Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 1 of 12
`RFCyber CORP.,
`VISA U.S.A. Inc.,
`CASE NO.: 6:22-cv-00697
`Defendant, Visa U.S.A Inc. (“Visa”) answers and responds to each of the allegations of
`Plaintiff RFCyber Corp. (“Plaintiff” or “RFCyber”) as follow:
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 of the Complaint, as Visa
`lacks sufficient knowledge and information to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations.
`Visa admits that it is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
`Delaware, it is registered to do business in the State of Texas, and it has an agent registered in
`Texas, the Corporation Service Company d/b/a CSC-Lawyers Incorporated, at 211 E. 7th Street
`Suite 620 Austin, Texas. Except as expressly admitted herein, Visa denies all remaining
`allegations in Paragraph 2.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 2 of 12
`Visa admits that this Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action
`pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1331 and 1338. Visa denies any remaining allegations in Paragraph 3 of
`the Complaint.
`Visa does not contest that this Court has personal jurisdiction solely for the
`purposes of this particular action. Visa admits it maintains certain physical offices in the State of
`Texas and in this Judicial District. Visa denies all remaining allegations in Paragraph 4 of the
`Complaint, and specifically denies that it has committed any acts of infringement within this
`District, or any other District.
`Visa does not contest that venue is proper in this District for the purposes of this
`particular action but denies that venue is convenient or in the interest of justice under 28 U.S.C. §
`1404(a). Visa denies any remaining allegations in Paragraph 5 of the Complaint.
`Visa admits that what purports to be a copy of U.S. Patent No. 8,118,218 (the
`“’218 Patent”) is attached as Exhibit A to the Complaint. Visa further admits that the face of
`what appears to be the ’218 Patent indicates that it is titled “Method and Apparatus for Providing
`Electronic Purse” and that the date of the patent is February 21, 2012. Visa denies that the ’218
`Patent was duly and legally issued. Visa denies all other allegations contained in Paragraph 6 of
`the Complaint.
`Visa admits that what purports to be a copy of U.S. Patent No. 8,448,855 (the
`“’855 Patent”) is attached as Exhibit B to the Complaint. Visa further admits that the face of
`what appears to be the ’855 Patent indicates that it is titled “Method and Apparatus for Funding
`an Electronic Purse” and that the date of the patent is May 28, 2013. Visa denies that the ’855
`Patent was duly and legally issued. Visa denies all other allegations contained in Paragraph 7 of
`the Complaint.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 3 of 12
`Visa admits that what purports to be a copy of U.S. Patent No. 9,189,787 (the
`“’787 Patent”) is attached as Exhibit C to the Complaint. Visa further admits that the face of
`what appears to be the ’787 Patent indicates that it is titled “Method and Apparatus for
`Conducting E-Commerce and M-Commerce” and that the date of the patent is November 17,
`2015. Visa denies that the ’787 Patent was duly and legally issued. Visa denies all other
`allegations contained in Paragraph 8 of the Complaint.
`Visa admits that what purports to be a copy of U.S. Patent No. 9,240,009 (the
`“’009 Patent”) is attached as Exhibit D to the Complaint. Visa further admits that the face of
`what appears to be the ’009 Patent indicates that it is titled “Mobile Devices for Commerce Over
`Unsecured Networks” and that the date of the patent is January 19, 2016. Visa denies that the
`’009 Patent was duly and legally issued. Visa denies all other allegations contained in Paragraph
`9 of the Complaint.
`Visa denies that RFCyber has any right to recover damages or seek an injunction
`under any of the ’218, ’855, ’787, and ’009 Patents. Visa denies all other allegations contained
`in Paragraph 10 of the Complaint.
`Plaintiff’s allegations in Paragraph 11 of the Complaint appear intended to reflect
`Plaintiff’s legal contentions, proposed claim constructions, and theories of infringement, and
`Visa therefore denies them. Visa specifically denies that it infringes any valid claim of
`Plaintiff’s patents.
`Visa admits that Visa has operated services, including Visa Token Service (a.k.a.
`VTS), Visa Ready, Token ID, and Visa payWave. Visa denies all remaining allegations of
`Paragraph 12 and specifically denies that it has infringed any valid claim of Plaintiff’s patents.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 13 of the Complaint.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 4 of 12
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 14 of the Complaint except
`that Visa admits that it received a subpoena issued in the action RFCyber v. Samsung Elecs. Co.,
`and Samsung Elecs. Am., Inc., 2:20-cv-00335 (E.D. Tex.).
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 15 of the Complaint, as Visa
`lacks sufficient knowledge and information to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations.
`(Infringement of the ’218 Patent)1
`Visa reasserts and incorporates by reference the responses to all preceding
`paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 17, as Visa lacks sufficient
`knowledge and information to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 18.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 19.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 20.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 21.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 22.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 23.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 24.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 25.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 26.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 27.
`1 Visa includes the headings from RFCyber’s Complaint for ease of reference only. Visa
`denies the statement in this heading and all other headings that assert that Visa infringes any
`valid patent.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 5 of 12
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 28.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 29.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 30.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 31.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 32.
`(Infringement of the ’855 Patent)
`Visa reasserts and incorporates by reference the responses to all preceding
`paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 34, as Visa lacks sufficient
`knowledge and information to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 35.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 36.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 37.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 38.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 39.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 40.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 41.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 42.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 43.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 44.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 45.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 46.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 47.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 6 of 12
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 48.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 49.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 50.
`(Infringement of the ’787 Patent)
`Visa reasserts and incorporates by reference the responses to all preceding
`paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 52 except that RFCyber has not
`licensed Visa the ’787 Patent.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 53.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 54.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 55.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 56.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 57.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 58.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 59.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 60.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 61.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 62.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 63.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 64.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 65.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 66.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 7 of 12
`(Infringement of the ’009 Patents)
`Visa reasserts and incorporates by reference the responses to all preceding
`paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.
`Visa denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 68, as Visa lacks sufficient
`knowledge and information to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 69.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 70.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 71.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 72.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 73.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 74.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 75.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 76.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 77.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 78.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 79.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 80.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 81.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 82.
`Visa denies all allegations contained in Paragraph 83.
`Visa is not required to respond to Plaintiff’s demand for a jury trial.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 8 of 12
`Visa denies that Plaintiff is entitled to any relief whatsoever, including any and all
`relief requested in Plaintiff’s “Prayer for Relief.” To the extent any statement in the Prayer for
`Relief is deemed factual and/or requires a response, it is denied.
`Any allegation in RFCyber’s Complaint not expressly admitted by Visa is hereby
`denied. Having answered RFCyber’s Complaint, Visa denies that RFCyber is entitled to the
`relief requested in RFCyber’s Prayer for Relief or to any relief whatsoever.
`Without prejudice to the denials set forth in its Answer, and without admitting any
`allegations of the Complaint not expressly admitted, Visa asserts the following separate
`defenses to the Complaint without assuming the burden of proof on any such defense that
`would otherwise rest with RFCyber.
`RFCyber has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.
`The claims of the ’218 patent, ’855 patent, ’787 patent, and the ’009 patent are invalid
`under 35 U.S.C. §101 as directed to patent-ineligible subject matter.
`The claims of the ’218 patent, ’855 patent, ’787 patent, and the ’009 patent are invalid
`under 35 U.S.C. §102 as anticipated by one or more prior art references.
`The claims of the ’218 patent, ’855 patent, ’787 patent, and the ’009 patent are invalid
`under 35 U.S.C. §103 as obvious in view of one or more prior art references.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 9 of 12
`The claims of the ’218 patent, ’855 patent, ’787 patent, and the ’009 are invalid under
`35 U.S.C. §112.
`RFCyber is precluded from recovering damages for any alleged infringement taking
`place more than six years prior to the filing of the complaint under 35 U.S.C. § 286.
`To the extent that RFCyber, any predecessors in interest, or any licensees to the ’218
`patent, ’855 patent, ’787 patent, and the ’009 patent failed to properly mark any relevant
`products or materials as required by 35 U.S.C. § 287, or otherwise give proper notice that
`Visa’s specific actions allegedly infringe the ’218 patent, ’855 patent, ’787 patent, and the
`’009 patent, Visa is not liable to RFCyber for the acts alleged to have been performed before
`Visa received adequate notice that it was allegedly infringing the ’218 patent, ’855 patent, ’787
`patent, and the ’009 patent and how it was allegedly doing so
`By reason of statements, representations, concessions, admissions, arguments, and/or
`amendments, whether explicit or implicit, made by or on behalf of the applicant during the
`prosecution of the patent applications that led to the issuance of the Asserted Patents,
`Plaintiff’s claims of infringement are barred in whole or in part by the doctrine of prosecution
`history estoppel.
`Plaintiff’s claims are barred in whole or in part by an express or implied license and/or
`the patent exhaustion doctrine.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 10 of 12
`Plaintiff’s claims for infringement are barred by the doctrine of ensnarement.
`Visa reserves all defenses, at law or equity, which may now exist or in the future be
`available on discovery and further factual investigation in this case.
`WHEREFORE, Visa respectfully request that the Court enter judgment in its favor and
`against Plaintiff as follows:
`Dismissing with prejudice Plaintiff’s claims against Visa;
`Denying all relief that Plaintiff seeks in its Complaint;
`Finding this case exceptional under 35 U.S.C. § 285 and awarding Visa all costs
`and attorney’s fees; and
`Awarding any other relief the Court deems just and equitable.
`In accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 38, Visa demands a trial by jury on all issues so triable.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 11 of 12
`Dated: May 24, 2023
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ James C. Yoon
`James C. Yoon (CA State Bar No. 177155)
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304-1050
`Telephone: (650) 493-9300
`Fax: (650) 493-6811
`Jamie Y. Otto (CA Bar No. 229323) (pro hac vice pending)
`633 West Fifth Street, Suite 1550
`Los Angeles, California 90071
`Telephone: (323) 210-2900
`Fax: (866) 974-7329
`Attorneys for Defendant VISA U.S.A. Inc.


`Case 6:22-cv-00697-ADA Document 18 Filed 05/24/23 Page 12 of 12
`The undersigned, an attorney, hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the foregoing
`document has been served on all counsel of record via ECF on May 24, 2023.
`By: /s/ James C. Yoon
`James C. Yoon

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