Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 1 of 12

`NO. 6:22-cv-01163-ADA-DTG
`Non-parties Brickell Key Asset Management, LLC (“BKAM”), Brickell Key
`Investments, LP (“BKI”) (together “BK”), John Sicilian, and William Yuen (all together,
`“Movants”) respectfully request pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c) that the Court
`grant a Protective Order forbidding the discovery Defendants Mediatek Inc. and Mediatek USA
`Inc. (“Mediatek”) seek from them across ten, duplicative deposition and document subpoenas.
`The subpoenas seek information that is irrelevant and privileged many times over. The Court
`should end Mediatek’s abusive fishing expedition.
`BKI is a Delaware litigation finance limited partnership headquartered in Guernsey. Decl.
`of William Yuen ¶ 3. It funds plaintiffs and law firms with promising legal claims in exchange
`for a share of the recovery. Id. BKI is the client of BKAM, a Delaware LLC headquartered in
`Florida. Id. ¶ 2. In 2015, the plaintiff in this case, ParkerVision, approached BKI to request
`funding for lawsuits that it wanted to file against infringers of its patents. Id. ¶ 6. Before funding
`ParkerVision, BK conducted confidential diligence pursuant to a non-disclosure agreement where
`it considered work product prepared by ParkerVision and its attorneys and work product prepared


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 2 of 12
`by BK and its outside counsel. Id. ¶¶ 4, 7. On February 24, 2016, BKI and ParkerVision executed
`a Claims Proceeds Investment Agreement (“CPIA”) memorializing the terms of their funding
`agreement and agreeing to keep further communications confidential. Id. ¶ 8; Ex. A. The funds
`from the CPIA were used to finance lawsuits against defendants unrelated to this Mediatek
`litigation. ParkerVision publicly filed redacted versions of the CPIA and various follow-on
`agreements with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Id. ¶ 8; Ex. A.
`On November 10, 2022, more than six years after BK’s funding, ParkerVision sued
`Mediatek in this Court, alleging infringement of four ParkerVision patents.1 Dkt. 1. BKI did not
`fund this lawsuit and believes that a third party may have. Yuen Decl. ¶ 10.
`On May 17, 2024, Mediatek served deposition and document subpoenas on BKI, with
`South Carolina as the place of compliance. Decl. of Caroline Schechinger Exs. 1–2. BKI timely
`objected to those subpoenas on grounds of irrelevance, privilege, undue burden, and violating the
`requirement that the place of compliance be “within 100 miles of where the person resides, is
`employed, or regularly transacts business in person,” because BKI has no employees in the U.S.
`Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(c)(1)(A), (2)(A), (d)(3)(A)(ii) (emphasis added); Exs. 3–4; Yuen Decl. ¶ 3.
`BKI repeatedly pointed Mediatek to rulings from this and other Courts across the country
`making clear that the discovery sought is irrelevant and privileged—not to mention far unduly
`burdensome and disproportionate. See Ex. 22 (citing ten cases and several standing orders).
`Mediatek’s subpoenas request documents and testimony concerning “any compensation with
`respect to this Action,” and—even further afield—“all payments made by ParkerVision to” BKI
`“under any agreement involving [BKI] and ParkerVision,” and “any investment in ParkerVision
`1 Specifically, Patent Nos. 6,049,706; 6,266,518; 8,660,513; and 7,292,835. On August
`19, 2024, this Court granted the parties’ joint motion to dismiss the ’835 patent. Dkt. No. 80.


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 3 of 12
`and/or any Parker Vision patent.” Exs. 1–2. As BKI stressed to Mediatek, this Court’s Standing
`Order precludes the use of litigation-funding information in patent-infringement cases, because it
`would serve only to distract the jury from the actual issues. See Ex. 22 (citing Albright, J., Standing
`Order Governing Proceedings – Patent Cases, Appendix C (W.D. Tex. Jan. 24, 2024)), at 3.
`On June 25, 2024, BKI provided Mediatek a privilege log stating BKI’s privilege
`objections to non-public documents on a category-by-category basis. Ex. 5. Mediatek doubled
`down. Ignoring the long line of cases against it, Mediatek proceeded to serve eight more deposition
`and documents subpoenas to BKAM, Mr. Yuen (BKAM’s CEO), and Mr. Sicilian (a former
`BKAM officer), which ask for the same information Mediatek requested from BKI. Exs. 6–13.
`Mediatek went so far as to try to serve Mr. Sicilian repeatedly at his home. Yuen Decl. ¶ 11.
`Movants represented that BKAM has possession, custody, and control over documents that
`may be responsive to all ten subpoenas. See Yuen Decl. ¶ 12; Ex. 24. They thus requested that
`Mediatek pursue the BKAM subpoenas and drop the others. Ex. 24. But Mediatek refused. Id.
`On July 27, 2024, Mediatek purported to “streamline” its subpoenas from 25 to 10 requests.
`See Exs. 22–23. The requests narrowed in number but not in substance. Mediatek continues to
`seek discovery on the following blunderbuss topics (among others):
` “Documents and Communications relating to this Action,” as well as “All Documents
`and Communications sent or received by You relating to, referring to, or mentioning
`MediaTek” (Request Nos. 1, 23);
` “Documents and Communications relating to any formal or informal valuations of
`ParkerVision and/or involving the subject matter of the Asserted Patents,” as well as
`“analyses . . . relating to the value of this Action” and “analyses . . . conducted before
`entering any contract with ParkerVision, amending any contract with ParkerVision,
`and/or making any investment in ParkerVision and/or any ParkerVision patent.”
`(Request Nos. 5, 6, 9); and
` “Documents sufficient to show all payments made by ParkerVision to You” and
`Documents and Communications relating to “proceeds or other benefits” and other
`interests in, or compensation received by, Non-parties and ParkerVision in connection
`with this action, the Asserted Patents, and/or Related Patents (Request Nos. 4, 8, 17,
`20, 21).


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 4 of 12
`On August 15, 2024, Mediatek declared the parties to be at impasse. See Ex. 24. On
`August 19, Movants twice requested to meet and confer with Mediatek’s lead counsel. Id.
`Mediatek ignored both requests. Id. Later that day, Mediatek moved to compel only BKI in the
`District of Delaware—even though Rule 45 requires it to file in the “the court for the district where
`compliance is required” (i.e., South Carolina), Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(d)(3). Id.; Exs. 1–2. On August
`20, Movants informed Mediatek that they intended to move this Court for a protective order. Ex.
`25. On August 21, Mediatek suddenly purported to withdraw the subpoenas against BKAM, Mr.
`Sicilian, and Mr. Yuen, but stated that it could re-issue those subpoenas at its sole discretion. Id.
`After lead counsel for Movants met and conferred with Mediatek, it informed Movants’ lead
`counsel that it opposed this motion for a protective order, which seeks across-the-board protection
`for all Movants. Schechinger Decl. ¶ 28; Ex. 25. On August 22, Mediatek agreed to transfer its
`motion to this Court. Ex. 25. Given that Mediatek’s ten subpoenas request compliance in three
`different judicial districts (Charleston, S.C., Tallahassee, Fl., and Miami, Fl.), this Court is the only
`court that can end Mediatek’s game of multi-jurisdictional whack-a-mole in one stroke.
`Third-party subpoenas are subject to the same limits imposed on party discovery. See Field
`v. Anadarko Petroleum Corp., 2020 WL 4937122, at *2 (S.D. Tex. Aug. 24, 2020). Discovery
`that is irrelevant, privileged, or not proportional to the needs of the case is “prohibited.” Id. (citing
`Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)). Rule 26(c) authorizes protective orders, for good cause shown, “to protect
`a party or person from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense.” Fed.
`R. Civ. P. 26(c)(1). Mediatek’s subpoenas are per se overly burdensome because to the extent
`relevant, non-privileged, responsive documents exist, they would in large part be equally available
`from ParkerVision—a party in the litigation. A court “must” enter a protective order prohibiting


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 5 of 12
`discovery where “the proposed discovery . . . can be obtained from some other source that is more
`convenient, less burdensome, or less expensive.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(2)(C), (c)(1).
`The Court should issue an across-the-board protective order for two, independent reasons.
`First, the litigation-funding information Mediatek seeks is irrelevant to this patent case. Second,
`even if relevant (which it is not), it is protected from disclosure under the work-product doctrine
`and attorney-client communications privilege. Separately, the Court should protect BKI from
`discovery on the additional basis that the subpoenas to it violate Rule 45’s 100-mile rule. See Tele
`Draulic, Inc v. Hetronic Int’l, Inc., 2016 WL 3606775, at *2-4 (D. Del. June 30, 2016) (quashing
`subpoenas to Delaware-incorporated company with no U.S. employees that operated in Sweden).
`I. The Court Should Bar The Irrelevant And Burdensome Discovery Mediatek Seeks.
`Mediatek’s subpoenas fail at the threshold because they request information that is neither
`relevant nor proportional to the needs of this case. Mediatek’s subpoenas request information on
`litigation funding of this suit (despite BKI not funding this lawsuit) and funding information
`regarding ParkerVision’s other patents and other litigations. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b). As this
`Court has explained, “[i]t is well-settled that information regarding litigation funding is irrelevant,
`and protected from discovery.” Mullen Indus. LLC v. Apple Inc., No. 6:22-CV-00145, Dkt. 64 at
`p. 4 (W.D. Tex. Oct. 19, 2022) (Albright, J.) (quashing deposition topics seeking information
`regarding litigation funders). Mullen (a patent-infringement case) illustrates that the general rule
`applies equally here. “Courts, in this district and elsewhere, have routinely held that information
`about litigation funding is largely irrelevant” to the “primary issues in a patent case—infringement,
`invalidity, and damages,” and “thus beyond the scope of discovery absent a compelling showing
`of a legitimate concern (such as standing or conflicts of interest).” Trustees of Purdue Univ. v.
`STMicroelectronics N.V., No. 6:21-CV-00727-ADA, Dkt. 250 at 5 (W.D. Tex. Jan. 18, 2023); see,


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 6 of 12
`e.g., Lower48 IP LLC v. Shopify, Inc., 2023 WL 11893431, at *3 (W.D. Tex. Nov. 2, 2023)
`(affirming denial of motion to compel litigation-funding-related discovery in patent case).
`Mediatek falls far short of making the required particularized and “compelling” showing
`of relevance. For months, Movants pressed Mediatek to articulate the relevance of the information
`it seeks. It could not. On June 7, Mediatek generically asserted that its requests relate to “the
`reasonableness of ParkerVision’s damages requests, the strength of ParkerVision’s infringement
`positions, and standing,” see Ex. 22—which are the very topics that do not in the abstract justify
`litigation-funding-related discovery. A month later, on July 9, Mediatek repeated those generic
`arguments and added others, e.g., that the subpoenas seek relevant information regarding “conflicts
`of interest that may exist as a result of the [litigation-financing] arrangement.” See Ex. 26. As the
`above cases make clear, those boiler-plate arguments do not cut it; Mediatek did not articulate
`much less, demonstrate, any “legitimate concern” on those issues—particularly where BK does
`not fund this lawsuit. For that reason alone, the Court should protect Movants from the discovery.
`A cursory glance at Mediatek’s “streamlined” requests confirms a protective order is
`necessary because Mediatek has made no effort to comply with the proportionality and undue
`burden requirements of Rules 26 and 45. Mediatek seeks documents far removed from the three
`at-issue patents—e.g., documents concerning “any investment in ParkerVision and/or any
`ParkerVision patent” (of 250+ patents), “any contract with ParkerVision,” and “all Documents and
`Communications” that merely “mention[] MediaTek.” Exs. 1–2. And it seeks to depose not only
`BK but one current and one former employee regarding these same kitchen-sink requests. Exs. 1–
`2, 6–13; Yuen Decl. ¶ 12. Mediatek refused to consolidate its subpoenas until the eleventh hour,
`and then only without prejudice to reserve them. Exs. 24-26. Its failure to “limit [its] requests to
`relate to the suit’s relevant subject matter or time” provide further justification for a protective


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 7 of 12
`order. See Scrum All. Inc. v. Scrum, Inc., 2020 WL 6559625, at *2 (E.D. Tex. Nov. 9, 2020)
`(concluding that subpoenas were “too burdensome” on nonparties’ “time and money” where they
`would “likely ensnare scores of communications unrelated” to the dispute).
`II. The Court Should Prohibit Mediatek’s Discovery Into Privileged Information.
`The Court should issue a protective order for the independent reason that the information
`Mediatek seeks is protected under the work-product doctrine and attorney-client privilege.
`A. The Work Product Doctrine Protects The Material Mediatek Seeks.
`The work-product doctrine bars discovery of materials “that are prepared in anticipation of
`litigation or for trial by or for another party or its representative (including the other party’s
`attorney, consultant, surety, indemnitor, insurer, or agent).” Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(3)(A). As
`ParkerVision’s strategic partners in this suit, BK are such representatives. “[T]he privilege can
`apply where litigation is not imminent, as long as the primary motivating purpose behind the
`creation of the document was to aid in possible future litigation.” In re Kaiser Aluminum &
`Chemical Co., 214 F.3d 586, 593 (5th Cir. 2000) (internal quotation marks omitted). Opinion
`work product, which constitutes “the mental impressions, conclusions, opinions, or legal theories
`of a party’s attorney or other representative,” Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(3)(B), “is protected absolutely
`from production.” Teleplus, Inc. v. Avantel, S.A., 2003 WL 23282491, at *3 (W.D. Tex. Apr. 9,
`2003); see also Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(3)(B). Other materials prepared in anticipation of litigation
`are “ordinary work product,” Teleplus, 2003 WL 23282491, at *3, which is protected unless the
`party seeking it “has substantial need for the materials to prepare its case and cannot, without
`undue hardship, obtain their substantial equivalent” otherwise. Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(3)(A)(i)–(ii).
`The work-product doctrine protects four key categories of documents: (1) BK’s non-public
`litigation-funding documents, (2) diligence documents between BK and ParkerVision, (3)


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 8 of 12
`diligence documents BK and its outside counsel prepared based on the information BK received
`from ParkerVision, and memoranda and other documents that BK prepared for its investors using
`the same; and (4) BK’s communications with ParkerVision and its counsel regarding
`ParkerVision’s patent portfolio and this lawsuit. Yuen Decl. ¶ 13. For all of the above, the
`“primary motivating purpose . . . was to aid in” potential litigation. Kaiser, 214 F.3d at 593
`(internal quotation marks omitted). See, e.g., United States v. Homeward Residential, Inc., 2016
`WL 1031154, at *6 (E.D. Tex. Mar. 15, 2016) (concluding that “litigation funding information is
`protected by the work product doctrine”). Allowing discovery into discussions among
`ParkerVision, BK, and their in-house and outside lawyers, and diligence documents that reflect
`the work product of ParkerVision, BK, and their lawyers, would give Mediatek an unfair window
`into ParkerVision’s litigation strategy. See Hickman, 329 U.S. at 516 (Jackson, J., concurring)
`(“Discovery was hardly intended to enable a learned profession to perform its functions either
`without wits or on wits borrowed from the adversary.”).
`Diligence documents, infringement analyses, and other litigation-funding documents that
`reflect counsel’s opinion of the legal claims, expected damages, and the parties’ legal strategies
`are core opinion work product. See Hickman v. Taylor, 329 U.S. 495, 516 (1947). So are non-
`public litigation-funding agreements. To prepare those agreements, BK relied on ParkerVision’s
`counsel’s assessment of legal claims, expected damages, and the likely cost of future litigations
`and sought its outside counsel’s views on the same. Yuen Decl. ¶¶ 5, 7. Those assessments
`informed every material aspect of the agreements, from the funding that BKI provided, to the
`structure and timing of BKI’s return. Id. ¶ 5. Disclosing the non-public agreements risks
`disclosing counsel’s opinions of the likelihood of success of ParkerVision’s litigation efforts and
`the resources ParkerVision needs to carry out its legal strategy—all core opinion work product.


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 9 of 12
`See, e.g., Mondis Tech., Ltd. v. LG Elecs., Inc., 2011 WL 1714304, at *3 (E.D. Tex. May 4, 2011)
`(explaining that documents “created for potential investors” were protected work product because
`they “reveal[ed] [the party’s] overall litigation and licensing strategy and . . . show the
`implementation of that strategy”).
`The sharing of documents between BK and ParkerVision and their respective counsel does
`not waive work-product protection because “disclosure to a third party” does “not automatically
`waive[]” the protection. United States ex rel. Fisher v. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC, 2016 WL
`1031157, at *5 (E.D. Tex. Mar. 15, 2016) (citation omitted). There is waiver “only if work-product
`is given to adversaries or treated in a manner that substantially increases the likelihood that an
`adversary will come into possession of the material.” Id. (citation omitted). Through the NDAs,
`BKI and ParkerVision agreed to maintain confidentiality (and they are aligned parties in any event,
`so the sharing of materials between them does not increase the likelihood of possession by an
`adversary). See, e.g., Purdue Univ., No. 6:21-CV-00727-ADA, Dkt. 250 at 4 (concluding that
`NDA between litigation funder and plaintiff was sufficient to avoid waiver).
`B. Attorney-Client Privilege Protects The Material Mediatek Seeks.
`The Court also should protect BK’s attorney-client communications from discovery. “The
`attorney[-]client privilege . . . protect[s] communications and papers generated when a client
`engages his attorney,” In re Burlington N., Inc., 822 F.2d 518, 525 (5th Cir. 1987), which includes
`“communications made in confidence by a client to his lawyer for the purpose of obtaining legal
`advice,” King v. Univ. Healthcare Sys., L.C., 645 F.3d 713, 720 (5th Cir. 2011) (quotation
`omitted), and “the giving of professional advice to those who can act on it,” Upjohn Co. v. U.S.,
`449 U.S. 383, 390 (1981). Inclusion of a third party generally waives the attorney-client privilege


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 10 of 12
`unless the third party shares a “common legal interest.” See, e.g., Hodges, Grant & Kaufman v.
`United States, 768 F.2d 719, 721 (5th Cir. 1985).
`The subpoenas invade BK’s and ParkerVision’s attorney-client privilege because Mediatek
`seeks legal advice BK sought from its outside counsel and communications with ParkerVision and
`its counsel. The former clearly fall under the attorney-client privilege because they are (1)
`“confidential communication[s]; (2) to a lawyer or his subordinate; (3) for the primary purpose of
`securing either a legal opinion or legal services, or assistance in some legal proceeding.” United
`States v. Murra, 879 F.3d 669, 681-82 (5th Cir. 2018) (emphasis and citation omitted). The latter
`also are privileged because BK and ParkerVision share a common legal interest in the protection
`of ParkerVision’s patents. See Power-One, Inc. v. Artesyn Techs., Inc., 2007 WL 1170733, at *2
`(E.D. Tex. Apr. 18, 2007) (finding common legal interest between defendant and third-parties
`where the latter were concerned with any “legal hindrance” to defendant’s patent rights).
`Although the Fifth Circuit has said that the common interest privilege protects “(1)
`communications between co-defendants in actual litigation and their counsel;” and “(2)
`communications between potential co-defendants and their counsel[,]” In re Santa Fe Int’l Corp.,
`272 F.3d 705, 710 (5th Cir. 2001), it remains “an open question in the Fifth Circuit whether the
`common legal interest privilege . . . would apply to communications between Plaintiffs and a non-
`party,” Ultra Premium Servs., LLC v. OFS Int’l, LLC¸ 2020 WL 13413208, at *2 (S.D. Tex. Apr.
`28, 2020). Here, BK and ParkerVision have a common legal interest—protecting ParkerVision’s
`patents—and therefore desire the same interpretation of law and application to the facts. As the
`Second Circuit recognized in Schaeffler v. United States, 806 F.3d 34 (2d Cir. 2015), such joint
`financial interest supplies a common legal interest. See id. at 42 (“[T]he interest in avoiding the
`losses . . . established a common legal interest.”). This Court likewise should recognize a common


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 11 of 12
`interest between plaintiffs and litigation-funders like BK because it would serve the same salutary
`purpose as the common interest privilege among co-defendants: allowing parties with aligned
`interests to coordinate their resources without fear of disclosure to their adversaries. See, e.g.,
`AgroFresh Inc. v. Essentiv LLC, 2019 WL 4917894, at *2 (D. Del. Oct. 4, 2019).
`For all those reasons, the Court should grant Movants’ motion for a protective order and
`award their expenses incurred in making this motion. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c)(3).
`Dated: August 22, 2024
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Derek T. Ho
`Derek T. Ho
`Caroline A. Schechinger
`Andrew Skaras
`1615 M Street, NW, Suite 400
`Washington, D.C. 20036
`Phone: (202) 326-7900
`Fax: (202) 326-7999
`Raymond W. Mort, III
`Texas State Bar No.
`111 Congress Ave, Suite 500
`Austin, Texas 78701
`Tel/Fax: (512) 865-7950
`Attorneys for Movants Brickell Key
`Asset Management, LLC, Brickell
`Key Investments, LP, John Sicilian,
`and William Yuen


`Case 6:22-cv-01163-ADA Document 85 Filed 08/22/24 Page 12 of 12
`On the 21st day of August, 2024, the undersigned counsel conferred with lead opposing
`counsel concerning the relief sought in this Motion, and was advised that opposing counsel
`/s/ Derek T. Ho
`Derek T. Ho
`1615 M Street, NW, Suite 400
`Washington, D.C. 20036
`Phone: (202) 326-7900
`Fax: (202) 326-7999
`opposed this Motion.

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