Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 1 of 42
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 1 of 42


`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 2 of 42
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 2 of 42


`( 12 ) United States Patent
`Xie et al .
`( 10 ) Patent No .: US 10,600,046 B2
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`( 71 ) Applicant : RFCyber Corporation , Fremont , CA
`( US )
`( 72 ) Inventors : Xiangzhen Xie , Shenzhen ( CN ) ; Liang
`Seng Koh , Fremont , CA ( US ) ; Hsin
`Pan , Fremont , CA ( US )
`( 73 ) Assignee : RFCyber Corporation , Frement , CA
`( US )
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 438 days .
`( 21 ) Appl . No .: 14 / 728,349
`( 22 ) Filed :
`Jun . 2 , 2015
`( 65 )
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2015/0278800 A1
`Oct. 1 , 2015
`( * ) Notice :
`Related U.S. Application Data
`( 63 ) Continuation of application No. 13 / 853,937 , filed on
`Mar. 29 , 2013 , now Pat . No. 9,047,601 , which is a
`( Continued )
`( 51 ) Int . Ci .
`G06Q 20/32
`G060 20/10
`( 2012.01 )
`( 2012.01 )
`( Continued )
`G06Q 20/3278 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06Q 20/102
`( 2013.01 ) ; G06Q 20/20 ( 2013.01 ) ;
`( Continued )
`( 52 ) U.S. Ci .
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 3 of 42
`( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
`G06Q 20/3278 ; G06Q 20/204 ; GO6Q
`20/3223 ; G06Q 20/20 ; G06Q 30/04 ;
`( Continued )
`References Cited
`6/2011 Rosenberg
`5/2012 Aidasani
`( 56 )
`7,962,369 B2 *
`8,172,135 B1 *
`GO6Q 20/20
`705 / 26.1
`G06Q 20/4012
`( Continued )
`11073542 A
`WO - 2012000438 A1 *
`G07F 7/0866
`MasterCard International Incorporated , Partnering for performance
`with e - business solutions , p . 8. *
`Primary Examiner Ashford S Hayles
`( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm - Joe Zheng
`( 57 )
`Techniques for mobile devices configured to support settle
`ment of charges in electronic invoices or bills are described .
`An NFC mobile device is used to read off from a POS device
`data pertaining to the electronic invoices for payment . The
`data includes the electronic invoice and other information
`regarding a registered user of the POS device or an owner
`thereof is . After the user verifies the amount being charged
`and authorizes the payment , the NFC mobile device com
`municates with a payment gateway or network for payment
`that is configured to proceed with the payment in accordance
`with a chosen payment methods .
`20 Claims , 22 Drawing Sheets
`Merchant POS prepares an electronic oil and writes
`smartb : itapple : on his contactless snart card or SE on NFC
`Customer service delivers the contactess smart bill card ( 0 :
`Sc ) to customer
`Payment Network
`Payment Authorization Request
`Cusionier with NFC device installed with a smart billerabled
`Wailet application retrieves the electronic b : l : signed by the
`soaribit appet
`Electronic biti is cispizved on the NFC device screen for
`customer to verify the amourt and add a tip if he wishes
`Smart BH Payment Gateway 104
`Payment Authorization
`Payment info with
`electronic bill
`Personal NFC device
`with wallet software
`FOS with contactess 105
`reader OR NFC device with
`SE ( such as Mobile POS )
`Customer can choose a payment nethod that he has enrolled
`in his water applicaticn to initiate the payment
`Smart bill enabled application sends the transaction information
`to the packend smart gili gateway for processing
`Signed electronic bill
`Contactless smart
`card ( or secure
`element in NFC
`devices ) with smart
`bill applet
`Electronic bill
`Smart bill gateway verifies the electronic bili ind rejects if the
`payment amount is less than the billed amount .
`Smart bil gateway uses the traditional financial payment network
`flow to send payment request and get payment response . I also
`cause new ordine payment ovethod sud as Paypal or Alipsy to
`complete transaction .
`Once the transaction is approved or ocried , the payment
`authorization response wifi retum to die payrrien gateway to te
`forwarded back to the merchant


`US 10,600,046 B2
`Page 2
`Related U.S. Application Data
`continuation - in - part of application No. 13 / 350,832 ,
`filed on Jan. 16 , 2012 , now abandoned , which is a
`continuation - in - part of application No. 11 / 534,653 ,
`filed on Sep. 24 , 2006 , now Pat . No. 8,118,218 .
`( 60 ) Provisional application No. 61 / 618,802 , filed on Apr.
`1 , 2012 .
`( 51 ) Int . Ci .
`G06Q 20/34
`( 2012.01 )
`G06Q 20/36
`( 2012.01 )
`G06Q 20/40
`( 2012.01 )
`( 2012.01 )
`G06Q 30/06
`G06Q 20/20
`( 2012.01 )
`( 2012.01 )
`G06Q 30/04
`( 52 ) U.S. Ci .
`GO6Q 20/204 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06Q 20/3223
`( 2013.01 ) ; G06Q 20/3227 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06Q
`20/352 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06Q 20/3552 ( 2013.01 ) ;
`G06Q 20/3672 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06Q 20/40
`( 2013.01 ) ; G06Q 30/04 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06Q
`30/0601 ( 2013.01 )
`( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
`G06Q 20/102 ; G06Q 20/352 ; G06Q
`20/3552 ; G06Q 20/3672 ; GO6Q 20/40 ;
`G06Q 30/0601 ; GO6Q 20/3227
`See application file for complete search history .
`References Cited
`( 56 )
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`2010/0213253 A1 *
`8/2010 Aabye
`8/2010 Wollbrand
`2010/0274677 A1 * 10/2010 Florek
`2010/0274726 A1 * 10/2010 Florek
`2010/0306076 A1 * 12/2010 Taveau
`2010/0325048 A1 * 12/2010 Carlson
`2/2011 Masaryk
`3/2011 Shank
`2011/0042456 A1 *
`2011/0066550 A1 *
`2011/0078081 A1 *
`3/2011 Pirzadeh
`2011/0087610 A1 *
`4/2011 Batada
`2011/0112968 A1 *
`5/2011 Florek
`2011/0113473 A1 *
`5/2011 Corda
`2011/0117839 A1 *
`2011/0155800 A1 *
`2011/0173060 A1 *
`5/2011 Rhelimi
`6/2011 Mastrangelo
`7/2011 Gallagher
`7/2011 Narendra
`2011/0180610 Al *
`2011/0251952 A1 * 10/2011 Kelly
`2011/0258120 A1 * 10/2011 Weiss
`3/2012 Hultberg
`3/2012 Bacastow
`2012/0072309 A1 *
`2012/0078792 A1 *
`6/2012 von Behren
`9/2012 Poniatowski
`8,196,131 B1 *
`8,270,578 B2 *
`8,341,083 B1 * 12/2012 Jain
`8,565,676 B2 * 10/2013 Gormley
`8,577,731 B1 * 11/2013 Cope
`8,601,266 B2 * 12/2013 Aabye
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`2/2014 von Behren
`7/2004 Goldthwaite
`2004/0127256 A1 *
`4/2006 Wei
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`2007/0131780 A1 *
`6/2007 Ho
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`G06Q 30/06
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`H04M 1/274516
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`GO6F 21/445
`G06Q 20/367
`G06K 7/0004
`G06Q 50/12
`GOOK 19/07
`G06Q 20/341
`G06Q 20/20
`G06Q 20/32
`455 / 414.1
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`2012/0116963 Al *
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`2012/0166333 A1 *
`6/2012 von Behren
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`2012/0239566 A1 *
`9/2012 Everett
`2012/0253974 A1 * 10/2012 Haikonen
`2012/0290376 A1 * 11/2012 Dryer
`2012/0290472 A1 * 11/2012 Mullen
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`G06K 19/07769
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`G06Q 20/32
`G06K 19/0719
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`G06Q 20/352
`G06Q 20/0425
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`G06Q 20/12
`705 / 26.41
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`US 10,600,046 B2
`Page 3
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`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 5 of 42


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 1 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`Payment Network
`Payment Authorization Request
`Smart Bill Payment Gateway 104
`Payment Authorization
`Payment info with
`electronic bill
`Personal NFC device
`with wallet software
`POS with contactless 106
`reader OR NFC device with
`SE ( such as Mobile POS )
`Signed electronic bill
`Electronic bill
`Contactless smart
`card ( or secure
`element in NFC
`devices ) with smart
`bill applet
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 6 of 42
`FIG . 1A


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 2 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`Merchant POS prepares an electronic bill and writes to
`smart bill applet on his contactless smart card or SE on NFC
`Customer service delivers the contactless smart bill card ( or
`SE ) to customer
`Customer with NFC device installed with a smart bill enabled
`wallet application retrieves the electronic bill signed by the
`smart bill applet
`Electronic bill is displayed on the NFC device screen for
`customer to verify the amount and add a tip if he wishes
`Customer can choose a payment method that he has enrolled
`in his wallet application to initiate the payment
`Smart bill enabled application sends the transaction information
`to the backend smart bill gateway for processing
`Smart bill gateway verifies the electronic bill and rejects if the
`payment amount is less than the billed amount .
`Smart bill gateway uses the traditional financial payment network
`flow to send payment request and get payment response . It also
`can use new online payment method such as Paypal or Alipay to
`complete transaction .
`Once the transaction is approved or denied , the payment
`authorization response will return to the payment gateway to be
`forwarded back to the merchant
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 7 of 42
`FIG . 1B


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 3 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`Providers 208
`Secure Element
`Secure Elements 206
`Users / Subscribers
`Financial Institutions
`Platform Providers
`App Management Providers
`Mobile Payment Ecosystem ( NFC )
`Merchants Retailers
`FIG . 2A
`Device Management Providers
`Service Providers 210
`App Developers 204
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 8 of 42


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 4 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`SSD installed ?
`Install SSD
`Establish a secured channel with
`the SE using installed SSD
`application being provisioned
`Prepare data for the
`Notify the application provider of the status of the application
`with the identified mobile device
`Start provision ?
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 9 of 42
`server ( e.g. , a TSM )
`Establish a communication channel with a dedicated
`send it with ID identifying the application to the server
`Retrieve device info and
`Identify the issuer
`Go to 110 of FIG . 1B or reminder the user
`If the SE has personalized ?
`Establish a secured channel with the SE using
`derived ISD
`If SSD is associated w / the App ?
`FIG . 2B


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 5 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 2C
`7. Notify to create SSD successfully
`SSD Key Set
`8.Contnuer ii .
`6. Personalize SSD ( Put Keys
`1.Download App .
`Service Provider
`SE sewer
`TSX Server
`Mobile Device
`5.SSD Key Set Reg ..
`3.150 reg :
`4.Create SSO
`2.Provision Req .
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 10 of 42
`Mobile Device User


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 6 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`??? , ?? restor
`Finalizacter are ..
`FIG . 2D
`Bet Personalzsvars duts
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 11 of 42


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 7 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 2E
`Verify such a message ? Yes
`Send a push message to a device
`Identify a particular application and send a command ( APDU ) to the
`The device initiates an operation request to
`the SE that locks the identified application
`SE proceeds by disabling the applica
`SE sends back an acknowledgement
`Start Lock operation ?
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 12 of 42


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 8 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`Existing Hardware for Land - based
`Commerce ( e.g. , Stores or
`Transportation ) in an Enclosed Environment
`SAM 292
`Web Agent on PC
`Contactless Reader 296
`e - commerce
`e - purse security
`Servers Payment Network and
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 13 of 42
`288 Contactless Interface
`m - commerce
`FIG . 2F
`Portable Device 282
`Card Protocol
`Smart Card Single Functional
`Access to MF Password 286
`e - purse Applet Built on GP with
`e - purse Manager MIDlet 284


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 9 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 3A
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 14 of 42
`Existing SAM 308
`Personalization Application Server 304
`New e - purse SAM 306
`t t
`$ 1
`! 1
`Applet 312
`e - purse
`Card Manager
`$ 5 1
`5 1 1 + 1
`I + 3 1
`Contactless Reader 310


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 10 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 3B
`Existing SAM 308
`Applet 312
`e - purse
`Card Manager
`Payment Network and Servers
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 15 of 42
`New e - purse SAM 306
`MIDlet 322


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 11 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 3C
`Initiate personalization
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 16 of 42
`Use application security domain to establish a security channel between an new e - purse SAM
`and an e - purse applet in the device
`Generate e - purse operation keys and pins between the new e - purse SAM
`and an e - purse applet in the device
`transportation SAM and an e - purse applet in the device Use application security domain to establish a security channel between an existing
`Generate transformed keys of an emulator via the existing SAM and the tag ID
`between the existing SAM and the emulator
`Generate MF passwords via an existing SAM and the tag ID between the existing SAM and an e - purse applet in the device
`Set the e - purse to a state of “ personalized
`Read off a tag ID from the card


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 12 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 4A
`the response verified ?
`Verify a corresponding account and initiate a fund transfer request to a sponsoring
`bank , if verified
`E - purse composes a response to the midlet
`MIDlet sends a request to e - purse applet
`Valid PIN ?
`Initiate a request via a midlet after entering valid
`PIN to access the purse manager
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 17 of 42
`Receive a response from the bank


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 13 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 4B
`Midlet strip and extract APDU commands and send them to the e - purse
`Generate a successful status message for midlet after the ADPU response is retained for late verification
`Generates a ticket to the midlet that formulates an APDU response in a network
`request to the payment server
`to the emulator and updates a transaction log
`E - purse verifies the APDU authenticity and sends commands
`Forward the response embedded in a network message
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 18 of 42


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 14 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 4C
`Financing Bank
`Servers Payment Network and
`e - purse Applet
`e - purse Manager MIDlet
`432 End User
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 19 of 42


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 15 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`Application Midlet Repository 506
`Application Applet Repository 504
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 20 of 42
`Directory Repository 502
`GP SAM 516
`Service Providers Servers 514
`Directory Server 512
`Application SAM 517
`FIG . 5A
`Baseband 524
`Secured Element 529
`Portable Device 530
`Application Midlet 523
`Cellular Communications Network
`Secured Channel 518
`? Service Manager 522
`Application Applet 527
`Emulator 528
`GP Card Manager 526


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 16 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`Application SAM 517
`Midlet Repository 506
`Applet Repository 504
`Directory Repository 502
`GP SAM 516
`Service Providers Servers
`Directory Server 512
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 21 of 42
`Application MIDlet 523
`Baseband 524
`Portable Device 530
`Domain Network 521
`Computer 538
`Service Manager 522
`Secured Channel
`Service Manager 532
`Application Applet 527
`GP Card Manager 526
`FIG . 5B
`Emulator 528
`Secured Element 529
`Contactless Reader 534


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 17 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`Provide services / applications listing based on subscription
`Download and install selected services / applications ( applets )
`Send a service request
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 22 of 42
`Personalize the downloaded applets and
`emulator if needed
`Download application MIDlets
`FIG . 5C


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 18 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`Portable Device 630
`1 1 1
`Secured Channel 618
`Cellular Communications Network
`time transaction or batch operation
`POS Manager 623
`Baseband 624
`POS Transaction Server 613
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 23 of 42
`! 1
`1 1 I
`t I 1
`FIG . 6A
`time transaction 639
`e - token Enabled Device
`POS SAM 628
`Secured Element 629


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 19 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`Secured Channel 619
`POS Transaction Server 613
`Domain Network 521
`Baseband 624
`Portable Device 630
`POS Manager 623
`FIG . 6B
`Secured Element 529
`POS SAM 628
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 24 of 42
`Computer 638
`? &
`POS Agent
`Contactless Reader 634


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 20 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 6C
`Offer real time top - up ?
`Perform a top - up or virtual top - up
`Retrieve an e - token from a purchaser
`Valid e - token ?
`Ts there enough balance in e token ?
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 25 of 42
`Deduct purchased amount from e - token
`Upload transactions to backend server ( each
`transaction or in batch )


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 21 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 6D
`Display transaction after POS SAM has recorded the transaction
`Forward the debit confirm message to POS SAM for verification
`Enough balance in e - token enabled
`device ?
`Send an initial purchase request to e token enabled device of a purchaser
`enabled device to POS SAM Forward the received response from the e token
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 26 of 42
`674 2
`Receive a debit request containing a MAC from POS SAM
`device to debit e - token Send the debit request to e - token enabled
`Receive debit confirm message including additional MACs for transaction verification and settlement


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 24 , 2020
`Sheet 22 of 22
`US 10,600,046 B2
`1 1
`1 1 1 1
`Office Reservation System 716
`! 1
`FIG . 7
`Online Ticketing Application 710
`ticket purchasing
`1 1
`Credit / Debit System 714
`Service Provider 720
`e - ticket
`e - commerce ticket purchase and
`Gate Check - in Reader 734
`SAM 718
`m - commerce ticket purchase and
`e - purse 724
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 27 of 42
`onto secured element 726
`e - ticket stored
`Portable Device 730


`US 10,600,046 B2
`1. Field of the Invention
`This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica
`tion Ser . No. 13 / 853,937 filed on Mar. 29 , 2013 , now U.S.
`Pat . No. 9,047,601 issued on Jun . 2 , 2015 .
`According to another aspect of the present invention , the
`mobile device is a contactless card or part of a point of sale
`( POS ) machine used to generate the electronic invoice . One
`embodiment of the present invention provides unanticipated
`5 benefits and advantages in an application in which a pay
`ment process would otherwise have to be involved in more
`than one contacts between a merchant and the consumer .
`One of such applications is a payment process in a restau
`rant , where a consumer is given a check first for verification
`10 and a chance to add a gratitude before a final charge is
`determined and paid . Using the NFC mobile device , the
`consumer can finish the payment using a chosen payment
`method at the point of sale without further contacting the
`merchant .
`According to still another aspect of the present invention ,
`The present invention is generally related to the area of
`a consumer uses his / her mobile device , per the data received
`electronic commerce . Particularly , the present invention is
`therein , to settle the payment process with a payment
`related to a mobile device configured to settle payments
`network , where the payment network may be an existing
`using a mobile device reading electronic bills or invoices off
`payment infrastructure ( e.g. , money transfer or credit card /
`from another mobile device in a near field communication 20 debit ) . A payment response is sent to the merchant once a
`payment is delivered to a designated account by the mer
`range .
`chant .
`2. The Background of Related Art
`According to still another aspect of the present invention ,
`the mobile device being used by the consumer is itself an
`For many credit or debit card transactions , the payment 25 electronic purse . Thus the consumer operates his / her mobile
`device to settle the charge once the electronic invoice is
`process is started by a customer asking for a bill when
`checking out a purchase . A cashier or service member brings
`received and displayed thereon .
`a bill to the customer for verification . The customer then
`According to still another aspect of the present invention ,
`hands out a credit / debit card to the service member . The
`the mobile device used by the consumer is a near field
`service member brings the card to a Point of Sales ( POS ) 30 communication ( NFC ) device and being part of a mobile
`counter to initiate a transaction payment . The service mem-
`payment ecosystem in which various parties work with each
`ber then brings back a receipt to the customer for signature
`other in order for the mobile payment ecosystem successful .
`to authorize the transaction . It is a lengthy process that
`Via a server ( e.g. , implemented as a manager ) configured to
`typically takes a couple of minutes or much longer when the
`provide what is referred to herein as Trusted Service Man
`service member has to take care of multiple payment trans- 35 agement ( TSM ) , the secure element in the mobile device can
`actions at a time . In addition , in the case for the debit card
`be remotely personalized and various applications or mod
`transactions , the process may be even more troublesome
`ules can be downloaded , updated , managed or replaced after
`when a PIN is needed to authorize the transaction at the
`they are respectively provisioned via the Trusted Service
`Manager ( i.e. , the TSM server ) . One of the modules being
`POS .
`There is a need to simplify the payment process . With the 40 installed in the POS machine or an NFC device used by the
`merchant is referred to as Smart Bill Payment . The module
`advancement in mobile devices , it is anticipated that many
`consumers will carry one with them . Thus there is an
`is configured to facilitate the communication between the
`opportunity of using a mobile device to quickly settle the
`merchant ( its device ) and the user ( his / her mobile device )
`and the data exchange therebetween , where the mobile
`payment at a point of sale ( POS ) .
`45 device being used by the user is installed with a correspond
`ing application related to Smart Bill Payment .
`One important features , advantages and benefits in the
`present invention is to facilitate the settlement of charges
`This section is for the purpose of summarizing some
`using an NFC mobile device to read off data pertaining to an
`aspects of the present invention and to briefly introduce
`some preferred embodiments . Simplifications or omissions 50 electronic invoice . The present invention may be imple
`may be made to avoid obscuring the purpose of the section .
`mented as a single device , a server , a system or a part of
`Such simplifications or omissions are not intended to limit
`system . It is believed that various implementations may lead
`the scope of the present invention .
`to results that may not be achieved conventionally .
`The present invention is related to techniques for mobile
`According to one embodiment , the present invention is a
`devices configured to support settlement of charges in elec- 55 method for settling a payment , the method comprises : pro
`tronic invoices or bills . According to one aspect of the
`viding a software module to be executed in a first mobile
`present invention , a mobile device embedded with a secure
`device embedded with a secure element , wherein the secure
`element generates or is loaded with an electronic invoice .
`element has been personalized and the software module is
`When the mobile device is brought to a consumer with an
`provisioned with the personalized secure element , the first
`NFC mobile device , the data including the electronic invoice 60 mobile device is configured to include data pertaining to an
`and other information regarding the mobile device or an
`electronic invoice ; receiving a payment request from a
`owner thereof is read off wirelessly into the NFC mobile
`second mobile device after a user of the second mobile
`device . After the user verifies the amount being charged and
`device authorizes the payment to the electronic invoice
`authorizes the payment , the NFC mobile device communi-
`transported wirelessly from the first mobile device , wherein
`cates with a payment gateway or network for payment that 65 the second mobile device is a near - field communication
`is configured to proceed with the payment in accordance
`device and is configured to execute an application that
`with a chosen payment method .
`communicates with the software module in the first mobile
`Case 6:21-cv-00916-ADA Document 134-6 Filed 02/06/23 Page 28 of 42


`US 10,600,046 B2
`FIG . 3A is a block diagram of related modules interacting
`device to read the data off from the first mobile device ;
`with each other to achieve what is referred to herein as
`verifying the payment request ; and sending a payment
`e - purse personalization by an authorized personnel ( a.k.a. ,
`response to a user of the first mobile device after the
`personalizing a mobile device or a secure element therein
`payment request is processed . In the embodiment , the sec-
`ond mobile device includes a display screen and is caused to 5 while provisioning an application ) ;
`display the electronic invoice when the data is in the second
`FIG . 3B shows a block diagram of related modules
`interacting with each other to achieve what is referred to
`mobile device .
`According to another embodiment , the present invention
`herein as e - purse personalization by a user of the e - purse ;
`is a gateway provided for settling a payment , the gateway
`FIG . 3C shows a flowchart or process of personalizing an
`may include a server or a collection of servers . The gateway 10 e - purse according to one embodiment of the present inven
`comprises a portal providing a software module to be
`tion ;
`downloaded and executed in a first mobile device embedded
`FIG . 4A and FIG . 4B show together a flowchart or process
`with a secure element , wherein the secure element has been
`of financing , funding , load or top- an e - purse according to
`personalized and the software module is provisioned with
`one embodiment of the present invention ;
`the personali

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