Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-3 Filed 11/11/21 Page 1 of 75
`Exhibit C


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-3 Filed 11/11/21 Page 2 of 75
`I 1111111111111111 1111111111 1111111111 11111 11111 11111 11111 lll111111111111111
`USO 10218606B2
`c12) United States Patent
`Perreault et al.
`(IO) Patent No.: US 10,218,606 B2
`(45) Date of Patent:
`(71) Applicant:, Inc., Bellevue, WA (US)
`Inventors: Clay Perreault, Panama (PA); Steve
`Nicholson, Hamilton (NZ); Rod
`Thomson, North Vancouver (CA);
`Johan Emil Viktor Bjiirsell, Vancouver
`(CA); Fuad Arafa, Vancouver (CA)
`(73) Assignee:, Inc., Bellevue, WA (US)
`References Cited
`4,747,124 A
`4,916,491 A
`5/1988 Ladd
`4/ 1990 Katoh
`PI 0718312-7 A2
`PI 0719682-2 A2
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by O days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis(cid:173)
`(21) Appl. No.: 15/942,282
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 30, 2018
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2018/0227222 Al
`Aug. 9, 2018
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 15/730,600, filed on
`Oct. 11, 2017, now Pat. No. 9,935,872, which is a
`Int. Cl.
`H04L 121725
`H04L 9132
`U.S. Cl.
`CPC .... H04L 4513065 (2013.01); A61K 39/39558
`(2013.01); A61K 45106 (2013.01);
`Field of Classification Search
`See application file for complete search history.
`Abrazhevich, Dennis. "Electronic Payment Systems: a User(cid:173)
`Centered Perspective and Interaction Design," Thesis under the
`auspices of the JF Schouten School for User-System Interaction
`Research, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2004,
`pages Cover page-p. 189.
`Primary Examiner - Kodzovi Acolatse
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - Thorpe North &
`Western, LLP
`A process and apparatus
`to facilitate communication
`between callers and callees in a system comprising a plu(cid:173)
`rality of nodes with which callers and callees are associated
`is disclosed. In response to initiation of a call by a calling
`subscriber, a caller identifier and a callee identifier are
`received. Call classification criteria associated with the
`caller identifier are used to classify the call as a public
`network call or a private network call. A routing message
`identifying an address, on the private network, associated
`with the callee is produced when the call is classified as a
`private network call and a routing message identifying a
`gateway to the public network is produced when the call is
`classified as a public network call.
`49 Claims, 32 Drawing Sheets
`IPrivare svsrem Calli
`!Public System Call)


`Case 6:21-cv-00667-ADA Document 26-3 Filed 11/11/21 Page 3 of 75
`US 10,218,606 B2
`Page 2
`Related U.S. Application Data
`continuation of application No. 15/396,344, filed on
`Dec. 30, 2016, now Pat. No. 9,813,330, which is a
`continuation of application No. 14/877,570, filed on
`Oct. 7, 2015, now Pat. No. 9,537,762, which is a
`continuation of application No. 13/966,096, filed on
`Aug. 13, 2013, now Pat. No. 9,179,005, which is a
`continuation of application No. 12/513,147, filed as
`application No. PCT/CA2007/001956 on Nov. 1,
`2007, now Pat. No. 8,542,815.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/856,212, filed on Nov.
`2, 2006.
`Int. Cl.
`H04L 12114
`H04L 12166
`H04Q 3/66
`H04Q 3170
`H04M 7100
`H04M 15100
`H04M 15102
`H04M 3/42
`A61K 39/395
`A61K 45106
`C07K 16118
`H04L 29112
`H04L 29106
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC ............ C07K 16118 (2013.01); H04L 913226
`(2013.01); H04L 12114 (2013.01); H04L
`1211439 (2013.01); H04L 1211496 (2013.01);
`H04L 12166 (2013.01); H04L 61/2007
`(2013.01); H04L 65/1033 (2013.01); H04L
`65/1069 (2013.01); H04M 3/4211 (2013.01);
`H04M 71006 (2013.01); H04M 710075
`(2013.01); H04M 15151 (2013.01); H04M
`15156 (2013.01); H04M 1518083 (2013.01);
`H04M 1518228 (2013.01); H04M 151887
`(2013.01); H04M 151888 (2013.01); H04Q
`3/66 (2013.01); H04Q 3170 (2013.01); H04Q
`2213/1322 (2013.01); H04Q 2213/13091
`(2013.01); H04Q 2213/13141 (2013.01);
`H04Q 2213/13196 (2013.01); H04Q
`2213/13384 (2013.01)
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