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`Dictionary of
`Fifth Edition


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`© 1991 cy TAB Professional and Reference Books, an imprint of TAB Books
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Turner, Rufus P
`The illustrated dictionary of electronics | by Rufus P Turner and
`Stan Gibilisco.
`ISBN 0-6906-7345-8
`1, Electronies—Dictionaries.
`TK7a04 TE?
`ISBN 0-8306-3345-6 (pbk.)
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`2FREOLICZADA™Document 72-1 Filed 10/31/23 Pag
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`inhibit pulse In a computer, a drive pulse that keeps other
`inline subroutine A subroutine that must be written each
`pulses from changing the direction of magnetization in
`the cells of a magnetic core memory.
`time it is needed, as compared with one that can be
`accessed by a program branch.
`inhibit signal
`Indigital computer and logic practice, the
`signal thal causes an inhibit action. Also see INHIBIT,
`inline tuning Tuning ofall the stages of a channel, such as
`an intermediate-frequency amplifier, to the same fre-
`initial drain The current supplied by a battery or cell at its
`fated voltage
`initial failure The first failure occurring in the operation of
`eer cadre ‘The inner wire or rod of a coaxial cable or
`coaxial tank. Cornpare OUTER CONDUCTOR.
`a circuit or device.
`initial instrections A resident computer routine used to aid
`inorganic Consisting of materials other than carbon com-
`pounds, and therefore not related to living things.
`initial inverse voltage The peak inverse anode voltage fol-
`imorgamicelectrolyte Any eet Seoe
`lowing conduction im a rectifier tube.
`Organic: containing no compounds ofcarbon.
`im phaseseite sada wee ature aaa
`initial jonizing event
`In the operation of a radioactivity
`counter, the first event that starts the chain of similar
`‘waves or wave phenomena are in step with each other at
`all points. Compare OUT-OF-PHASE.
`events constituting the count.
`in-phase carrier See PHASE CARRIER.
`initialization A computer program instruction that sets the
`in-phase current Resistive current in an ac circuit, Le.
`_Nalue of a wariable to zero.
`current in phase with voltage. Compare QUADRATURE
`in-phase feedback Feedback in phase with a mainsignal_
`Ako called positive FEEDBACK and regenerafion.
`in-phase voltage A voltage which is in phase with another
`(reference) voltage.
`inplant system An automatic data communications system
`within a specific building or complex.
`1. Enerpy orinformation delivered or transferred toa
`circuit or device. Compare ovTruT,|. 2. The terminals
`of a device or circuit to which energy or information is
`applied. Compare ourrut, 2. 3. To deliver or transfer
`energyor information to a circuit or device (as to input
`data from a computer peripheral to memory).
`input admittance Symbol, ¥,. The intemal admittance ofa
`circuit or device, as seen from the input terminals; the
`Teciprocal of
`impedance. Compare OUTPUT
`input area
`In a computer memory, an area set aside for
`data input from a source other than a program.
`input bias current The input bias required by an opera-
`tional amplifier.
`inpot capacitance Symbol, C). 1. The internal capacitance
`of a circuit or device, as seen from the input terminals.
`‘Compare OUTPUT CAPACITANCE. 2. The grid-cathode
`capacitance of an electron tube.
`imput capscitor
`I. In a capacitance-coupled circuit, the
`al washed Tn the printing of matter for optical char-
`acter recognition, the squeezing ofink from a character’s
`input coupling capacitor. Compare OUTPUT CAPACITOR.
`2. The first capacitor in a capacitor-input filter,i.e., that
`ink-vapor recorder Sev INK-MIST RECORDER.
`capacitor electrically nearest the rectifier output clec-
`imib Abbreviation of INCH-POUND-
`inlead=The part of an electrode going through that which
`input choke The first choke in a choke-input filter iLe., that
`choke clectrically nearest the rectifier output electrode,
`ote ace (tube envelope; transistor base,
`when no “preceding” capacitor is employed.
`ickacct The main portion ofa COBOL computer
`inpot circuit The circuil or subcircuit constituting the
`program. responsible for the primary operations.
`input section ofa network or device. Also see tNPUT, 1, 2
`inline processing ‘The action peculiar to a system that pro-
`cesses data almost immediately upon receipt, ie, one
`input clamp current The current from an input when the
`input is in a state below ground potential. A test for the
`ainline readout In digits! computer practice, a readoul de-
`input clamp diode.
`input conductance Symbol, G,. The internal conductance
`In an electron tube, the currentthat
`initial-velocity curreat
`ode to another element, such as a gnd or plate that has
`Mo external voltage applied to it.
`initiate See TRIGGER.
`$1. Introducing a signal into a crewit or device.
`2. Introducing current carers (electrons or holes) imio a
`1. An element or electrode for injection (see nv.
`|, 2). 2. A signal injector.
`injector electrode See INJECTOR, 1.
`injector grid te eetet eee ere
`controls the pressure ofa jet ofink for making a record-
`ing on a paper chart. A/w see LIQUIDJET OscILLO-
`ink-mist recorder A graphic recorder in which the line is


`quartz fiber
`Q signals
`* quadrature compone
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`wath the letter Q, used for simplified telegraph and radio-
`or other components in series-parallel for enhanced
`telegraph communication, and sometimes rapid voice
`©ommunication (in radictelephony), of commonly used
`quad latch A set of four interconnected flip-flops, used for
`the storage of information.
`QSL ecard A card venfying communication with, or the
`1, The quarter part of a circle. 2. One ofthe four
`parts formed on a plane surface by rectangular coordi-
`Tecepuion ofsignals from, the station sending the card.
`Such verification is commonin the amateur radio service
`nates. and designated I.I, II, and IV in a counterclock-
`and with some shortwave broadcast and CB stations
`wisedirection starting with the upper-nght quadrant.
`3. An altitude-measuring instrument.
`‘QSO 1. Amateur radiotelegraph abbreviation for Two-
`2. Abbreviation of guasi-
`quadrantal deviation That part ofmagnetic-compassdevia-
`don caused by the induction oftransient magnetism into
`the horizontal soft iron of a vessel by the horizontal
`ieee A device or circuit that produces Q spoiling ina
`component of terrestrial magnetism.
`Ocns The technique ofinhibiting laser action during,
`quadrantal error See QUADRANTAL DEVIATION.
`quadrant electrometer An clectrometer whose principal
`an interval when an ion population excess is pumped up.
`Parts are quadrants (a pillbox-shaped brass chamber split
`When the laser ts subsequently triggered by Q switching a
`more powerful pulse of light results than would be other-
`imto four parts) and a needle {a flat, bowtie-shaped alu-
`wise obtained.
`minum vane) suspended by a platinized quartz fiber be-
`‘Q switching A laser-switching action obtaimable with Kerr
`tween the quadrants.
`cells or rotating reflecting prisms, which consists of hold-
`ing the Q of the laser cavity to a low value during an
`jon-population buildup and then abruptly switching the
`Q to a higher value,
`gt Abbreviation of guart (Also, g.)
`‘QO transformer See Q-MATCHING SECTION.
`qty Abbreviation of QUANTITY.
`1. A combination of four componenis—such as
`diodes, transistors, etc.—in a single housing. The com-
`ponents are usually carefully matched. 2. In a cable, a
`combination of four separately insulated conductors
`viation of QUADRANT. 4. Quad antenna. 5. Quad-
`quad antenna An antenna consisting of two square loops
`‘cut to a quarter wavelength on a side and a quarter-wave-
`Tength around the periphery. Only one loop is driven, the
`other acting as a parasitic reflector. Also called cuial
`quad antenna.
`quadraphonic sound Sound recording and reproduction in-
`volving four channels.
`quadraphony Music recording or playback in which four
`distinct information channels are used. Also calledfour-
`channel stereo.
`quadratic equation A second-degree equation, ie, one in
`which the highest exponent is 2 (the square of an un-
`known), eg. a+ bx +¢=0_
`quadratic formoala A formula for solving quadratic
`tons of the form ax? + Ax +0 = 0; by beanieor
`1. The state of(cyclic events or points) being 90
`degrees out of phase. 2. In astronomy,a celestial forma-
`tion of bodies 90 degrees apart.
`quadrature amplifier An amplifier circuit which introduces
`8 90-degree phase shift. Such amplifiers are used in con-
`trol devices, test instruments, transmitters, and color TV
`axes ina
`sepietescaeTie eee complak phiae
`the +) and —jaxes.
`carrier See Q PHASE.
`quadrature component
`1, The reactive componentof cur-
`fent or voltage. 2. A vector which is perpendicular to a


`* quantizer
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`sion or reproduction. 2. The degree: of conformity ofa
`reference vector. 3. The imaginary component in 2 com-
`product to specifications.
`plex expression.
`quality assurance The outcome of measures taken to bring
`quadrature current Reactive current im an ac circuit.
`detector An FM detector in which the FM sig-
`performance inta conformity with specifications. See
`nal and a fixed-frequency signal (both in quadrature, i.e.
`quality control The surveillance ofselection, manufactur
`90 degrees out of phase with each other) are applied
`simultaneously to separate grids of a special tube. Plate
`ing, and testing operations ta insure coaformity of a
`current flows in accordance with the time lag resulting
`product to specifications.
`quality-control engineer A professional skilled in quality-
`from the quadrature’s leading or lagging the frequency
`control engineering.
`change at
`the control grid. Also called gated-beam
`The branch ofengineering con-
`cerned principally with the technical methods ofquality
`quadrature modulation In-phase modulation of two carrier
`control and statistical methods of assessing quality (see
`components having a 90-degree phase difference.
`gumber An imaginary pumber, ie., ¥—1, or the
`technician A technician whose principal
`product of a real number and ¥—I.
`subcarrier signal$See QCw shGNAL.
`duty is the performance of operations in the areas of
`quadrature portion Im color TV, the portion of the chro-
`uct testing. which promote
`ity in a product. Some-
`minance signal having the same (or opposite) phase as
`times statistical evaluations are required. The QC tech’s
`that of the
`ulated subcarer, and which
`immediate responsibility is usually to a quality-control
`may be MW degrees out of phase with the in-phase
`quality enginecring A field of electrical or electronic engi-
`quadrature sensitivity The sensitivity of a transducer to
`neering that deals with quality assurance and control im
`motions in a direction perpendicular to the normal axis
`the production ofcomponents, citcuils, and systems.
`of response.
`quality factor See Q.
`voltage A voltage which is 90 degrees out of
`quality-factor bridge See Q BRIDGE,
`phase with another (reference) voltage.
`1. With four sides. 2. A four-sided polygon.
`quality-factor meter See Q METER.
`quant Abbreviation of QUANTITATIVE.
`quadrillion One thousand trillion (10%).
`quanta Plural of QUANTRUM.
`quadripartite Having four parts.
`An instrument used to measure the quantity
`quadriphonic Pertaining to a four-channel sound system.
`of X-rays to which a body has been exposed.
`Two sets oftwo interrelated channels are used to obtain 3
`quantitative test A test performed to determine the numer-
`ical values (and their relationships) connected with ob-
`servable phenomena. Compare QUALITATIVE TEST.
`jnpul- and. outpui-termimal pairs.
`1. A parameter (c.g. collector current, grid volt-
`quadrivalent Having a valence of 4. Tin, for example, is
`age, ctc.). 2, In calculations, a positive or negative real
`quadrivalent. Also called tetravalent.
`1. A rectifier circuit that delivers a de output
`quantization The division ofthe range of values ofeither a
`voltage approximatelyequal to four times the peak value
`on, such 25 a wave, into a finite num-
`of the ac input voltage. 2. An amplifier or other circuit
`ber of subranges, or the possible values for a variable into
`that delivers an outputsignal offour times the frequency
`quanta, or discrete units; the verb is quantize.
`of the input signal.
`quantization distortion Distortion introduced by the pro-
`quadruplex circuit A telegraph circuit in which two mes-
`cess of quantizing.
`sages are carried in cach direction simultaneously.
`quantization distortion power The level ofthe distortion if
`1. A combination ‘of two dipoles, producing a
`‘3 signal resulting from quantization. Expressed in micro-
`force which varies inversely with the fourth power of
`watts, milliwatts, or watts. Can also be expressed as a
`distance. 2. A four-pole magnet used in some synchro-
`percentage, or asalevel in dB relativeto the power level
`trons and linear accelerators to focus and bend a particle
`of the mam signal.
`beam.3. A system consisting oftwo dipoles of equal and
`oppositely direct moment.
`of quantities and their quantized values.
`qual Abbreviation of qualitative.
`quantization noise See QUANTIZATION DISTORTION.
`qualification The quality-control or quality-assurance sys-
`Tosplit a quantitative commodity such as energy
`tem in the production of components, circuits, or sy3-
`into its smallest measurable incremental units.
`tems. Certain minimum requirements must be met for 2
`quantized pulse modulation Pulse modulation involving,
`device to obtain qualification.
`quantization. Examples are PULSE-CODF MODULATION
`test A test performed to determine the general
`mode of operation or the presence of certain factors,
`‘A circuit or device which selects the digital sub-
`without regard to numerical values. Compare QUANTE
`division into which an analog quantityis placed, ic, a
`sort of A/D converter.
`quality 1. In audio-frequency practice, fidelity oftransmis-

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