Senate Permanent Subcommittee v. Carl Ferrer

16-5232 | U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit

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Filed Aug. 11, 2016
Terminated May 16, 2017
Nature of Suit 2890 Statutory Actions - Other
Original Case 1:16-mc-00621
Last Updated: 3 years, 1 month ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
7/10/2017MANDATE ISSUED to Clerk, U.S. District Court. [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 07/10/2017 10:45 AM]
  • Order
CLERK'S ORDER [1675346] filed withholding issuance of the mandate. [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 05/16/2017 10:02 AM]
5/16/2017OPINION [1675345] filed (Pages: 14) for the Court by Judge Tatel. [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 05/16/2017 10:01 AM]
5/16/2017PER CURIAM JUDGMENT [1675343] filed that the judgments of the District Court be vacated and the case be dismissed as moot, for the reasons in the accompanying opinion . Before Judges: Tatel, Srinivasan, and Wilkins. [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 05/16/2017 09:59 AM]
3/3/2017ORAL ARGUMENT HELD before Judges Tatel, Srinivasan and Wilkins. [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 03/03/2017 09:39 AM]
2/23/2017FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Thomas E. Caballero, on behalf of Appellee Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5232, 16-5274 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [16-5232, 16-5274] (Caballero, Thomas) [Entered: 02/23/2017 05:10 PM]
2/23/2017LETTER [1662775] pursuant to FRAP 28j advising of additional authorities filed by Carl Ferrer in 16-5232, 16-5274 [Service Date: 02/23/2001 ] [16-5232, 16-5274] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 02/23/2017 03:58 PM]
2/23/2017FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Robert Corn-Revere, on behalf of Appellant Carl Ferrer in 16-5232, 16-5274 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [16-5232, 16-5274] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 02/23/2017 12:49 PM]
2/23/2017PER CURIAM ORDER [1662620] filed allocating oral argument time as follows: Appellant - 15 Minutes, Appellee - 15 Minutes. One counsel per side to argue; directing party to file Form 72 notice of arguing attorney by 02/24/2017 [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 02/23/2017 10:11 AM]
2/8/2017PER CURIAM ORDER [1660124] filed deferring consideration of appellee's suggestion of abatement and mootness and motion to dismiss case for lack of jurisdiction [1656418-2] pending further order of the Court. Before Judges: Tatel, Srinivasan and Wilkins. [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 02/08/2017 11:52 AM]
  • Reply
REPLY [1659419] filed by Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5232, 16-5274 to response [Service Date: 02/03/2017 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 2,590 words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 02/03/2017 04:44 PM]
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1658335] filed to motion to dismiss case as moot [1656418-2] filed by Carl Ferrer in 16-5274 [Service Date: 01/30/2017 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 5, 153 words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Luskin, Robert) [Entered: 01/30/2017 08:45 PM]
  • Motion
MOTION [1656418] to dismiss case as moot (Response to Motion served by mail due on 01/30/2017) filed by Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5232, 16-5274 (Service Date: 01/18/2017 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 4,408 words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 01/18/2017 01:54 PM]
  • Order
CLERK'S ORDER [1655731] filed scheduling oral argument on Friday, 03/03/2017. [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 01/13/2017 10:54 AM]
  • Reply
APPELLANT REPLY BRIEF [1654745] filed by Carl Ferrer in 16-5232, 16-5274 [Service Date: 01/09/2017 ] Length of Brief: 6,998 Words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 01/09/2017 12:52 PM]
12/30/2016MODIFIED PARTY FILER--NOTICE [1653557] filed of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by LEGAL MOMENTUM, AVIAT NETWORKS, INC., COALITIONAGAINST TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN, FLORIDA ABOLITIONIST, NATIONAL ALLIANCE TO END SEXUAL VIOLENCE, NATIONAL COALITION AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, RISING INTERNATIONAL, SOJOURNER CENTER, STOLENYOUTH, et al. [Service Date: 12/30/2016 ] [16-5232, 16-5274]--[Edited 01/03/2017 by JJA] (Boies, David) [Entered: 12/30/2016 02:43 PM]
12/23/2016APPELLEE BRIEF [1652842] filed by Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5232, 16-5274 [Service Date: 12/23/2016 ] Length of Brief: 13,953 words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 12/23/2016 01:33 PM]
12/7/2016PER CURIAM ORDER [1649816] setting the following revised briefing schedule: APPELLEE'S BRIEF (not to exceed 14,000 words) due 12/23/2016. REPLY BRIEF (not to exceed 7,000 words) due 01/13/2017. Before Judges: Henderson, Tatel and Srinivasan. [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 12/07/2016 03:27 PM]
12/6/2016CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TYPE-VOLUME LIMITS [1649666] for motion to extend time [1649164-2] filed by Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5232. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 12/06/2016 05:48 PM]
  • Reply
REPLY [1649656] filed by Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5232 to response [1649426-2] [Service Date: 12/06/2016 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 1,023 words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 12/06/2016 05:08 PM]
  • Motion to Extend Time
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1649426] filed to motion to extend time [1649164-2] filed by Carl Ferrer in 16-5232, 16-5274 [Service Date: 12/05/2016 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 1,153 words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 12/05/2016 06:53 PM]
  • Motion
MOTION [1649164] filed to extend time to file brief to 01/31/2017. (Response to Motion served by mail due on 12/12/2016) filed by Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5274 [Service Date: 12/02/2016 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 5 pages. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 12/02/2016 05:38 PM]
11/23/2016AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1647651] filed by Center for Democracy & Technology, Electronic Frontier Foundation [Service Date: 11/23/2016 ] Length of Brief: 5,288 words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Llanso, Emma) [Entered: 11/23/2016 04:55 PM]
11/23/2016CORRECTED NOTICE [1647649] filed of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Center for Democracy & Technology, Electronic Frontier Foundation [Service Date: 11/23/2016 ] [16-5232, 16-5274] (Llanso, Emma) [Entered: 11/23/2016 04:52 PM]
11/23/2016MODIFIED PARTY FILER--NOTICE [1647561] filed of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Center for Democracy & Technology, Electronic Frontier Foundation [Service Date: 11/23/2016 ] [16-5232, 16-5274]--[Edited 11/23/2016 by JJA] (Llanso, Emma) [Entered: 11/23/2016 12:24 PM]
11/22/2016AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1647369] filed by Cato Institute, DKT Liberty Project and Reason Foundation in 16-5232, 16-5274 [Service Date: 11/22/2016 ] Length of Brief: 5,005 words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Amunson, Jessica) [Entered: 11/22/2016 12:04 PM]
11/21/2016ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1647213] filed by Jessica Ring Amunson and co-counsel Joshua M. Parker on behalf of Amici Curiae for Respondent Cato Institute, DKT Liberty Project and Reason Foundation in 16-5232, 16-5274. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Amunson, Jessica) [Entered: 11/21/2016 04:38 PM]
11/21/2016MODIFIED PARTY FILER--NOTICE [1647089] filed of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Cato Institute, DKT Liberty Project, Reason Foundation [Service Date: 11/21/2016 ] [16-5232, 16-5274]--[Edited 11/21/2016 by JJA] (Amunson, Jessica) [Entered: 11/21/2016 11:06 AM]
11/16/2016JOINT APPENDIX [1646521] filed by Carl Ferrer and Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5232, 16-5274. [Volumes: 2] [Service Date: 11/16/2016 ] [16-5232, 16-5274] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 11/16/2016 10:42 PM]
11/16/2016APPELLANT BRIEF [1646520] filed by Carl Ferrer in 16-5232, 16-5274 [Service Date: 11/16/2016 ] Length of Brief: 13,951 words. [16-5232, 16-5274] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 11/16/2016 10:37 PM]
  • Motion to Extend Time to File ReplyGranted
CLERK'S ORDER [1645695] filed granting appellant's unopposed motion to extend time to file the reply brief [1645168-2], The following revised briefing schedule will now apply: APPELLANT Brief due 11/16/2016. APPENDIX due 11/16/2016. APPELLEE Brief due on 12/16/2016. APPELLANT Reply Brief due 01/06/2017 [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 11/14/2016 10:24 AM]
  • Motion
UNOPPOSED MOTION [1645168] filed to extend time to file reply to 01/06/2017. filed by Carl Ferrer in 16-5232, 16-5274 [Service Date: 11/08/2016 ] Pages: 1-10. [16-5232, 16-5274] (London, Ronald) [Entered: 11/08/2016 05:32 PM]
10/31/2016LETTER [1643779] filed advising of arguing counsel's availability for oral argument filed by Carl Ferrer in 16-5232, 16-5274 [Service Date: 10/31/2016 ] [16-5232, 16-5274] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 10/31/2016 05:14 PM]
10/17/2016PER CURIAM ORDER [1641280] dissolving the court's administrative stay entered October 7, 2016; granting motion for stay pending appeal [1638964-2]. The district court’s order filed September 16, 2016 is stayed pending further order of the court insofar as it requires appellant to produce documents for which he asserts the attorney-client or work product privilege. It is FURTHER ORDERED, on the court’s own motion, that these consolidated cases be expedited. The following briefing schedule will apply: APPELLANT'S BRIEF (not to exceed 14,000 words) due 11/16/2016. APPENDIX due 11/16/2016. APPELLEE'S BRIEF (not to exceed 14,000 words) due 12/16/2016. REPLY BRIEF (not to exceed 7,000 words) due 12/30/2016. Before Judges: Rogers, Srinivasan and Wilkins. [16-5232, 16-5274] [Entered: 10/17/2016 01:56 PM]
10/7/2016PER CURIAM ORDER [1639923] filed that the district court’s order of September 16, 2016, be administratively stayed pending further order of the court. The purpose of this administrative stay is to give the court sufficient opportunity to consider the emergency motion for stay and should not be construed in any way as a ruling on the merits of that motion. Before Judges: Rogers, Srinivasan and Wilkins. [16-5274] [Entered: 10/07/2016 11:27 AM]
10/6/2016UNDERLYING DECISION IN CASE [1639857] submitted by Carl Ferrer [Service Date: 10/06/2016 ] [16-5232] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 10/06/2016 06:35 PM]
10/6/2016TRANSCRIPT STATUS REPORT [1639856] filed by Carl Ferrer [Service Date: 10/06/2016 ]. Status of Transcripts: Final - No transcripts are needed for the appeal. [16-5232] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 10/06/2016 06:33 PM]
10/6/2016STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1639855] filed by Carl Ferrer [Service Date: 10/06/2016 ] [16-5232] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 10/06/2016 06:29 PM]
10/6/2016STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING APPENDIX DEFERRAL [1639853] filed by Carl Ferrer [Service Date: 10/06/2016 ] Intent: AppxNotDeferred [16-5232] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 10/06/2016 06:28 PM]
10/6/2016DOCKETING STATEMENT [1639852] filed by Carl Ferrer [Service Date: 10/06/2016 ] [16-5232] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 10/06/2016 06:24 PM]
10/6/2016CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES, RULINGS AND RELATED CASES [1639851] filed by Carl Ferrer [Service Date: 10/06/2016 ] [16-5232] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 10/06/2016 06:23 PM]
10/6/2016CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES, RULINGS AND RELATED CASES [1639782] filed by Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5232, 16-5274 [Service Date: 10/06/2016 ] [16-5232, 16-5274] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 10/06/2016 02:27 PM]
  • Reply
REPLY [1639675] filed by Carl Ferrer in 16-5274 to response [1639468-2] [Service Date: 10/06/2016 by CM/ECF NDA] Pages: 11-15. [16-5274, 16-5232] (Luskin, Robert) [Entered: 10/06/2016 08:35 AM]
  • Motion to Stay
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1639468] filed to motion to stay case [1638964-2], motion for other relief [1638960-3], motion to stay case [1638960-2] filed by Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 16-5274, 16-5232 [Service Date: 10/05/2016 by CM/ECF NDA] Pages: 21-30. [16-5274, 16-5232] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 10/05/2016 11:21 AM]
10/4/2016PER CURIAM ORDER [1639087] It is ORDERED, on the court’s own motion, that appellee file a joint response to the motions[1638964-2] [1638960-3] by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, October 5, 2016, and that any joint reply be due by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 6, 2016. The response may not exceed 20 pages, and the reply may not exceed 10 pages. The parties are directed to hand-deliver the paper copies of their submissions to the court by the time and date due. Before Judges: Rogers, Srinivasan and Wilkins. [16-5274, 16-5232] [Entered: 10/04/2016 09:55 AM]
  • Motion
EMERGENCY MOTION [1638964] filed to stay underlying order in case (Response to Motion served by hand due on 10/13/2016) filed by Carl Ferrer [Service Date: 10/03/2016 by Hand Delivery] Pages: 21-30. [16-5274] (Luskin, Robert) [Entered: 10/03/2016 03:39 PM]
  • Motion
EMERGENCY MOTION [1638960] filed for an Administrative Stay (Response to Motion served by hand due on 10/13/2016) filed by Carl Ferrer [Service Date: 10/03/2016 by Hand Delivery] Pages: 1-10. [16-5274]--[Edited 10/03/2016 by LMC] (Luskin, Robert) [Entered: 10/03/2016 03:31 PM]
10/3/2016ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1638950] filed by Robert D. Luskin and co-counsel Stephen B. Kinnaird on behalf of Appellant Carl Ferrer. [16-5274] (Luskin, Robert) [Entered: 10/03/2016 03:19 PM]
10/3/2016ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1638947] filed by Steven R. Ross and co-counsel Stanley M. Brand on behalf of Appellant Carl Ferrer. [16-5274] (Brand, Stanley) [Entered: 10/03/2016 03:07 PM]
  • Order
CLERK'S ORDER [1638933] filed consolidating cases 16-5274 (Consolidation started 10/03/2016) with 16-5232 [16-5232, 16-5274] (Accursio, John) [Entered: 10/03/2016 02:44 PM]
  • Order
CLERK'S ORDER [1633971] filed directing party to file initial submissions: APPELLANT docketing statement due 10/06/2016. APPELLANT certificate as to parties due 10/06/2016. APPELLANT statement of issues due 10/06/2016. APPELLANT underlying decision due 10/06/2016. APPELLANT deferred appendix statement due 10/06/2016. APPELLANT transcript status report due 10/06/2016. APPELLANT procedural motions due 10/06/2016. APPELLANT dispositive motions due 10/21/2016; directing party to file initial submissions: APPELLEE certificate as to parties due 10/06/2016. APPELLEE procedural motions due 10/06/2016. APPELLEE dispositive motions due 10/21/2016 [16-5232] (Accursio, John) [Entered: 09/06/2016 03:23 PM]
9/2/2016PER CURIAM ORDER [1633679] filed ORDERED that the administrative stay be dissolved. FURTHER ORDERED that the motion for stay [1630117-2] be denied. Before Judges: Brown, Griffith and Kavanaugh. [16-5232] (Accursio, John) [Entered: 09/02/2016 02:04 PM]
  • Reply
REPLY [1631868] filed by Carl Ferrer to response [1631269-2] [Service Date: 08/24/2016 by CM/ECF NDA, Email] Pages: 1-10. [16-5232] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 08/24/2016 02:59 PM]
8/19/2016RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1631269] filed by Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to motion to stay case [1630117-2] [Service Date: 08/19/2016 by CM/ECF NDA] Pages: 21-30. [16-5232] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 08/19/2016 03:25 PM]
8/17/2016ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1630739] filed by Steven R. Ross and co-counsel Stanley M. Brand on behalf of Appellant Carl Ferrer. [16-5232] (Brand, Stanley) [Entered: 08/17/2016 10:19 AM]
8/12/2016PER CURIAM ORDER [1630227] filed considering the emergency motion for stay pending appeal [1630117-2], it is ORDERED, on the court’s own motion, that the district court’s order filed August 5, 2016, granting appellee’s motion to enforce a subpoena, be administratively stayed pending further order of the court. FURTHER ORDERED that appellee file a response to the motion for stay by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 19, 2016, and that appellant file any reply by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 24, 2016. The parties are directed to hand-deliver the paper copies of their submissions to the court by the time and date due. Before Judges: Henderson and Pillard. [16-5232] [Entered: 08/12/2016 04:58 PM]
8/12/2016ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1630221] filed by Patricia Mack Bryan and co-counsel Thomas E. Caballero, Grant R. Vinik on behalf of Appellee Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. [16-5232] (Bryan, Patricia) [Entered: 08/12/2016 04:19 PM]
  • Motion
EMERGENCY MOTION [1630117] filed by Carl Ferrer to stay underlying order in case (Response to Motion served by mail due on 08/25/2016) [Service Date: 08/12/2016 by Email, CM/ECF NDA] Pages: 21-30. [16-5232] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 08/12/2016 01:01 PM]
8/11/2016ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1629924] filed by Robert Corn-Revere and co-counsel Ronald G. London on behalf of Appellant Carl Ferrer. [16-5232] (Corn-Revere, Robert) [Entered: 08/11/2016 04:22 PM]
8/11/2016NOTICE OF APPEAL [1629762] filed by Carl Ferrer seeking review of a decision by the U.S. District Court in 1:16-mc-00621-RMC. Appeal assigned USCA Case Number: 16-5232. [16-5232] [Entered: 08/11/2016 09:35 AM]
8/11/2016US CIVIL CASE docketed. [16-5232] [Entered: 08/11/2016 07:49 AM]