Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 1 of 42
`Exhibit D


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 2 of 42
`(12) United States Patent
`Bjorsell et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,630,234 B2
`Jan. 14, 2014
`References Cited
`(75) Inventors: Johan Emil Viktor Bjorsell, Vancouver
`(CA); Maksym Sobolyev, New
`Westminster (CA); Pentti Kalevi
`Huttunen, Vancouver (CA); Emil
`Malak, Vancouver (CA)
`(73) Assignee: Digifonica (International) Limited,
`Vancouver (CA)
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 338 days.
`(22) PCT Filed:
`Jul. 28, 2009
`(86). PCT No.:
`S371 (c)(1),
`Jan. 27, 2011
`(2), (4) Date:
`(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2010/012090
`PCT Pub. Date: Feb. 4, 2010
`4,916.491 A
`4, 1990 Katoh
`4992.97. A
`2/1991 Hayashi
`5,146,491. A
`9/1992 Silver et al.
`1389 862 A1
`The International Search Report and Written Opinion mailed on Mar.
`12, 2010 for corresponding PCT Application No. PCT/CA2009/
`Primary Examiner — Xavier S. Wong
`Assistant Examiner — M Mostazir Rahman
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Knobbe, Martens, Olson &
`Bear LLP
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2011 FO122827 A1
`May 26, 2011
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/129,898, filed on Jul.
`28, 2008.
`(51) Int. Cl.
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`USPC ........................................ 370/328; 455/432.1
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC .................................................. 370/31 O 338
`See application file for complete search history.
`A method of initiating a call to a callee using a mobile tele
`phone involves: receiving, from a user of the mobile tele
`phone, a callee identifier associated with the callee; transmit
`ting an access code request message to an access server, said
`access code request message including said callee identifier;
`receiving an access code reply message from the access
`server in response to said access code request message, said
`access code reply message including an access code different
`from said callee identifier and associated with said callee
`identifier; and initiating a call with the mobile telephone
`using said access code to identify the callee.
`78 Claims, 17 Drawing Sheets
`message to call
`RC Request Message Harider
`Store contents of RC
`request message in buffer
`Use caller identifier field to
`get diating profile for caller
`for datatase
`dentifier start
`With caller area
`Set call type to s Formaticallee identifier
`and relo,8. ID
`dentifier starts
`with cateriocal area
`code starting from
`MDB ley)
`Set call type as
`Set call type as
`local call
`national style
`Set call type to
`Format callee identifier and
`prepend with caller country code
`calles identifier his
`DID bank table
`Set calle
`D to
`from DID
`Format calee
`remove ND,
`prepSmd with
`caller country
`422 Sistern Call
`Seid drop call
`message to call
`(End D
`matches callerical diating lengths
`and ?o multifocal are
`Set call type to
`Format calleBidentifier arid
`prepend with caller country
`code and area code
`Error HOEnd)
`Ificrenefit current
`cofacurrical fiel
`of dialling profile
`Use callee field to get
`diasing profile for
`Get call forward, call
`tables from database
`on same deas
`Set call type
`across dormal
`Loadouting Tessage
`With contents of
`caller, callee from RC
`request and set route
`a I address or
`domain of cataa's;
`Ode T-99999
`Sendrouting message
`to call controller
`Generate routing
`for private system cal
`Send routing message to
`cal controller
`load caller buifer
`CF entries
`Nith 1


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 3 of 42
`US 8,630.234 B2
`Page 2
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`The International Search Report completed on Mar. 3, 2008 for
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`US 8,630.234 B2
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`pgs, v.2.3.1, France.
`F. Baker et al. “RFC 3924 Cisco Architecture for Lawful Intercept
`in IP Networks. Oct. 2004.
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`Mar. 1999.
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`org. Jul. 15, 2009.
`The International Preliminary Report on Patentability issued on Sep.
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`Townsley, et al.; “RFC 2661—Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
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`IETF ENUMWG R STASTNY OEFEG Informational Numbering
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`Supplementary European Search Report for European Application
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`EPO, Supplementary European Search Report, dated Nov. 2, 2012,
`Application No. 07855436.7, corresponds to U.S. Appl. No.
`Wikipedia, “International mobile subscriber identity (IMSI).” http://
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`Wikipedia, "Roaming.”, Jul.
`16, 2013.
`* cited by examiner


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 5 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`US 8,630,234 B2


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 6 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 2 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`Temporary Memory
`Mobile Telephone (12)
`Parameter Memory
`Caller Identifier
`Dialing Function
`M Handset
`Non-Voice NetWork
`z-l Interace
`Mobile Telephone
`Networsterface A
`FG. 2


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 7 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 3 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`access COde request
`message to acceSS
`access COde reply
`message from acCeSS
`Initiate Voice/video
`Call using access COde
`Access Code Request Message
`Callee Identifier
`Caller Identifier
`Location Identifier
`FIG. 4
`ACCeSS COde Reply MeSSage


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 8 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 4 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`Access Server (14)
`FIG. 6


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 9 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 5 Of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`Receive ACCeSS COde Request MeSSa
`Obtain an
`aCCeSS COde
`TranSmit aCCeSS COde
`reply message
`FIG. 7


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 10 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 6 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`Temporary Memory
`Local Calling Area
`Callee Identifier
`Caller Identifier
`Caller USername
`ACCeSS COde Store
`Retrieved Dialing
`Call Type Flag
`Routing Controller (30)
`246 Program RC Request
`Eye Code CEA,
`Generator Generator
`Table Memory -
`232 G E.g.
`DB Response 260
`RC Request
`DB Request
`262 ROuting Message
`ACCeSS SerWer
`FIG. 8


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 11 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 7 Of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`Dialing Profile for a User
`2021 Nu-Username
`21O-N-Country Code
`2121N-LOcal Area Codes
`214 NCaller Minimum Local # Length
`216 N-Caller Maximum Local # Length
`2181N- Reseller
`22On Maximum if of concurrent calls
`222n-. Current if of concurrent calls
`224-Default Local Calling Area Identifier
`ASSigned On SubScription
`poman ASSOciated With User
`ASsigned On Subscription
`ASsigned On Subscription
`ASSigned On Subscription
`FIG. 9


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 12 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 8 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 13 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 9 Of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`DID Bank Table Record
`User DOmain
`Callee Identifier
`Caller Identifier
`LOCal Calling Area Identifier
`Channel Identifier
`Caller USername
`FIG 11


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 14 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 10 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`local Calling
`With a Callee
`Store acCeSS COde in
`temporary memory
`Store Callee identifier
`Store caller identifier
`Store caller USername
`Store timeOut and
`F.G. 12


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 15 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 11 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`Gateway (18)
`A1 3OO
`PSTN NetWork
`SIP Invite Message
`FIG. 14


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 16 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 12 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`Call Controller (13)
`SIP Vite to
`RC 30
`Routing to
`From WM
`From Gateway
`SIP From IP Phone or Gateway
`To Gateway
`FG 15


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 17 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 13 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`SIP Invite Request Process
`Receive SIP Invite Message
`Prepare RC Request
`Send RC Request
`FIG. 16
`RC Request Message
`362-N-Caller 1-604-678-1234G20.14.102.5
`364-N-Callee 1-604-345-1212
`366-N- Digest XXXXXXX
`368-N-Call ID FF1 OG20.14.102.5
`FIG. 17


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 18 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 14 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`38O N
`RC Request Message Handler
`Store contents Of RC
`request message in buffer
`message to Call
`Use caller identifier field to
`get dialing profile for caller r384
`from database
`On Same node aS
`Calls from maximum
`Increment Current
`Concurrent Call field
`of dialling profile
`Set call type
`=CrOSS domain
`Load routing message
`With Contents of
`caller, Callee from RC
`request as: Set route
`= IP address or
`domain of Callee's;
`Ode TTL=99999
`SendrOuting message
`to Call Controller
`Use callee field to get
`dialing profile for
`Get Call for Ward, Call
`block and VOicemail
`tables from database
`matches block
`Send drop call
`message to Call
`LOad caller buffer
`with 1 CF entries
`Call forwarding?
`Generate routing message
`for private System call
`C End D
`Send routing message to
`Call Controller
`F.G. 18A


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 19 of 42
`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 19 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 15 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 20 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 16 of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`Set Callee
`Generate routing
`message for public
`System call
`Send routing
`meSSage to Call
`callee identifier
`COrresponds to an acceSS COde
`aSSOciated With a callee
`aller identifiers
`Store callee identifier
`aSSOCiated With
`aCCeSS COde in Callee
`identifier Store
`F.G. 18C


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 21 of 42
`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 2014
`Sheet 17 Of 17
`US 8,630,234 B2
`GateWav Node ASSociation Table
`Gateway IP Address
`Node Identifier


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 22 of 42
`US 8,630,234 B2
`This application is a national phase entry of PCT/CA2009/
`001062, filed Jul. 28, 2009, which claims priority to U.S.
`Provisional Application No. 61/129,898, filed Jul. 28, 2008,
`both of which are incorporated by reference in their entirety.
`1. Field of Invention
`This invention relates generally to telecommunication, and
`more particularly to methods, systems, apparatuses, and com
`puter readable media for initiating or enabling a call with a
`mobile telephone to a callee.
`2. Description of Related Art
`Mobile telephone service providers often charge signifi
`cant fees for long distance telephone calls, particularly when
`the mobile telephone is roaming in another mobile telephone
`service provider's network.
`One known technique for avoiding the long distance
`charges of mobile telephone service providers is to use a
`“calling card'. A “calling card may permit the user of the
`mobile telephone to place a call to a local telephone number
`or to a less-expensive telephone number (such as a toll-free
`number, for example) instead of placing the call directly to the
`callee. The user may thus avoid the long distance charges of
`the mobile telephone service provider, which may be higher
`than the charges for using the “calling card. However, this
`technique can be cumbersome and undesirable, because it
`may require the user of the mobile telephone to follow a
`number of complicated or cumbersome steps in order to ini
`tiate a call to the callee, for example.
`In accordance with one aspect of the invention there is
`provided a method of initiating a call to a callee using a
`mobile telephone. The method involves receiving, from a user
`of the mobile telephone, a callee identifier associated with the
`callee; transmitting an access code request message to an
`access server, the access code request message including the
`callee identifier; receiving an access code reply message from
`the access server in response to the access code request mes
`sage, the access code reply message including an access code
`different from the callee identifier and associated with the
`callee identifier; and initiating a call with the mobile tele
`phone using the access code to identify the callee.
`Transmitting may involve transmitting the access code
`request message to the access server on a non-voice network.
`Transmitting may involve transmitting a location identifier
`of a location associated with the mobile telephone to the
`Transmitting the location identifier may involve transmit
`ting an IP address of the mobile telephone in a wireless IP
`Transmitting the location identifier may involve transmit
`ting an identifier of a wireless voice signal station in wireless
`communication with the mobile telephone.
`Transmitting the location identifier may involve transmit
`ting a user-configured identifier of a location associated with
`the mobile telephone.
`Receiving the access code reply message may involve
`receiving the access code reply message from the access
`server on a non-voice network.
`Receiving the access code reply message may involve
`receiving, in the access code reply message, an access code
`temporarily associated with the callee identifier.
`Receiving the access code reply message may involve
`receiving, in the access code reply message, a telephone
`number identifying a channel operably configured to cooper
`ate with an IP network to cause a call involving the mobile
`telephone and the callee to be routed through the IP network.
`Initiating the call may involve engaging a routing control
`ler to route the call on the IP network to the callee.
`The method may further involve: receiving from the
`mobile telephone the access code request message; commu
`nicating with a routing controller to obtain from the routing
`controller the access code wherein the access code identifies
`a channel and is useable by the mobile telephone to cause the
`routing controller to establish a call to the callee using the
`channel; and transmitting the access code reply message to
`the mobile telephone.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention, there is
`provided a mobile telephone. The mobile telephone includes:
`provisions for receiving, from a user of the mobile telephone,
`a callee identifier associated with the callee; transmitting
`provisions for transmitting an access code request message to
`an access server, the access code request message including
`the callee identifier, provisions for receiving an access code
`reply message from the access server in response to the access
`code request message, the access code reply message includ
`ing an access code different from the callee identifier and
`associated with the callee identifier; and provisions for initi
`ating a call using the access code to identify the callee.
`The transmitting provisions may include a non-voice net
`work interface for transmitting the access code request mes
`sage to the access server on a non-voice network.
`The access code request message may further include a
`location identifier of a location associated with the mobile
`The location identifier may include an IP address of the
`mobile telephone in a wireless IP network.
`The location identifier may include an identifier of a wire
`less voice signal station in wireless communication with the
`mobile telephone.
`The location identifier may include a user-configured iden
`tifier of a location associated with the mobile telephone.
`The provisions for receiving an access code reply message
`may include a non-voice network interface for receiving the
`access code reply message on a non-voice network.
`The access code may include a telephone number.
`The means for initiating may involve a mobile telephone
`network interface.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention, there is
`provided a system for initiating a call to a callee. The system
`includes the mobile telephone, a routing controller, and an
`access server. The access server includes: provisions for
`receiving from the mobile telephone the access code request
`message; provisions for communicating with the routing con
`troller to obtain from the routing controller the access code
`wherein the access code identifies a channel and is useable by
`the mobile telephone to cause the routing controller to estab
`lish a call to the callee using the channel; and provisions for
`transmitting the access code reply message including the
`access code to the mobile telephone.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention, there is
`provided a mobile telephone. The mobile telephone includes
`a processor circuit, a network interface in communication
`with the processor circuit, and a computer readable medium
`in communication with the processor circuit and encoded
`with codes for directing the processor circuitto: receive, from
`a user of the mobile telephone, a callee identifier associated
`with the callee; cause an access code request message to be
`transmitted to an access server, the access code request mes


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-4 Filed 11/11/21 Page 23 of 42
`US 8,630,234 B2
`receiving from the mobile telephone an access code request
`message including a callee identifier associated with the
`callee; communicating with a routing controller to obtain
`from the routing controller an access code identifying the
`channel, the access code being different from the callee iden
`tifier and useable by the mobile telephone to initiate a call to
`the callee using the channel; and transmitting an access code
`reply message including the access code to the mobile tele
`Receiving may involve receiving the access code request
`message on a non-voice network.
`The method may further involve causing the routing con
`troller to produce the access code.
`Producing may involve selecting the access code from a
`pool of access codes, where each access code in the pool of
`access codes identifies a respective telephone number.
`The method may further involve determining a local call
`ing area associated with the mobile telephone.
`Determining may involve accessing a dialing profile asso
`ciated with the caller, the dialing profile including a location
`field having contents identifying at least a default location of
`the caller.
`Determining may involve receiving an IP address of the
`mobile telephone in a wireless IP network.
`Determining may involve receiving an identifier of a wire
`less voice signal station in wireless communication with the
`mobile telephone.
`Determining may involve receiving a user-configured
`identifier of a location associated with the mobile telephone.
`Selecting may involve selecting an access code in the local
`calling area associated with the mobile telephone.
`Each access code in the pool of access codes may further
`identify a respective channel operably configured to cooper
`ate with an IP network to cause a call involving the mobile
`telephone and the callee to be routed through the IP network.
`The method may further involve causing the routing con
`troller to establish communication through the IP network in
`response to a call received on the channel.
`Producing may further involve storing a caller identifier
`associated with the mobile telephone in association with the
`access code.
`Causing the routing controller to establish communication
`may involve causing the routing controller to establish com
`munication only if the caller identifier associated with the
`access code identifies the mobile telephone.
`Producing may further involve storing the callee identifier
`in association with the access code.
`Producing may further involve searching the pool of access
`codes for an access code associated with the callee identifier
`to identify the channel usable by the mobile telephone to
`initiate a call to the callee.
`Producing may further involve storing, in association with
`the access code, a timestamp for use in determining when the
`usability of the access code to initiate a call to the callee will
`Causing the routing controller to establish communication
`may involve causing the routing controller to establish com
`munication only if the usability of the access code to initiate
`a call to the callee has not expired.
`Transmitting may involve transmitting the access code
`reply message on a non-voice network.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention, there is
`provided a system for enabling a mobile telephone to initiate
`a call to a callee through a channel. The system includes:
`provisions for receiving from the mobile telephone an access
`code request message including a callee identifier associated
`with the callee; provisions for communicating with the rout
`sage including the callee identifier, receive an access code
`reply message from the access server in response to the access
`code request message, the access code reply message includ
`ing an access code different from the callee identifier and
`associated with the callee identifier, and initiate a call using
`the access code to identify the callee.
`The network interface may include a non-voice network
`interface, and the codes for directing the processor circuit to
`cause the access code request message to be transmitted may
`include codes for directing the processor circuit to cause the
`access code request message to be transmitted to the access
`server using the non-voice network interface on a non-voice
`The access code request message may further include a
`location identifier of a location associated with the mobile
`The location identifier may include an IP address of the
`mobile telephone in a wireless IP network.
`The location identifier may include an identifier of a wire
`less voice signal station in wireless communication with the

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