Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 41-3 Filed 08/21/23 Page 1 of 5
`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 41-3 Filed 08/21/23 Page 1of5


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 41-3 Filed 08/21/23 Page 2 of 5


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 41-3 Filed 08/21/23 Page 3 of 5


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 41-3 Filed 08/21/23 Page 4 of 5
`The name Webster alone k no guarantee of excellences
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`Philippines Copyright 1995 by Merriam-Webster, Incoperrtl%
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication ..
`Main entry under title:
`the Unite . States o'Amefle :


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 41-3 Filed 08/21/23 Page 5 of 5
`f l'fif vb. fkd, .. fH n
`f .r f-f'f 11-t'"e t
`xperform 2
`1pjl vi l\ ad` I t fifled 2 t complete 3
`rounded 4 hvin an abundance of
`. emit ly -.
`z ut:tThst degree 4uIi
`I, dv
`1 e b : shrink and thicken woolen
`cloth (cid:173),,.fi
`r n
`fall-fledged VftU t e d\ adf : fully de-
`• ffl:san\ adj : copious verging
`on eccssve
`iimbe VEf mb l\ txb -bled; rbli<n
`x fail
`to hold omcthing properly —fumble
`vb wfdl 1; -nellfn A move to a central
`i t or Into a central channel
`fart urn le 'fnezt n p1: section of comic
`?any Vf n
`adj -n
`e 1
`amusing 2 ; strange
`fur V(% tt I hairy : ert of a mammal
`ankle of elothmg made with fur
`_f rt di —fu -
`f r st \Ef~rbishh vh x make las roux or
`flew looking
`fw '
`Vtyytir. ~.I Udj « fierce Or angry
`ad =
`furlong \'far,lOtlt n : a unit of distance
`equal to 220 yards
`furlough \'f r\
`: authorized absence
`from duty
`furnace \ am
`ask t R enclose l structure
`in which heat is produced
`f r ish .~f~ish% vb I : provide with
`what is needed 2 : make available for
`\-its\ n pl I : articles o
`accessories of dress 2 : furniture
`furnitur Vf° nic
`rfi it : movable ar-
`tkks for a room
`t I
`furor V°fy r, r\
`sensational cream
`furor Vf3r
`rk t dealer in furs
`r6 n I : trench made by a
`plow 2 K wrinkle or groove
`furtbe.r W r€ t r eith I : at or to a more
`. adj
`~ 2 : rc re
`b : prate br
`ffteranee \ mss\ n
`furthermore Vf
`; ,m&\ dv a in
` ", `ad » mom dish
`f silt
`idt or adj : farthest
`f rf l a \' f' rt
`furtive ' ° art v dJ slyly or secretly
`f rt k .
`- adv
`to :ry. Vf ttr # n, p/ *rlea I :
`•ii lea e
`V iybzzit I ; cord lighted to trans-
`mit flre to an epkaivc 2 cn
`m anger 2
`or fuad tua4ng ir
`fuze vbf:
`f fusesi; frwIng I : test and: run
`.e : el tr aal
`ther 2;
`vi.'': —(UAAb
`cx$ j
`safety &p
`,$A ; f:a, , h, ' a o'M ~S:
`xi: kid $ g..
`f an
`o:l:le'. of: fire
`R main
`irE itati
`i y~.
`fumed; fum4ng I :give o fumes 2
`5W fl OY
``fyUttlo,gatt Vh
`t' ed;
`treat with pest- illin,
`® :a'Hn
`fumes —4t
`rtf* .ant VfrUmignt\ n
`•. 4V#n+ 4tiou \,fydrna gtas on\ n
`fan ffn\ n I : something providing
`amusement or enjoyment 2 : en-
`• o ment °°°- ad/: fall of fun
`ftinc4ion 'ff shon\ n I: special pur-
`pose .2 : formal ceremony or social
`affair -vb; have or carry on a firth:
`ti on - fun
`6 n a1 -shanal\ adj -
`fn in°al1y adv
`t°y k-:sho reeve& tt, ,fit -aeies
`f € fin
`h. d Vfandd .tt I t store 2 sum cf : o y
`::intended for a .sue ial p:use
`t :available money •
`t<$b : pmv
`funds .for
`basic 2 of central hn
`r :anti
`*ly adv
`fneral f un r
`dead pemon
`rtarce or
`dot —fun-
`ceremony for a
`:at lacks ehlo. .

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