Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 52-1 Filed 12/21/22 Page 1 of 128
`Exhibit A


`Case 6:22-cv-00466-ADA-DTG Document 52-1 Filed 12/21/22 Page 2 of 128
`Washington, D.C. 20549
`FORM 10-K
`(Mark One)
`For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021
`For the transition period from to .
`Commission File Number: 001-34841
`NXP Semiconductors N.V.
`(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
`(State or other jurisdiction
`of incorporation or organization)
`60 High Tech Campus
`(Address of principal executive offices)
`(I.R.S. employer identification number)
`5656 AG
`(Zip Code)
`40 2729999
`(Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)
`Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
`Title of each class
`Common shares, EUR 0.20 par value
`Trading symbol(s)
`Name of each exchange on which registered
`The Nasdaq Global Select Market
`Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None
`Indicate by check mark if the Registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.
`Yes ☒ No ☐
`Indicate by check mark if the Registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act.
`Yes ☐ No ☒
`Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
`Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.
`Yes ☒ No ☐
`Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant has submitted electronically every interactive data file required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§ 232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12
`months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to submit such files).
`Yes ☒ No ☐
`Ex. A, p. 1


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`Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of "large accelerated
`filer," "accelerated filer," "smaller reporting company," and "emerging growth company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
`Large accelerated filer
`Accelerated filer
`Non-accelerated filer
`Smaller reporting company
`Emerging growth company
`If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the Registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to
`Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☐
`Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant has filed a report on and attestation to its management's assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-
`Oxley Act (15 U.S.C. 7262(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report. ☒
`Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).
`Yes ☐ No ☒
`The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the Registrant, based upon the closing sale price of our ordinary shares on July 2, 2021 as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market, was $54.7
`billion. As of February 18, 2022, the Registrant had 262,538,156 outstanding ordinary shares, excluding shares held in treasury.
`Portions of the Registrant’s definitive proxy statement relating to its 2022 Annual General Meeting of shareholders (the “2022 Proxy Statement”) are incorporated by reference into Part III of this Annual Report on Form
`10-K where indicated. The 2022 Proxy Statement will be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year to which this report relates.
`Ex. A, p. 2


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`Table of Contents
`Introduction and Forward Looking Statements
`Part I
`Item 1. Business
`Item 1A. Risk Factors
`Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments
`Item 2. Properties
`Item 3. Legal Proceedings
`Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures
`Part II
`Item 5. Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
`Item 6. [Reserved]
`Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
`Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
`Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data
`Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements With Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure
`Item 9A. Controls and Procedures
`Item 9B. Other Information
`Item 9C. Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdictions that Prevent Inspections
`Item 10. Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance
`Item 11. Executive Compensation
`Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters
`Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence
`Item 14. Principal Accounting Fees and Services
`Part IV
`Item 15. Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules
`Item 16. Form 10-K Summary
`Ex. A, p. 3


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`Introduction and Forward Looking Statements
`This Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 (the “Annual Report”) and certain information incorporated herein by reference contains forward-looking statements,
`which are provided under the “safe harbor” protection of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this Annual Report, the words “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”,
`“forecast”, “expect”, “intend”, “plan” and “project” and similar expressions, as they relate to us, our management or third parties, identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements
`include statements regarding our business strategy, financial condition, results of operations, expected timeline to remediate the identified material weakness in our internal control over financial
`reporting, market data as well as any other statements that are not historical facts. These statements reflect beliefs of our management, as well as assumptions made by our management and
`information currently available to us. Although we believe that these beliefs and assumptions are reasonable, these statements are subject to numerous factors, risks and uncertainties that could cause
`actual outcomes and results to be materially different from those projected. These factors, risks and uncertainties expressly qualify all subsequent oral and written forward-looking statements
`attributable to us or persons acting on our behalf and include, in addition to those listed under Part I, Item 1A. Risk Factors and elsewhere in this Annual Report, the following:
`• market demand and semiconductor industry conditions;
`our ability to successfully introduce new technologies and products;
`the demand for the goods into which our products are incorporated;
`potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic;
`trade disputes between the U.S. and China, and the potential increase of barriers to international trade and resulting disruptions to our established supply chains;
`our ability to generate sufficient cash, raise sufficient capital or refinance our debt at or before maturity to meet our debt service, research and development and capital investment
`our ability to accurately estimate demand and match our production capacity accordingly or obtain supplies from third-party producers;
`our access to production from third-party outsourcing partners, and any events that might affect their business or our relationship with them;
`our ability to secure adequate and timely supply of equipment and materials from suppliers;
`our ability to avoid operational problems and product defects and, if such issues were to arise, to rectify them quickly;
`our ability to form strategic partnerships and joint ventures and successfully cooperate with our strategic alliance partners;
`our ability to win competitive bid selection processes;
`our ability to develop products for use in our customers’ equipment and products;
`our ability to successfully hire and retain key management and senior product engineers; and
`our ability to maintain good relationships with our suppliers.
`We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements and disclaim any obligation to update our view of any risks or uncertainties described herein or to publicly announce
`the result of any revisions to the forward-looking statements made in this Annual Report, except as required by law.
`In addition, this Annual Report contains information concerning the semiconductor industry and business segments generally, which is forward-looking in nature and is based on a variety of
`assumptions regarding the ways in which the semiconductor industry, our market and business segments will develop. We have based these assumptions on information currently available to us,
`including through the market research and industry reports referred to in this Annual Report. If any one or more of these assumptions turn out to be incorrect, actual market results may differ from
`those predicted. While we do not know what impact any such differences may have on our business, if there are such differences, they could have a material adverse effect on our future results of
`operations and financial condition, and the trading price of our common stock.
`The financial information included in this Annual Report is based on United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP), unless otherwise indicated.
`Ex. A, p. 4


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`In presenting and discussing our financial position, operating results and cash flows, management uses certain non-U.S. GAAP financial measures. These non-U.S. GAAP financial measures
`should not be viewed in isolation or as alternatives to the equivalent U.S. GAAP measures and should be used in conjunction with the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP measures. A discussion of
`non-U.S. GAAP measures included in this Annual Report and a reconciliation of such measures to the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP measures are set forth under “Use of Certain Non-U.S.
`GAAP Financial Measures” contained in this Annual Report under Part II, Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.
`Unless otherwise required, all references herein to “we”, “our”, “us”, “NXP” and the “Company” are to NXP Semiconductors N.V. and its consolidated subsidiaries.
`This Annual Report includes market data and certain other statistical information and estimates that are based on reports and other publications from industry analysts, market research firms,
`and other independent sources, as well as management’s own good faith estimates and analyses. NXP believes these third-party reports to be reputable, but has not independently verified the
`underlying data sources, methodologies or assumptions. The reports and other publications referenced are generally available to the public and were not commissioned by NXP. Information that is
`based on estimates, forecasts, projections, market research or similar methodologies is inherently subject to uncertainties and actual events or circumstances may differ materially from events and
`circumstances reflected in this information.
`Ex. A, p. 5


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`Item 1. Business
`Part I
`Company Overview
`NXP Semiconductors N.V. is a global semiconductor company and a long-standing supplier in the industry, with over 50 years of innovation and operating history. For the year ended December
`31, 2021, we generated revenue of $11,063 million, compared to $8,612 million for the year ended December 31, 2020.
`We provide leading solutions that leverage our combined portfolio of intellectual property, deep application knowledge, process technology and manufacturing expertise in the domains of
`cryptography-security, high-speed interface, radio frequency (RF), mixed-signal analog-digital (mixed A/D), power management, digital signal processing and embedded system design. Our product
`solutions are used in a wide range of end market applications including: automotive, industrial & Internet of Things (IoT), mobile, and communication infrastructure. We engage with leading global
`original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and sell products in all major geographic regions.
`Our legal name is NXP Semiconductors N.V. and our commercial name is “NXP” or “NXP Semiconductors.” We were incorporated in the Netherlands in 2006 as a Dutch public company with
`limited liability (naamloze vennootschap).
`Our corporate seat is in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Our principal executive office is at High Tech Campus 60, 5656 AG Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and our telephone number is
`+31 40 2729999. Our registered agent in the United States is NXP USA, Inc., 6501 William Cannon Dr. West, Austin, Texas 78735, United States of America, phone number +1 512 9338214.
`Semiconductor Market Overview
`Semiconductors perform a broad variety of functions within electronic products and systems, including processing data, sensing, storing information and converting or controlling electronic
`signals. Semiconductors vary significantly depending upon the specific function or application of the end product in which the semiconductor is used and the customer who is deploying it.
`Semiconductors also vary on a number of technical characteristics including the degree of integration, level of customization, programmability and the process technology utilized to manufacture the
`semiconductor. Advances in semiconductor technology have increased the functionality and performance of semiconductors, improving their features and power consumption characteristics while
`reducing their size and cost. These advances have resulted in growth of semiconductors and electronic content across a diverse array of products. The semiconductor market totaled $555.9 billion in
`Reporting Segment
`NXP has one reportable segment representing the entity as a whole, which reflects the way in which our chief operating decision maker executes operating decisions, allocates resources, and
`manages the growth and profitability of the Company.
`End Market Exposure
`Our product groups are focused on four primary end markets that we believe are characterized by long-term, attractive growth opportunities and where we believe we enjoy sustained,
`competitive differentiation through our technology leadership. The four end markets are Automotive, Industrial & IoT, Mobile, and Communication Infrastructure & Other.
`Ex. A, p. 6


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`Key Applications
`Growth Drivers
`Vehicle Networks
`Secure Car Access
`Body Comfort & Convenience
`Radar systems
`Domain and zonal
`Electrification systems
`Industrial & IoT
`Smart Home
`Edge Nodes
` Factory and Building Automation
`Home Entertainment
`Power and Energy
`Smart Appliances
`Smart Retail
`Secure connected Edge solutions
`Smart home and industrial automation
`Connectivity and crossover processors
`Mobile Accessories
`Comm Infra & Other
`Wireless Basestations
` Network & Security
`Banking Cards Government ID documents
`Transit Cards
`RFID Tagging
`UWB mobile access solutions
`Mobile Wallet/Mobile Transit
`RF Power Systems
`5G roll out
`i. Automotive
`Growth in automotive semiconductor sales relies on global vehicle sales and production trends and the increase in semiconductor content per vehicle, which is being driven by the proliferation
`of electronic features throughout the vehicle. Despite the decline in vehicles sales and production in 2020 due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 and the very low growth in 2021 due to the global
`supply crisis, the increase in semiconductor content per vehicle continued.
`We believe three mega-trends will drive the semiconductor content increase in the future: Autonomous driving, electrification and the service oriented car. Each of the megatrends involve new
`functions and each new function requires new technologies. The path to full autonomy is driving the increase of driver assistance systems in the car already today. In the same way, strict emissions
`regulations as well as consumer willingness for energy efficient cars are accelerating the penetration of electrification, which has been even more intensified during the pandemic, with OEMs
`prioritizing investments in this area. Last but not least, many consumers want their cars to be service oriented, hyper-connected, configurable and upgradeable, in the same way as they are used to
`with their smartphones.
`Semiconductor content per vehicle continues to increase due to government regulation of safety and emissions, standardization of higher-end options across a greater number of vehicle classes
`as well as consumer demand for greater fuel efficiency, advanced safety, multimedia applications and connectivity. Automotive safety features are evolving from passive safety systems to active
`safety systems with Advanced Driving Assisted Systems (ADAS) such as radar and vision systems. Semiconductor content is also increasing in engine management and fuel economy applications,
`like Battery Management Systems (BMS). Comfort and convenience systems and user interface applications, as well as infotainment features such as digital audio broadcasting are also areas with
`high semiconductor content increases. In addition, the use of networking in automotive applications continues to increase as various subsystems communicate within the automobile and with external
`devices and networks. Furthermore, we believe networking will play a key role in the electrical/electronic (E/E) architecture transformation towards domain and zonal architectures. Smart car access,
`automotive Ultra-Wideband (UWB) and Near-Field Communication (NFC) are gaining ground in automotive as well, enabling the connection of vehicles and car keys to portable devices and the
`infrastructure. Data integrity and security hardware features for safeguarding memory, communication and system data are also increasing in importance.
`Due to the high degree of regulatory scrutiny and safety requirements, the automotive semiconductor market is characterized by stringent qualification processes, zero defect quality processes,
`functionally safe design architecture, high reliability, extensive design-in timeframes and long product life cycles, which results in significant barriers to entry.
`Industrial & IoT
`The world is becoming smarter, more connected and more data driven, and the Industrial & IoT market sits at the center of this global digital transformation. The Industrial & IoT market is
`highly fragmented with a diverse collection of products and applications such as factory automation, smart home, smart appliances, home entertainment, smart retail, power and energy and medical
`Ex. A, p. 7


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`Growth in the Industrial market is driven by the replacement of traditional mechanical equipment by smart and connected electronic equipment using various sensors, processors, connectivity
`and security chipsets that align well with NXP’s ability to provide a complete range of processing, connectivity and secure solutions. In IoT, growth is driven by the increasing use of high-
`performance edge and media devices (e.g., home entertainment, connected home assistants, home control and security) and low power IoT nodes (e.g. smart home, hearables, health trackers) where
`NXP scalable solutions across the entire embedded processing spectrum are ideally suited. Working and learning from home significantly increased in the past two years due to the COVID-19
`pandemic, resulting in strong demand for smart home devices, computing peripherals, home entertainment and gaming consoles within our Industrial & IoT business.
`The increase in productivity with real-time insights and efficient processes for factory automation, the enhancement in consumer convenience, security and comfort for smart homes, the
`reduction of resource consumption and better energy efficiency for smart appliances, the increase in performance of rich media content in smart consumer devices and the need for better health
`prevention and monitoring solutions (wearables, smart patches and smart drug delivery devices) to help ensure the future health of millions of people are some of the key use-cases driving growth in
`Industrial & IoT.
`Finally, with the growing number of connected devices, latency, privacy and bandwidth have become critical limiting factors and Edge computing solves this by bringing the intelligence closer
`to the source. Security and tamper-detection capabilities are also becoming essential features of these Industrial & IoT solutions.
`iii. Mobile
`Mobile includes applications such as smartphones, feature phones, tablets, wearables and mobile accessories. NXP has a strong focus on mobile wallet, Ultra-Wideband (UWB) and specialty
`custom analog solutions. The demand for faster speeds, improved battery life, fast charging, mobile wallets, highly secure localization and sensing technology, mobile transit and authentication is
`driving increased semiconductor content for NXP. The growth in this market is mainly driven by the increasing attach rate of these features across devices, vendors and regions, from flagship
`smartphones down to feature phones, from developed countries to emerging regions. UWB, thanks to its unique precision, robustness, and reliability, is emerging as a secure, fine-ranging technology
`capable of enabling a wide range of innovative location-based user experiences. The technology is gaining momentum thanks to wider chipset availability, adoption across various devices by multiple
`brands, and the formation of a strong UWB ecosystem across the whole supply chain and NXP is well positioned in this market.
`iv. Communication Infrastructure & Other
`The Communication Infrastructure & Other end market is a combination of three different application markets, namely 5G networks, digital network communications and secure edge
`identification solutions.
`The transition to 5G and the cloudification of the network present a significant opportunity for NXP. More base stations are needed and massive MIMO radio technology - which provides better
`throughput and better spectrum efficiency - is greatly expanding the number of antennas and power amplifiers needed. Small cells are also deployed to improve coverage and capacity of wireless
`networks. In power amplification, as more bandwidth and higher frequencies are needed, we observe an increasing adoption of GaN technology because of its higher power output and efficiency.
`Workplaces are evolving from offices to homes, and consumers and enterprises need to adapt to changing working conditions, leading to increasing demand for better digital communication
`capabilities and digital content. This creates strong growth in the network communications market. Meanwhile, billions of connected devices exchange more and more data, leading to strong demand
`for device edge and cloud processing solutions.
`Finally, in secure edge identification solutions, NXP has extensive experience providing customers with solutions for applications demanding the highest security and reliability (ePassports,
`eID credentials, transportation & payment cards and RFID solutions). Further digitalization of governmental services, the trend
`Ex. A, p. 8


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`towards secure contactless payment and the need to improve tracking, traceability and authentication of products are driving demand across these applications.
`We offer customers a broad portfolio of semiconductor products, including microcontrollers, application processors, communication processors, connectivity chipsets, analog and interface
`devices, RF power amplifiers, security controllers and sensors. A key element of our strategy is to offer highly integrated and secure solutions that are increasingly sought by our customers to
`simplify their development efforts and shorten their time to market. We believe we have the broadest ARM processor portfolio in the industry, from microcontrollers to crossover processors and from
`application processors to communication processors.
`i. Microcontrollers
`We have been a provider of MCU solutions for more than 40 years. MCUs integrate all of the major components of a computing system onto a single semiconductor device. Typically, this
`includes a programmable processor core, memory, interface circuitry and other components. MCUs provide the digital logic, or intelligence, for electronic applications, controlling electronic
`equipment or analyzing sensor inputs. We are a trusted, long-term supplier of MCUs to many of our customers, especially in the automotive, smartcards, industrial and consumer markets. Our MCU
`product portfolio ranges from 8-bit products to higher performance 16-bit and 32-bit products with on-board flash memory. Our portfolio is highly scalable, and is coupled with our extensive software
`and design tools. This enables our customers to design-in and deploy our MCU families, leveraging a consistent software development environment. Due to the scalability of our portfolio we are able
`to help future-proof our customer’s products as their systems evolve, becoming more complex or requiring greater processing capabilities over time. For automotive applications, our microcontrollers
`deliver the required reliability, security and functional safety to address current and future automotive challenges. In an increasingly connected and networked society, where security is playing a
`more important role, our MCU families are equipped with varying security features (such as remote authentication, system/data integrity, secure communication and anomaly detection) to address
`different type of security risks. Our new i.MX RT crossover processors are built using applications processors chassis, delivering a high level of integration, high speed peripherals, enhanced security,
`and engines for enhanced user experience (for example, 2D/3D graphics), but powered by a low-power MCU core running a real-time operating system like Amazon Free RTOS or Zephyr RTOS.
`The i.MX RT series offers the high performing Arm Cortex-M core, real-time functionality, and MCU usability at an affordable price. Our S32x Automotive Processing Platform offers scalability
`across products and multiple application domains with S32K MCU’s based on Arm Cortex-M cores with Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL-D) capabilities.
`ii. Application Processors
`Application processors consist of a computing core with embedded memory and special-purpose hardware and software for secure multimedia applications such as graphics and video. Our
`products focus on consumer devices, industrial applications and automotive applications, like driver information systems, ADAS and vehicle networking that require processing and multimedia
`capabilities. We provide highly integrated ARM-based i.MX application processors with integrated audio, video and graphics capability that are optimized for low-power and high-performance
`applications. Our i.MX family of processors are designed in conjunction with a broad suite of additional products including power management solutions, audio codecs, touch sensors and
`accelerometers to provide full systems solutions across a wide range of operating systems and applications. Our i.MX 8 and 9 families are the latest generations of our general purpose application
`processors. Our i.MX 8 family is a feature and performance scalable multi-core platform that includes single, dual and quad-core families based on the Arm Cortex architecture for advanced graphics,
`imaging, machine vision, audio, voice, video, and safety-critical applications. Together, these products provide a family of applications processors featuring software, power and pin compatibility
`across single, dual and quad core implementations. Software support includes Linux and Android implementations. Our i.MX 9 series of application processors integrates hardware neural processing
`units across the entire series for acceleration of machine learning applications at the edge. In Automotive, our S32x Automotive Processing Platform offers scalability across products and multiple
`application domains based on Arm Cortex-A, Cortex-R, and Cortex-M cores with Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL-D) capabilities with software compatibility from the MCU’s to SoC’s.
`Ex. A, p. 9


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`iii. Communication Processors
`Communication processors combine a computing core, caches and other memories, with high-speed networking and input/output interfaces, such as Ethernet and PCI Express. Our portfolio
`includes 64-bit Arm-based Layerscape processors with up to 16 CPUs and Ethernet ports running at up to 100Gbps. Software support includes Linux and commercial real-time operating systems.
`Within enterprise and data-center communications infrastructure, our processors are used in switches, routers, SD-WAN access devices, Wi-Fi access points, and network security systems. Within
`service-provider communications infrastructure, our processors are used in cellular base stations, fixed wireless access Customer Premises Equipment (CPE), residential gateways, broadband
`aggregation systems, and core networking equipment. Although designed for use in communications infrastructure, these processors also find widespread use in other types of equipment, including
`industrial automation for control, edge computing nodes, cloud computing servers for offloading networking functions, and automobiles for communications and some ADAS functions. We also offer
`Layerscape Access processors, which implement baseband functions, principally for wireless systems such as 5G fixed wireless access, using programmable vector signal processors.
`iv. Wireless Connectivity
`We offer a broad portfolio of connectivity solutions, including Near Field Communications (NFC), Ultra-wideband (UWB), Bluetooth low-energy (BLE), Zigbee as well as Wi-Fi and Wi-
`Fi/Bluetooth integrated SoCs. These products are integrated into a wide variety of end devices, such as mobile phones, wearables, enterprise access points, home gateways, voice assistants,
`multimedia devices, gaming consoles, printers, automotive infotainment and smart industrial devices.
`v. Analog and Interface Products
`We have a very broad portfolio of Analog and Interface products that are used in many markets, particularly automotive, industrial/IoT and mobile. In automotive we are the market leader in
`most of the applications, with integrated 77Ghz Radar solution for ADAS, battery management products for Electrification, audio processing solutions and amplifiers for car entertainment, Controller
`Area Network (CAN), Local Interconnect Network (LIN), FlexRay and Ethernet solutions for in-vehicle networking and two-way secure products for secure car access. In Industrial/IoT and mobile,
`we are a major supplier in interface, power and high-performance analog products. Our product portfolios includes I2C/I³C, General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO), LED controllers, real-time clocks,
`signal and load switches, signal integrity products, wired charging solutions, fast charging solutions, DC-DC, AC-DC converters and high-performance RF amplifiers. We have also successfully
`engaged with leading OEMs to drive custom and semi-custom products which in turn allow us to refine and accelerate our innovation and product roadmaps.
`vi. Radio Frequency Devices
`NXP is the market leader in High-Performance Radio Frequency (HPRF) power ampli

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