`Jury Evidence Recording System (JERS) Requirements
`Time Frame for Submitting Exhibits
`All files must be submitted based on the deadline set by the presiding Judge or CRD associated with
`your case. Your timelines in submitting these files will assist the Court in preparing for the trial.
`Exhibits submitted that do not meet the Court’s requirements will be returned for correction.
`How to Submit Electronic Files
`All files must be uploaded to the Box.com links provided by the Courtroom Deputy. Do not submit
`place holders or slipsheets to Box.com, these are not exhibits.
`Requirements for Exhibit File Types
`All electronic evidence must be provided using the following formats:
`Documents and Photographs: .pdf, .jpg, .bmp, .tif, .gif
`Video and Audio Recordings: .avi, .wmv, .mpg, .mp3, .mp4, .wma, .wav, .3gpp
`VERY Important:
`The individual file size of documents (pdf) should not exceed 50 MB.
`The individual file size of audio and video should not exceed 500 MB.
`If possible, exhibits approaching or exceeding this size limit should be separated into multiple files. PDF
`documents can often be reduced significantly in size by using tools such as Adobe's "Reduce File Size"
`feature. Images can be significantly reduced in file size by lowering its resolution or dimensions, usually
`with minimal affect to viewing quality.
`Naming Your Files
`All file names MUST be named using the following naming convention. Not using this exact
`naming convention will cause problems in our office when uploading your exhibit files. The file
`name begins with the exhibit number, followed by an underscore to designate that the remaining
`text of the file name is the description of the exhibit.
`Exhibit Number(underscore)Exhibit Description(.)File Exension
`1_Photograph of Gun.PDF
`Note: An underscore MUST be placed between the exhibit number and exhibit description. DO
`NOT use an underscore anywhere else in the exhibit file name.
`Exhibit Number(dash)Sub Letter(Underscore)Exhibit Description(.)File Extension
`1-A_Photograph of Gun Marked Up.pdf
`Note: For Sub Exhibits, place a dash between exhibit number and sub letter. The underscore is
`then placed after the sub letter.
`Case 6:21-cv-00898-ADA Document 197 Filed 09/18/23 Page 2 of 3
`Examples of Valid Exhibit File Names:
`Exhibit File Name
`1.A.Photograph – Marked Up 1-A_Photograph Marked.jpg
`2_2009 Tax Return.pdf
`2.2009 Tax Return
`2-A_Schedule F.pdf
`2.A. Schedule F
`2.A1. Schedule F Marked Up 2-A1_Schedule F Marked Up.pdf
`2.A2. Schedule F Revised
`2-A2_Schedule F Revised.pd
`2.B. Schedule H
`2-B_Schedule H.pdf
`3.Camera Footage
`3_Camera Footage.wmv
`JERS Orders Exhibits in the
`following manner
`Exhibit # Part
`Identifying Your Exhibits
`The exhibit number needs to be clearly displayed on the first page of each exhibit.
`i.e. “P 1” or “Plaintiff Exhibit 1” appended on the bottom right hand corner, either typed or written
`on the following label:
`i.e. “D 1” or “Defendant Exhibit 1” appended on the bottom right hand corner, either typed or
`written on the following label:
`i.e. “G 1” or “Government Exhibit 1” appended on the bottom right hand corner, either typed or
`written on the following label:
`i.e. “J 1” or “Joint Exhibit 1” appended on the bottom right hand corner, either typed or written on
`the following label:
`Case 6:21-cv-00898-ADA Document 197 Filed 09/18/23 Page 3 of 3
`Below is an example from a previous criminal case of what the JERS program will display on the screen
`regarding naming and splitting exhibits:
`In file names, please do not use special characters. Special characters include the following
`characters: ,#$&*():;""+=@, and other characters that are not letters or numbers.
`Below are examples of files that the JERS system will not accept:
`9_US patent #123,456,789 - JERS will not accept # or commas
`10_License & Market Share - JERS will not accept & sign
`11_YTD Earnings (2021) - JERS will not accept ()