`Exhibit D
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 95-4 Filed 10/12/22 Page 2 of 6
`Civil Case No. 6:21-cv-569-ADA
`I, Remo Decurtins, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, hereby declare under penalty of
`perjury under the laws of the United States, as follows:
`I submit this declaration in support of the motion for issuance of a letter of request
`for international judicial assistance in relation to a planned deposition of witness Janos Levai in
`Unless otherwise indicated, all facts set forth in this declaration are based upon my
`personal knowledge.
`I am an Associate in the Swiss office of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP
`(“Quinn Emanuel”), a global law firm focused on litigation and dispute resolution. I was called
`to the Swiss Bar in 2013 and to the New York Bar in July 2018. I hold a MLaw degree from the
`University of Lucerne and a Master’s Degree from New York University.
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 95-4 Filed 10/12/22 Page 3 of 6
`I have served in the capacity of “Swiss Commissioner” appointed by the Swiss
`authorities to supervise remote depositions in Switzerland for use in proceedings in the U.S. (in
`accordance with the procedures described hereinafter).
`Swiss law requires foreign litigants to obtain permission from the Swiss Federal
`Office of Justice (“FOJ”) before taking deposition testimony (in-person or remote via a live video
`conference) of a witness located in Switzerland.
`Switzerland and the United States are both parties to the Convention of 18 March
`1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (“Hague Convention”).
`Thus, for obtaining the permission of the FOJ for a deposition to be used in court proceedings in
`the United States (“U.S. Proceedings” or “U.S. Court”), the requirements under the Hague
`Convention must be complied with.
`In fact, non-compliance with the rules under the Hague Convention and conducting
`a deposition for use in U.S. Proceedings without permission from the FOJ may result in criminal
`penalties for the involved parties, as it may be deemed to be an “unlawful activity on behalf of a
`foreign state,” which is a criminal offense according to Article 271 of the Swiss Criminal Code.
`In a situation where the witness voluntarily consents to attend to such deposition,
`the requirements of Chapter II of the Hague Convention (“Taking of evidence by diplomatic
`officers, consular agents and commissioners”) (“Chapter II Deposition”) apply.
`In a Chapter II Deposition, the deposition is supervised by a so-called “Swiss
`Commissioner” who typically is an attorney admitted to the Swiss bar (“Swiss Commissioner”).
`The Swiss Commissioner is entrusted with ensuring that the deposition is conducted in accordance
`with Swiss laws.
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`The deposition itself is conducted by commissioners representing the parties,
`typically the parties’ attorneys in the U.S. Proceedings (“Party Commissioners”).
`Both the Swiss Commissioner and the Party Commissioners need to be appointed
`by the U.S. Court. The U.S. Court will then request judicial assistance from the applicable Swiss
`authorities by way of a so-called “Letter of Request.”
`The necessary application for authorization with
`the FOJ (the “Swiss
`Application”), with the relevant order(s) of the U.S. Court attached to it, must be filed by the
`Swiss Commissioner with a designated authority in the canton where the evidence is to be taken.
`The Swiss authorities typically take 1 to 3 weeks to process such application. Upon
`approval from the FOJ and subject to the terms contained in the relevant order(s) from the U.S.
`Court and the Swiss Application, the Swiss Commissioner will formally invite the witness to
`appear for a Chapter II Deposition.
`At the outset of a Chapter II Deposition, the Swiss Commissioner verifies the
`identity of the witness. He/she then makes preliminary remarks in which he/she advises the witness
`of his/her rights in accordance with the authorization by the FOJ and the Hague Convention.
`Among others, the Swiss Commissioner will pose the following questions to the witness:
`i. Mr./Ms. XY, do you understand that you have the right to be represented by a
`lawyer in this deposition?
`ii. Mr./Ms. XY, do you understand that you are under no legal obligation to appear
`today to this deposition and that this deposition may be ended at any point, if you
`wish so?
`iii. Mr./Ms. XY, do you understand that you may invoke the rights to refuse testimony
`or the prohibition of testimony under both Swiss and U.S. law?
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`iv. Mr./Ms. XY, this deposition will be conducted in English. Are you comfortable
`with this, or do you require the services of a translator?
`v. Mr./Ms. XY, do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to provide is
`the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
`vi. Mr./Ms. XY, do you understand that this deposition is transcribed and
`vii. Mr./Ms. XY, do you understand that you will have the chance to correct any
`errors in the transcript and that you will then be asked to sign such transcript?
`viii. Mr./Ms. XY, do you understand that such signed, transcribed and videotaped
`testimony will then be transmitted to the parties’ U.S. counsel for submission and
`use before the United States District Court of XY?
`The witness is required to answer each of the above questions with YES before the
`Swiss Commissioner can proceed with administering a Chapter II Deposition.
`The Swiss Commissioner will be present during the entire time of the Chapter II
`Deposition as a neutral party whose role is to ensure that the testimony is conducted in accordance
`with the rights and obligations outlined in paragraph 15 above. As long as this is the case, the
`Swiss Commissioner will remain passive during the course of the Chapter II Deposition. The
`deposition questioning is conducted solely by the Party Commissioners.
`This procedure will not restrict the scope of the questions that may be asked to the
`witness, as otherwise permissible under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Moreover,
`undertaking a deposition remotely in accordance with Swiss law will not impose an undue
`logistical burden or prejudice on any of the parties.
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`As with U.S. depositions,
`the Chapter II Deposition can be videotaped and
`transcribed stenographically. Following the Chapter Il Deposition, the witness will be given an
`opportunity to review and correct his/her testimony,as if he/she weretestifying from within the
`I declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746 under the laws of the
`United States that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on this 12" day of October, 2022