) [Entered: 10/19/2023 01:47 PM]
9/28/2023CASE CALENDARED for oral argument on Tuesday, 11/07/2023 in New Orleans in the East Courtroom -- AM session. The courtroom deputy assigned to your case is Shirley M. Engelhardt. See the letter attached for full contact information.. [23-10246] Session 19 (SME) [Entered: 09/28/2023 11:09 AM]
9/20/2023121Paper copies of Brief [119] received as sufficient for LIfe Legal Defense Foundation [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 09/20/2023 09:29 AM]
9/11/2023Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by Life Legal Defense Foundation and Amicus Curiae Life Legal Defense Foundation in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? No They require: Paper copies tendered must match the version of the brief accepted by the court on 7/12/2023 # of Copies Provided: 7. Sufficient Paper Copies of Brief due on 09/18/2023 for Amicus Curiae Life Legal Defense Foundation [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 09/11/2023 03:02 PM]
9/1/2023Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by Life Legal Defense Foundation and Amicus Curiae Life Legal Defense Foundation in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes They require: INSUFFICIENT FOR: WRONG COLOR OF COVERS # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied.. Sufficient Paper Copies of Brief due on 09/06/2023 for Amicus Curiae Life Legal Defense Foundation [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 09/01/2023 02:47 PM]
8/28/2023116Paper copies of Brief [106] received as sufficient. Sufficient Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/28/2023 01:05 PM]
8/24/2023CASE TENTATIVELY calendared for oral argument for the week of 11/06/2023. [23-10246] (CBW) [Entered: 08/24/2023 12:14 PM]
8/24/2023114Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by Minnesota Family Council, National Center for Public Policy Research, Young America's Foundation, Students for Life of America, Advancing American Freedom, 40 Days For Life, American Values, Anglicans For Life, Center For Political Renewal, Center For Urban Renewal And Education, Mr. Charlie Gerow, Christians Engaged, Global Liberty Alliance, International Conference Of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers, James Dobson Family Institute, Missouri Center-Right Coalition, Montana Family Foundation, My Faith Votes, New Jersey Family Policy Center, Frontline Policy Council, Project 21 Black Leadership Network, Samaritan's Purse, Christian Law Association, Cornwall Alliance For The Stewardship Of Creation, Family Foundation and Justice Foundation in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 10:30 AM]
8/24/2023113Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by American Public Health Association, American Medical Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of Pediatrics, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians and Amici Curiae American Public Health Association, American Medical Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of Pediatrics, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and American College of Emergency Physicians in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 10:20 AM]
8/24/2023112Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by Catholic Medical Association, National Catholic Bioethics Center, Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance, Catholic Bar Association, Catholic Benefits Association, Christ Medicus Foundation and National Association of Catholic Nurses-USA in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 10:13 AM]
8/24/2023111Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by Americans United for Life in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 10:07 AM]
8/24/2023110Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by Charlotte Lozier Institute in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 10:05 AM]
8/24/2023109Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by Institute for Faith and Family in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 10:02 AM]
8/24/2023108Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by State of Connecticut, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Oregon, State of Delaware, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of California, State of Hawaii, State of North Carolina, State of Rhode Island, State of Washington, State of New York, State of Colorado, State of Pennsylvania, State of Arizona, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Maine, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, Washington District of Columbia and Amici Curiae State of Connecticut, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Oregon, State of Delaware, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of California, State of Hawaii, State of North Carolina, State of Rhode Island, State of Washington, State of New York, State of Colorado, State of Pennsylvania, State of Arizona, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Maine, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey and Washington District of Columbia in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 09:59 AM]
8/24/2023107Paper copies of Amicus Brief filed by Travis County, Texas, City of Austin, Texas, City and County of San Francisco, California, County of Santa Clara, California, King County, Washington, City of Madison, Wisconsin, County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, County of Marin, California, County of Monterey, California, County of Los Angeles, California, City of Northampton, Massachusetts and City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 09:50 AM]
8/24/2023Paper copies of Appellee Brief filed by Appellees State of Texas, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists and Christian Medical & Dental Associations in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? No They require: Sufficient brief filed 7/6/2023 # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied.. Sufficient Paper Copies of Brief due on 08/29/2023 for Appellees American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Christian Medical & Dental Associations and State of Texas [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 09:27 AM]
8/24/2023105Paper copies of Record Excerpts filed by Appellants Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Mr. Xavier Becerra, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 4. Paper Copies of Record Excerpts due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 09:08 AM]
8/24/2023104Paper copies of Appellant Reply Brief filed by Appellants Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Mr. Xavier Becerra, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. Paper Copies of Brief due deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 09:07 AM]
8/24/2023103Paper copies of Appellant Brief filed by Appellants Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Mr. Xavier Becerra, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright in 23-10246 received. Paper copies match electronic version of document? Yes # of Copies Provided: 7. [23-10246] (KMP) [Entered: 08/24/2023 09:03 AM]
8/17/2023PAPER COPIES REQUESTED for the Amicus Brief filed by State of Connecticut, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Oregon, State of Delaware, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of California, State of Hawaii, State of North Carolina, State of Rhode Island, State of Washington, State of New York, State of Colorado, State of Pennsylvania, State of Arizona, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Maine, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, Washington District of Columbia and Amici Curiae State of Connecticut, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of Oregon, State of Delaware, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of California, State of Hawaii, State of North Carolina, State of Rhode Island, State of Washington, State of New York, State of Colorado, State of Pennsylvania, State of Arizona, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Maine, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey and Washington District of Columbia in 23-10246 [37], Amicus Brief filed by Travis County, Texas, City of Austin, Texas, City and County of San Francisco, California, County of Santa Clara, California, King County, Washington, City of Madison, Wisconsin, County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, County of Marin, California, County of Monterey, California, County of Los Angeles, California, City of Northampton, Massachusetts and City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 23-10246 [36], Record Excerpts filed by Appellants Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Mr. Xavier Becerra, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright in 23-10246 [33], Appellant Brief filed by Appellants Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Mr. Xavier Becerra, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright in 23-10246 [32], Appellant Reply Brief filed by Appellants Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Mr. Xavier Becerra, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright in 23-10246 [95], Amicus Brief filed by Catholic Medical Association, National Catholic Bioethics Center, Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance, Catholic Bar Association, Catholic Benefits Association, Christ Medicus Foundation and National Association of Catholic Nurses-USA in 23-10246 [84], Amicus Brief filed by Americans United for Life in 23-10246 [82], Amicus Brief filed by Charlotte Lozier Institute in 23-10246 [78], Amicus Brief filed by Minnesota Family Council, National Center for Public Policy Research, Young America's Foundation, Students for Life of America, Advancing American Freedom, 40 Days For Life, American Values, Anglicans For Life, Center For Political Renewal, Center For Urban Renewal And Education, Mr. Charlie Gerow, Christians Engaged, Global Liberty Alliance, International Conference Of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers, James Dobson Family Institute, Missouri Center-Right Coalition, Montana Family Foundation, My Faith Votes, New Jersey Family Policy Center, Frontline Policy Council, Project 21 Black Leadership Network, Samaritan's Purse, Christian Law Association, Cornwall Alliance For The Stewardship Of Creation, Family Foundation and Justice Foundation in 23-10246 [75], Amicus Brief filed by Institute for Faith and Family in 23-10246 [74], Amicus Brief filed by Life Legal Defense Foundation and Amicus Curiae Life Legal Defense Foundation in 23-10246 [70], Appellee Brief filed by Appellees State of Texas, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists and Christian Medical & Dental Associations in 23-10246 [60], Amicus Brief filed by American Public Health Association, American Medical Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of Pediatrics, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians and Amici Curiae American Public Health Association, American Medical Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of Pediatrics, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and American College of Emergency Physicians in 23-10246 [51]. Paper Copies of Brief due on 08/22/2023 for Amici Curiae 40 Days For Life, Advancing American Freedom, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Medical Association, American Public Health Association, American Values, Americans United for Life, Anglicans For Life, Catholic Bar Association, Catholic Benefits Association, Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance, Catholic Medical Association, Center For Political Renewal, Center For Urban Renewal And Education, Charlotte Lozier Institute, Christ Medicus Foundation, Christian Law Association, Christians Engaged, City and County of San Francisco, California, City of Austin, Texas, City of Madison, Wisconsin, City of Northampton, Massachusetts, City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cornwall Alliance For The Stewardship Of Creation, County of Los Angeles, California, County of Marin, California, County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, County of Monterey, California, County of Santa Clara, California, Family Foundation, Frontline Policy Council, Charlie Gerow, Global Liberty Alliance, Institute for Faith and Family, International Conference Of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers, James Dobson Family Institute, Justice Foundation, King County, Washington, Life Legal Defense Foundation, Minnesota Family Council, Missouri Center-Right Coalition, Montana Family Foundation, My Faith Votes, National Association of Catholic Nurses-USA, National Catholic Bioethics Center, National Center for Public Policy Research, New Jersey Family Policy Center, Project 21 Black Leadership Network, Samaritan's Purse, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, State of Arizona, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Pennsylvania, State of Rhode Island, State of Washington, Students for Life of America, Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, Travis County, Texas, Washington District of Columbia and Young America's Foundation, Appellees American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Christian Medical & Dental Associations and State of Texas and Appellants Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Karen L. Tritz, United States Department of Health and Human Services and David R. Wright.. Paper Copies of Record Excerpts due on 08/22/2023 for Appellants Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Karen L. Tritz, United States Department of Health and Human Services and David R. Wright. [23-10246] (CBW) [Entered: 08/17/2023 12:10 PM]
  • Reply
Reply Brief deadline satisfied [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: APPELLANT'S REPLY BRIEF FILED by Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright. Date of service: 08/04/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aden, Aukland-Peck, Brooks, Dewart, Dubner, Eisenberg, Messall, Neil, Perryman, Schaerr, Selden, Squiers, Wheat; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Nicholas S. Crown ) [Entered: 08/04/2023 01:56 PM]
7/12/202393APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Cristina Martinez Squiers for party(s) Amicus Curiae Charlotte Lozier Institute, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 07/12/2023 09:22 AM]
7/12/202391APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Steven H. Aden for Amicus Curiae Americans United for Life in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 07/12/2023 09:19 AM]
7/12/202389APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Brennan Tyler Brooks for Amicus Curiae Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops in 23-10246, Attorney Brennan Tyler Brooks for Amicus Curiae National Association of Catholic Nurses-USA in 23-10246, Attorney Brennan Tyler Brooks for Amicus Curiae Christ Medicus Foundation in 23-10246, Attorney Brennan Tyler Brooks for Amicus Curiae National Catholic Bioethics Center in 23-10246, Attorney Brennan Tyler Brooks for Amicus Curiae Catholic Bar Association in 23-10246, Attorney Brennan Tyler Brooks for Amicus Curiae Catholic Benefits Association in 23-10246, Attorney Brennan Tyler Brooks for Amicus Curiae Catholic Medical Association in 23-10246, Attorney Brennan Tyler Brooks for Amicus Curiae Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 07/12/2023 09:17 AM]
7/12/202388APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Deborah Jane Dewart for Amicus Curiae Institute for Faith and Family in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 07/12/2023 08:40 AM]
7/12/202387APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Rebecca R Messall for Amicus Curiae Life Legal Defense Foundation in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 07/12/2023 08:04 AM]
7/10/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Cristina Martinez Squiers ) [Entered: 07/10/2023 11:58 AM]
7/9/2023PROPOSED SUFFICIENT BRIEF filed by Amicus Curiae Life Legal Defense Foundation [70] Date of service: 07/09/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dewart, Dubner, Eisenberg, Messall, Neil, Perryman, Schaerr, Selden, Wheat; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Rebecca R Messall ) [Entered: 07/09/2023 12:31 PM]
7/7/2023AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, National Association of Catholic Nurses-USA, Christ Medicus Foundation, National Catholic Bioethics Center, Catholic Bar Association, Catholic Benefits Association, Catholic Medical Association and Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance. The Consent is Included in the Brief.
# of Copies Provided: 0 [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE, CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASS'N, CATHOLIC BENEFITS ASS'N, CATHOLIC BAR ASS'N, NAT'L CATHOLIC BIOETHICS CENTER, CHRIST MEDICUS FOUNDATION, NAT'L ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC NURSES-USA, and TEXAS CATHOLIC CONFERENCE OF BISHOPS. Date of service: 07/07/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dewart, Dubner, Eisenberg, Messall, Neil, Perryman, Schaerr, Selden, Wheat; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Brennan Tyler Brooks ) [Entered: 07/07/2023 11:47 PM]
7/7/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Brennan Tyler Brooks ) [Entered: 07/07/2023 10:53 PM]
7/7/2023AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Americans United for Life. The Consent is Included in the Brief.
# of Copies Provided: 0 [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Amicus Americans United for Life. Date of service: 07/07/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dewart, Dubner, Eisenberg, Messall, Neil, Perryman, Schaerr, Selden, Wheat; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Steven H. Aden ) [Entered: 07/07/2023 04:24 PM]
7/7/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Steven H. Aden ) [Entered: 07/07/2023 04:23 PM]
7/7/202379APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Gene C. Schaerr for Amicus Curiae Charlotte Lozier Institute in 23-10246 [23-10246] (CAS) [Entered: 07/07/2023 03:30 PM]
7/7/2023AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Charlotte Lozier Institute. The Consent is Included in the Brief.
# of Copies Provided: 0 [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Charlotte Lozier Institute. Date of service: 07/07/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dewart, Dubner, Eisenberg, Messall, Neil, Perryman, Selden, Wheat; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Gene C. Schaerr ) [Entered: 07/07/2023 02:35 PM]
7/7/202376APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Young America's Foundation in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Justice Foundation in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Family Foundation in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Cornwall Alliance For The Stewardship Of Creation in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Christian Law Association in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Students for Life of America in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Samaritan's Purse in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Project 21 Black Leadership Network in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Frontline Policy Council in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae New Jersey Family Policy Center in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae National Center for Public Policy Research in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae My Faith Votes in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Montana Family Foundation in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Missouri Center-Right Coalition in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Minnesota Family Council in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae James Dobson Family Institute in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae International Conference Of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Global Liberty Alliance in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Christians Engaged in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Charlie Gerow in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Center For Urban Renewal And Education in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Center For Political Renewal in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Anglicans For Life in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae American Values in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae 40 Days For Life in 23-10246, Attorney John Marc Wheat for Amicus Curiae Advancing American Freedom in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 07/07/2023 01:11 PM]
7/7/2023AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Young America's Foundation, Justice Foundation, Family Foundation, Cornwall Alliance For The Stewardship Of Creation, Christian Law Association, Students for Life of America, Samaritan's Purse, Project 21 Black Leadership Network, Frontline Policy Council, New Jersey Family Policy Center, National Center for Public Policy Research, My Faith Votes, Montana Family Foundation, Missouri Center-Right Coalition, Minnesota Family Council, James Dobson Family Institute, International Conference Of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers, Global Liberty Alliance, Christians Engaged, Mr. Charlie Gerow, Center For Urban Renewal And Education, Center For Political Renewal, Anglicans For Life, American Values, 40 Days For Life and Advancing American Freedom. The Consent is Included in the Brief.
# of Copies Provided: 0 [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Advancing American Freedom, Inc. et amici. Date of service: 07/07/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dubner, Eisenberg, Neil, Perryman, Selden; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (John Marc Wheat ) [Entered: 07/07/2023 08:39 AM]
7/7/2023AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Institute for Faith and Family. The Consent is Included in the Brief.
# of Copies Provided: 0 [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Institute for Faith and Family. Date of service: 07/07/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dubner, Eisenberg, Neil, Perryman, Selden; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Deborah Jane Dewart ) [Entered: 07/07/2023 08:13 AM]
7/7/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Deborah Jane Dewart ) [Entered: 07/07/2023 08:10 AM]
7/6/2023CLERK ORDER granting in part Motion to extend time to file reply brief filed by Appellants Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Mr. Xavier Becerra, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright [63] Reply Brief deadline updated to 08/04/2023 for Appellants Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Karen L. Tritz, United States Department of Health and Human Services and David R. Wright [23-10246] (MFY) [Entered: 07/06/2023 03:53 PM]
AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Life Legal Defense Foundation. The Consent is Included in the Brief.
# of Copies Provided: 0
Sufficient Brief deadline satisfied [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Life Legal Defense Foundation. The Consent is Included in the Brief. Additionally the Brief requires INSUFFICIENT FOR: COVER MUST STATE WHETHER BRIEF SUPPORTS AFFIRMANCE OR REVERSAL; COVER MUST ALSO IDENTIFY PARTY SUPPORTED. Instructions to Attorney: PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED NOTICE FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO REMEDY THE DEFAULT. # of Copies Provided: 0 Sufficient Brief due on 07/21/2023 for Amicus Curiae Life Legal Defense Foundation. [23-10246] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Life Legal Defense Foundation. Date of service: 07/06/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dubner, Eisenberg, Neil, Perryman, Selden; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson [23-10246] (Rebecca R Messall ) [Entered: 07/06/2023 03:21 PM]
7/6/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Rebecca R Messall ) [Entered: 07/06/2023 03:15 PM]
7/6/2023PROPOSED SUFFICIENT BRIEF filed by Appellees State of Texas, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists and Christian Medical & Dental Associations [60] Date of service: 07/06/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dubner, Eisenberg, Neil, Perryman, Selden; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Natalie Deyo Thompson ) [Entered: 07/06/2023 02:52 PM]
7/5/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Gene C. Schaerr ) [Entered: 07/05/2023 02:52 PM]
7/5/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (John Marc Wheat ) [Entered: 07/05/2023 01:54 PM]
  • Motion
UNOPPOSED MOTION filed by Appellants Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright to extend time to file reply brief until 08/21/2023 [63]. Date of service: 07/03/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dubner, Eisenberg, Neil, Perryman, Selden; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (McKaye Lea Neumeister ) [Entered: 07/03/2023 03:30 PM]
7/3/202362EXTENSION RECEIVED for Appellants Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Ms. Karen L. Tritz, HHS and Mr. David R. Wright. Extension Denied Reason: Motion Required. [23-10246] (MFY) [Entered: 07/03/2023 01:44 PM]
7/3/2023UNOPPOSED LEVEL 1 EXTENSION REQUESTED by Appellants Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright for filing Appellants' Reply Brief until 08/21/2023 [23-10246] (McKaye Lea Neumeister ) [Entered: 07/03/2023 11:10 AM]
6/30/2023SUFFICIENT APPELLEE'S BRIEF FILED # of Copies Provided: 0 Sufficient Brief deadline satisfied [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: APPELLEE'S BRIEF FILED by State of Texs, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists and Christian Medical & Dental Associations. Additionally the Brief requires corrections to record citations. # of Copies Provided: 0 E/Res's Brief deadline satisfied. Sufficient Brief due on 07/20/2023 for Appellees American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Christian Medical & Dental Associations and State of Texas.. Reply Brief due on 07/21/2023 for Appellants Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Karen L. Tritz, United States Department of Health and Human Services and David R. Wright [23-10246] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: APPELLEE'S BRIEF FILED by State of Texas. Date of service: 06/30/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dubner, Eisenberg, Neil, Perryman, Selden; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Natalie Deyo Thompson ) [Entered: 06/30/2023 05:55 PM]
5/26/2023CLERK ORDER granting Motion to extend time to file appellee's brief filed by Appellee State of Texas [58] Appellee's Brief due on 06/30/2023 for Appellees American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Christian Medical & Dental Associations and State of Texas [23-10246] (MVM) [Entered: 05/26/2023 11:00 AM]
  • Motion
UNOPPOSED MOTION filed by Appellee State of Texas to extend time to file brief of appellee until 06/30/2023 [58]. Date of service: 05/26/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dubner, Eisenberg, Neil, Perryman, Selden; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Natalie Deyo Thompson ) [Entered: 05/26/2023 10:42 AM]
5/15/2023PROPOSED SUFFICIENT BRIEF filed by Amici Curiae Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, American Public Health Association, American Medical Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Emergency Physicians and American Academy of Pediatrics [51] Date of service: 05/15/2023 via email - Attorney for Amici Curiae: Aukland-Peck, Dubner, Eisenberg, Neil, Perryman, Selden; Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Shannon Rose Selden ) [Entered: 05/15/2023 04:44 PM]
5/10/202355APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Skye Lynn Perryman for party(s) Amicus Curiae American Academy of Pediatrics Amicus Curiae American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Amicus Curiae American Public Health Association Amicus Curiae American College of Emergency Physicians Amicus Curiae American Medical Association Amicus Curiae Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (CMC) [Entered: 05/10/2023 03:04 PM]
5/10/202354APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Jeffrey B. Dubner for party(s) Amicus Curiae American Academy of Pediatrics Amicus Curiae American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Amicus Curiae American Public Health Association Amicus Curiae American College of Emergency Physicians Amicus Curiae American Medical Association Amicus Curiae Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (CMC) [Entered: 05/10/2023 03:00 PM]
5/10/202353APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Shannon Rose Selden for Amicus Curiae Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine in 23-10246, Attorney Shannon Rose Selden for Amicus Curiae American Public Health Association in 23-10246, Attorney Shannon Rose Selden for Amicus Curiae American Medical Association in 23-10246, Attorney Shannon Rose Selden for Amicus Curiae American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 23-10246, Attorney Shannon Rose Selden for Amicus Curiae American College of Emergency Physicians in 23-10246, Attorney Shannon Rose Selden for Amicus Curiae American Academy of Pediatrics in 23-10246 [23-10246] (CMC) [Entered: 05/10/2023 02:58 PM]
5/10/202352APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Adam B. Aukland-Peck for party(s) Amicus Curiae American Academy of Pediatrics Amicus Curiae American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Amicus Curiae American Public Health Association Amicus Curiae American College of Emergency Physicians Amicus Curiae American Medical Association Amicus Curiae Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (CMC) [Entered: 05/10/2023 02:56 PM]
5/10/202349APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Amy Snow Hilton for party(s) Appellee State of Texas, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (MVM) [Entered: 05/10/2023 02:18 PM]
5/9/202347APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae City and County of San Francisco, California in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae City of Northampton, Massachusetts in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae City of Madison, Wisconsin in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae City of Austin, Texas in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae County of Los Angeles, California in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae County of Monterey, California in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae County of Marin, California in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae King County, Washington in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae Travis County, Texas in 23-10246, Attorney Rachel Neil for Amicus Curiae County of Santa Clara, California in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 05/09/2023 03:17 PM]
5/9/202345APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae Washington District of Columbia in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Washington in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Rhode Island in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Pennsylvania in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Oregon in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of North Carolina in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of New Mexico in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of New Jersey in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Nevada in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Minnesota in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Michigan in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Massachusetts in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Maryland in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Maine in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Illinois in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Hawaii in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Delaware in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Connecticut in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Colorado in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of Arizona in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of New York in 23-10246, Attorney Karli Eisenberg for Amicus Curiae State of California in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 05/09/2023 03:15 PM]
5/9/2023PROPOSED SUFFICIENT BRIEF filed by Travis County, Texas, City of Austin, Texas, City and County of San Francisco, California, County of Santa Clara, California, King County, Washington, City of Madison, Wisconsin, County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, County of Marin, California, County of Monterey, California, County of Los Angeles, California, City of Northampton, Massachusetts and City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 23-10246 [36] Brief has been deemed sufficient. Sufficient Brief deadline satisfied [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 05/09/2023 02:24 PM]
5/9/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Skye Lynn Perryman ) [Entered: 05/09/2023 02:04 PM]
5/9/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Jeffrey B. Dubner ) [Entered: 05/09/2023 01:45 PM]
5/9/2023PROPOSED SUFFICIENT BRIEF filed by Amici Curiae Washington District of Columbia, State of Washington, State of Rhode Island, State of Pennsylvania, State of Oregon, State of North Carolina, State of New Mexico, State of New Jersey, State of Nevada, State of Minnesota, State of Michigan, State of Massachusetts, State of Maryland, State of Maine, State of Illinois, State of Hawaii, State of Delaware, State of Connecticut, State of Colorado, State of Arizona, State of New York and State of California [37] Date of service: 05/09/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab; Attorney for Amici Curiae: Eisenberg, Neil [23-10246] (Karli Eisenberg ) [Entered: 05/09/2023 11:32 AM]
AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Medical Association, American Public Health Association and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. The Consent is Included in the Brief.

Sufficient Brief deadline satisfied [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, American Public Health Association, American Medical Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Emergency Physicians and American Academy of Pediatrics. The Consent is Included in the Brief. Additionally the Brief requires title does not agree with the caption of the case; the cover of the brief must indicate whether the brief supports affirmance or reversal.. Instructions to Attorney: PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED NOTICE FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO REMEDY THE DEFAULT. Sufficient Brief due on 05/24/2023 for Amici Curiae American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Medical Association, American Public Health Association and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. [23-10246] (MVM) [Entered: 05/10/2023 02:45 PM]
5/8/2023DOCUMENT RECEIVED - NO ACTION TAKEN. No action will be taken at this time on the Motion for leave to file an amicus brief because it is unnecessary as the the amici parties have consent from all parties on appeal to file the brief. [23-10246] (MVM) [Entered: 05/10/2023 02:32 PM]
5/8/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Shannon Rose Selden ) [Entered: 05/08/2023 09:16 PM]
5/8/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Adam B. Aukland-Peck ) [Entered: 05/08/2023 08:58 PM]
AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by State of Arizona, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Pennsylvania, State of Rhode Island, State of Washington and Washington District of Columbia. The Consent is Included in the Brief.
# of Copies Provided: 0
Sufficient Brief deadline satisfied [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by Washington District of Columbia, State of Washington, State of Rhode Island, State of Pennsylvania, State of Oregon, State of North Carolina, State of New Mexico, State of New Jersey, State of Nevada, State of Minnesota, State of Michigan, State of Massachusetts, State of Maryland, State of Maine, State of Illinois, State of Hawaii, State of Delaware, State of Connecticut, State of Colorado, State of Arizona, State of New York and State of California. Consent is Not Necessary as Amicus is a Government Entity. Additionally the Brief requires INSUFFICIENT FOR: COVER DOES NOT STATE AFFIRMANCE OR REVERSAL. Instructions to Attorney: PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED NOTICE FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO REMEDY THE DEFAULT. # of Copies Provided: 0 Sufficient Brief due on 05/23/2023 for Amici Curiae State of California, State of New York, State of Arizona, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Pennsylvania, State of Rhode Island, State of Washington and Washington District of Columbia. [23-10246] REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by CALIFORNIA, NEW YORK, ARIZONA, COLORADO, CONNECTICUT, DELAWARE, HAWAI'I, ILLINOIS, MAINE, MARYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, NEVADA, NEW JERSEY, NEW MEXICO, NORTH CAROLINA, OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, AND THE DISTRICT OF COL. Date of service: 05/08/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Karli Eisenberg ) [Entered: 05/08/2023 07:11 PM]
5/8/2023SUFFICIENT AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by City and County of San Francisco, California, City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, City of Northampton, Massachusetts, City of Madison, Wisconsin, City of Austin, Texas, County of Los Angeles, California, County of Monterey, California, County of Marin, California, County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, King County, Washington, Travis County, Texas and County of Santa Clara, California. The Consent is Included in the Brief.
Sufficient Brief due on 05/23/2023 for Amici Curiae County of Santa Clara, California, Travis County, Texas, King County, Washington, County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, County of Marin, California, County of Monterey, California, County of Los Angeles, California, City of Austin, Texas, City of Madison, Wisconsin, City of Northampton, Massachusetts, City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and City and County of San Francisco, California. [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF FILED by County of Santa Clara, California and 11 Additional Cities And Counties. Date of service: 05/08/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (Rachel Neil ) [Entered: 05/08/2023 05:06 PM]
5/8/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Rachel Neil ) [Entered: 05/08/2023 05:01 PM]
5/8/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Karli Eisenberg ) [Entered: 05/08/2023 03:29 PM]
5/1/2023RECORD EXCERPTS FILED. # of Copies Provided: 0 [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: RECORD EXCERPTS FILED by Appellants Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright. Date of service: 05/01/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (McKaye Lea Neumeister ) [Entered: 05/01/2023 04:49 PM]
5/1/2023APPELLANT'S BRIEF FILED # of Copies Provided: 0
A/Pet's Brief deadline satisfied. Appellee's Brief due on 05/31/2023 for Appellees American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Christian Medical & Dental Associations and State of Texas [23-10246]
REVIEWED AND/OR EDITED - The original text prior to review appeared as follows: APPELLANT'S BRIEF FILED by Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS, Ms. Karen L. Tritz and Mr. David R. Wright. Date of service: 05/01/2023 via email - Attorney for Appellees: Bangert, Baumgardner, Blake, Bowman, Bursch, Hilton, Thompson; Attorney for Appellants: Crown, Healy, Neumeister, Raab [23-10246] (McKaye Lea Neumeister ) [Entered: 05/01/2023 04:46 PM]
3/27/202331APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Christopher D. Hilton for Appellee State of Texas in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 03/27/2023 08:26 AM]
3/22/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Amy Snow Hilton ) [Entered: 03/22/2023 05:10 PM]
3/22/202328APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Julie Marie Blake for party(s) Appellee Christian Medical & Dental Associations Appellee American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 03/22/2023 01:51 PM]
3/22/2023BRIEFING NOTICE ISSUED A/Pet's Brief Due on 05/01/2023 for Appellants Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Karen L. Tritz, United States Department of Health and Human Services and David R. Wright. [23-10246] (DDL) [Entered: 03/22/2023 12:54 PM]
3/22/202326ELECTRONIC RECORD ON APPEAL FILED. Admitted Exhibits on File in District Court? No. Video/Audio Exhibits on File in District Court? No Electronic ROA deadline satisfied. [23-10246] (DDL) [Entered: 03/22/2023 12:53 PM]
3/21/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Julie Marie Blake ) [Entered: 03/21/2023 01:54 PM]
3/21/202323APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) John J. Bursch for party(s) Appellee Christian Medical & Dental Associations Appellee American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 03/21/2023 01:20 PM]
3/21/202322APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Michael S. Raab for Appellant David R. Wright in 23-10246, Attorney Michael S. Raab for Appellant Karen L. Tritz in 23-10246, Attorney Michael S. Raab for Appellant Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 23-10246, Attorney Michael S. Raab for Appellant HHS in 23-10246, Attorney Michael S. Raab for Appellant Xavier Becerra in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 03/21/2023 12:35 PM]
3/21/202320APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney Nicholas S. Crown for Appellant David R. Wright in 23-10246, Attorney Nicholas S. Crown for Appellant Karen L. Tritz in 23-10246, Attorney Nicholas S. Crown for Appellant Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 23-10246, Attorney Nicholas S. Crown for Appellant HHS in 23-10246, Attorney Nicholas S. Crown for Appellant Xavier Becerra in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 03/21/2023 11:58 AM]
3/21/202318APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney McKaye Lea Neumeister for Appellant David R. Wright in 23-10246, Attorney McKaye Lea Neumeister for Appellant Karen L. Tritz in 23-10246, Attorney McKaye Lea Neumeister for Appellant Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 23-10246, Attorney McKaye Lea Neumeister for Appellant HHS in 23-10246, Attorney McKaye Lea Neumeister for Appellant Xavier Becerra in 23-10246 [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 03/21/2023 11:12 AM]
3/20/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (John J. Bursch ) [Entered: 03/20/2023 05:42 PM]
3/20/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Michael S. Raab ) [Entered: 03/20/2023 10:16 AM]
3/20/2023APPEARANCE FORM received from Mr. Nicholas S. Crown for Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Ms. Karen L. Tritz, HHS and Mr. David R. Wright for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Nicholas S. Crown ) [Entered: 03/20/2023 09:49 AM]
3/20/2023APPEARANCE FORM received from Ms. McKaye Lea Neumeister for Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Ms. Karen L. Tritz, HHS and Mr. David R. Wright for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (McKaye Lea Neumeister ) [Entered: 03/20/2023 09:38 AM]
3/20/202312APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Matthew Scott Bowman for party(s) Appellee Christian Medical & Dental Associations Appellee American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (PAC) [Entered: 03/20/2023 08:20 AM]
3/20/202311APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Sara Baumgardner for party(s) Appellee State of Texas, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (PAC) [Entered: 03/20/2023 08:18 AM]
3/20/202310APPEARANCE FORM FILED by Attorney(s) Natalie Deyo Thompson for party(s) Appellee State of Texas, in case 23-10246 [23-10246] (PAC) [Entered: 03/20/2023 08:16 AM]
3/17/20239ELECTRONIC RECORD ON APPEAL REQUESTED from District Court for 5:22-CV-185. Electronic ROA due on 04/03/2023. [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 03/17/2023 02:35 PM]
3/17/2023INITIAL CASE CHECK by Attorney Advisor complete. Action: Case OK to Process. [8] Initial AA Check Due satisfied. [23-10246] (RSM) [Entered: 03/17/2023 02:33 PM]
3/17/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Matthew Scott Bowman ) [Entered: 03/17/2023 12:49 PM]
3/17/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? No. [23-10246] (Sara Baumgardner ) [Entered: 03/17/2023 09:13 AM]
3/17/2023APPEARANCE FORM for the court's review. Lead Counsel? Yes. [23-10246] (Natalie Deyo Thompson ) [Entered: 03/17/2023 09:10 AM]
3/10/2023US CIVIL CASE docketed. NOA filed by Appellants Mr. Xavier Becerra, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Ms. Karen L. Tritz, HHS and Mr. David R. Wright [23-10246] (MVM) [Entered: 03/10/2023 01:55 PM]