`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-13 Filed 05/19/22 Page 1 of 9
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-13 Filed 05/19/22 Page 2 of 9
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-13 Filed 05/19/22 Page 3 of 9
`A students guide
`Frafesor of Genend Linguisdcs, Univcmcy of Edinbus^b
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-13 Filed 05/19/22 Page 4 of 9
`The Pits Building* Trumping?on Ssrecs* Cambridge, Unised Kingdom
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`館 Cambridge University Press 1994
`This book is in copvneht. Subject to statutory exception
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`Firs¢ published 1994
`Ninth printing 2003
`Printed in die United Kingdom 弑 the Umvenity Press, Cambridge
`ね*翩?y q C&ngf^ss
`Hwrfbrd. Jsmcs R,
`祢篷网Mg m 麥如&阮財め弗âßSß
`p, cm.
`includa index,
`ISBN 〇 521 45409 3. (kâjdback). ISBN 〇 521 45627 4 (paperback)
`LBngUsh hmguage - Granmiar - Hsndboob.mnuak 更ほ L Title
`PEin2.H857 1994
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`ISBN 〇 5교 ¥ 45409 3 hardback
`!SBN 아 521 45627 4 paperback
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-13 Filed 05/19/22 Page 5 of 9
`Lji«y hM me.
`Lizzy hu准d wse,
`必侦ff 婀 5öme臀好巳
`就ん'时 肿 som go^fses.
`Children seem particuhriy incsisun£ £〇 being comcted (if the ad내找 bother)
`on such overgeneralizations. In their own time, they leam ¢he aduk fonm and
`drop these sponuneous regularizations. Bu¢ it is no¢ without some confusion.
`Often, when a child realizes chm there is something wrong with spying 萨&
`realizing as well chac an ending should be involved, he or she produces
`써,m"微4 which is a kind of blend of the correct fbmi and ¢he odginal over»
`跻n微ほ坛d form. Another common exampie is wJbm instead of sakm. Perhaps
`the child makes some association between past tense and pas¢ participle, and
`realizing tha¢ ¢he past ¢ense of 払%£ b foofe, and that many isrcgular past participles
`end in 애刑, produces a blend of all these properties, namely 2새啊.
`in each of the following two lists of En^ish words, half are regular, and half are
`iTOguhr (of course). Identify ¢he irregular nouns and verbs.
`Noum:膈碱 fcoy,ホM gん 网二
`Verbs: 段???缉 £&mb, spank, $peak, $統終饌血, 개*处暨
`FWa하ive clause
`A relative chose b a type of »obordlo&te c buise modifyiaag a 0000 and
`giving detailed information about the person or thing the 戰©盟皿 refers £〇. In
`English, 1做血uve chuses follow the nosms they modify and are usually intro
`duced by a rebdve prooooo, such as 叫。,u^hkh or Msf.
`In ¢he following serateoces, ¢he rebtive clauses are underiined.
`» The man 綸 fcm&e skff hank as M&me C써& 邮志 an 棚西聽m
`® レ% fcsw miud shff 站林。ihag toiyteJ him.
`» J ha犍¢»¢mis shas ◎如 j酒那亦 方席"£按yd.
`« *n邮 姑 dy 賊机。睫 d열!? J feW pMwM.
`» J will SMf 质サ fady waffle 如g bis my Md.
`® There is a building, ◎£ 血 Ms새? gf gi由 isを&細 胛?*.
`*» め!《(Wk f#Mf pbff "g I 呻 m姑cd.
`Relative clauses co联m§¢ with other kinds of elame. There is 飯히tie danger of
`confissing ¢hem with mam claoso. But ¢here arc a number of 〇¢her kinds of
`sobordmMe clause which 세8쌔y resemble 建位印ザe clauses, and which in &a
`eonuras¢ with them. These resemblances and differences are explained Wow.
`Relative ckmes should not be c5afosed with &湖•击砒娉sec히鮮血|勒«亀 which
`begin with many of the same word« (e.g.网皿 以め辨,踩由汕)酒 wねt村e
`ckuses. A u^~jbi;esTOg3ffidw, such as IW90 did 加 see?, b a miiio ebuse and
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-13 Filed 05/19/22 Page 6 of 9
`RELATIVE CLAUS£, modifying the noun 4(sy
`can stand on its own as a sentence, whereas a relative clause, such 額,…whom
`you §做4 is a subordinate clause and needs a 0000 ¢〇 be attached to, as in 血
`person u^om you sw. Some r씮Miv骨 쎄竈uses and tW540terrogadves are in 6a:
`idendcat apa精 from punctuation, e.g.… who saw yow (relative clause) versus
`Who saw you? (仲妇血g實β리鮮애的히.
`In a similar way, 10direct questions, that is ^subordinate Interrogstive
`cbmes, can be very similar in form to relative clauses, as both can begin
`with such words as who, which and u^i&se. In the examples below» the same
`얘鄒關® (underiined) is used once as 竈 relative clause and once as an Indirect
`攻 みp
`i澎鑑 舞弑鶴臨曳&獭誠.
`nり mg疯rd a羸知 j £ms pm¢?诃嘎
`He 協섀? 血 bVfen Meh 吹 wanisd.
`He ß&ked 叫效 吹 掂辑為?¢d.
`5ND浮.ECT QUKSTäON (=状%岫威?严* g癡?}
`Th^知y 讲诲"僵酒$ £务ü ü 辄龍,
`RELATBVE CLAUSE, mcHÜfyfiog the saoam 阮y
`I $罗标 湘韓むflsü.
`IND ERECT QUESTION ( = Wh& 做謂密 this?)
`English relative clauses introduced by whm and where are sometimes identical
`in shape £〇 adverbial claaas©凱 In the examples below, the same claesses
`(underlined) are used, once as a relative clause, and once as an adverbial clausee.
`Hu! day 峻油特」』âd mm』E以 mas 啪毗 relative clause, modifyiog the nous& day
`0誡料』膈 鍬y
`ädver.8iä8. clause of tsme, modifying
`maio daui»e h râineâ.
`乩遲 W瀨 $sen ihe 翱泌 i诚體濺 时腿£? RELATIVE CLAUSE, modifymg the noun ana
`册g I誌缶必,pâiwL
`main clause Do^jr psfrot
`The diseinguishing feature of the relative clauses here is chae they modify
`INDIRECT QUEST!ON (=的%W 如世 yöM 酣¢,网麾,)
`RELATIVE CLAUSE, mCHÜfysOg the £%〇〇£% feMぞ《
`R 쩨霸ti 예聘 h*p霸 Any nofijtn in any position in a claosee (i.e. solbject, direct or Indirect ofc^ect,
`etc.) can be modified by 竈 r에;就ive clause. This is illustirated b에ow by caking a
`simple sentence, Ute woman menfeoneJ 0诚 man to the boy* and putting the same
`relative 얘讎踊瞬 after each noon, woman, man or boy. The relative clause we will
`use is that we suspect.
`The 脚沖皿《 lhal s 就$p&t menSioneil she man So M hoy,
`llie woman mentioned 血 man that 吹 $瓠§?觀T S fte h&y.
`The iwman mentioned S險 man to the boy that 吹 §略pE
`A relative clause is a claajsse, and therefore itself contains a verb and a sesl^ec£
`and quite possibly 恩 direct and indirect olfcyect, too. Any noon position in the
`relative clause can be *shared* with the noon which is being modified. Let's
`say we want £〇 use a relative clause ¢〇 modify the noon 贓 in the noon
`phsrau»娉血 la^y 贓、Now, what do we want to say about: this hzy dog? Here are
`some of the possibilities.
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-13 Filed 05/19/22 Page 7 of 9
`Sutyect of an active clause.
`k 如JfeöLS,
`Tiff £α! d誠鍵d is,
`Direct object of an active clasoe.
`Sul^ject of a p觀略成陀 clause.
`k i妃§血皿by戒诚c&t.
`Object of the preposition by in 1 passive clause.
`The M J如 dg皿 by is.
`Indirect object of the clause.
`PoSy gijj璧 ii a bans.
`Pan of a Possessive, iis^ modH^Hursg a noun, £&liar,
`J* 3I如is如$氏
`Obj©c£ of the preposition 矿
`MaUy 加& a p如S ザ st
`For each of these possibilities (and more), we can construcc a different relative
`clause modifying dqg in (he &y 她。The 心uk§ are as follows.
`® ... the fazy dg thas 如J知$...
`« she ktzy dqg shas she M dh理涉...
`® the lazy d헛? 冶眾 w$ *皿』奶 血 m..,
`« ... she b^y &想 出血 血 七虚 皿初;¢h¢我d 姐。…
`期 位>辭娉,。。(noE ^^amwadcal for all speakers)
`β ... Ae lazy 如g rfeg
`« …9旋 fa息y 她 脇成駐魏 機戒愛 « 娅験,,.
`® … f加 bzy d冬 Ma((Y Mk & 흐如双》矿 ..
`We have illusmted great versatility of relative clauses in two aspects:
`® Noum in various positions can be modijSed by r에就ive clauses.
`» Various positions inside the relative clause on be 'shared* with the modilGed
`The choice of which reladv® pronoun to use a¢ the beginning of a relative
`chuse in En0i아§ is somewhat complex, (See kela^sve 卩聘。网。미网)
`As relative clauses are suboirdmat® chmo, and chere is no limit in principle
`to how many mbordloMe chum can go imide each 〇!:her, there can be
`embedded rehdve chuses. Examples (with each rebtive clause underlined) are:
`« rtf bfjy u^& sh&uted '&衝是デat 血 海剛 u^t& pâinSs #聲 如诳矿j籃斜
`is Just pâssin^ fey。
`« nis is she 妃
`shai lay m the 小at Jack 細h.
`如£ ch蠢M 出ぞ £as ¥h戲 s£饗初 母謔
`In English» cemin relative cbuses beginning with wh& ts/a^ or a标di 打/如g
`can be reduced to adjecdval or partielplsd pbraset by omission of the who is/
`m or whUh 技/酣巳 Here arc some examples:
`a man 携애?|网g she wnay s& Glasgouf
`a man wAo 脚s asking she way S Glasgtm^
`a d蹴版如 wha ü 第他k疗 厩 A새血廿临斂配樹s
`期《矗黑5 就哄¢?幼 hdiudn&sms
`a chM α溢d qf ihe 細*
`a 새心d 诵© 心 애曲難d
`she dark
`血 釦零 颂蝴 is p히如寰H by Isöuswfm
`停號s0£sp purred by為£雌鎚s御姑
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-13 Filed 05/19/22 Page 8 of 9
`There is an exceptional kind of relative clause that does not modify any
`noun, but simply sunds on its own as a noun phrase. Such *headless* relative
`clauses are underlined in che examples below;
`« 所就W«幣 p仏wjj?d fte pmy uw bnllians.
`® r솄 like to £〇ngmsuhSff 奶此莪"を pmon m级d更 shk pwdd电?.
`® Take ¢湖i애叩打 yow //fee, and 以遲 it 心 uéo you like.
`In English and some other languages, there is a difierence between what are
`called *resmcdve' and *non~resmcrive* rehdve cbuses. Modification of a noun
`by a restrictive relative 세顎|』§¢ narrows down ¢he possible set of people or things
`the noun could be referring £〇. Non-restricdve relative clauses simply add new
`infbrmadon about the pcnon or thing referred to by the m◎세ifi©d noun,
`without helping to specify him, her or it more closely. Non~restrictive relative
`clauses are often written with a comma, or pronounced with a slight pause
`before them. Here are some examples:
`The 贓 shâS 如む fiexl door is called Alphome.
`了*ぞ 奶, which /fm n^xi 섾說箱* * £鑫履d Alphonse.
`My neighbour印知 breeds穗燃聚$ is â駁m应 旅權寐噸".
`My g?舞由为M豺% iWäö breeds 快疗fe& is 鑑 bm駝 manager.
`To take ¢he second pair of examples, inv^ir51rsg the tunles and the bank
`manager, use of the restncdve relative clause assumes that the hearer knows
`that ¢he speaker has several neighbours, but ¢hat just one of them breeds turtles.
`Using ¢he non-resmcdve relative cbuse assumes ¢ha¢ the hearer knows which
`neighbour the speaker is 011king abou¢, and g位es ¢he 거dded infonnadon that he
`or she breeds turdes.
`Proper names can only be m^difi够쇼 by non-restricdve r새就clauses, as in
`f/jw is dゆ缓虹 needs hdp. The relative pronoun shat can only
`introduce resmctive relative clauses, so, for instance, *Sil/, shat is 仲,y fnmd,
`aniifed eatfy, is odd or even ungrammatical.
`村 〇 섁坤、£S후 熟 C頌 VE
`戰 ES후 隱 5C”n V£
`Fosr iir?tOTMt Most» though not all, languages ha힒e relative clauses. While, in languages like
`English, relative clauses follow the noun they modify, in languages where the
`verb comes at ¢he end of ¢he sentence relative clauses typically precede the
`noun, Japanese is such a language, putting the verb 就 the end of cbuses. and
`relative clauses before the modified noun, as m these examples.
`Tar&o 华 kaiSa hon
`TafC^ NOM bought b&ok (- 血 book whi(h 7云必 む。蠟hf)
`&ödö溯◎ m yatSa hors
`Yama^ia-Mf. nöm dat gwビ book
`(ss= the book whUh Mr 'Yamâda gm to the d我彻
`ExaraiM Identify the relative 에au§©§ in the following- There are seven in alL
`1 Pe&pk who g m £"心 houses shoMn *f throw stones.
`pUM 加 apples 応i由 the o(hm had 例R,
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-13 Filed 05/19/22 Page 9 of 9
`一—」 〇
`§/£耳用由的££県*?マ也;うt•匕A £労;辭£M £以心 X 工あ拦Ö A
`of轧Eh ?4が寶落.«ftd how 5he/ 'う华"‘い事う我密£% n,.•笋/£イゴ藉*
`5 畠尸"灣?5机搭,£もう$ 〇*縁■心 負%覩毎帶 Crtd段;3むof :う笋;犯ygö Ihe
`疔弟p切#m2/終;:*姦Mm我海;0였X%工席ず?命 久方,すö£が部めÖ 服队»
`c-わ*?£”*わび;3谷ojg•匕h s畏"?'釦cベうう'槌写£容doftmレX* Wう4代gm*
`レ关H £鷲¢』£知‘峰£X 物U J詡R让仃M妨£;う 容鷺う如军險i窘育样
`幻い卻£峰斜 h £*실嗨M「唄 南皓 君斑了寸 ,第枷^轩¢,明*$ r間柯飞感舞お如 pt
`◎な&陌なう角整 題矿E&,J«咨fih£3wSg M:我廿營£,£* ?容尊野hもä¥ら啻京な 心*£电
`•,技竹p扣M レ“f容铲為,が牧fすtrpti知•尸ド貝 拿$3牝牛*‘r 为新!牛fH弗“料%£ fifiictii
`;3 'H眼5ヤ承嘗我 您£如:为勺W弛£乳seU Ö泓 ら¢嚼yr & £撰# ¢£ヤ po *う
`FEW席窘W藉4シ《W負竺;¢洛«he笋gほ 容Ä。?K %•:志;“£次誦峰,焰5*e呵您Md爲:
`£力凭は',,顏%#招野陽め'*3山い•尸计料淬詳がx3f警 明心 f ん/釦£お,m如報轮,株?""/"#じ
`£う$y席?疔£sd £答哭&甞事め E袴g酸,gff. £§ö◎祥¥ *'我罷?簿◎,號’ euiy 幻 js-ö,
`出 Be兄 執涵 打碑 〇 ¥ 榔,,部廿:셔 匕£爲:“.呼 〇¢ 彈シ为•用¢泪” io' 字義/,"加 澎
`む종‘ 牛 E f 令9;:” <r-
`,”蛾 机め£如燃 倉用:e¢ c段総帳凱.¢對 亀择珀由岁必fa,s狞 〇<ies>
`• い撬$ろ¢MQ姑,"£他£”秋,竹W"«伊む“づ勺d料*義'£る护ゝ W才加'料?が:4 C小,
`• d机¥う,*时fo' the并s:如苗 %'貞* I *£捶 が fio £,召纣〇:. s玄$新,,妨伊.‘君,,〇?
`• £尸£$5山接 營哭#匕«£&£"う of むウ£汇 机:Sr骂 む心 曹灯"由。匕"¥《能就,서 *A
`G;バ尸比辟”代;E钥終京G?泠義孫IX”芦辟tJfX:七;"バAがゝ〇i k”%尹評】め铲
`f?”>£¢かけ刍 ウ"사靴俨"*f* *f"* か Ix'fih }レ' 侖K”'" う"J
`を5« f づ勺用
`ospe£B of 歩■◎お‘鹽野£"
`,宀,£.釘“,“# ✓ fäf-' : ¢‘'リヴ&む,£ ## '%:S 如* 时《£&S
`部»群 ウ“せ宮사す0 〇う容/ fら〇%히:“お初 v,d ffxs庆
`lOiTi-S> 会 辆 f.Mふ藍¢$料 4 ◎ 紐'以M£话 4 조答铸"마 £S与こ 存心;# 传皓 ん姑*护匕做,
`〇* EJ:做He 樓 W智為 J^AowA m «hein r jthor v/j5* 球'切初立ナう
`択館由舞¥疚 瘀砰%机?方掘T尊电/由,£•语 &が*芸¥3匕 G C£堆戸轿必£*強
`(CoJs^hffCgo LS;v疔,次ザ *營料 f yd J:
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