Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 1 of 30
`Exhibit C


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`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 2 of 30
`Electronic Version v1.1
`Stylesheet Version v1.1
`ATI TechnologiesInc.
`StreetAddress: ———Commerce Valley Drive East |
`Soe aaADA
`Postal Code:
`Property Type
`Application Number:
`Fax Number:
`Correspondencewillbe sent via US Mail when the fax attempt is unsuccessful.
`Correspondent Name:
`AddressLine 1:
`Christopher J. Reckamp
`222 N. LaSalle Street
`Address Line 4:
`Chicago, ILLINOIS 60601
`Christopher J. Reckamp
`Total Attachments: 4
`source=11469335_Assignment#page1 .tif
`REEL: 018534 FRAME: 0233
`Ex. C, p. 1
`Ex. C, p. 1


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 3 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 3 of 30
`source=11469335_Assignment#page4 tif
`REEL: 018534 FRAME: 0234
`Ex. C, p. 2
`Ex. C, p. 2


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 4 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 4 of 30
`This is an assignment of patent rights between the inventor(s) Greg Sadowski,
`George Jacobs and Paul Chow (herein after referred to as the Inventors) and ATI
`Technologies Inc., having a place of business at
`1 Commerce Valley Drive East,
`Markham, Ontario, Canada (berein after referred to'as the Assignee).
`Inventors. have caused to be prepared a United States Patent
`Application in the Inventors’ name entitled VIDEO DECODER WITH REDUCED
`POWER CONSUMPTION AND METHOD THEREOF,having serial no. 11/469,335,
`filed on August 31, 2006 and having a docket number of 00100.06.0121 (herein after
`referred to as the Invention); and
`WHEREAS,Assignee has a desire to acquire all rights, title, and interest in the
`NOW, THEREFORE,the parties agree as follows:
`The Inventors hereby sell, assign, and transfer its entire right, title, and
`interest in the Invention andall patents that may be granted therefrom due to divisions,
`substitutions, extensions, continuations, and continuations-in-part
`to the
`The Inventors hereby sell, assign, and transfer its entire right, title, and
`interest in any foreign (non U.S.) national patent application, invention registration, or
`equivalent (Foreign Applications), claiming approximately the same subject matter of the
`Invention to the Assignee.
`The transfer set forth in Paragraph (2.) is in consideration for the sum of
`one dollar ($1) U.S. (or its equivalent) and/or other consideration for which both parties
`acknowledge to be valuable, having been conveyed to the Inventors by the Assignee.
`Consideration may include at least one of: employment, an independent contractor
`apreement, monetary payment,or other benefit hereby acknowledgedas received.
`Inventors hereby authorize and request the Commissioner of Patents and
`Trademarks to issue the patent for the Invention, and all resulting patents therefrom,
`insofar as Inventor’s interest is concerned, to the Assignee.
`The Inventors further agree to execute any and all powers of attorney,
`applications, assignments, declarations, affidavits, and any other papers in connection
`therewith necessary to perfect such rights,title, and interest in the Assignee.
`The Inventors hereby yet further agree to, with respect to the referenced
`patent application, at the expense ofthe Assignee:
`testify in any legal proceedings,
`REEL: 018534 FRAME: 0235
`Ex. C, p. 3
`Ex. C, p. 3


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 5 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 5 of 30
`sign all lawful papers,
`execute all divisional, continuation, continuation-in-part,
`substitute applications,
`reissue and
`iv)_make all lawful oaths, and assist in vesting title in the Assignee and to aid
`the Assignee to obtain and enforce proper protection for the subject matter of the
`Invention in all countries, and
`notify Assignee promptly (by facsimile or first class mail) of any
`subpoena or contact by any person other than Assignee or its agents regarding the
`Invention or resultant patent(s) issuing therefrom, and in any event at least one week
`prior to any deposition, legal inquiry or legal proceedingrelating to the above identified
`This assignmentis executed on the date(s) ofwhich the Inventor has signed,
`Date: q~ J— Cane
`Regional Municipality of: a Wer ese :
`Before me personally appeared said Greg Sadowski aif acknowledge the
`to be his free act and deed this
`day of
`REEL: 018534 FRAME: 0236
`Ex. C, p. 4
`Ex. C, p. 4


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 6 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 6 of 30
`Date: 7 /$7 OG
`State/ProvinceofMassachusells) ss:
`Regional Municipality of: middiese x
`Before me personally appeared said George Jacobs and acknowledge the
`to be his free act and deed this
`day of
`, 2006.
`State/Province of:
`Regional Municipality of:
`Before me personally appeared said Paul Chow and acknowledge the foregoing
`instrument to be his free act and deed this
`day of
`REEL: 018534 FRAME: 0237
`Ex. C, p. 5
`Ex. C, p. 5


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 7 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 7 of 30
`Regional Municipality of:
`Before me personally appeared said George Jacobs and acknowledge the
`foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed this
`day of
`InpLthd Date:Hepts.¢ 200le
`( yi (ay Ly©
`Regional Municipality of:
`Yc re ke
`Before me personally appeared said Paul Chow and acknowled
`day of Saplomiaar
`instrument to be his free act and deed this
`, Notary Public, Regional
`pallyaNork, limited £9 the attestation ofour
`instruments and the tak:.... .. esidavils for
`ATI Technologies Inc.
`Expires March 5, 2008.
`RECORDED: 11/17/2006
`REEL: 018534 FRAME: 0238
`Ex. C, p. 6
`Ex. C, p. 6


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`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 8 of 30
`Electronic Version v1.1
`Stylesheet Version v1.1
`ATI TechnologiesInc.
`1 Commerce——————————————Drive East
`Postal Code:
`L3T 7X6
`Property Type
`Application Number:
`Application Number:
`Fax Number:
`Correspondencewill be sent via US Mail when the fax attempt is unsuccessful.
`Correspondent Name:
`AddressLine 1:
`AddressLine 2:
`Christopher J. Reckamp
`222 N. LaSalle Street
`Vedder Price
`Chicago, ILLINOIS 60601
`Address Line 4:
`| 060037 060121 NAME CHANGE
`Christopher J. Reckamp
`Total Attachments: 2
`source=Certificate of Amendment ATI ULC#page1 .tif
`source=Certificate of Amendment ATI ULC#pagez2.tif
`REEL: 019774 FRAME: 0115
`Ex. C, p. 7
`Ex. C, p. 7


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 9 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 9 of 30
`REEL: 019774 FRAME: 0116
`Ex. C, p. 8
`Ex. C, p. 8


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 10 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 10 of 30
`Articles Of Amendment
`Business Corporations Act
`Sections 29 or t77
`Name of Corporation
`2. Corporate Access Number
`The Articles of the above named corporation are amended in accordance with
`Section 173(1)(a) of the Business Cerporations Act (Alberta) by deleting the name "ATI
`Technologies Inc," and substituting therefor the name "ATI TECHNOLOGIES ULC".
`The Articles of the above named corporation are amended in accordance with Section
`(173)(1)@m.1) of the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) to convert the above named
`corporation to an Unlimited Liability Corporation by adding to the Schedule Re Other
`Provisions the following paragraph:
`"The liability of each of the shareholders of the Unlimited Liability Corporation
`for anyliability, act or default of the Unlimited Liability Corporation is unlimited
`in extent and joint and several in nature."
`Accordingly the Schedule Re Other Provisions, as amended and restated, shall read as set
`out in the attached Schedule Re Other Provisions.
`Nameof Person Authorizing (please print)
` FainaMedzonsky Sana ip,
`Assistant Secretary
`October as , 2006
`Title (please print)
`This information is being collated for ihe purposes of corporate ragisiry records in accordance with the Business Gorporations
`Act Questions about the collection of this information can be directed (o the Freedom of information and Protection ofPrivacy
`Coordinatorfor Alberta Ragistias, Resgarch and Program Support, 3id Floor, Commerce Piace, 10765 — 102 Street,
`Edmonton, Alberta TS! 414, (780) 422-7330
`REG 3054 (9001)
`200350-3 7647
`CALDOCS #1544875 v. |
`RECORDED: 08/31/2007
`REEL: 019774 FRAME: 0117
`Ex. C, p.9
`Ex. C, p. 9


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 11 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 11 of 30
`Electronic Version v1.1
`Stylesheet Version v1.1
`ATI Technologies Inc.
`ATI Technologies ULC
`Markham, Ontario
`Postal Code:
`L3T 7X6
`Application Number:
`source=Certificate of Amendment ATI ULC#page2 tif
`Fax Number:
`Correspondence will be sent via US Mail when the fax attempt is unsuccessful.
`Correspondent Name:
`AddressLine 1:
`Christopher J. Reckamp
`222 N. LaSalle Street
`AddressLine 4:
`Chicago, ILLINOIS 60048
`| Christopher J. Reckamp
`Total Attachments: 2
`source=Certificate of Amendment ATI ULC#page1 tif
`REEL: 024880 FRAME: 0593
`Ex. C, p. 10
`Ex. C, p. 10


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 12 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 12 of 30
`REEL: 024880 FRAME: 0594
`Ex. C, p. 11
`Ex. C, p. 11


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 13 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 13 of 30
`Articles Of Amendment
`Businase Corporations Act
`Sectiona 29 or 77
`1. Name of Corporation
`2, Corporate Access Number
`The Articles of the above named corporation are amended in accordance with
`Section 173(1)(a) of the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) by deleting the name "ATI
`Technologies Inc." and substituting therefor the name "ATI TECHNOLOGIES ULC’,
`The Articles of the above named corporation are amended in accordance with Section
`(173) }(m.1) of the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) to convert the above named
`corporation to an Unlimited Liability Corporation by adding to the Schedule Re Other
`Provisionsthe following paragraph:
`"The liability of each of the shareholders of the Unlimited Liability Corporation
`for anyliability, act or default of the Unlimited Liability Corporation is unlimited
`in extent and joint and several in nature."
`Accordingly the Schedule Re Other Provisions, as amended and restated, shall read as set
`out in the attached Schedule Re Other Provisions.
`Nameof Person Authorizing (piéase print)
`Assistant Secretary
`Fauna Iiilyy
`October as , 2006
`Title (please print)
`This information is being collacted for the purposes ofcorporate registry records in accordance with the Business Corporations
`Act Questions about the collection of this information can bedirected to the Freedom ofInformation and Protection ofPrivacy
`Coordinatorfor Aiberta Registries, Reseerch and Program Suppor, 3rd Floor, Commerce Piece, 10165 - 102 Sfreet,
`Edmonion, Alberta T5/ 414, (780} 422-7330
`REG 3054 (99/01)
`200350-3 76474
`CALDOCS #1544875 v.
`RECORDED: 08/24/2010
`REEL: 024880 FRAME: 0595
`Ex. C, p. 12
`Ex. C, p. 12


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 14 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 14 of 30
`Electronic Version v1.1
`Stylesheet Version v1.2
`EPASID: PAT3546188
`Execution Date
`REEL: 036703 FRAME: 0421
`Ex. C, p. 13
`Ex. C, p. 13


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 15 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 15 of 30
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Patent Number:
`Fax Number:
`Correspondencewill be sent to the e-mail addressfirst; if that is unsuccessful, it will be sent
`using a fax number, if provided;if that is unsuccessful, it will be sent via US Mail.
`Correspondent Name:
`AddressLine 1:
`AddressLine 4:
`REEL: 036703 FRAME: 0422
`Ex. C, p. 14
`Ex. C, p. 14


`Total Attachments: 14
`source=Assignment_AT|LAST#page1 1.tif
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 16 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 16 of 30
`/Leslie Gould/
`REEL: 036703 FRAME: 0423
`Ex. C, p. 15
`Ex. C, p. 15


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 17 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 17 of 30
`ATI Techaologies ULC, a corporation with an office at | Commerce Valley East Markham,
`ON L3T7X6 (“Assignor”)}, is the sole owner ofthe patents and patent applications listedin
`Schedule 1 hereto (collectively the “Listed Patents”); and
`Advanced Silicon Technologies, LLC, a Delaware corporation, with an office at Assignee”)
`desires to acquire all right, title and interest in the Listed Patents and the other patenis and related
`rights described below.
`the receipt of whichis hereby acknowledged, Assignor
`For good and valuable consideration,
`does hereby sell, assign, transfer and conveyto Assignee and its successors and assigns all right,
`title and interest that may exist today and in the future to any and all:
`3 Listed Patents;
`foreign counterparts to any ofthe items covered by (1) above, incinding utility models,
`inventors’ certificates, industrial design protection and anyother form of governmental grants or
`issuances for the protection of inventions, designs or discoveries;
`inventions, invention disclosures, designs and discoveries described, disclosed or claimed
`in the items covered by (1) through (2) above;
`patents that issue from any ofthe Herns covered by (1) through (3) above;
`claims, causes of action and enforcementrights of any kind, whether currently pending,
`filed or otherwise, and whether known or unknown, under orarising from anyof the items
`covered by (1) through(4) above, including all nghts to pursue and collect damages, costs,
`injunctive relief and other remedies for past, current or future infringement thereof and inchiding
`rights afforded under 35 U.S.C. § 134(a);
`royalties, incorme and other payments due as ofthe date hereof or hereafter underor
`arising from any of the items covered by (1) through (5) above, and
`rights t apply for,file, register, maintain, extend and renew im amy or all countries of the
`world patents, certificates of invention, utility models, indusirial design protection, design patent
`protectionand other governmental grants or issuances ofany kind related to any ofthe items
`covered by (1) through (6) above.
`Assignor shall execute and deliver any instruments, and do and performany other acts and things
`as may be reasonably necessary ordesirable for effecting and evidencing the assignments
`contemplated hereby, including the execution, acknowledgment andrecordationof any
`Assignor hereby authorizes and requests the Cornmissioner of Listed Patents and Trademarks
`and any other patent office to issue any andall patents, utility models or other governmental
`grants or issuances pertaining to anyofthe items assigned hereunder in the name of Assignee.
`Page t of 14
`REEL: 036703 FRAME: 0424
`Ex. C, p. 16
`Ex. C, p. 16


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 18 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 18 of 30
`The assignmentof right pursuant hereto will inure to the benefit of Assignee andiis successors,
`assigns and other legal representatives and is binding upon Assignor and its successors, assigns,
`heirs and legal representatives.
`Assignor, by its duly authorized representative, has executed this assignment on the date set forth
`DATE: September25, 2015
`DATE: September &, 2015
`ATI Technologies ULC
`By: Kane Ooche
`Printed/Typed Name
`Signature a
`Advanced SiliconTechnologies, LLC,

`Ba oh Se
`TPS eee
`[The remainder ofthis page has been left blankintentionally}
`Page 2 of 14
`REEL: 036703 FRAME: 0425
`Ex. C, p. 17
`Ex. C, p. 17


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 19 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 19 of 30
`} y
`FEDACAe Outen
` _J¥itickates
`On this “8‘aay af September21S
`. Petscnally appeared befiwe me esReClAeok.
`meknownandknown to metebe thepersonaforesaid, whodalyacknowledgedthesigninga
`the foregoing instrament to be his or her voluntary act and deed, and as € Nee: ugdey”_<
`RSa7coasiogCo. did execute the same for the uses and purposes theremsetforth.
`gh i.Ae
`ns eg? }ff!Ettale,
` i2 x.SeSAD
`Notary Public in andforthese
`PeEHAC | ue
`ke&SPosGaborii etyLAr
`Print Name
`WITNESS my hand and official seal.
`BATE: September aS, 2015
`ATI Technologies ULC
`Page 3 of 14
`REEL: 036703 FRAME: 0426
`Ex. C, p. 18
`Ex. C, p. 18


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 20 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 20 of 30
` 3eeeeetttedpttennnnnemannnimnmnmned

`036703 FRAME 0427
`Ex. C, p. 19
`Ex. C, p. 19


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 21 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 21 of 30
`B ew
`036703 FRAME 0428
`Ex. C, p. 20

`Ex. C, p. 20


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 22 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 22 of 30
`a 2
`036703 FRAME 0429
`Ex. C, p. 21
`Ex. C, p. 21


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 23 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 23 of 30
`i}iii i
`036703 FRAME 0430
`Ex. C, p. 22
`Ex. C, p. 22


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`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 24 of 30
` :deesssenhtdaeeerermnnnninannnninnsssieabannantinssineinrennnnnntinei
`036703 FRAME 0431
`Ex. C, p. 23
`Ex. C, p. 23


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 25 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 25 of 30
`036703 FRAME 0432
`Ex. C, p. 24
`Ex. C, p. 24


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`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 26 of 30
` {i1erernrynennnnnnnngpenneowtanesnnasenrrenirannnenapaananananenennnannctnssanannn
`REEL: 036703 FRAME 0433
`Ex. C, p. 25
`Ex. C, p. 25


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 27 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 27 of 30
` feaaeennnnnnasennaenRrrananan
`;3it ,
`036703 FRAME 0434
`Ex. C, p. 26
`Ex. C, p. 26


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 28 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 28 of 30
`036703 FRAME 0435
`Ex. C, p. 27
`; ,;iscannereinen
`Ex. C, p. 27


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 29 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 29 of 30
`036703 FRAME 0436
`Ex. C, p. 28
`Ex. C, p. 28


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 30 of 30
`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 72-3 Filed 05/09/23 Page 30 of 30
`REEL: 036703 FRAME 0437
`Ex. C, p. 29
`Ex. C, p. 29

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