`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-18 Filed 05/19/22 Page 1 of 7
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-18 Filed 05/19/22 Page 2 of 7
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-18 Filed 05/19/22 Page 3 of 7
`Oxford じ癥한evs讷 Press^ Amen House, London E.C,4
`”RST PUBt-isHna 巧33
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-18 Filed 05/19/22 Page 4 of 7
`lierwd in th으 armes Of the mast bloody Nursser of his !
`t:En효eTdanee. &* öbè. [f inHerd, Enhebd, j
`F, ¢扉/2”.廿*et^adiicr든 + -ANC风] Adherence j body
`of adherents : = Adherewc!ぞ み
`_ 144® in ,4ムg£ Bttr^hl\£z, ¢Spald, CL) I. 17 Jn thar helpy- j
`ing and &npple whh th糖r inherdance, warr fbloi/iris and ;
`I5iak.xii3 cf the said soite (=み必江
`t Inhe-rdaad, ppi.幻 and 功.〇缽 [pr. j
`ppie, of inhsrdEjshebd 叫.;see pre¢, and -anil !
`Cf. OF. S7i.hsriia.nt pr. pple. and 나).,adhere«£ "J i
`Adhering, adherent,
`»513 Douglas よE并eis x. xui. 57 Authcres, ane of gre£ ;
`Hercules《靴侣 Inherdand to Evander tbe Ar마laid.
`ェ做h&:&?얂 (V냐kS9F)- ヨ. Also 6 inhsere. [ad. L. j
`irih^rérg to stick in or to, adhere to, etc〇, f w- s
`[됴「보) + htsrére to sEidc; cl aâhsre^ 由力"%j
`L hiir. To stick in ; to be or remain, fixed or i
`lodged 2W s다mething, ゲ&rs or Oh.
`iSeS Topke-ll Sev*e*s (165S) 554 Liul§ むa&$ of poyson ?
`which inhere in tb려r chaps and under their £如gu은& 거Rr \
`Rd血*is Ghst 포 2 These spots do not inhere m the h한dyof j
`the Sun. H斜 * R, Bull ' 하r. 以畝妃n心您' G¥局S•球$ iv 36 J
`Dü Lumps 〇J Meat between thy Teedi inhere ? 1796 Kvhwas I
`E姑毕.Min. fed. 2) I. 33S Stones of one cr more species, iti-;
`Iiering m another ssonfc ,:成¢ Abehnjethv Sa¥救、üès. 251 j
`A fiubtile matter inhering in【hö brain ntia nerves,
`2. fig. To remain or abide in Mm업:h油g itnma- j
`teyial, ss a state orcondeiion ; toreusain in mystic션I j
`i3nion with a Divine person. Now rare or (교土
`Th흐 third [phrasej noleth (
`«lâjy Bayne .碎,位. む仞히
`Christ sbeobject[andjfmrinhenngin him. 1663G. Havers
`H d^Ua Valles Trasi, S.. India め TheN枇n色 Se祛ih Sebm,
`tenaciously inhering in th¢ memory of people, remains slill ;
`to iiicn. 175S BtJ;iKE S心' 中 氏 ji. \ヽ So sEeongly does it i
`inhere in tiur coHstiiutiun, ^at very fevi^ ai'fi able to conquer i
`it. 1835 8시LEV Fegs xxUh (调54)41 그 He [SatanJ in the j
`Gtxlätate first with aii his host$ By fatg inh리繼土
`3, To 5&位 abide, or have its being, as an attri-;
`bütCj quality, etc., in a subject or thing: to form :
`an element of, or belong to the intrinsic nature og f
`something. (The currentsense; in earlier usechiefly i
`,承& Fe«nk S^az. Gsniri¢ 293 insignes thereof whidi \
`like incidents .. or inseparabl¢: accidents ..doe 갱 hvaies in- i
`here, an엲 waitft on thni oftic«, and rfigiiitie of a kinge. 3:4弗 ?
`Gatakes {*«nsaèiL 咋3 Ths ii;;tidents 诚 bread and wine ヽ\
`remaine wilhauC actuau i'herins and being in their natural!
`subject. , 169a Locks み«加, Üs^d, π. xiii. § ig Th흐y who ;
`first ran into the NoEion of Accidencs, as a sort of real Beangs :j
`thsE needed something to inhere in. 1^39 Htjme Nat^ i;
`k vi, (1S74) I. 324 The partic니ar qualitiesj which fbrm a sub” :
`£t&nce, are commonly referM la an unknown ssnethang, in .:
`which they are supposed to inhere, i8a?Ge花”、,agSg. XCV보L ;■
`iし 6〇2 If this sentirnene . Js found £〇 inhere in a feekng so :
`pure and exalted. 2溥突 Baw Sges& W. jjj, i. §38
`378 Knowledge and pegpt蜘 沁here in mind akg. ;
`b, To be vested ar inherent 汎 as a 어H, ;
`power, fiiijctiorij or the 'like.
`1S40 Be QuwcevSめ壮 L Wks. 3860XI, iB3Toan English- s
`man, the sight of 冷rcupying the attention of th« company ;
`seems to iiinere in things vathev than izi persons. iSgftGwB,
`STOKE Gねan. V. x】viH. 2¢,2 The peivet of order inhering m j
`the Church. :£89。〇”£0?ア』/&甞 2 2ノr Wh価'스 ;;宓ritrStuir¢ ü :;
`dependent upon 曰n arEÈhcial supply t>f water, a가rf svhere ;
`there is more land than can be mrvsd by the water, vaJiAes ■
`inne能 in ^vater, not in land; the land witbout £he water j
`15 without value.
`t〇,择,心心:、To pertain to; to be an attribute or I
`prerogative «L Oifs.ゲ¢?ほ,
`那# v. Chor. 1, Creation, \
`jSeg ?. Gi?.ev jt. くLd, 시曲
`Tve s겨y, M招 i > “res the eröwne.
`14.代E To adhere, leave /0. Obs. rars.
`1563 WrKjEr 就*。れ日沖 H, 73 Twa certane tHngis aj S
`gretu찌ie and diligently t유 be obseruic, to the 屮나nil虹$ §
`aluCefiis ehai auld i나 1 브re, quha wait! mcht be hiereukts, §
`t Inhere ditaMe¢ a,。秘.rare, [£ med.L. !
`inhèrèäi^ä-n to J꼬hebit, to make (a person) heir !
`to? £ in- (3n- 모) -;■ late L, kiredit&re (Vulgate) to ?
`receive an inheritaiscEj to inherit# - ableJ — Hsk꾜- ?
`Bitable 3. So j- Z3x6i.eTecLitani«ut = Hehwitâ-;
`过財P J ; laKere^ditance = Inhebitance ; -J'la- f
`五纹W激七位薑y戒、m Hereditary j.
`混§冬C波丄 AizgL 196/1 Äo InhetedstaTic을, 走。,%成岸&. 珂gw j
`,沁 7子ん也 'ド;" C. 2§ sThf&hmu心与 Cas回sManerlohd붐3 \
`other their inhereüitamenlÄS and possessions. 1503-4
`緝 Hg yij. c. 4*0 g I L冲扉§ & eenementes that he, .is j
`iEhsreditable unto as heyr in btoc-d ¢〇 rhe same Daffie Jsabelk i
`I§口 Sti;En 月I료. GL 죠質d ix- xsiv. § 5. 1154 in case thü
`Krejich should challenge Caltis as inheyeditary vnto the ;
`Cfotvne of Fmrace,
`ェ皿H杼호θ:技¢3 (jnhjö-reas). Also 7 iuh-KErence. {
`[f med.L. inhssrëmiü.^ f. inhs:rënt-^m 1n;hebes堕:\
`see rENCE, Cf, F* 弟&如諄£¢ (14-1 ^th c. in Godef, !
`喚*我);\ The fact or condition of inhering; the ;
`state or quality of being inherent; permanent exist-;
`^ucé (as of an attribiste; in a subject; indwelling,:
`肆?7 tc. 廚*用甘「”3 JDscades ”592) 68¢ Th른 inward and i
`Very subsMしn&aU inherence or coe더ua!让y of the F죠ther and i
`/'?■日,äii Ail the Philo- j
`the Son, 1654 Je:?, Taylm
`}>u ハvhe,] they divide a substance from aci aceSdent,;
`lESAfi hy aKubsrauce that which can subsist in je 5e3fwithout £
`W*心瑟汉:f of innersne色. «lyiâ South T'ivsive^ Serm,"誓钥〕}
`ik •电S it 終 cilitd the light of iiatfjT¢, because of it's general ;
`iTiiicrence i:i all men, x8^R. I, Wilbekforge み心e点沁n I
`舟,, (馆52),3如 WhaE is the merit of 산le elcict save their :
`Inherence; in Him, wbfs^e perpetual med^uion dftlAys the ;
`execuHon cf ihesencence passed on our comrnon progenitor? ?
`x583 J. Maätimeav Ty^gs ^tk. Tks. (tS36) I. i. ji. nも項& j
`IN 표 E 효;[蜜・
`*J'his relati아】 of iitKevence and permsnenE coexistence in ;
`aware 〇? the inhering right tn the unfeUereiJ cuNur르 A
`enjQyment c-f his whüSe moral am。intellectuai being.
`One nature is expr*&沁d by the word a技■港:心、
`Xwbierit (inhe’Et'以め, Foves;氐 4-5 enerii
`Xnh@l?e3xcy (inhla^rënsi\ Also 7 £고hsency, ;
`4-6 enheryto, 4-7 e오feerite, 5-y enherifc, 6 e
`[i, as prec, ; see -ENCvJ pre>j,: in mod. use \
`herefc. 8,5 ineryte, inheritte, 5—5 inheryt-;
`chiefly as a quaUty; also 이混技i“3%丁., as an in- \
`ksr^ncy ザem订(快次泌y 心 * inherent evil
`inhere6 *Sr. inbereit-, 6-7 inhente, 0-,1:
`i herit. [a. OF. enheriter to pi! nt) in p 1
`iSqi Deacon & Walk eh SR 件以 s 牛 Direls 寻 6 You cannot ;:
`■ca^igruendy conclude from tlienco E.ny e?.3entnlS inherencie ;
`i «写 heir: f. cn~ In-り + ^srifer to snake fon
`of Diiifiis in the: bodses of men. 1647 丁ra?卩 Cew?w, Kg” \
`i heir:—-late L. heredila-^^e\ see Hehit^. 3"jie chanj
`vii. iS Ccrrupuüii is, though dejected Iroin !t"s regency, yet ;
`J of the original sense into that of 'to receive :
`tiüt Reeled from it's inherency, syeö Phzemps, Z, \
`the Quality of that whsch sticks cl英巳 禍33 H„ Coles.ロ。e ;
`i heir' has ako takeロ place in F. kériisr^
`/*ijiwr I. 33 The feU inherency of flm. 1379 TüURoaE Feo?& ;
`\ 11. trans. 7'〇 make heir, put in possessions cau;
`Err. xi. 301 His be!" jn ths equality and inherency of \
`:to inherit (A?, andj宓.j, Ö虹 (Cf. disinherits
`human right,
`[13꽈 Ysa-r-l^k. 33 点*。、미汰) 205 Pykettot fut eiiiveri
`Xxxhereat (inhi^Tent), a. &及) Also 6-? än-:
`? ds ces teneinenEz.j 13.. K. Aijs, 7153 Withynne the waU-
`崩必7みム辨払 pr. pple, of inksÈrér^ ;
`;he made houses 〇, Of his genfcil laen he enheritedな
`£m§■釦物;财(i 599 in XIatz.-Darm.),] j
`to Inhere.
`i J/6'. herited] there. And tho thaE of the Jond ware. り*
`1, Sticking in; sitnaUdj or contained in j
`i WvcLTF &¢如. XV, 6 Gad ., schal enherite【13한2 eniages
`i hyrft with euerEastynge naiiie. 34113 也伊*、。기"'£ (Caxtö
`됴ロ¥幻就hmg (in physical sense). Const* 由ち rarely )
`j 14S3) IV. xxx, 3寸* ig후Berners F,*&耘$. i. cxv. 537 7'
`*tZö, Now ry邳 or。紙、
`} disheryte their natns-aii hjrde and his yssue, to enhervte
`137S Bane5tek H汰t. M&n 1. 32 CertsyR윽 chinfees, to the j
`:stranger^ 159ヨ Shak$,•ノ我Hr. I, I. i. &5 What doth our C〇s5
`which are Ènhereat fours tendons, i6ö4P〇wEtt PAitfc.
`i 5교yj。Mowbraies charge? li must be great that can in
`HL 169 AlE th色 Circles of the ArmHIary Spha^re are re기iy, i
`! herite vs So much as of a thought cf 山 in him.
`ir니y, and nasuralfy inh;電peat in ¢he Earth. 1756 C. Lucas i
`2, iram, 마〇 take or receive (property, 冲, re a
`sg了 Let us examine what furtJier proofs c»f :
`i property, or a right, privalegCj 芝ank? or title) as th<
`an inh«ren£ a仇ü 산h号 w좍티” gives. 388 MnL läl. 581 ä
`Jt de$E。ys the mücilaginouä parts snherent tロ som흐 yesms. \
`! heir of the former possessor (usually an ancestor):
`:s&w ノ#% VIH, 333 A 卩브cuHar fluid secreted into^ .or in- ;
`} at hi5 decease; to get? or come into possession of
`herent in £he substance of the nerveus fibres,
`i by 】ega【descent or succession.
`2, ノ弟 CEeaving fast, remaining, or abl거ng ?w
`qw冬 Lat him as ayre, quen 1 arc
`i a 1400-50
`some thing or person ; periaauendy indivelling.
`; erped, enhftrit my 後攵⑵知
`r X440 Profn/. •尸eア‘w. üSi/e
`Now rare or 〇氐
`luheryie, cr rece少、e m F \ e \ ineryiyn) . .^herediie.
`1513 Moes Rich 1 f/ 5P [io] iUege hasianiy — Sa
`xöDi DsiNT Pitik-ai, heaven- ¢183»)弱 This, cf all other, k
`; thache 로houki seF dihh~ >. i to nlitrite th¢ crown&, 1^97
`a most inherent sin. ifiey Shaks, Cor. in, iL 133 Least 1.. ■
`: Daniel 汀.沁、ws vi, xcvn, So much adoe had loyling
`by my Bodies acuon, teach iny W】ind르 A mast inherent :
`Kasenesse. 5753 Smeatom Èdyst&ns Z. § sSs Owing •*-
`Frauncfi to rend, From vs tn으 right so long inherited,
`aiyic AnniSQN ;j3. An estate he bad same prüspe햐 of in-
`th후 stilE inherent pmperty of ouy 각ssel as a slnw sailer, „ •一.
`henting, 1794 Mas- Rawcvjffe Vdel^ho xx, I inherii
`nut tin eight ebe next morning ih比 we cams to. .our mooj-
`k by the jeniale hue. sSg^ Savce EaYi.-? Israsl vii. 249 The
`anff ground,
`king inherited bts priesthood from him.
`0, Existing in something as a pennanent attribute
`Jig. J0i8 Shellky icev,ハ知h jl vi, AN that despair fi om
`or quality; forming an element, esp. a eharacted^tic
`murdered hope snhfnEb i* ugf't
`or essential element of something: belonging to the !
`b. To derive ;:a qualUv or cnaracter. physical
`intrinsic n가ure of that whien is spoken of; ui-
`::or mental") Irom one's progenitors by «atural de
`dwelling, mtnn^c, essential.
`: sc순nc; to derive or possess bv transmission from
`/ > *■ t t. Al q f 5 «, r
`.[5£贖 Fhauhcc
`:parents or ancestry,
`jnhajrent or fet elsewhere. s&;5 肾 t.'f.f.KR 顷.£ほむ.ü. ui. § *ア:,
`1597 Shaks. 2 //efl. /r, ev\ 131. jaS rhe c이d hUod hee
`'1为口3 began Uor り 了 to b いく i Ht! urzhe-^, uhirh Ly
`dm nattirally inhenle M Ins Father. 1601 •。•~• 部 ¢々 1,
`degrees brought in much泓:*Weei ; espsciaUv after de-:
`n. sy Youth, mow bear st thv fntners face. .. 1 ü v Faiherjs
`gre으s 이 inherent b膏?:::tity were tfrioneously fixed jn th* ■:
`raorali pans Maist tho« inherit ton. 17037. h心".jR*り
`aeveraU pares theves'!. *7^1 AwiSos sgegf. No, 2鴨 Pi
`rt- M心. xii. 죠03 ÖU•나】 beina the Eirtn ut:he mwは$« 〇peia,
`Marb!s in ihe Qäiarry, which shews none of vis inherent ■
`no V'oitder Jt inherits the Weakness of ils P^fent. 1774
`Bsail ties, 'iill thebkiHof the Polisher letch^soxit iheColoiirs.:
`Gclcsm. NnM Htsi. ■ J776< II. 33& We find t泊eikm more
`5B〇4 MBEftNETHY ミHr頌.Obs. islA'fiilst it.じne tumour] grows i
`cntiimon, .trtan for children ta Euhen£ someth労::ろ even the
`> rrs 1855 Bn ><””*5/2» i h
`by it5 nA-
`acr、士ncF Vtcrnuri t thnr gu,、 04«
`§ I 1" } “T' I 、 ome di出「し卩り jn -)ぐrtqm 1 よ
`N,家 I. i7り Whowm.st 로 13 Hl hern efl by th e present soverergn,
`muc I f '10 き!s de?wed 홈nd how much inherent. x&86 :
`,&>8 Dakwin
`母如、II. XU. I A varuition whvh is
`W, f. i ucker 心、.五w*孕*‘ Our inherent itidulcnce, our
`hae :nhsrited 나!rows 110 light on she dcnvatioii of species、
`ap I ' II times oi peace is proverbial.
`e, To receive or have from a predec은ssorm office.
`し i < ßst. 2겨: ; formerly /(?( 的恥
`i Cbiefly按、
`lÈaa Malvh^s *4«ず. 以치"-Msy" メ Jae sata prcn):苛a註[玖]es ;
`384T 7 EHwvstiM Pri.■?■•■:- jv.
`He thbt next inherited the
`doe a毎。appercame to the i>»w-;ncri:iianL as properly in-:
`:Eate, Half-turning to !.i;e br;方ほf =&atu色,said, 'air Ralph has
`> mfie$ £aH*
`he丝nt vntü comaift,’混:. 1Ö-3 n い
`gftt V지M colours , 掀电、ih후 prübl티tis wh;ch £.bepresent
`IX» \knen creamres ha 뎌 河 re ah ハ* 扣: iMuerent in them, >
`i admiinsir.itiüii has)사ほd from】姑 preüecebsora.
`£& 1633, Naunton Fr¢冬h、i、eg、:<Ar》.:¢5 1 nat ot ■
`spirit inherent jn hi House 1791 1 1 lj r
`3, tyansf. To come ;r.to possession of, a$ one's
`175由The 부ロgsHer으awrv”금Ledb) *h !
`? right 〇丁 cnvineiv assigned porhon: to receive, obEa»“
`inherent in nis uuribtitulicn a&:8「F卩 ivrE9 H '
`:have, or hold as one's pordon, tCmeWy m babhcal
`円arrftit) 淋¢‘K 4』七 wゴ 7 That q • e흐mz
`t r
`; and derived uses: see E西료shitancb 4/HEUi 3.J
`u Jnberent to hirnself. 1378 H. Ikving é eg i luve ot ;
`acting is inherent m aur nature.
`r 134p HAifpniL^ ° Xく|\ 34 Hi bedf £ Iwr
`쇈. Vested f« or attached to a person. otHes, etc., ,
`ye t "the — ■厂r
`s Wh^k 1 n m S”
`cnEn pan Wtrmes
`尸 ?3&3 W
`as a right or privilege,
`f IV. 14 ini기 that hoiden Jt f나KS.wn, schuisn enh:-:rite bjt
`iäaS 以心 On Li it. 1, Pref,Not onW hv royal!ぜ e 列:呜;
`히將6 Twdale 方な〃. XXV, 喝 Come ye bles^ec; CMHren oi
`and inherent Birthright, but by 只0$低!1 Baautv al受う heire :
`■ HIV father, inhere£ ye the kvnsaonte prepateti icr v«u fr<;m
`to both (Roses], 1647 Ci-ARENnoN 扣isé. he&、r, § eis S*" i
`:: the begmuinge of the ^vorlt^e, 1502 *biaks. Ac切,ん 蕾 구'«ん
`JuHus Csasarwa^ thn-n *' ter rfil e PcHs and rtnt
`: 5. jL ta &uch deJight .. shall you *his nign: Inbent 미 mv
`: 미 mv
`m h:5。用£0 the — fh이30冬*此n of she Six-Ciarka places. ■
`:Jiouse. 1553 ri J&如 7/, 32. 1. S3 レa上ut ani 1. tor the
`tor thft
`xGSa Bvbnkt â暧加s 尸>マ*a,Pref 2? ih;it the Re학且!eismn i
`1 rhf、rn
`沁 A M】iuち’砥-卜しe bil 1
`i graue. gaunt as a grau은, ヽVht〉se hob
`Gibbon Z>¢".イ,/L xhx. ;•
`inherent Rxgtic of ike Crown.
`; naught but bones, jöu Bjble jLu/^e 心
`_____ nes. JÖIJ Bjble £•«故’ Kviii, to Gocfi 記a•:當¢草
`(löâg) 113. iro The leg篮laMv은 authorKv was inhefent 5n iha •
`ad i doe to 打】her止 eiemak liw ; 1674 M;じ;、長*
`■ uha: 아匚.一 . ........ .....................
`genera] asse:nb3y, 1S9Z Law Re机 Weekly Notes feS/r ;
`:' 瞞gy» 1012 Ie js nat variue,
`wiÄcIorn. vii;ajr. xvit. .. •バ:U
`Every Court had an ittherem power to 호!|ow a person who ■
`:α inherit- 1746 C, Weslev
`V on 41 1)j tan n.in, ur
`had invoiced its lunsüicnon to withdraw bis appljcなHon.
`j.¥ .:!ii iii chee inherst.
`Rj” it 'Lc牝 t ハ e ,,,亠 1
`十 Something jnherenE or sndweliEng. rai
`! 4, io be het?代い技
`?>!'i ;: ä:o siicceeü as h이n
`:tösö Hsalev S*. &誌齐 Ciiie 球 God xr. ii, The minde.. ■
`4 B 1)b
`" 7.6
`i «iS고고 Ld. Eerneh유 源:
`wheram sreasoii and vnaerstanding ar흐 nai也-귾 11 inhere“德,
`? ! も i*Lir i
`rhe ftucNM•'技ee tnat tü히 ;
`Hence SaKe'Esniness (Bailey voL II, lyay). 5
`j4 t'( < 'de t ら《
`q L. a ノ カ《*'• 8
`포§£he獸©a七ly (inbi»'rentli), 卷跄、 [f. prec. +
`J sn~心、i( IS £" J '3 Si J
`■ Kishent n::; rather. :!633
`-1y2J In an inherent manner; by inherence ; hi
`ehs ate cold ; Oi:r sons inheni us..
`nßivuur household hearU.—..
`to tronnlii 1 ay.
`- And we snonld come like ght
`the way ofj or in relation to, an i사道沱nt quality or ;
`〇. 砌qL or mlr. To succeed as an heir r to come
`attribute J 211 Enward nature, intrinsically.
`■ into or take possession of an inherit紅ceゝ
`1601 Deacoh & Walker Spirtis Divels 41 The DEinill :
`■”3…* /Jd5 Hsn. Vif/, c. a? § 6 ihat all the ド必。ハ
`doth really, and easentiaHy, enter into, and snherendy dwell :
`™ 1 } Mil q ”ユ비 and usher tc しし)d ig 3
`in th¢ possessed mans minde. w&誕 W, Castes Cö#幻淳》«f i
`lawes EM triii real me. 1348 Hall Lkron.,尸£卩、V 1>. The
`of God 10a We canaoE upon certainty affirm cf any pay-:
`i^stie femaie may not 은nh타賢te Bcrordvng to ”冷 jawe
`tjccilar person in the Church that he is inherently holy.
`Sake HP. 3610 0HA心,i e/fif>, ih ik 17伝 Ine King, and all ouy
`1657-8 Bnrteiis Diary (182S) H. 433 The lahsriies of the :;
`company dae bem& dround, wee v/ill け:he口£ h,"v, 1700
`free-born people of England, which are inherectly in this :
`House, £E a 70S Bevesjdgk F心、专*£戒.U”。) I, +23 We :
`TvRiiLLL r也st.疙咨.11. 7qS His Issue iwere] barred from
`are made righ teens by Chvist’assinn 트 rs by Adam inheranilvc ;:
`Tnaernmff, s&$g Lane ivts. I, iq i he chHcrcn by
`^S37,WHEtvELi- Hist, m敢心、S&
`149 호here い
`i; wife and tnose bv き coocnbine =!a。e inherit 브qumJy, if ihe
`j.滅抵.£‘ he acknovX^dg효dbv the father.
`njthiRg' inherently improbable in this tradition,
`£荚卢ず T ハ釘 lo take possession, take up an
`Inhering (inh^-ng),か£ a. [£. Ikhsue v,-v
`a t ▼ >5! 『ヽ, &* Iovm»elU t い? orsonir
`"iKa 2.] That inheres; inherent Q强、and/£如)”
`qnabtv or character, gm、
`.s&|? J, Melton S松w&W P成虹 35 Tohacc* .. leaues an 、《
`fnhsnng' stinke in the nostrils 교nd stemackes of the takers. :
`T'ra.ttsr. 쇼ナ〃«力む,;**.ん i. 〇 where ran hie
`巧‘합9 yV, Buchan potm ノが&マ A proper ' ee af :
`celesiuH inherit ? a iSqo CHtsRca /以£以?ム etc. \jSgm> xs门 If
`agitation has som틉Hmes loosened the £nhering-
`there IS a ministry 0日 earth whjca in anyssHAe inherits from
`effectually than Sna 此 wmenls, Thu% a bl aw 〇 back ?
`Till. L e tBai "
`I r Te 5 r J.h부 mu t.卜 dE
`has often forced up a. âuhstance which sEck in 방,흐 gullet. :
`re〇empc:;:??5- 113 sradihons ate aaftinst ii; it
`ie?ö Bancrüft U, S. JIL 3x0 Man was gyowtng ;:
`inb 口い n Sic Coal tioi트 and the Cider CellatS.
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-18 Filed 05/19/22 Page 5 of 7
`位湫賜也k血血血I Sanäg
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-18 Filed 05/19/22 Page 6 of 7
`■The greatest
`house for scho
`for die ordma.
`â spimdid reâc
`疝A work unique
`mm 於h〇my
`VThere is g dktl
`“The greatest die?
`찌【t would not be
`= manaers âad K
`■ âmply xeconstr
`mgE 題 hyB42 題
`it wUi呻就膈
`''The greatest Hngi
`thing of iu feinc
`**These mSghty voli
`'歴 the English U
`Thirteen A^okimc
`Oxford Universify Pzess, •占師m H皿携饥 London E.C,4
`mtsT published 1933
`reprinted 1961
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-18 Filed 05/19/22 Page 7 of 7
`묘窘IMiv;미I (felatsi'val), ß. Chiefly Gram, [f, |
`Relative + -al.] Of or pertaining to" a relative or
`T869 Abbott S血H応 Grtzm. 63 Relatival constr버ction為一
`Sa 급5; such which; thata* iSyg Farkas5^./"aw/ II. 457
`Then follows a chapter of parenchesfis, .. linked together
`,,by relatival counexsoiis, 1890 '絆'€sim. Gas. sj Mar, x/«
`Tdie new member has a ず흐lativaE connexion with th은 House
`of Lords in the EarS ¢jf Por;si»oisth〇
`®승1 的*Eiw静 (rdätlv)j a. and j続. [ad. F. rslaiif^
`-i#£ (isGi c.)j or L. relätsv-us : see Relate; z, and
`-IVE.] A.岫.
`L 如 RelatÉng or referring to an ant은cedent
`term; esp, TM叱务彻かg
`1S30 Pâc&cr. Sr Of 加 prünawnes relatives gut ハ servelh
`indiHMr로ndy for aU gendres and nomhrem- igga Huloet,
`Kfilatiue 〇|- »hiche hatha felation to a fchynge pvRCedyiig,
`relafhms. X&96 Phillips, Fr^n&utiy a Part üf Speech, .of
`which there are Four Sarts. Personal,.. Relative 辑tcj. 巧$®
`Kamés E钮m、Crit, xviiC (:匚电3) 湖8 In a natural st아も
`relative words ste by juxtaposition connected with those
`to -which they relate, ZS45 Stcddaet &ee. in 及!奶/ ■
`Me抒#. ¢1347)I- 66/1 The Greek had 〇이y the relative 5
`Ar tick 初 日,Tü, and was entirely destitute of our posative j
`Article, i&yz Morsis
`xil. g rSS The relative
`pronouns are 紡血1 染南뉸}&\ 俑£ti> as. in 〇E, «成% g”而?,ん
`q»頌, were not r트jaLivら but interrogative pronouns. i
`3, Having mutna5 relationship; related to. or |
`connected with, each oüier; t correlative,
`1594 Bi.〇wpEViL Exem、J. xvi. (iSg傍 The Reiaiive ä
`[numb르rel are th。旨e which have felaEtoEi one to another ä
`i66a FIoaBES CQnüd. 2£ Protection and Obedience are Rela
`tive, 1797 EncycL Brii.(成3) XII. t8?/j Therelative modes
`are such as- fils cempos보r snterwe근ves with the principal
`LU the flow of the harmony, xSs® Hawthoqme. Fx. fy /f.-
`Nb心朴.JI. T4Ö Several tlilTerent, yet relative designs*
`b. Corresponding,
`i8舛 RfjsKiN 5¢笋 Lb垸s in. g 〇. yi The 5〇uare and c技c3ß I
`..with their relative sa!ids the ¢«be and *gere,
`〇, A/u£-. ESee quofcs, and B. 2 ほ.、:
`1313 Busar Gram. "Mus, iら[A Irisisi 5
`$じzHr 心• its relative minor- 184S 时&* J *ew& i L :xx 1*«
`signature of Do minor is iVc.んaヘ n thzt cf "" s i
`vhfch is therefore called its TeJative major. 187^ Ousi't t v
`H^mnony V. âq Every snajer key has a minor key ton» !
`nseted with it, called jts 'rdauve mjfiori
`3. Having lesadon to the question 〇r matter la
`hand : perHuen匚,relevant,
`!5c2 Shake, Ha* a[JL Ö35 He hauegreunds MoreRelatiue ?
`then Ehk, iSyö L Mather K, PhH谱ミ JVaド li믄6w) aSr i
`Tiiare ars Judicious perミün宙 who upon the considerathm cf
`Éüine relative circumstances...havß conduced [etc.]. 1734 ?
`Tr, RoH询s Ane, hrsi. 11037) H. jv. W2 Giving h;$ answers i
`in sucb ambiguous terms that lei 5.&e wKrit be avbst it :
`would they contwuned a relative fnemm也 iBog Southey ;
`•匕£Wf. (1656} IL 137 aH rsbuve matter, mは alsHiihjtely i
`e-sefilial to the subject* sm:冗.uは sn the farjEi of supple- \
`ifig¢ 眼i料
`i FkL !6, 1 would give ä
`mentary nate
`nu crcdiE tu su I an
`〇 i hrut am合 more relative
`and positive prn町f.
`十 to. Of a person : しone은roe« m a thmg, CMsl"
`iE 血3 Ove비3ÜBV A 저;す% etc, (16笋) woコ She ismJativ른 in
`况I; a Eld he without her, but Jialfe hâniself.
`4. Arising fronij depending 〇鴨 or determined j
`b, relation to something 은Ise or to each other; 1
`别血 力r Italian Tengus 641 The i
`1611 Flosio
`seojnd respecduej relatJue, or limiEed Preterünperfect tShM,:
`which daih euer eydier exprüâsi니。】y or iぶ:cluaiuely answers i
`、i:>r regard the femec :诺お $&7 角* 上め省よ 3ア No more does ;
`it fj]iyw that Geneva..must change froni Ncrth 1.0 South}
`She place of her Relative Situation. 1793 S&«eawn 壬,曲;s£¢>¥将
`L. § 235 They were, ,50 marked, that.,they cりGd again b으
`Imison J'r.奇 应灯
`restored 'Q the S3.itu; relative paskian.
`L 447 Relativ흐 moHon is the degree and dirticdonshe
`moLion of one body, wb히ゝ compared with that of another. :
`laSo Tyndall Gな:¢, π, xv. 30S The point to be decided is \
`the relative importance of his idea, iSSx Westcott & Host i
`G* Ts&t, Introd. § 39 Relative dat흐 aftoTn? a valuable
`presuaipiioa as £〇 relative freedom from cotruptiöd
`b. Constitatedj or existing, only by relation £〇
`sofnethtn^ else ; not absolute ゝu L> Jt; endent,
`1704 J. FJasbjs Zffji', 7f ノA T, '
`aotJL£ 'tis not imprcpeTly called 对技冷 いcavity, to dis- !
`tingui^h it た。m Absolute Gravu旳 1763 ,J. Bbown
`* My& V, 75 AW흐Joey therefore is. to be coasidered as a i
`relative thing, fownded an the particular Associations and :
`Hahiis of eack PeofiSe, 3,8z6 ¢oLEHiDCEiu £lA #£,丄 “338):
`ill. 55 Certainty is positive, evidencftrelative. sSyg Jowett i
`Pldta (ed. 2} IV. 교3& A notary of that 阻miws philosophy in j
`which ail things are said to be relative.
`5. a. Of Ivor다dp: Offered indifectly by means i
`of or through an image.
`3560 Jes. Tavlor Dgt、D*原、π, iL rule ö § 4.E Hwsvevsr :
`any man may intend to pas$ the relative honour that way> :
`vet no man h죠th any warran* 'hac God will accept It. 16S6 ';
`Pgrs!.^ 9Ö Thev attore etn n。t with a :
`tr, LnほN五罷 s
`Relative AdaratJüri- but pav tneir .DevmiC'j?. ta the Matenal :
`üuasiance, i오G. S. 1,asex R忠e点、14 The i
`lews and Mohaniinedans .. derived Irom the Law and the j
`K 1 di inu 3〇rh」h금Met tc ie anri 기】 rNitNP !
`V/ hip 1 .*
`1 Thr r I 1 id d i
`«xp e d D、 】
`n he upjak rf the ;
`■ relative veneratiou and cuitus oe r0xmr'.
`T b. : See qi^ot/> ¢尽.sec,ヘ
`nio Norris 顷ゲ.Pna^. i. a Truths importance are ;
`TEiaiive 흐rmh§> tnat hav« an Order or Reference to soiae- <
`나隹Hg fardier,
`6. Of EermSj etCn: Involving or implying rela- ?
`t;on ; depending for meaning or signiFicaace upon (
`g。哉1 은 relatiüüship üf things or persons.
`1678 Bunvak Com 位 羽心,x3 To can God by this reiadve
`Title [Father] was rare among the Saints lu Old-Testaaient i
`times, 1696 Phillips In Logick, Relative Terms are
`when there is a kind of Opposstion, yet such a one^ that the
`€He canntit be without the oth으r: a$ Father and Son, Hus
`band and Wife. 1704 J. Haehis £,£め.性糖rt, I,务们怎F切¢
`PpoqgHWt異 are those chat includtt sonje Osmparison, add
`some Relation, tb너s: Where tbe Treasure is, there :s the
`Heart, 1B43 Msll Lgic 1. la. § 7.A n거me is relative when,
`being the nani¢: af one thing, ks significtatson cannot be e崩-
`plained but by mentioning atiüEber. 1869 B.宜akte 7>«-
`wessge's Fa,土 WI타s* s몬Soil. 135 Tenneasetrs Farmer, whom
`we nevtir kn«w by any other Ehän this relative tkk.
`7. Having;, or sUncing in? a relation £0 something
`else ; correspondent or proportionate io.
`條6め J ER. I'aylok 眼廿' D 诵认 31. 3L rule 6 § 65 If k be a
`reason th으£ is not relative tq times and pepsロ知 Pope
`Es$. •陀 1. 52 Whatever wrong w© caU, May, mnsE be
`rigfai, as relative to all. 1793 Smeatqm £取血g £. § 154
`The firmness cf 죠U 나le material parts, as relative to the
`force to be employed. i36ä Rogers Agric. & Prices L xxüL
`595 The market va】u트 will 즈]ways be relative to its demand,
`XS77 E. R, ConロER ß^s. Faiik iv. 141 Ail knowledge must
`be relative to mipd,
`b. In relation or proportion 切 soraething.
`G愀 95B 耽!乱眼站颂 ”896) 363 Naples, theniastpopulous
`of cities relative to its sis흐.
`8. Having application or reference tn a thing.
`ェ765 Hahhis Threg Trsa-i. π, No吃363 Things relative to
`hnmediate Want, such as the grinding of Coen by Mdls.
`ョSs& Staek 五義択.Niti. Hist. IL 238 Certain ideas. - relative
`to th sir wanes and the employment of their organs. 3863
`H. Cox F心iit. III. V, 653 Powers 겨ロd dud&s relative to
`harbgrs and navi興Hon,
`b. Relating £〇 a matter of factj event, person,
`etc.; with refers sice t。、
`1763 Harris in Lett. SAi, M&ii (Camden) 401 The letter
`relative 1〇Cbatrles's death. 1804 Nelson(16:4) II, 02,
`i write to the Admiral ty reJalive to my health. 1853 Lytton
`N(*L vnr, xiii, A letter to EgertfE, with whom he
`Wished to consi山 relative to a very irnp〇r6:ant point.
`c. Conveying a reference or isHusion m some
`thing or fact.
`1774 J. Bävakt Mythcl. II. 437 먀he Ox's head wkh the
`^^grypliAn mödius between his horns, relative to the circum-
`BLajices of his history,
`B. sh. 1, G営a村L A re辰five word; e會、a rela
`tive prociouD. Alsoj^, (quot. 1393;..
`X3B8 Wyclif F,<시, 57 A rstati^ which jnai he res이iHd into
`his antecedent with a, coniimcch기AP ¢opulaiLf, 1393 Lanql,
`/七 PL C. IV, 357 Man ys relatif rect yf he ba ryhc trewe.
`i^ao WHiTisToN 曹u垠、(J5S7)2 Th후 relatyuc of siibstaunce
`£bail accer咨e whü his antecedent. 1579 Fulke Htskin^
`ParL 14名 He appttaleth, 1。the gramraanan for tho nature of
`a Relatiue. sogS Evelv요 Diは‘27 Jan.^ The ^vernmenc
`and us트 of relatives, verbs, substantives, 1762 E?. Ixiv>th
`ノ血ゆZ Eng, Grftm. 23 成知? 3植:知 叫極ら äüd the ReJative
`£"tゝ,,are always placed befür¢ the Verb, 1224 以 ivl ursav
`五生事,Gf-am, (ed.弓)L 134 Relatives are not so u誌Rd jn
`language, as conjunciions. sS?$ Whitney U/s L&ng. v,_96
`The relatives., are an agency we could hardly aiford to miss.
`■f to. A가phedtöaaemö成£raれveproロoun, 炀ドへ
`I&77 Cäuy CAja. I コ:« i } ryß 흐 gユt Azariah ; he it 15
`that Executed th- r ざ t* < f ゝ This Relative [Ke]
`may have rr Ikrtmif¢ t ihf し i } gan,。r A/anah,
`stand lag In some r 杪 la 노
`2. A Ü3 tng f |- or p은m
`tioEi to another,
`1426 Lydg. /Je Cztzl. Pii^r. 30R7 Tbys ys the ryght-fjl
`leSatyS^ To whom, wnh-oute nöyse or stryfi; Thow art sqget.
`1570コ5 LaehbarロE r&ramb. Kent 소q8 After the husbands
`aad the wife, there fblloweth the cbilde and his G죠rc리n,
`whom also 侣血 c 흐 they be Kelatiues, as the other be..) [etc.].
`10£岱 Warner Alb. £蠟.xv, c, 334 Religion and Sebiec-
`tion he each th' otiiera Re^atiue. z66o Jkk. '코aylok Vticf>
`Q?間ff, Et. iL ru년 i § 11 The band of marriage is EteHia,
`bill it dies with either of the relatives, 17S4 J. Barry in
`£奶.P£itfit. Ü, 1,18483 93 The mere.. opposition of the several
`colours, prap牌 to his object, aad 10 the relatives which
`auRmpani부d iL iBSa S?enckr 7^irsi Prine. i. iw §^#(iSSy)
`Si An Absolute which exited n。t alone but along wilh other
`Absclutes, would no longer be au absolute but a relative»
`be A relative term. (See A. 6.)
`1351 T. WiLSOH Leg]臨 5S b, Relaiiues &re thog¢, wkiche
`are comprehended with other, or she wbiche are named, one
`with another, and (as a man we니d say) haue a miituall
`respect, one to another» igSâ Fraunce Zäw&,甘 £y察 r. xM
`48 R사aHues are contraries,. .yet there may bee in other
`ffispacts a Eutuali consent and jsciprocall relation between&
`wherevpon they bee called Relabues, a義 father> sonne,
`矗sband, wife, &c. "础 Milton Tenure ^in^s(!Ö4g) 31
`We know that King and Subject are relatives, and r흐latives
`hsv르 no longer bein寫¢hen in tha rEad:3n. 1697 J, S3;.eceant
`S杭4惑 F国&£ ZS2 Soinfi Tfirms which seem Absolute are
`Relatives, 1^55 Sm W. Hamslt¢>!\! A膈もゝ令丄 h&5@ IL 556
`Thus relatives are severaHy 샨iscrimäロated ; inasmuch as the
`one is speciaSIy what is re住rr효d, the other specially ivha? is
`referred to.
`c. Mus. (See quots. and A. 2 c.)
`iS*i Busnv Dici, M^ts. (ed, 3) s.v.. Every äüajor-key is
`called, th흐 relative of such minor key, and every muioe-k<:y
`the relative of its third above, taken in the m初!기■•mode.
`為 •激:心, ST Major and Minor key느 thus agreeing,
`181S —
`are d^ncmmated relatives.
`3, Oae who is connected with another or others by
`blood or afHnily ; a kinsman. Cf. Relation 5 c.
`1657 Gaule Sap.号?ist. 43 ]n respect of proximate Parents
`and of relative yet living. 1660 Jesl Taylor m直、Pubit,
`iL. iM ruEe 3 § ?ß Cossns wnuln む.a better not to ---
`anotoef) .. thsE ona person may not be a daume 対¢
`Ai:K3 PmuFRET 户,• '、會,‘り¢£‘
`1 〇i r
`a id
`SI and weeping by; Pl ら ヽ d m E E see US *W
`i^insirti L 24 Si. Jul an w견 a r ¢π th
`York. I52S Thirlwall Cg EsS' 113 >V:!de be 5X vet
`in里 his relatives are announcec to him. iSSp 丄 yzda:し:レ 〇•
`I. xvu. TSÄ H& had vecKtved ante山g&nce of the death of a
`ncaa' relative.
`irivssf: 1S56 Kake 且比匕 Ex小£、L xxiü. 3* Ftktuig and
`hovering,,, like their relatives. .Mother Carey's chic&ena.
`f 4» A relationEhäp. Ohs. rare.
`i6g? L. Gatfort? in E. I), Neill 尸加W;め為 Ca,어ßft找
`(i3Sö) 278 A pra디:iceiabominat르G sf ah a*、:» that know
`eklief what men are,., or what the;卜「】い、are, either
`natural, civil, or Christian. 1675 如£ Co-i^euimeni v. vi,
`We attacQue him in all his concerns, in his honor, in his
`reÈativ啓 nay $eimim흐s in his very essence and being.
`Thë relaiwä^ that which is relative (tu ssRse
`4 b of the adj.)
`1856 Feriuhb insi. Msi£t^k. Mx. 3S7 Objects^ whatever
`they may し务 are the relative sn cagnitlan. XS59 J. Mar-
`TJNEAÜ 号$田 ii866) L 78 W흐 cannot op邸ate backward from
`the relative to ihe •나治必ute.
`Rel為七ivëly (re*iälivU),点.,,££. prec. + -ly 2.]
`In a relative manner, in relation to something
`else; comparativelv: a. with vbs,
`156t T, Norton
`Auf. i. xul «&叫】 z3 The nam트
`〇「God is there relativeiv taxen. and therefbf¢: restrained 代"
`the Person of ibe rather. 巧〇工 Pehcivall 6/. Die£, É iv,
`This word M is often vsed reiatineiy. ana vet 1 谄나i no
`agTeem흔ntwithanvaßtecedenr. itj&aiLCoKK Justice £'£玲/.
`49, Here we luust loait upon GrotLus 睥|:her naturally, or
`reèalively. 1701 ・Ngrris i&eat.楠 wld i. v. 24-? The essence
`of God may (x: consH斐r은d either ah的httEy or relatively,
`1754 Paleヾ £せ辺.i(. ix. 5 至 fißj-)23g ■臭〇t c-niv absolutely,
`but..relativ이y, tn comparison* that is with those among
`whom they exercise their office, ißqg Macaeay Hist. £가ぎ、
`V, 1, 585 Bu& thoueh tney nav