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`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-17 Filed 05/19/22 Page 3 of 5
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`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-17 Filed 05/19/22 Page 4 of 5
`er whose pessimistic sermons and articles won him the :nsckij.&ms
`"the Gloomy Dean/'
`in*¢角牌“03$ (m華nPyas) ö辱 1» Marked by inventive skill and
`:Eag切그Ücm. 2. Having or arising from an inventive or cunning
`mind; clev으r: an ingeniofis schErme. See Synonyms at 이even 3.
`ObsoieCe. Having genius; brilliant. [Middk English, from Old
`French ingemos, from Latin ingemf责な$ from ingeniuTji, inborn
`talent. S는e 하dn$- in Appendix」 一irいgen"〇us・ly &加, ™in*
`genlousiness n.
`nu@ (än^xh3~nä5^) n. 1, An artless, innocent 車끼 or
`young woman. 2. α. The role of 근n artless, innocent gin or young
`woman in a dramatic production, b» An actress 】し”''•羣 wuch a
`role. (Frenehf feminine of ingénn, guileless, from I云七~、广>,,。、“な泣*
`ingenuous. See ingenuous.]
`Iれ•더©*nWMHv (in勺ヨ-ロみ㈱』른, -nySむF사 n., pl. ,關&s. 1. In­
`ventive skill or ijniagmation; cleverness. 2. Imaginative and 비은v-
`er design or constmebon: a narrative plot vf gr&at ingenuity. M
`An ingenious or imaginative contrivance. 4, Obsolete. Ingenu-
`[Latin ingenuitâs, frankness (influenced by ingenious).
`from ingenuuSj ingenuous. See ingeNUqUSJ
`in*g¢鶴**#*OUS {址-j&”y巾S-ss) adj. 1* Lacking in sophistic즘-
`tkm or woridliness; artless. え Openly straightforward or frank;
`candid. See Synonyms at nahre. 3.わbsole比.Ingenious. [Latin
`mgewww^, .han유si, freeborn. See gene« in Appendix.J 一in*
`gen^u*ous*Ey adv, ---------------------------- --
`fin'^er*5011 孫꺼g¥辭}む 1七 -SÖV, -asl), Hoben Green. 1833-
`1S99. American 호ohtieian and lecturer known for his 근d슴mant
`support 〇£ scientific and humanistic rationslism,
`in«gest fin-jëstf) tr.ti.,嘎如貞yd, -göstdng, »gests. To take
`into th순 body by £he mouth for digestion or absorption. See Syn­
`onyms at eot. [La£in ingerere^ ingest- ; in~, 也; s므e in—+ gierere.
`to carry.] —in*Qes,前¢n n. ■—sn^ges^tive trey.
`)ri«9@S»t€| 回ヾ終'ほ龍 pZ.n. Ingested matter, especially food tak­
`en into the body through the mouth, [New Latin, from neuter pl.
`of Latin ingestKS, past participJe oi mg&g為 to cany in. See iN-
`imgle {Ingfgsl) n. 恥 Ah open fire in 웜 firepl급ce. Z AfirepMce.
`[Perhaps Scottish GssUt: aingeal, fire, light,]
`in-9l@*n〇〇k 任璃鴨诳-か无山:り «- la nook or earner beside an
`open fireplace, 2. A bench, especially either of two facing bench-
`es, placed in a nook or corner beside a fireplace, [ENGLE 4- kook.]
`S弱。glw*WO〇d (Sng^ggS-wdöd^). A city of southern California, a
`suburb of Los Angeäes, Population, 94,245.
`huglo비riynu曜 §n-glnrETS,-glörヘ} α必 1. Ignominious; dis­
`graceful :jVapofeon's ingloriozis end. % Nöt famous or renowned;
`nbscure: an mg^onaixs young writer. —in*g!o*'rhous*iy adv.
`■«"in*g8o^ri*öus*ness n.
`in^gexing (hUgoln田 adj. L Going in: entering: the ingmng
`administration; mgoing data. 2, Initial: opening: an ingoing ne-
`Qotiati-ng position.
`lri<g〇E*St£idt (ing^gal-shtSt^ "gol"). A city of southeast Ger­
`many on the Danube River north of Munich. Ch;め*E& c. 125〇, it
`is a ¢GmiYLsrci고1 and industrial center. Populatia箕, $¢\763.
`行、*got (Ingf 녕»一 1, A mass of metal, such as a bar or block,
`that is cast in a standard shape for convenient; storage or ship­
`ment. 2. A cHStitig mold far metal. ^Middle English, mold tor
`casting metai : probably in-, in: see ix—年 Old English goten.
`p으st participle 〇¢ gt;〇ian, to pour, or perhaps from Old French
`i旅go% rnetal ingot (as if ドingot; ”为 definite article + *ingöむ in-
`. gm니 ,
`ingot iron n. A bar of iron that contaijss small quantums of
`other elements.
`m*gram (lu-grsn^) tr.v. -gs-einedr -Qroift^ing, -@fairȣ. L
`To fix deeply or indelibly, as in the mind: "A system that had be^n
`ingrained far generatit^ns not be easily wradone by change
`” J • “ I ' ■ ' 휴— ' ■ 1
`from ths fap” (Doris K믄am& Goodwin.). 2. Archaic, To dye or
`stain into the fiber ----------------- (In^grânO adj. L D으ep-seated;
`ingrained- 호. Mad으 of predyed 허b으rs; thoroughly dyed: ingram
`yarn. 3. Made of fiber or yam dyed before weaving. Used espe-
`eially of mgs. —ingrain Wgr血り n. K Yam or fiber dj'ed
`before nian?itactui'e. 2. An ingrain rug or carpet. (Variaiit of
`in«gFa鶴ed (Sn-gränd^) adj. 1« Firmly established; de든p-
`s윤ated: ingrained prejudice; the ingrained habits of a lifetime.
`Worked deeply into the texture or fiber: a carpet disfigured by
`ingrained dirt.
`sn^^rate。5申部り n. An ungrateful person, [From ヘ任ddle
`English jngrat, ungrateful, from Old French iragrat, from Latin
`inc^dirtis : i«-, not; see IN— + gt&%, pJeasing, thankful; see
`Q뉴흥2-2 in Appendix.]
`S机*g『0어쏼© (in-grâ^shG"St〇 む‘.叽 -aXed, -obeng, -effes*
`To bring (ones¢]£ :for 은x원mp!e) into the favor or good graces of
`another, especia꾜y by deliberate effort: She 익«i야인y sgghf to in­
`gratiate heir self with the neto adminisiration. (Perhaps from Ita5-
`ian ingraziare, from in 다razi% into favor, from Latin in grätiam :
`in, in; see m—+ grätiam, accusative oi yrâüa, favor (from gratu-s,
`pleasing; see g^ere-? m Appendix).] —in*gröH卜¢”牡on m
`—in*Qri3^H*c*fo*ry {~s盘T-tör'爲 -圮[이'£) adj.
`けgraWiy仲*inヨ。却-車對마銓”司访垠) adj, L Pteasing: agree­
`able: ''Reading requires an effort. . . . P서?ほ is nof as ingratiating
`03 television" (Robert MacNeil). 2» Calculated to please or win
`favor: cm unctvoiis, insratiating manner. ------------------------------
`in*giröt*i*Wde ⑴いgr記門서面d七 -Jyötsd*') n. Lack of graü-
`tude; ungriitefulness-
`hl*gf혆*di・@nt ¢m-gre^de-ant] 儿 An element in a mixture or
`compound; 건 constituent, See Synonyms at eBement« [Middle
`English, from Latin
`iitgreäient-, present participle
`ingredi^ to enter. See ingress,]
`mwr聽S 值mgr町 Jean Au@明}즌 Domini마利乱 1780- iS57
`French painter 윤nd leader of the French classical school who 沽
`remembered for his historical and mythological works,
`in*gFeS5(m咱?标り n. ,a也α 泊•叩‘闻*skm (?n-grësh^aßt. A
`going in or entering. 2» Right or permibuuu“ レゝハユ丄心丄,w. *»“~33
`4 g' ' , «ssaüri to enter, 3. A means
`or place 泌 «nt&nr;g. [Middle English i网*esse, from Latin m叩&
`沒电 from pas¢ p^nicipk of iwgr钊薦 to enter : in% w; se는 ◎'一車 ■*
`gmdX, to £ep; see ghredh- in Appendix.]
`8n*greS"S机fln-gres^Tv) adj, 1, Of, relating to, or involving
`ingress. 2» Grammar. IncBx^ive, 3, Linguistics. Of. designat­
`ing, or being a speech sound produced with an inhalation 泌
`breath, —[nigres,岑iv후 n. 一in-gres?sive*heS5
`Ss、-gfÖUp (SrMgrgpり 旭, A group of p믄opl든 united by
`beliefs^ attitud흐& or interests and characi순Hstically exciudiiig
`ouEsid으摆; a clique.
`In *@fowling Q:n,grö'm^)aaj. Growing inward or into,
`cially i표fQ the fie아»
`(In^grönO adj. 1. Grown abnarraally into the
`an ingrown toenail. 2. Inbred; innate: ingrown habits. 3. Insu­
`lar; ぷelf-cm걔&ined: "也e sm아欢 ingrawn uw시d 〇/ iower M財舟汐
`纽《” (Korbes), ,
`in〇9^0Wth Gn^grofch^) n. 1. Th으 act 〇£ growing inward or trio.
`Something that grows Howard »r into.
`2” Something that grows Howard »r into.
`ire *9UI« meal (ing^gwa-n^l) adj. Of, relating to, or located in the
`groin. [Latin ing-ain^lis, from ingven, mguin-, groin.]
`in*gur*gi»h뀳@ (In-gür^jl-täV) tr.v. -teit*ed, -tat4ng^ -ttrtes-
`To swallow greedily or m exmmsiv은 皿aunts; gulp. [Latin 时斷” :燃
`gitâre, mgvrsität- : in~, in: see 中 gurgss, gurgit-, thr圖,
`whirlpool.| —imgs/giイn.
`!빌H A trademark used for th으 dmg isoniazid.
`. -ibed,-it'ingr-its, —ff, L To liveör
`in«hab«it (m-hsbnt) j丄
`re&de in, Z To be pres든nt in; fill: 〇2d childhood memories rs*
`habiieii the attie. ■― mtr. Arefiaic. 7ほ dwelL [Middle Sr哄盛
`enhübiten, from Old French anhöbifer, from Latin 氐사?셔如.您:佗 . 冲.
`in; see in-® キ habitarSf to dwp]], fre녀üent든Hv믄 of Aabsre, to hav«.
`see ghebh“ in Appendix-] --------------------------------- n Tn,
`heb'iha“阈휴 adj, —ln。hob'i*t辛Miむn tわ 一Sn-hobdt*er
`ifS»höb-S*tars*Cy (in-hab,s-t히ユ-s티 n., pl. 5球・ Occup근収y
`Èn*hab-bt〇nt ¢5n-hSb*s-t3nt) π. One th도t inhabits a pl&*、
`especially as a permanent resident, the inhahiiants 〇] a fishm^
`village; snakes, lizards, and other inkabntants of the desert.
`in*hab*sf*읂d (In-häb^i-Üd) adj. Having inhabitants; Iwedin
`α spfirsfdy inhabited plain.
`in 이h低い片mt (in-hä Gant) üdj. Used i꿔 nr for inhWMig
`— inhalonf n. 1, Something inhaled. 2. A medication, 쇼n &か
`e&th는むM or another compound in vapor or aer«昌〉1 form, fcakers by
`ini普α시&"fion (In^hs-läfshan) 炎.. 1, The act or an instance::』
`inhaling. 2, Am hihalant
`in*h〇*lö*i〇r (^n^ha-u^tsr) ?i- I. See respirofor (senss IV 2.
`S은e inhaier (sen:]& 2).
`m*h피e (in-haP) V. -haBed, -h이*旃饥 -holes. — tr L T«
`draw (air or smoke, for examplを)into th든 lungs by breathing; 坦-
`spire. 2. informal. To take in rapidly or eagerly; devour; in/inlea
`lunch and then rushed off to the meeting^ ~■intr. 1. To 3다a也
`in; inspire. 2. To draw smoke into 한)e lungs; puff. [LMia !屮
`如히ärも tn breathe upon (meaning influenced by contrast, with ex-
`HAS-E) : in-, in; see w*,」+ れ占姑휘e, to breathe.]
`in*hHES^*er' (m~hs ハmr) n. L One 匕hat mhak?g: an a*•,女』加力事ぞ了矽
`aromatic pipe smoke. 2. A device that produc으s a vapor tn 은器흐
`breaching or is used to medicate by inhaäation. es}就沱快我:y a sr:渊
`nasal ap프lie협tor containing a volatUt- in&dic온m으nt. In this sens?,
`also called inhalator.
`Srt•れ〇”mon药¢ ¢m^här-inön^ik) adj. Not harmonic; 히阳:讣
`ir3*h〇r*mQ'ni«Oirs (In'bar-mome-as) adj, 1. Not in hanrio-
`ny; discordant, 孔 TSt 诅 금word ,就 agreement ----------------
`nhous-ly adv, —in'h堂즌ss n.
`m*hear*m〇*ny 0mh2"ma-n히 鈴" pl. -nees, 1, Lack 〇f har­
`mony: discord, S. An instance M such discard,
`9n*h@re (Sn-hlr^) intr.v. -hered,-h루rHng, *heres. To B브 la
`herent or innate. [Latin inhaerërs : in-, in; see J汉一2 •レ haersre, tc
`stick,] ------------------ (-hi”하珥 사‘珀Sn-her*en-cy n.
`iFvh 編r-en후 、 ____ ーー… ヽ ,*
`(Sn-hirfant, 5죤:”냐 cdj. Existing as an esserbai
`constituent or characteristic; intrihsie, [Latin inhaerm,
`ijihaereni-, present participl브 of inhaer^re, to inhere. See inhere:
`■in시gr,en9이y ad^.
`hr暗her셔휼 (lii-hër^It.) 饥 -Ji-ed, -h-eng, -üs. — tr. be. To re-
`ceive (property or 은 title, for example) from an ancestor by 招g시
`succession or will. b. To receive by be딫ü른st or as 8 1p„
`2 T¢
`receive or take over from 요 predecessor: Tfie ?好次
`»< 哄
`itiis 〇/ the last, four yaars. 3. Sa*
`inhented the economic pri ,
`ogg. To receive (a characteristic) frwn one's parents by sen히n
`tranSTnission. 4, To gain ¢samething) 슨s one's right or ported
`~intr. To bold or take possession af a註 iiiheritance, fMiÖ£混
`English enheriten^ from Old French enherite.r, to m금ke hetr 院、
`Jeen Auguste
`DömifHqu& Ingres
`After a sülf-poEtrait
`originöüy painted in Jg。4
`and reworked in 18SÖ


`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-17 Filed 05/19/22 Page 5 of 5
`*【旅d心nc. To resist immunologically the introduction of (a tr그ns»
`3浴ねnt머1 organ ar tissue>; fail to accept as p규rt of one's ow끄 body.
`餐-浦eg {rëり은ka) n. One th&t has been reject&」: a reject from
`。rureitg team; 〇. tirs that is a reject. [Middle English rejscten,
`貝":加E Lata Fl rëicers, réiect- : re-, re- + ¢&¢¢re, to throw : s 르든 y 흘- in
`-ゝ < ~re»Jett^er, reqee^tor h, —re*äe«^tive adj.
`溯怜P,i〇n (rS-jëk^sh&n) n. I. The act 하£ rejecting or the state
`心:捉, 辭、"<'d. Ä. Something rejected. :L M 钊北 cme. Th믄 f&站-
`-" of a :z:宀£.',ピs body to accept a transplanted tissue or organ
`齢麥 the result of immunological incompatability: immunological re~
`,< to foreign tissue.
`後應diön slip n. A printed note aMampanylng a manuscript
`7, „址又 for 마ublication and returned to the author.
`您泌li¥© orf JU. See mmlm却$m ¢sense i). -~re-lec^Hvgst
`辨이 ig (ré-jig^) tr.v. -igg&%,十 g・허 ng’-lig盾. In-formal. To re-
`:ゝ4, ''α series 〇/ measures to .. . rejig the münetary system'^
`*s ?、: Science Monitor).
`t요£ig»ger (E~卩gハめ が•由. -gered, -ger-ing, -gers* Informal.
`:readjust or rearrange.
`i^'jOJS€ (rl-jois^) V. -ioked,中»gcäc*es, — intr. To
`蕊;*€ joyful: be 선으lighted: rejoiced at the news; rejoiced in her
`'ri'Ä good fortune. — tr. To fill with joy; gladden. — phrdsesS
`面〉、rsjoke Sm To have or possess: rejoices in 〇. fcean mind.
`:総雖ddle English rejoicsn, from Old French rejoir, rejoiss- : re-, re-
`:が; 烦n t¢ be joyful (from. Vulgar Latin *gcudJre, from Latin ga김-
`H襟芝 see gäu- in Appendix].] —쥐《ハ沱 n.
`:注鮮1하2 (rl-join^3 V, ・joined, 或〇油Mn0
`― tr. To say
`, especially in sharp response to a reply, — intr. T» re미y.
`:~‘ / English rejoinen, from Old French. rejoindre, re^ow.- : re-,
`:;!;:?>■ •卜 ^nindref to join; see jcmj
`:求4む话* g-j。iが) n 니商rted,, -{otn-ing, "lolns. —tr. 1, To
`参芯滋&殷 jp into the company of; his regiment, Z To join
`息"理此er 죈ga*n; reunite, — mcr. Tö b든com든 joined ag흐让i.
`炊簿*。血* der (rjf-joinM^r) n. An answer, especially ia a reply.
`~~ English, from Old French rejoindrs, to answer, rejoin. See
`編穿ju。ve*h〇fe (r3-.iöötr.v. -nat-ed, -n러ヽ|ng^
`瘁rM& L To restore tü youthful vigor or appearance; make
`ag단in. 2, To restore to 즈n originaS or new condition; ‘戏-
`盖:::::威混£e an 航d s^>/〇., 3.러・ To stimulate (a stream) tn ren은w으d
`' • .£ activity, as by uplift of the land, b. To d은velop youthful
`s phic features in (s prい号
`leveled ar운a), [From re—十
`lurrais, young; se으 yew- in Appendix.] -~rö'lw^ve-no^-
`";■} fi. — Feqirv윰«ttaヴöf ¢-tar) n,
`牌"rtes*C©nC零 (rl-joöve-nèsf305)n. A renewal of
`蚣浮thfiH appearance or character. —re*|U^ve*nes^cent adj,
`お滲絃がdie (të-klnMl) ¢r.iJ. -died, -diing, -dies. 1. To relight
`熱題 iir아、2» To revive or renew; rekindled an old 旃te犍s£ in the
`綴丄 顽;乙 3. Relating. 2, Reiaüve. 3* Relatively. 4. Rele潴濕.
`;卜. rfilsgious.
`滲沁id :4心d叮 5 Past tenst; 뎌nd past participle of re-loy.
`篆斜Spse (rS-Ups^) intr.ü. 시apsed, 새叩$Hngr 시âps*es・ 1.
`:Ml or slide back into a former 3fcate„ 2. To regress after 卩ar-
`"制 recovery from iUne混. 3. To slip back into bsd w갆ys; back-
`노』、—reäapse U'が 世p糸 ri-iäps り n. A f시hng back into a for-
`發*知• state, esp¢; ,{• after apparent improvement. jME시e
`氐:hsh T&lapsen, to forswear, from Latin relabi, reläps-j to fall
`s<;ack graduaUy : re-, re- + Mb亏 to slide.] —矿e시はps^er n.
`(il9 fever (rMäp^alngj n. Any of severai infectious
`發戀敍::溢소 characterised by chills 죠“d £으ver and caumd. by spü'o-
`rr^insmitted by lice and ticks. Also called recurrent fever.
`却*& (rl-lat^| V. 사atydr-JaMug, M바e倦・ —fr. L To nar^
`、* : tell. See Synonyms 전t desenbe« 2. To bring into or link
`X J >: or natural assKiatia«. See Synonyms at join. 3. To
`鬟敵密感 or demonstrate a conn은cLian between. —intr. 1. To
`絃淞族 cönnectson, relation, or reference: The symbols relate to am
`發瑟" •滋$たg. 흐» To have or 아야,abli나i a reciprocal relationship:
`:"_: She doesn't relate iveU to her peers, 3,Ta react in re­
`.. <、ゝ 븐specially favorably: I just cufi*¢ relate these new füsh-
`後縁•ん[Obsolete French relater, from 〇Sd French, from Latin 按*
`L cast participle of rëfërre : re-, re- * iß如& brought; s든으 JeBa-
`終象怂為液:に} 一忸,1 뱌y+bl으 adj, ~re*1of^er n.
`'§¢折卜@d (n-la#tid)輸、L Being connected: associated. 2.
`,-'eJ by kinship, common odgiii, or marriage. 3. Music.
`綴激;以】g & clüse harmonic connection, 一rsIfHydTy adi'. —re*
`la"d。n으錯 p
`務¥加*fion {ri~lä*shmn5 n. L A i<fg:cal or natund association
`參絵*:::,花泌. tw* or more things; relevance of 아n으 to another: oonnei:-
`' the r기atwn between smoking and heart disease. 2“ The con­
`' 3 ¢if people by blood or marriage: kinship. 3. A person
`ゝ J to another by blood 说 marriö:辭;a reiative. 4. The
`緩絃: in which on순 person or thing is competed with anoth으r: the
`庭粉:及炒:: 호f parent f¢ child 5. reia筮oes, α* The miAtual 거르alings
`■ t 了 <ns of persons, groups, or nations in social, business, or
`' *If matters mE*龙390m:订 relations. b. Sexual inter-
`綴魏濫 札 Reference: regard; in relation to your inquiry. 兀〇•
`aii of te. ( 义 or hv ゝ)I爲 A narrative: an account. 죠・
`観綴.炎. The principle whereby an act done at a 3at토r d근t은 is mn-
`§綴綴::::泌 to have been. dene on a prior dat우,
`,混朝〇博*al (rMä^sha-ngS) e力. L Of or ax'ishig from km-
`綴>編 호. hiGicaling or constituting relation. 3, Grammar. Of.
`relating to, or being a word or particle: such as a conjunction or
`proposition, that expresses a syntactic relation between Eermmts
`sn a phrase or sentence. —rede^lSon^ahiy cdr.
`reda»tl〇n*ship (r피が난wmhipり,n. K The condition or fact
`af being related; connection or association. 2. Connection by
`blood or marriage; kinship. 3. A particular type of rannection
`existing between people related to or having deaUngs with each
`oth은r: has a close relationship with his siblings. 4, A romantic or
`sexual hivalvement-
`reh£S«tiv@ (rëp^-tlv) «由.Aöör. ret L Having p^rtiJience or
`relevance: eonn은cted or related. 3. Considered in comparison
`with something else: 言he relative quieC of the suburbs. 3» D은p으nd-
`ent on or mtereonnected with something 으也은; not absislute. See
`Synonyms at dependent 4. Grammar. Referring to。r quahfy-
`mg an antecedent, as £he pronoun ivko in. the man wko was ora TV
`or that in She dictionary that J '您w. 5. M琳§£, Having the s즌m은
`key signature. Us흔d of major and minor scales and k으yg: C major
`is the relative major of A minor, —reialive n. 1» One relate언 by
`kinship, common origin, or marriage. 2, Something having a re­
`lation or connection to somfithing else. 3+ Grammar. A relative
`pm»ü닌H. [MMdSe English, from Old French rsiatifj from Late
`Latin "ほ兩州s, frara L휸ttn relätus, past psirticiple 况 珂eら to
`relate, S暗 relate.] —rel^a*Hv©*rtesE n.
`relative blologka! eff@益由@めess 丸./ibbr, rbë, rbe a
`nieasure of th흔 capacity of a sp으cific ionizing radiation to produce
`a specifi¢ biological effect, expw専洪?d relative to 규 reference radi-
`Eition, such as radium gamma rays or 2Q0-voH x-rays.
`relative clause n. Grammar. A dependent clause introduced
`by a relative pronoun, as which 诂 dc/wnstaira in The dining room.,
`which is downstairs^ is too dark.
`relative humidity n. Abbr.れ机 The ratio Qi the amount of
`wat끈r vapor in the air at 슴 specific temperature to the maximum
`amount that the air could hold st that temperature> expressed as
`a percentage,
`reluw+ti응© 1y (t-ëKö-tSv-lë) adv. Abbr. ret In a relative msn-
`ner; in comparison with something els믄: a relftiivsiy minor prob­
`lem. Usage Note at 甘@H휴就.
`relßtSv© permittivity n. Pkysics. See permittivity,
`ド司£计Re p 伟ra, Music. 1. The pitch of a tone as dekirmined
`by its position m a scale. 2, The ability to recognize or produce
`a tone by mentally 臨fa이i아由】g a relationsMp b은Iw은은n its pitch
`and that of a recently heard t-OTie.
`relative pronoun n. Gra:?히」叫时. a pronoun that introduces a
`mlative clause and has re(就은me to an antecedent, a§ aホ〇 in the
`child wko is wearintj ¢j hat ¢r that in the 九。that ミ沖上 抒め。*하.
`refestÈve fO prep. with regard to: concerning; qucstii??is ndittive
`to the deficit
`rebö *Itvlsm (rÈPa-tl-vlz^sm} n. Philosophy. A theory that
`conceptions oi truth and moral va】u€s ar든 not absolute taut are
`relative to the persoris or groups holding *hem.
`rehO'tlV*|®| (rëPs-tS-vlst) n. L philosophy. A proponent of
`reiativism. 2. A physicist who speciah^cs in the theories öf r든i~
`K 日 vity.
`r©hcS*tlV*IS*ti¢ (rePa-tl-vSs^tlk} adj, 1. Of or relEitjng to rel-
`stivisra. 2. Physics. 〇。Of, r사玳ing to, or resulting from speeds
`approaching the spせ£成 of lights relativistic increase in mass. b.
`Hawing to do with or based on the theory of r기龍ivity: rslutiviatic
`rel*<5*täv*hfy (rëPa-tlvn-t&J n. b The quahty or state of br­
`ing relative. 2. 1가i記〇£apfty. Existence dependent solely on rela­
`tion to a thinking raisid. 3. A 戲,at으 oW depend으nee iii which the
`existence or $ignificanc흔 oi one entity is snleiy dependent on that
`of another. 4. Phgsieん 〇, Special 了越였於を以, b. General rela­
`re*iö*t〇r (rI-1 하4mr) 館. b One who relates or narrates: a relator
`〇/ stories for chiidran, 2« Law. A beneficiaSSy 浦応£检め叡£ person
`on «hös은 behalf an action is maint슨in으d by a sovereign power or
`a state.
`relax ¢n-laksf) む. 시ox¢¢,내ax세ng, -iax-es. — tr, K To
`make lax or loose: rslaj: むne's grjp. 2. To m셜k슨 less wver으 or
`strict: relax a curfew, 3. Ta reduc으 in intensity; slacken: relax
`one's efforts. 4. To reÜ은ve from tension or strain: The warm bath
`relaxed me. ~洗件. L To take one's ease; re먀“ 2・ To become lax
`or loose, 3, TH become less sev^rt? or strict- 4. To become less
`restrained or tense. jMid型트 負環ほh relaxim, fröiii Gid French
`re^axer, from Latin reiaxare :汽*, re-十 L时紀ゲ晶 to loasen (from
`iu心> loose; m믄e sleg° m App濟应艾}.} —re*JöX^a"b8e a街.
`re4ax*önt (ri-Uk^ssnt) n. So江成사im胃 such 그s a drug or ther­
`apeutic treatment, that relaxes or r으!・i으v으s nauscuSar or nervous
`tension. — reloxanf adj. T으nding to relax。r I0 r으H으v으 t은nsion.
`re*iax*<J*ti〇n (rë^läk-sS^'shan) n. 1. Th은 act of relaxing or
`the state of being relaxed. 2. Refreshment of body or mind: r创a
`Nation: played jfolf for relaxation. See Synonyms at rest , 효. A
`loosening or slackening. 4, A eduction in sH'ictn든se or seventy
`S, Pkysiohg-y. Th안 I슨|i^tk은ning of in즈ütivü muscle or muscle f>
`ber& 6. Physics. The return or adjustment of a system to equi­
`librium following diijplaceiiient or abrupt change. '7. Ma.狞lem«£-
`ics, A method of solving equations in which the errors resulting
`from an initial approximation are reduced by succeeding approx­
`imations until a” errors 져re within specified limits.
`reiaxötron time n Fhgsit滂.The ting required for an expo­
`nential variable to decrease to I Ze (Ü.3Ö8) of its B-titial value
`r^daxed (rl-läkst?) adj. ‘如 Not rigorous or strict. 2» Free
`OÉ btty
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