Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-20 Filed 05/19/22 Page 1 of 5
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-20 Filed 05/19/22 Page 1of5


`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-20 Filed 05/19/22 Page 2 of 5
`Incremental Security in Open, Untrusted Networks
`Andrew Hutchison, Marc W얘z
`Department of Computer Science
`University 〇호 Cape Town
`Rondebosch, 7701 Republic of South Africa
`In this paper we identify a number of security problems
`encountered in open, untrusted networks and motivate why
`some of these problems are going to remain with us for the
`foreseeable future. In order to reduce system, vulnerabil­
`ity^ in such environments, we suggest that network sendees
`should provide a second line of defense to catch those at­
`tackers who are not excluded by the first line ——the conven­
`tional signon process. Part of this fallback position could
`adapt anomaly detection (a concept borrowed from con­
`ventional network intrusion detection systems) to provide a
`means of gradually and continuously authenticating users
`and modulating their access rights accordingly.
`Computer network connectivity costs are decreasing for
`the end user. At the same time it is becoming possible to
`access computer networks from an ever increasing variety
`of platforms such as cellular telephones, internet kiosks and
`pagers. The combination of these two trends means that un­
`sophisticated users will become an ever increasing fraction
`of the online population.
`We shall refer to such cheap, ubiquitous networks as
`commodity networks.
`Users of such a networks (subjects in this context) will
`have to be authenticated and granted access rights to re­
`sources (referred to as objects'). There are a number of chal­
`lenges associated with this process:
`« Authentication has to be reasonably simple and non­
`» Subjects are naive and thus can't be relied on to follow
`good security procedures.
`• It may be difficult or impossible to verify the identity
`of a subject.
`0-7695-0468-X/99 $10.00 © 1999 IEEE
`® There exists a well-established and experienced in­
`truder population.
`This paper will describe these problems in greater detail
`and describes an approach which may be used as a second
`line of defense in such a hostile environment.
`Our approach attempts to incorporate the anomaly detec­
`tion capabilities typically only found in network intrusion
`detection systems (see [1] for a example of a research sys­
`tem or [2] for an overview of commercial ones) and make
`them an integral part of an application, where anomaly de­
`tection may not only be used to provide a continuous and
`progressive authentication mechanism, but also a means to
`constrain the available actions to those needed and actually
`2 Security Challenges in Open^ Untrasted
`2,1 Simple, Inexpensive Authentication
`A requirement of a consumer network infrastructure is
`that authentication should be reasonahiy simple and inex­
`pensive. For example, it is unlikely that ISPs will require
`that subscribers install retina scanners (at least at current
`prices) in order to access the internet from home.
`Another example of ease and convenience taking prece­
`dence over security is that passwords for dialup accounts are
`often stored in plaintext on the local machine and changed
`infrequently if ever.
`It appears unlikely that these trends will he reversed any­
`time soon —- the computer industry has created the expecla­
`tion that computers should be simple and easy to use, while
`it is probably 흥oing to be difficult to persuade the commod­
`ity PC hardware industry to add expensive authentication
`devices to home PCs.
`A니thorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on March 01,2022 at 05:53:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-20 Filed 05/19/22 Page 3 of 5
`2.2 Naive User Population
`Despite valiant efforts by educators and support per­
`sonnel, computer users still do write passwords on post-it
`notes stuck to their monitor. It seems unlikely that this wiÜ
`change — more and more people will use computers as a
`mere tool and won't have an interest in computers them­
`2.3 Unverifiabie Identity
`In a number of situations it is difficult to associate an
`online user with a real person or organization. For example
`users of services such as prepaid cellular telephony have,
`for all intents and purposes, no identity. Unless the user of
`such a telephone chooses to tell you, there is no reasonable
`way of establishing his or her name.
`In some situations it may be possible to trace the airtime
`purchase to a credit card, but requiring that prepaid cellular
`phones are only purchased with credit cards is not practical
`To illustrate this point; In South Africa prepaid celiphones
`were introduced to make wireless communications avail­
`able to those who would not qualify for credit. Their intro­
`duction has been credited with a significant growth in the
`number of South African GSM telephone users and some
`of these new users are reported never to have opened a bank
`2.4 Established Intruder Population
`System crackers are a part of the Internet. While a large
`proportion of crackers are amateurs who merely use existing
`cracking tools, there does exist a category of cracker who
`undeniably is able to mount complex attacks.
`While the classical cracker is portrayed as an individual
`who breaks into systems for the intellectual challenge, it
`would seem reasonable to assume that a number of crack­
`ers are in the service of intelligence agencies, both military
`and commercial. Such crackers are likely to be experienced
`and motivated enough to keep abreast of the newest security
`2.5 Fundamental Security Problems
`The above description is intended to show that it is diffi­
`cult to secure an object in a commodity network ——vulner­
`abilities exist at any point between it and the subject.
`It might be argued that today^s networks were never de­
`signed to resist determined attackers and that the next gen」
`eration should be more secure. Said next generation net­
`works are supposed to employ strong cryptographic meth­
`ods, smart eards and biometrics to exclude intruders and
`And while we hope that future networks will be more se­
`cure, it seems unwise to believe that all vulnerabilities will
`go away: Cryptographic channels might contain trapdoors
`and will reduce the efficacy of network intrusion detection
`systems or virus scanners. Biometric credentials are dif­
`ficult to revoke if ever compromised. Smart cards can be
`stolen and don'i necessarily map to an identifiable subject
`—users of prepaid GSM phones are stili difficult to trace,
`despite being accompanied by smart cards.
`Apart from criticisms of particular technologies, there
`exist two more fundamental problems:
`For one it is very difficult and expensive to construct a
`truly secure system — given the pressure to deliver a new
`network service to the market as fast as possible and at the
`lowest cost, it is probable that security issues will not re­
`ceive any more attention than they receive currently.
`But even if it were easy to construct a secure network,
`it is still unclear if such a system is desirable: A net­
`work where each subject can be identified and mapped to a
`known real-world entity would offer no privacy to its users.
`There already exist concerns that current networks record
`too much information about their users: For example, rash
`USENET posts have come to ha니ni their authors at job in­
`terviews. If these trends continue reporters are likely to quiz
`a future presidential candidate about the web sites he visited
`as teenager.
`Put simply, a number of real world activities (such
`as cash payments) are anonymous and without permanent
`record. If these activities are to have electronic e이uivaients,
`then some form of anonymity has to be possible. In other
`words there is a tradeoff between the accountability and the
`privacy of subjects in a network. If it is desirable to grant
`subjects some degree of privacy then there exits the oppor­
`tunity for hostile subjects to launch attacks.
`3 A Second Line of Defense
`The above suggests that hostile subjects are always likely
`to probe objects on a commodity network, and that the own­
`ers of such an object may not be able to do very much about
`this — the attacker may use an anonymous service, use a
`stolen identity, launch an attack from a compromised inter­
`mediate or be based somewhere where the victim has no
`legal recourse.
`Since it does not appear feasible to exclude hostile or
`naive subjects from a commodity network, we propose that
`a second line of defense be made a standard component of
`distributed applications.
`Where the first line of defense includes conventional
`subject authentication (via password, smartcard or finger­
`print), the second line uses an alternative means to identify
`a user.
`A니thorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on March 01,2022 at 05:53:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-20 Filed 05/19/22 Page 4 of 5
`Available CapabiUties
`Used Capabilities^^)
`Figure 3. Graduai reduction of capabilities to
`those exercised
`Mr Jones usually !〇함s in at 7:20 and first checks his mail
`before checking his diary. A factor of below 0.6 would re­
`strict the user of Mr Joπes^ account to checking his mail,
`and a factor of below 0.2 mi응h£ page the system administra­
`An object which would implement such a second line of
`defense would be equipped with the following two compo­
`β A module which profiles subject activity in order to
`establish usage patterns and trends. Where anoma­
`lous behaviour patterns emerge, the system may flag
`alerts or disable a service. Where volumes of data are
`too lar딩e or where privacy issues prevent full logging,
`it seems worthwhile to investigate inscrutable pattern
`matching techniques such as neural networks or ge­
`netic algorithms since these can be thought of as main­
`taining only a digest of past user behaviour, and can
`thus not be used to reconstruct an exact record of past
`user behaviour.
`» A component which establishes what services are not
`being used by a particular subject (possibly using the
`module explained in the previous paragraph), with an
`option to temporarily or permanently disable such ser­
`vices. For example, a given user might only use a
`home banking service to examine her current balance.
`The proposed component might then notify the user
`that her ability to initiate transfers would be disabled
`unless this component received verified instruetions to
`the contrary. Such a component wo비d protect unso­
`phisticated users who do not make full use of a given
`service. The component can be thought of as a way of
`automating the principle of least necessary privilege,
`since the component would gradually restrict the users
`rights to only those privileges needed and exercised.
`We do note that these ideas are not new (see [3]) for an
`example of a hosbbased IDS, while [4, 5] use an immune
`systems metaphor) anomaly detection has been part of
`network intrusion detections systems for some time. How­
`ever, the use of anomaly detection modules as an integral
`Figure 2. Progressive authentication (fuzzy
`A first line of defense exists in most distributed systems:
`subjects usually have to pass an initial authentication phase.
`Once a subject has passed (or bypassed) this phase the sub­
`ject is 응wanted access to a set of objects.
`The point to note is that the above seeurity measure con­
`sists of an imu이 phase where after no security checks are
`We suggest that the second line use the actions of a sub­
`ject as a way of verifying the identity of a user This has
`the advantage that the authentication module is in operation
`for as long as the subject is accessing the object, also this
`security measure can be implemented entirely on the side
`of the object, and requires no co-operation of or trust in the
`the subject. Furthermore, such a system would no longer
`restrict confidence in the user authenticity to a binary value
`(yes, no), instead it would be possible to have a progressive
`gradation, and be able to adjust access rights accordingly:
`For example, host Bilbo has a confidence factor of 0.95 that
`Mr Joπes^ account is being used by its rightful owner since
`A니thorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on March 01,2022 at 05:53:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-20 Filed 05/19/22 Page 5 of 5
`5 Conclusion
`System crackers are likely remain a threat to commod­
`ity networks. Protection of such networks is complicated
`by the fact that their users are unreliable 一 most lack
`the knowledge or motivation to follow a reasonable secu­
`rity policy. For this reason it seems prudent to augment a
`conventional authentication component (based on an initial
`signon with password, biometric or key) with a user profil­
`ing or anoiiiaiy detection module which allows the system
`to verify the authenticity of a user throughout a session and
`adjust the users access rights, both on a per session basis (as
`a function of how confident the system is of the user's au­
`thenticity) and in a the Jong term (where aeeess is gradually
`restricted to those functions actually used).
`[1] J. M. J. Bonifacio, E. S. Moreira, A. M. Cansian, and A. C­
`P. L. E Carvalho. An adaptive intrusion detection system us­
`ing neurai networks. In Global IT Security, pages 416-428,
`September 1998.
`[2] T, Escamilla. Intrusion DetecHoれ.John Wiley and Sons,
`[3] T. Lane and C. E. Bro비ey. Temporal sequence learning and
`data reduction for anomaly detection. In ACM Conference
`on Computer and Communications Security, pages 150-158,
`November 1998.
`[4] C. P. Louwrens and v. S. H. Solms. Can computerized immu­
`nity be achieved, based on a biological model ? In Global IT
`Security, pages 240-250, September 1998.
`[5] A. Somayaji, S, Hofmeyr, and F. S. Principles of a computer
`immune system. In New Seeurily Paradigms Workshop, pages
`75-82, September 1997.
`part of an application does not yet seem to have been ex­
`plored fully.
`As mentioned previously, we are particularly interested
`in investigating how the complement of anomaly detection
`(ie detecting normal behaviour) can be used to provide a
`continuous and progressive means of authenticating a user
`(one might call this fuzzy logic for authentication, since
`confidence in user authenticity ceases to be a binary value),
`and how this confidence value can be used to modulate the
`access rights of the subject. Our second, related, area of
`interest involves the use of an anomaly detection/profiling
`system to determine the set of actions typically performed
`by a subject (versus the set of possible actions), and reduc­
`ing the set of possible actions to those used (one might refer
`to this as the If you don 7 use 让,you loose it principle). This
`would offer an automatic way of implementing a least priv­
`ilege policy.
`We anticipate that anomaly detection will coupled ever
`more closer to applications or services —■ apart from the
`above-mentioned possibilities, a tighter coupling would
`also offer a number of other advantages, including a re­
`duced development effort (it would require less effort to
`keep the two synchronized) and easier access to application
`state (this will become increasingly important if network
`traffic is encrypted, since encrypted traffic would degrade
`the efficacy of a conventional network intrusion detection
`system significantly).
`4 Applications and Limitations
`Our proposed second line of defense is likely to be most
`effective in situations where authorized subjects perform a
`smail set of tasks — abnormalities are recognized more eas­
`ily under these eireumstances. As it turns 아K, naive users,
`the largest fraction of commodity networks users, do fall
`into this category — these users typically only use a lim­
`ited subset of a particular application. By automatically dis­
`abling, or at least monitoring the use of more sophisticated
`features, it should be able to detect a number of abuses. For
`example, a naive user is unlikely to take advantage of the
`macro capabilities of a word processor, thus the sudden use
`of sophisticated macros mi^ht be indicative of a macro virus
`infection and should thus trigger an alert.
`The corollary of this observation is that an anomaly de­
`tection system is of iesser use where subjects are sophisti­
`cated and perfonn a large set of complex operations. While
`this does present a problem, it is worth noting that sophisti­
`cated (as opposed to naive) users are more likely to follow
`sensible security procedures (eg: selected complex pass­
`words, memorize passwords instead of writing them down,
`et cetera) and are thus, ceteris paribus, less Hkely to fall vic­
`tim to an attack.
`A니thorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on March 01,2022 at 05:53:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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