USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 1 of 34
`No. 24-5205
`United States Court of Appeals
`for the District of Columbia Circuit
`– v. –
`On Appeal From a Final Judgment of the United States
`District Court for the District of Columbia (Cobb, J.)
`Daniel J. Davis
`Neal S. Mehrotra (admission pending)
`1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW – Suite
`Washington, DC 20006
`Tel.: 202-625-3500
`Fax: 202-298-7570
` Counsel for Amicus Curiae


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 2 of 34
`Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 26.1 and D.C. Circuit
`Rule 26.1, amicus curiae states that ForecastEx, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of
`Interactive Brokers Group, Inc and that no publicly traded company owns 10% or more
`of the stock of Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.
`Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 29(a)(2) and D.C. Circuit
`Rule 29(b), amicus curiae states that all parties to this proceeding have consented to the
`filing of this brief.


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 3 of 34
`TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ............................................................................................. iii
`GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................... vii
`STATEMENT OF INTEREST OF AMICUS CURIAE ............................................... 1
`ARGUMENT ......................................................................................................................... 3
`A. Election-based contracts reflect archetypical speech on matters of
`public concern within the First Amendment because of the interests
`of both the speaker (each market participant and ForecastEx) and the
`audience (the public) ....................................................................................... 6
`1. The CFTC’s content-based restriction fails strict scrutiny ............. 9
`The CEA and CFTC rules have significant and meaningful
`requirements to protect market and product integrity .............................. 12
`Any Attempted Manipulation Would Be Ephemeral and Self-
`Correcting. …………………………………………………….17
`The CFTC’s concerns about spread of disinformation did not pan
`B. The CFTC provides no support to substantiate its concern that allowing
`listing of election-based contracts would turn it into an election cop.
`CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 24
`CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE .............................................................................. 25
`CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ......................................................................................... 26


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`Brooklyn Branch of NAACP v Kosinski,
`657 F. Supp. 3d 504 (S.D.N.Y 2023) .............................................................................. 7
`Comcast Corp. v. F.C.C.,
`579 F.3d 1 (D.C. Cir. 2009) ........................................................................................... 23
`Connick v. Myers,
`461 U.S. 138 (1983) .......................................................................................................... 6
`Citizens United v. Federal Election Comm'n,
`558 U.S. 310 (2010) .................................................................................................... 9,10
`Daily Herald Co. v. Munro,
`838 F.2d 380 (9th Cir. 1988) .................................................................................. 7, 9,10
`First National Bank of Boston. v. Bellotti,
`435 U.S. 765 (1978) .......................................................................................................... 9
`Garrison v. Louisiana,
`379 U.S. 64 (1964) ............................................................................................................ 6
`Hurley v. Irish-Am. Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Grp.,
`515 U.S. 557 (1995) ...................................................................................................... 7, 8
`Jian Zhang v. Inc.,
`10 F. Supp. 3d 433 (S.D.N.Y. 2014) ............................................................................... 8
`Kleindienst v. Mandel,
`408 U.S. 753 (1972) .......................................................................................................... 9
`McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Comm’,
`514 U.S. 334 (1995) .......................................................................................................... 6
`Mills v. Alabama,
`384 U.S. 214 (1966) .......................................................................................................... 6
`Nat’l Tel. Co-op. Ass’n v. FCC,
`563 F.3d 536 (D.C. Cir. 2009) ....................................................................................... 19


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`New York Times Co. v. Sullivan,
`376 U.S. 254 (1964) .......................................................................................................... 6
`Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Pittsburgh Comm'n on Hum. Rels,
`413 U.S. 376 (1973) .......................................................................................................... 6
`Public Citizen v. U.S. Department of Justice,
`491 U.S. 440 (1973) .......................................................................................................... 5
`Realtors v. HHS,
`141 S. Ct. 2485 (2021)... ................................................................................................. 22
`Reed v. Town of Gilbert,
`576 U.S. 155 (2015) .......................................................................................................... 9
`Sorenson Communications, Inc. v. FCC,
`755 F.3d 702 (D.C. Cir. 2014) ................................................................................. 15, 21
`Sorrell v. IMS Health, Inc.,
`564 U.S. 552 (2011) .......................................................................................................... 7
`United States v. Alvarez,
`567 U.S. 709 (2012) ........................................................................................................ 11
`United States v. Jin Fuey Moy,
`241 U.S. 394 (1916) .......................................................................................................... 5
`United States v. Rumely.,
`345 U.S. 41 (1953) ............................................................................................................ 5
`Vanasco v. Schwartz,
`401 F. Supp. 87 (S.D.N.Y 1975) ................................................................................... 10
`Virginia Petroleum Jobbers v. FPC,
`259 F.2d 921 (D.C. Cir. 1958) ...................................................................................... 23
`West Virginia v. EPA,
`142 S. Ct. 2587 (2022) .................................................................................................... 22
`Wisconsin Gas Co. v. FERC,
`758 F.2d 669 (D.C. Cir. 1985) ...................................................................................... 23


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`WMATA v. Holiday Tours, Inc.,
`559 F.2d 841 (D.C. Cir. 1977) ....................................................................................... 23
`7 U.S.C. § 7a-2(c)(5)(C)(i)(I) .................................................................................................. 1
`7 U.S.C. § 7a-2 (c)(5)(C)(i)(V) ............................................................................................... 1
`7 U.S.C. § 9 ............................................................................................................................ 14
`7 U.S.C. § 13(a)(2) ................................................................................................................. 14
`17 C.F.R. § 38 ........................................................................................................................ 13
`17 C.F.R. § 38.150 ................................................................................................................ 12
`17 C.F.R. § 38.200 ................................................................................................................ 12
`17 C.F.R. § 38.250 ................................................................................................................ 12
`Other Sources
`D.C. Cir. R. 41(a)(2) ............................................................................................................. 23
`ForecastEx LLC Rulebook (Sept. 17, 2024)
` .............................................................................. 13
`FY 2023 Enforcement Results, CFTC PRESS RELEASE (Nov. 7, 2023)
` .................................... 14
`Niall Ferguson & Manny Rincon-Cruz, How the Trump Whale and Prediction Markets Beat
`the Pollsters in 2024, WALL ST. J. (Nov. 15, 2024) .......................................... 16, 19, 20


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 7 of 34
`Paul Rhode and Koleman Strumpf, Historical Presidential Betting Markets. JOURNAL OF
`ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Spring 2004).......................................... 18
`Ryan Oprea, Robin Hanson, and David Porter, Information Aggregation and Manipulation
`60 (2006) ...................................................................................................................... 18,19
`Tyler Yeargain, The Rise of Fake Polls and the Case for Criminal Liability, 85 MO.L.REV.
`129 (2020) ........................................................................................................................ 21


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`Commodity Futures Trading Commission
`Commodity Exchange Act
`Designated Contract Markets
`Gross Domestic Product
`Federal Election Commission
`Securities and Exchange Commission


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 9 of 34
`Amicus curiae ForecastEx, LLC (ForecastEx) is a CFTC-registered Designated
`Contract Market (DCM) and Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO). It is subject to
`the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA), including the CEA’s special rule for the review
`of event contracts that authorizes the CFTC to review and prohibit trading in event
`contracts that are contrary to the public interest, if (and only if) those contracts involve
`specific activities including “activity that is unlawful under any Federal or State law” or
`“gaming.” 7 U.S.C. §§ 7a-2(c)(5)(C)(i)(I),(V).
`ForecastEx started providing access to ForecastEx election-based forecast
`contracts for eligible customers in October 2024 after this Court denied the CFTC’s
`motion to stay the district court’s decision pending appeal. These include contracts
`concerning the outcome of the presidential election, control of the Senate, control of
`the House, and the outcome of key congressional races. The addition of election-based
`contracts allowed US-based investors to trade their predictions on these political
`outcomes, alongside contracts ForecastEx already offered on economic data releases
`and climate indicators, through the ForecastEx exchange. Like ForecastEx’s other
`* All parties consent to the filing of this brief. No counsel for any party in this case
`authored this brief in whole or in part. No person or entity—other than amicus and its
`counsel—made a monetary contribution specifically for the preparation or submission
`of this brief. Counsel for ForecastEx certify that, to their knowledge, no other amicus
`brief focuses on the same issues as this brief or the unique perspective amicus provides
`on the First Amendment and public interest analysis.


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 10 of 34
`contracts, the election-based contracts give participants a powerful tool to manage the
`risk associated with uncertainty that affects their business operations and investment
`portfolios. Participants’ trades express their views on key global events. The aggregation
`of these views reflects a consensus view on the probability of a certain election outcome
`derived from the collective wisdom of entities and individuals who have economic
`stakes in making accurate predictions. That wisdom is available in the form of contract
`prices to the public, including politicians and key decisionmakers.
`ForecastEx has a strong interest in the use of all event contracts, including
`political event contracts. As of November 6, 2024, ForecastEx hosted over $560 million
`of trades in presidential election contracts since early October.
`ForecastEx’s bottom line and ability to appeal to the public will be impaired if
`the CFTC’s statutory interpretation and public interest determinations prevail. If
`allowed to proceed, ForecastEx and other prediction markets will be increasingly
`utilized by the public based on demonstrated success and increasingly appreciated as a
`valuable tool that offers unique data and insights that, as recent experience confirms,
`cannot be captured by traditional mediums like polling.


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 11 of 34
`ForecastEx agrees with the District Court and Kalshi’s analysis that the CEA’s
`special rule that gives the CFTC authority to regulate certain event contracts that are
`against the public interest does not apply to election-based event contracts.
`However, even assuming arguendo that this Court finds the statutory construction
`arguments presented by both parties plausible, under the Supreme Court’s application
`of constitutional avoidance, it must reject the CFTC’s interpretation because that
`interpretation raises serious First Amendment issues. The First Amendment protects
`speech on matters of public concern such as predictions about elections expressed
`through the purchase of ForecastEx contracts. The First Amendment protects such
`speech no less than a newspaper op-ed predicting a political victory or defeat. The
`aggregation of the views of all the traders into a contract price reflecting a collective
`probabilistic assessment about an election outcome is likewise protected by the First
`Amendment. The First Amendment also supports the rights of the public to receive
`and then use this election-related information to make important decisions.
`The CFTC’s restriction is content-based because it excludes only election-based
`event contracts. This content-based restriction on a matter of public concern fails strict
`scrutiny for three reasons.
`First, insulating voters from outside influences based on concerns about how
`people will react to the information is not a compelling governmental interest. Second,


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 12 of 34
`even assuming “election integrity” constitutes a valid governmental interest, the
`Government has less restrictive means to achieve that interest. Indeed, the Government
`has provided no evidence to undercut the myriad comments and empirical data
`provided to it by commenters that market manipulation is self-correcting because it
`induces informed traders to enter the market. Third, even assuming the CFTC’s
`restriction does advance the Government’s interest, it is fatally underinclusive because
`it fails to reach much of the speech that implicates the Government’s interest in
`protecting election integrity. This is the case because there is a plethora of inaccurate
`existing information in the election prediction ambit including punditry, polls, and
`models that predict results and that could be used “in ways that would have an adverse
`effect on the integrity of elections, or the perception of integrity of elections.” App.
`Separately, even if this Court disagrees that the CFTC’s interpretation raises a
`serious First Amendment doubt and decides to reach the CFTC’s public interest
`determination, it should nevertheless affirm the District Court’s judgment because
`ForecastEx’s experience with political event contracts refutes the CFTC’s thinly
`supported public interest analysis. The CFTC’s election integrity concerns are
`speculative and belied by ForecastEx’s experience with these contracts as well as the
`history discussed in detail by several commenters that shows that in the United States
`and worldwide, election trading has not resulted in manipulation or fraud. The CFTC
`fails to present a reasoned basis to disregard this evidence or to explain why traditional


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 13 of 34
`tools and requirements for regulating market manipulation under the CFTC’s current
`regime, including criminal penalties, are insufficient. There is no evidence to support
`the CFTC’s cursory assertion that allowing election contracts to trade will force it to
`regulate elections. To the contrary, the CFTC has not become entangled in policing the
`production, warehousing, and transportation of agricultural and energy products or any
`other area related to a derivative contract under its purview.
` “A statute must be construed, if fairly possible, so as to avoid not only the
`conclusion that it is unconstitutional but also grave doubts upon that score.” United
`States v. Jin Fuey Moy, 241 U.S. 394, 401 (1916); see also Public Citizen v. U.S. Department of
`Justice, 491 U.S. 440, 455, 462–63, 466 (1989) (rejecting “plain-meaning” rule to avoid
`constitutional difficulties). The Supreme Court has repeatedly reaffirmed constitutional
`avoidance in the First Amendment ambit. For example, in United States v. Rumely, 345
`U.S. 41, 47 (1953), it interpreted the phrase “lobbying activities” in a resolution passed
`by Congress to avoid an interpretation that would create a serious constitutional doubt
`by proscribing conduct protected by the First Amendment.1 Here Congress has not
`1 Its rationale rested in part on separation of powers considerations: “Whenever
`constitutional limits upon the investigative power of Congress have to be drawn by this
`Court, it ought only to be done after Congress has demonstrated its full awareness of
`what is at stake by unequivocally authorizing an inquiry of dubious limits.” Id. at 46.


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 14 of 34
`delegated to the CFTC the authority to challenge the boundaries of the First
`Amendment and the CFTC must not do so.
`A. Election-based Contracts Reflect Archetypical Speech on Matters
`of Public Concern Within the First Amendment because of the
`Interests of both the Speaker (each market participant and
`ForecastEx) and the Audience (the public).
`The First Amendment reflects the “profound national commitment” to the
`principle that “debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open,”
`New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 270 (1964), because speech on matters of
`public concern “is more than self-expression; it is the essence of self-government,”
`Garrison v. Louisiana, 379 U.S. 64, 74–75 (1964). Accordingly, speech on public issues
`occupies the “highest rung of the hierarchy of First Amendment values” and is entitled
`to “special protection.” Connick v. Myers, 461 U.S. 138, 145 (1983). Speech about
`elections, candidates, and governmental affairs is “core political speech.” McIntyre v. Ohio
`Elections Comm’n, 514 U.S. 334, 347 (1995); see also Mills v. Alabama, 384 U.S. 214, 218
`(1966). Thus, ForecastEx’s election-based contracts address matters of public
`importance under the First Amendment. As the District Court explained, Kalshi’s
`contracts “involve elections (and politics, congressional control, and other related
`topics)” but “not illegal activities.” App. 106, 111. Importantly, profit motive plays no
`role in the First Amendment inquiry. See Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Pittsburgh Comm’n on Hum.
`Rels., 413 U.S. 376, 385 (1973) (holding that a newspaper’s profit motive does not bear
`on the nature of the speech contained within or the tier of scrutiny applied thereto); see


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 15 of 34
`also Daily Herald Co. v. Munro, 838 F.2d 380, 384 (9th Cir. 1988) (rejecting argument that
`exit polling is commercial speech that is less deserving of constitutional protection than
`speech on matters of public concern merely because the pollsters make money by
`disseminating exit polls).
`The special protection afforded to speech on matters of public concern extends
`to each individual market participant as well as to ForecastEx. Each market participant
`is offering his opinion on the outcome of an uncertain future election. This is expressive
`speech covered by the First Amendment to the same extent as an op-ed predicting the
`winner of an election. See Sorrell v. IMS Health, Inc., 564 U.S. 552, 567, 570 (2011) (stating
`that there is a strong argument that “information is speech” and holding that speech
`that results from an “economic motive” is still subject to strict scrutiny and includes “a
`great deal of vital expression”).2
`2 Whether purchasing election-based contracts is classified as actual speech or
`expressive conduct makes no difference because both are equally protected by the First
`Amendment, and strict scrutiny applies to content-based restrictions of both. See
`Brooklyn Branch of Nat’l Ass’n for Advancement of Colored People v. Kosinski, 657 F. Supp. 3d
`504, 528-29 (S.D.N.Y. 2023). To be considered expressive conduct, an activity need not
`communicate a “narrow, succinctly articulable message,” Hurley v. Irish-Am. Gay, Lesbian
`& Bisexual Grp. of Bos., 515 U.S. 557, 569 (1995), and need not even be interpreted to
`convey the same message by each person, so long as a reasonable person would infer
`“some sort of message” from it, see Kosinski, 657 F. Supp 3d. at 521 (adopting consensus
`view that handing out water to voters in line at the polls is expressive conduct because
`it could be interpreted to support voting). At the very least, purchasing an election-
`based contract is expressive conduct because a reasonable person can infer a prediction
`about the election from it.


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 16 of 34
`ForecastEx’s First Amendment rights are implicated for two related and mutually
`reinforcing reasons. First, its expressive rights are implicated when it decides which
`contracts to offer and decides how to display the results because the First Amendment
`protects compiling others’ speech as much it protects the original speech. As the
`Supreme Court made clear in deciding that a parade organizer is protected by the First
`Amendment—even though the parade simply consists of others’ floats: “[T]he
`presentation of an edited compilation of speech generated by other persons is a staple
`of most newspapers’ opinion pages, which, of course, fall squarely within the core of
`First Amendment security, as does even the simple selection of a paid noncommercial
`advertisement for inclusion in a daily paper.” Hurley, 515 U.S. at 570 (internal citations
`omitted). ForecastEx decides which elections to offer contracts on and sets conditions
`on those contracts. It is organizing the markets using its judgment much like when
`Google decides which search results to display. See Jian Zhang v. Inc., 10 F.
`Supp. 3d 433, 439 (S.D.N.Y. 2014) (concluding that a search engine’s ranking of pages
`was “fully protected First Amendment expression”). Further, the parade in Hurley was
`highly unselective allowing nearly all applicants to march. Hurley, 515 U.S. at 569-70.
`ForecastEx is highly selective and offers contracts on only a subset of elections and
`global events. Further, ForecastEx prohibits various individuals likely to have inside
`information from trading in any contracts. Its selectivity is comparable to newspaper
`op-ed pages, which feature at most a small fraction of potential submissions. Therefore,


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 17 of 34
`even if ForecastEx is not making predictions like the market-participants, its judgments
`and opinions are fully protected by the First Amendment.
`Second, and relatedly, ForecastEx’s aggregation of each market participant’s
`speech into a clearing price for dissemination to the public at large is protected by the
`First Amendment, which not only values self-expression but also the rights of
`listeners/recipients and thus includes a mandate “to prohibit government from limiting
`the stock of information from which members of the public may draw.” First National
`Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 435 U.S. 765, 783 (1978); see also Daily Herald, 838 F.2d at 384
`(holding that exit polling is protected as expressive “speech” because the information
`disseminated is speech on matters of public concern). Critically, the First Amendment
`right to gather news and information for public dissemination is not limited to the press
`which has neither “a monopoly on . . . the First Amendment [n]or the ability to
`enlighten.” Id. at 782. Indeed, the Supreme Court has repeatedly referred to “a First
`Amendment right to receive information and ideas” across a variety of contexts.
`Kleindienst v. Mandel, 408 U.S. 753, 762 (1972) (citation omitted).
`The CFTC’s Content-based Restriction Fails Strict Scrutiny.
`Laws that target speech “because of the topic discussed” are presumptively
`unconstitutional and subject to the strictest scrutiny as content-based regulations. See
`Reed v. Town of Gilbert, 576 U.S. 155, 163-64 (2015); see also Citizens United v. Fed. Election
`Comm’n, 558 U.S. 310, 340 (2010) (“Premised on mistrust of governmental power, the


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 18 of 34
`First Amendment stands against attempts to disfavor certain subjects.”). Thus, the
`CFTC’s restriction is subject to strict scrutiny, meaning that the Government must
`prove that a restriction “furthers a compelling interest and is narrowly tailored to
`achieve that interest.” Citizens United, 558 U.S. at 340.
`Compelling Interest: Critically, compelling governmental interests to justify
`speech regulation do not include a general interest in insulating voters from outside
`influences. See Daily Herald Co., 838 F.2d at 387 (“Just as with election-day broadcasts
`or newspaper editorials that may affect voter choices, regulating [the taking of exit polls]
`. . . on the basis that [broadcasting early returns while polls remain open] . . . might
`indirectly affect the voters’ choice [in those states] is impermissible”); see also Vanasco v.
`Schwartz, 401 F. Supp. 87, 100 (S.D.N.Y. 1975) (three-judge court) (“[W]hen the State
`through the guise of protecting the citizen’s right to a fair and honest election tampers
`with what it will permit the citizen to see and hear even that important state interest
`must give way to the irresistible force of protected expression under the First
`Amendment.”), aff’d mem., 423 U.S. 1041 (1976). At bottom, the CFTC wants to restrict
`information for fear that voters will be swayed by what it views as an inaccurate and
`easily manipulable signal as compared to traditional signals like polls. But the First
`Amendment leaves that judgment to the people, not the CFTC.
`Furthers Government Interest. The Government has provided no evidence
`that restricting election-based contracts will result in less manipulation and more


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 19 of 34
`election integrity. To the contrary, all its claims are premised upon unjustified
`speculation that is undermined by the rich tapestry of empirical and historical evidence
`discussed in detail below. See infra pp. 12-21.
`Narrowly Tailored: A content-based restriction on speech necessarily fails strict
`scrutiny when counter speech is available as a remedy to achieve the Government’s
`stated interest. See United States v. Alvarez, 567 U.S. 709, 726-27 (2012). “This is the
`ordinary course in a free society. The response to the unreasoned is the rational; to the
`uninformed, the enlightened; to the straightout lie, the simple truth.” Id. at 727. The
`evidence shows that the market harms are self-correcting here because manipulated
`prices induce market participants to enter orders to benefit from resulting market
`dislocation. See infra pp. 12-21.
`In sum, the serious First Amendment issues raised by the CFTC’s attempt to
`restrict these political event contracts counsel affirming the District Court’s decision.
`ForecastEx has allowed trading in various political event contracts since this
`Court refused to order a stay of the District Court’s decision in October 2024.


`USCA Case #24-5205 Document #2087020 Filed: 11/27/2024 Page 20 of 34
`ForecastEx’s experience and observation of the trading of political event contracts bely
`the concerns that the CFTC identified in its public interest analysis.3
`A. The CEA and CFTC Rules Have Significant and

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