Case 6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page 1 of 6
`Case 6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page 1 of 6


`Case6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page 2 of 6
`Case 6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page 2 of 6
`IEEE Std 100-1996
`The IEEE Standard Dictionary of
`Electrical and Electronics Terms
`Sixth Edition
`Standards Coordinating Committee 10, Terms and Definitions
`Jane Radatz, Chair
`This standard is one of a number ofinformation technology dictionaries being developed by standards
`organizations accredited by the American National Standards Institute. This dictionarywas developed
`under the sponsorship of voluntary standards organizations, using a consensus-based'pro
`ISBN 1°5559357-643-6
`| i
`\ .


`Case 6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page 3 of 6
`Case 6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page 3of6.
`When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on 10 December 1996,
`it had
`the following
`Richard J. Holleman, Vice Chair
`Donald C. Loughry, Chair
`Andrew G.Salem, Secretary
`Gilles A. Baril
`Clyde R. Camp
`Joseph A. Cannatelli
`Stephen L. Diamond
`Harold E. Epstein
`Donald C. Fleckenstein
`Jay Forster*
`Donald N. Heirman
`Ben C. Johnson
`*Member Emeritus
`E. G. “Al” Kiener
`Joseph L. Koepfinger*
`Stephen R. Lambert
`Lawrence V. McCall
`L. Bruce McClung
`Marco W. Migliaro
`Mary Lou Padgett
`John W. Pope
`Jose R. Ramos
`Arthur K. Reilly
`Ronald H. Reimer
`Gary S. Robinson
`Ingo Riisch
`John S. Ryan
`Chee Kiow Tan
`Leonard L. Tripp
`Howard L. Wolfman
`Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Boardliaisons:
`Satish K. Aggarwal
`Alan H. Cookson
`Chester C. Taylor
`KimBreitfelder (1995-present), JEEE Std 100 Editor
`Stephen Huffman (1993-1995), JEEE Std 100 Editor
`Assistance was provided by the [EEE Standardseditorial staff.
`How to usethis dictionary
`The terms defined in this dictionary are listed in /etter-by-letter alphabetical order, Spaces are ignored in
`this style of alphabetization, so cable value will come before cab signal. Descriptive categories associated
`with the term in earlier editions of IEEE Std 100 will follow the term in parentheses. New categories
`appearafter the definitions (see Categories, below), followed by the designation of the standard or stan-
`dards that include the definition. If a standard designation is followed bytheletter s, it means that edition
`of the standard was superseded by a newerrevision and the term was not included in the revision.If a
`designation is followed by the letter w,
`it means that edition of the standard was withdrawn and not
`replaced by a revision. A bracketed numberrefers to the non-IEEE standard sources given in the back
`of the book.
`Acronyms and abbreviations are no longerlisted in a separate section in the dictionary; rather, they are
`incorporated alphabetically with other terms. Each acronym or abbreviation refers to its expanded term,
`where it is defined. Acronyms and abbreviations for which no definition was included in past editions
`have been deleted from this edition of IEEE Std 100.
`Abstracts of the current set of approved IEEE standards are provided in the back of the book. It should
`be noted that updated information about IEEE standards can be obtained at any time from the IEEE
`Standards World Wide Website at
`The category abbreviations that are used in this edition of IEEE Std 100 are defined below. This infor-
`mation is provided to help elucidate the context of the definition. Older terms for which no category could
`be found have had the category “Std100” assigned to them. Note that terms from sources other than IEEE
`standards, such as the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) or the National Fire Protection Association,
`may not be from the mostrecent editions; the readeris cautioned to check the latest editionsofall sources
`for the most up-to-date terminology.


`Gass g3
`Case 6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page 4 of 6
`tf2-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page4. ofLor6 chang
`ine onde
`thon, Sve ales: indactive assertion method
`inline code A.
`cally. contigs
`gid fitter40
`ishne reenvery 2
`a yoorinet ne
`ward recovery
`inver jacket A.
`additional died
`Ba pre
`ndiuetors anid tee ¢
`thar are used for direct burial wad alten
`ial riser iaio be wathstorsd, See alse:
`(PE) 70. PS88y
` Age.
`iternal ot
`inner storage
`fnaperaie HiHe 3
` about which a totati
`: verrventional
`cy Gia
` coment should vay be\dentie
`bath directing ce
`iapat buffer
`ieapsaat batfer registerA data. buffer register
`arde*, then ¢
`wwe ayrTetric Tee
`aly proumder trave
`Bineatpokesauch a3 amagnotie tape drive orm
`as this data to internal Stesag
`rately iuated evro,
`wi cubtenaldain fees afr SeUST MCERCLIT,
`rate ari the flexure
`age ant. See alse: inpst-cntpal chanel: auiput che:ne
`from the 2
`in-phase video (2) Ona at a
`went, bipalar video
` ignat data (test patiera language) The binary dain oatISA
`by a palt of aya-
`mils derivad
`jen inta memory array. His identified by the symbel “D.°
`@ hetweCaethe
`other coh:
`atlLio miter dots Inia a computer ays
`inpat devles Ad
`faire vis
`:£cosnmonhy¥ used apt des ines iithale
` TAR) GhO- Tithe
`ware} Ter
`yori an external
`Tb} twofhewar
`oftveare), Loosely, inpai de
`y GOAR F980
`process, or channel
`volved da ihe
`foguioal quantity or xaion
`ware “
`YSWO) EVO 1992
` CPUerin
`aie e the time Be
`e shel
`eet“input ¢
`(AB) S28, 1004
`fy 61a
`input area Anurca of ute
`reserved for Input d
`the ‘trarndey
`innet-outgud chaanel A chavinel that he
`data between imermal ston:
`nd periphent
`eqidgment ter |
`o@iyes. computer chars
`i channel. Se
`ney hipal-oaipe
`nay whose parts, iclad-
`faynal. (2) CA} idvia traneolesion) Th
`iB) fdeta ieansmlssion) The state «
`dat iransrais-
`Htesed anapaait sslpannel.
`eecurring °° ;
`Hevitots used for
`sion} The:
`if} ‘datatransmis
`frona um. exter
`imloyendont ofthe generkw kopedanic
`EMPTY fis
`2 betwen the shinal inputot the swe
`ited by an amen
`i ABS
`tnput}iter && fiplier
`ae Hor bipedchannel, that aperaias by lienising Current
`toringhe aumnming Rmetion,
`CO. GHA 1994
`ingest limits(accelerometer) igvtde'
`inpui, generally pins or nimig. withia which per
`{AB} S
`specified accura
`af the
`ay Op
`Ho DOT:


`Case 6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page 5 of 6
`quadieCase 6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filedv&O/8#/28 «RagesdeofGice
`he anig OF the
`poles, See alia: Bsytir
`qpndiet (1).A4. set of four adlacent by
`ands da quadraturs wi
`chronous machioc:
`Bn 190,
`PBASC) TN 1. Pus
`28is gynchwwways
`{2} A-unital computer data consisting at 32 DHS,
` 4
`his) of data,
`13) Four bytes (32
`(S86. 12, 12STo
`(CMM P2FS-1961s, [9G4.7994,
`ia) A d-byie data format or data type.
`{CPM $586.8.1995
`18) Four bytes af dats,
`quadilet aligned address An address with eros in the beast
`significant tur bits.
`(OM) TRG. pa
`quadrantMeHS“pertains&te> theJavestigation aud sshady &af Laraper
`thal pradhices
`divett-axis synchronous impedance,B
`quadrature-axvis magnetic ius {retating machinery)
`fagnelicdlas component ‘lireatedslong‘theguadrabste ast
`Site atte: direet-
`fmoluctance“(standstill fre
`quadratare-wels operational
`quisney response testing} (avechranous machine parane-
`fers byslandstilf frequency testing) The ratia of the
`quadriurc-auis armanee flux Hikages te the
`Laphnox trangiomn of the quadrature-axia current,
`iipadence (rofeting ma.
`Hor capredog the relation bebwden the
`iillal <
`ature vollags
`and a madden change in
`eat, with andy ihe Tancamertal
`red for both vollaged and. cur-
`runt, With no charge in the voltage applied to ghe fidd
`winding. adwith therote rand eeRCDie Tn terns
`sn display
`ahotg the quadtature axis and/or ihe color
`scilie steel,Baefmbaiance cepuats the Svadieatare:
` ig}
`} pe
`dfrectanis componear of
`with the machine running
`its infilal vatue.
`Ue ¢
`ubtransiond reactance “1he
`darrental compe
`adreadive armature vec
`initial value of the fundamental quadraiurc-aais co
`of alermiting-cament compancit af the anmaiun current, iy
`ibis contponent of current under suddenly applet talenced
`load condidons aad at rated frequency, Unless
`spenified, ite quadratunt-axis subiransiont wachince yall be
`ihat oortesponing tn raigd apmialure current,
`irewit time constunt The
`quadrature-axis iubtransiont shart-cl
`iy decreasing compo-
`linw in seconds reaimd Jor the ray
`nent present during the Hreifew cycles in the quadraturewde
`cotnponent of the alternafting-currert component of the ar-
`short-circuit conditions, with the mae
`speed to deers to 1/AGL
`quadraturc-axis sultransiont yoliage irotating machinery)
`The quadratirc-asts comptinent af the terminal voltage tha
`appears Lmmediately alter the adden opening of the external
`cneult when the machine Dc runniegat a specified
`load, before
`any flux
`variation it the eaciation and clamping circuits hag
`takert pl
`geadraimre-asis aynehronws imipedasice iratating Wei.
`thinery Seenate The impedance ofih
`ieTaree machineswh "8
`furs pesigivace bs rey wibly amall, the quadralure-axis syn
`chrono? bipedance is equal kedhe guadraturc~asts eynchre-
`ane reacties.
`quadraturc-osis synchronaus reactance The ratio of f
`danetal Semnponeent ottreactive armature voltage, die to the
`otherwise specified, de vaher of

`will be dist corre-
`aponediag in rated gernatare Caren.
`iy charac
`the vehicle or
`Phect thse
`signal propigs
`error suiries in
`a. aimmacidal
`damaged! du 360% and has bot positive
`quadratic leg See:
`quadratic prefily See: parabolic profile,
`ihephase The relation between fa"period|functions ‘wheaa
`drift cee
`5hoth the§
`ie along which an:
`applied: Th eahraht rate
`resulis froma tarqae about fhe axis of applied voceleration
`and is in guadracire withthat due to mass unbalance.
`EAB) 228-1004
`quadrature amplitude modulate: A modulation tecbniqt:
`uses variations in signal wmplitede avd phuwe
`to reprasent
`dam-ormoded syenite
`euinber of states
`Cy GHENT 1998
`quadrature axis (synchronous machines) The dsis that tep-
`resentsthe deeetion of the radial plane along which the mata
`ding prs
`ion, nornially colncid-
`‘with ihe racllal‘panemidway bets
`% ah
`of the fleld relat
`wad voltages
`iva argapplicable td balanced ined conditions and
`nial curmentsae volinges. Theymay aise be apybed
` iomponentateifchirenis and voltages
`eralized detinvions, applicable ander af) condit
`beer agrend mpor
`quadrature-axis emmponent
`(1) (armature vattaze) "That
`compar ant of theaispetare voltage of any phuke thal is it
`thine phase
`Ss component ofcarrent 10.
`the sare ph
`<is-component of volt
`apo may he roprodaced be
`abrotation of the direot-dxia commpanenh magnein: Ts;
`bi variation GP any} of the quadrasture-axgis component of
`eee Hh;
`saverepCAUSEedbby8Howof theapadrature
`near of isemeinal voteue Ae related to the ¢synefreroua in-
`ternal vdllage by
`Bog Bo BE EX,
`atare cur
`Hatribation uit


`nai@AS@Gi22xevOhbG2-ADA Documéht 72-5 Filed 10/31/23Pageeorb
`Case 6:22-cv-01162-ADA Document 72-5 Filed 10/31/23 Page 6 of 6
`ig the apie 2
`quadrature:esis tmsiont lnpadance (enlating machiners
`the displaced
`betevoun the putal
`the relat
`fo align the stor with the
`poh(aeand 2» such a
`change in quadra
`ch only the ‘tanda-
`1 a anonae Be
`ina deif
`frat both yollage
`sphaccrhent Pereit lime per wal
`annentr about an lapel sous.
`and by core
`quadrature vided (3) Ge ats, pancey Oo
`shemale derived fram the KF of IF signal by a aie of ayn.
`dihe sieady-
`f nepwork
`State 200
`- with 3 O0%phase
`differenoc between the
`¢fenbo} mierence Inputs
`qoadet pole Sees award
`tin nebwork,
`Swe: fouraddress, instructing, ©
`quadraple-address insiruction <
`quadruplelengsh register Pomr re
` fini feugait
`a?uamely chose with
`Lif fas TOREwinding
`pasts, ofthe impedancefunetion.“Notes:
`wand sar the rotor is fot F
`se papas thee guadraun
`siwes inipedanc
`ance firetion,
`= denominaior el t
`syrchrorus rormads
`RP iy
`at -apenclrenit ee constant “The
`gueadratarexs Iran
`LOGETATSGUaTe 3abernating-
`requre fore
`ging component pase
`irical armature
`eto Ue & 6.368 of its initial value
`an) is8 sdden fh
` BeAPE) List
`tht reactance "The fai of the funds:
`quadrature-axis Irs
`. dee tO the
`menial cormpanent 0
`fundamental yuadrature-anie
`Coemponent |on
`nL component of fc arnmiadire cured, ta
`thie competent
`saddenly applicd Joaconditions andl at rated
`rreat i‘ie deverouned byithe&a3
`apala ‘
`ponent of Cie
`ponent of the current Wave, 1
`neglecting the J‘high:acre
`lates “THe quadrature
`quatratureaxig Ufquien’ shertelrcull, Lane sanstant “The
`dine in seconds segairest fir the riofancanigaare aligmmating-
`ithe slowly decreasing comRpSTEpresen|ink
`soormponent af the alteradit
`ware cibrent under sae
`quadratateaxis transient voltage (rotating machinery} The
`componeeof the i veil voltsage That Ape
`a .
`ofrouit wien
`ponmnis wid very raghd4
`ovelns. See alse
`casdraiace-ans voltage (rotating machine!
`of valiage that, ¥‘wanld pradues qossdvstare-anis 3caren
`quadrature hybrid(‘wayeguide conmanents) A lnybrid janc-
`flow that has the property that a wave leaving one auipel part
`«with the weave |
`ig in phase qaadrae
`8 apart in phase by separstevpoceaingefuanet
`0 ad
`quadrature ceusiubating Raowk
`quastrature apring rate (dynaminally tuned gyre} wt
`of adyt
`o is displaced with
`the gyri totor through an.anggic shout an axe pe
`qiiadruple register See. quadnaply
`Having transverse ipl and GUIpUl COUPES for the signal,
`separated Ty aquedropolestructure thot is
`excited by:
`to chisin parametric acpi
`a af a cyclotron wave.
`on of this bern
`>ay differ fromHat ased
`yer processor architect
`fC yMeMy VPA10M
`qualification{1} (nuclear power gener.ating station) T!
`gration and mdinwnance of ev dence ienaHit the eaguig
`ment will Gperiic: tn demand ta meet the systemperformance
`2»cere power quality sssurance! rsonmel) The
` form4 reyessh fariesion.
`8 (raceway system)craceway
`in the fori af cetfie
`testing seports that the race
`ing (Hi isoliware) Porat teasing,
`qualification test
`SET iy aes
`ducted by the de
`tar Resting.
`{2} dmexhauical) °
`xeFMO-P9@2, ©
` out
`quilification ests (safety syste
`power gonbrating status) Te
`feria equipninnt to desuineimte theeap
`fed fictional reqemerment
`levels. ad’ envivontental and ay
`mal parameters.
`"These 8
`asonnple or swapies of equipotenttO
`gned io simulate nerme
`ent, brotadity

`atracticnt, ot operation ofpati wy andwithbaren
`qualified Having:
`ly eraser of todingand 6%
`qualified climber Aworker whe,
`fax routbialy dent
`perience, amlerstands the micthesks aut

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