Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-10 Filed 05/19/22 Page 1 of 5
`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-10 Filed 05/19/22 Page 1of5


`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-10 Filed 05/19/22 Page 2 of 5
`Chapt여r 5: Cryptography
`Let's look at this model in more detail for these different eryptographic primitives.
`5.3.1 Random Functions: Hash Functions
`The first type of random oracle is the random function. A random function accepts an
`input string of any length, and outputs a random string of fixed length, say n bits long.
`So the elf just has a simple list of inputs and outputs, which grows steadily as it works.
`(We'll ignore any effects of the size of the seroll and assume that all queries are an­
`swered in constant time.)
`Random functions are our model for one-way functions or cryptographic hash Junc­
`tions, which have many practical uses. They were first used in computer systems for
`one-way encryption of passwords in the 1960s and一as mentioned in Chapter 2一are
`used today in a number of authentication systems. They are also used to compute mes­
`sage digests; given a message M> we can pass it through a pseudorandom function to
`get a digest, say h(M), which can stand in for the message in various applications. One
`example is a digital signature: signature algorithms tend to be slow if the message is
`long, so it^s usually convenient to sign a message digest rather than the message itself.
`Another application is timestamping. If we want evidence that we possessed a given
`eleetronic document by a certain date, we might submit it to an online timestamping
`service. However, if the document is still seeret——example an invention that we
`plan to patent, and for which we merely want to establish a priority date一then we
`might not send the timestamping service the whole document, but just the message di­
`The output of the hash function is known as the hash value or message digest; an in­
`put corresponding to a given hash value is its preimage; the verb to hash is used to
`refer to computation of the hash value. Colloquially, the hash is also used as a noun to
`refer to the hash value.
` Properties
`The first main property of a random function is one-Vi^ayness. Given knowledge of an
`input X, we can easily compute the hash value /?(x); but it is very difficult given the
`hash value h(x) to find a corresponding preimage x if one is not already known. (The
`elf will only pick 〇니tputs for given inputs, not the other way round.) As the 〇니tput is
`random, the best an attaeker who wants to invert a random function can do is to keep
`on feeding in more inputs until he or she gets lucky. A pseudorandom function will
`have the same property; or this could he used to distinguish it from a random fiinction,
`contrary to our definition. It follows that a pseudorandom function will also be a one­
`way function, provided there are enough possible outputs that the opponent can't find a
`desired target output by chance. This means choosing the output to be an zi-bit number
`where the opponent can't do anything near 2" computations.
`A second property of pseudorandom functions is that the output will not give any in­
`formation at all about even part of the input. Thus, one-way eneryption of the v이ue x
`can be accomplished by concatenating it with a secret key k and computing h(x, k). If
`the hash function isn't random enough though, using it for one-way eneryption in this
`manner is asking for trouble. A topical example comes from the authentication in GSM
`mobile phones, where a 16-byte challenge from the base station is eoneatenated with a
`16-byte seeret key known to the phone into a 32-byte number, and passed through a
`hash function to give an 11 -byte output [138]. The idea is that the phone company also


`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-10 Filed 05/19/22 Page 3 of 5
`Security 든ngi门een门g: A Guide to Building Dependable Distnbut엲d Systems
`knows k and can check this computation, while someone who eavesdrops on the radio
`link can only get a iiumber of values of the random ehallenge x and corresponding out­
`put from /i(x, k). The eavesdropper must not be able to get any information about k or
`be able to compute h{y, k) for a new input y. But the one-way fiinetion used by most
`phone eompanies isn^t one-way enough, with the result that an eavesdropper who can
`pretend to be a base station and send a phone about 60,000 suitable challenges and get
`the responses can compute the key. Pll discuss this failure in more detail in Chapter
`17, Section 17.3.3.
`A third property of pseudorandom functions with sufficiently long outputs is that it
`is hard to find collisions, that is, different messages My # M》with ヵ(へ么)二为(M). Unless
`the opponent can find a shortcut attaek (which would mean the function wasn't really
`pseudorandom), then the best way of finding a collision is to collect a large set of mes­
`sages Mi and their corresponding hashes 力(への),sort the hashes, and look for a match. If
`the hash function output is an /i-bit number, so that there are 2" possible hash values,
`then the number of hashes the enemy will need to compute before he or she can expect
`to find a match will be about the square root of this, namely 2 hashes. This fact is of
`major importance in security engineering, so let's look at it more closely.
`5,3, 2 The Birthday Theorem
`The birthday theorem, first known as eapture-reeapture statisties, was invented in the
`1930s to co니nt fish [679]. Suppose there are N fish in a lake, and you catch m of them,
`tag them, and throw them back; then when you first catch a fish you've tagged already,
`m should be "about" the square root of N. The intuitive reason this holds is that once
`you have -N samples, each could potentially match any of the others, so the number of
`possible matches is about 寸\지or N, which is what you need.^
`The birthday theorem has many applications for the security engineer. For example,
`if we have a biometric system that can authenticate a person's ciaim to identity with a
`probahility of only one in a million that two randomly selected subjects will be falsely
`identified as the same person, this doesn/t mean that we can use it as a reliable means
`of identification in a university with a user population of twenty thousand staff and
`students. This is because there will be almost two hundred million possible pairs. In
`fact, you can expect to find the first eollisionーーthe first pair of people who can be
`mistaken for each other by the system一once you have somewhat over a thousand peo­
`ple enrolled.
`In some applieations collision search attacks aren^t a problem, such as in challenge
`response protocols where an attacker would have to be able to find the answer to the
`challenge j니st issued, and where you can prevent challenges repeating. (For example,
`the ehallenge might not be really random but generated by encrypting a counter.) In
`idenfify-friend-or-foe (IFF) systems, for example, common equipment has a response
`length of 48 to 80 bits.
`'More precisely, the probability that m fish chosen randomly from N fish are different \s β = N(N
`- 1) … {N - m + 1)/A/m which is asymptotically s이ved by A/ = m^/2 log(1/ ^)[451].


`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-10 Filed 05/19/22 Page 4 of 5
`Chapt여r 5: Cryptography
`However, there are other applications in which collisions are unacceptable. In a
`digital signature application, if it were possible to find collisions with h(Mx) = (ル&)
`but Ml M M2, then a Mafia-owned bookstore^s Web site might get you to sign a mes­
`sage Ml saying something like, 91 hereby order a copy of Rubber Fetish volume 7 for
`$32.95,'' and then present the signature together with an saying something like, “I
`hereby mortgage my house for $75,000; and please make the funds payable to Mafia
`Holdings Inc., Bermuda/'
`For this reason, hash functions used with digital signature schemes generally have n
`large enough to make them collision-free, that is, that 2 computations are impractical
`for an opponent. The two most eommon are MD5, which has a 128-bit output and will
`thus require about 2 computations to break, and SHAl with a 160-bit output and a
`work factor for the cryptanalyst of abo니t 2 . MD5, at least, is starting to look vulner­
`able: already in 1994, a design was published for a SiO million machine that would
`find collisions in 24 days, and SHAl will also be vulnerable in time. So the U.S. Na­
`tional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently introduced still wider
`hash functions——SHA256 with a 256-bit output and SHA512 with 512 bits. In the ab­
`sence of cryptanalytic shortcut attacks——is, attacks requiring less computation than
`brute force search一these should require 2' and 2 effort respectiv이y to find a colli­
`sion. This should keep Moore's Law at bay for a generation or two. In general, a pru­
`dent designer will use a longer hash function where this is possible, and the use of the
`MD series hash functions in new systems should be avoided (MD5 had a predecessor
`MD4 which turned out to be cryptanalytically weak, with collisions and preimages
`being found).
`Thus, a pseudorandom function is also often referred to as being collision-free or
`c시liEoEntFcic杠ible. This doesn^t mean that collisions don^t exist一they must, as the
`set of possible inputs is larger than the set of possible outputs~一just that you will never
`find any of them. The (usually unstated) assumption is that the output must he long
`5.3.2 Random Generators: Stream Ciphers
`The second basic cryptographic primitive is the random generator, also known as a
`keystream generator or stream eipher. This is also a random fiinction, but unlike in the
`hash function case it has a short input and a long output. (If we had a good pseudoran­
`dom function whose input and output were a billion bits long, and we never wanted to
`handle any objects larger than this, we could turn it into a hash function by throwing
`away all hut a few hundred bits of the output, and a stream cipher hy padding all but a
`few hundred 'bits of the input with a constant.) At the conceptual level, however, it^s
`common to think of a stream cipher as a random oracle whose input length is fixed
`while the 〇니tput is a very long stream of bits, known as the keystream. It can be used
`q니ite simply to protect the confidentiality of backup data: we go to the keystream gen­
`erator, enter a key, get a long file of random bits, and exclusive-or it with our plaintext
`data to get ciphertext, which we then send to our backup contractor. We can think of
`the elf generating a random tape of the required length each time he is presented with a
`new key as input, giving it to us and keeping a copy of it on his scroll for reference in
`case he^s given the same input again. If we need to reeover the data, we go back to the
`generator, enter the same key, get the same long file of random data, and exclusive-or
`it with our ciphertext to get our plaintext data back again. Other people with access to


`Case 6:21-cv-01101-ADA Document 31-10 Filed 05/19/22 Page 5 of 5
`Security 든ngi门een门g: A Guide to Building Dependable Distnbut엲d Systems
`the keystream generator won^t be able to generate the same keystream unless they
`know the key,
`1 mentioned the one-time pad, and Shannon's result that a cipher has perfect secrecy
`if and only if there are as many possible keys as possible plaintexts, and every key is
`equally likely. Such security is called unconditional (or statistical) security, as it
`doesn^t depend either on the computing power available to the opponent or on there
`being no future advances in mathematics that provide a shortcut attack on the cipher.
`One-time pad systems are a very close fit for our theoretical model, except that they
`are typic이ly used to secure communications across space rather than time: there are
`two communicating parties who have shared a copy of the randomly generated key­
`stream in advance. Vemam^s original telegraph cipher machine used punched paper
`tape; of which two copies were made in advanee, one for the sender and one for the
`receiver. A modem diplomatic system might use optical tape, shipped in a tamper-
`evident eontainer in a diplomatic bag. Various techniques have been used to do the
`random generation. Marks describes how SOE agents' silken keys were manufactured
`in Oxford by little old ladies shuffling counters.
`One important problem with keystream generators is that we want to prevent the
`same keystream being used more than onee, whether to encrypt more than one backup
`tape or to encrypt more than one message sent on a communications channel. During
`World War II, the amount of Russian diplomatic traffic exceeded the quantity of one­
`time tape they had distributed in advance to their embassies, so it was reused. This was
`a serious blunder. If + K = Ci, and M2 + K = Cし then the opponent can combine the
`two ciphertexts to get a combination of two messages:し1 一 C2 = M、一 M; and if the
`messages 虬 have enough redundaney, then they can be recovered. Text messages do
`in fact contain enough redundancy for much to be recovered; and in the case of the
`Russian traffic, this led to the Venona project in which the United States and United
`Kingdom decrypted large amounts of wartime Russian traffic afterward and broke up a
`number of Russian spy rings. The saying is: "Avoid the two-time tape!"
`Exactly the same consideration holds for any stream cipher, and the normal engi­
`neering practice when 니sing an algorithmic keystream generator is to have a seed as
`well as a key. Each time the cipher is used, we want it to generate a different key­
`stream, so the key supplied to the cipher should be different. So, if the long-term key
`that two users share is K, they may concatenate it with a seed that is a message number
`N (or some other nonee), then pass it through a hash function to form a working key
`h(K, N), This working key is the one actually fed to the cipher machine.
`5.3.3 Ran게om Permutations: Block Ciphers
`The third type of primitive, and the most important in modem commercial cryptogra­
`phy, is the block cipher, which we model as a random permutation. Here, the function
`is invertible, and the input plaintext and the output ciphertext are of a fixed size. With
`Playfair, both input and output are two characters; with DES, they're both bit strings of
`64 bits. Whatever the number of symbols and the underlying alphabet, encryption acts
`on a block of fixed length. (If you want to encrypt a shorter input, you have to pad it,
`as with the final z in our Playfair example.)

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