`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 29-3 Filed 01/06/22 Page 1 of 4
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`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 29-3 Filed 01/06/22 Page 2 of 4
`Third Edition
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`Microsoft Press
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`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 29-3 Filed 01/06/22 Page 4 of 4
`29-3 Filed 01/06/22 Page 4 of 4
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document
`wants to add; an Environment Division, which
`specifies the computer(s) being used andthe files
`used in the program for input and output; a Data
`Division, which describes the format of the data
`structures used in the program; and a Procedure
`Division, which contains the procedures that dic-
`tate the actions of the program. See also compiled
`cobwebsite \kob‘web sit'\ . A Website that is
`far out of date. See also Website.
`CODASYL \ko* dasil’, CO-D°A-S-Y-L’\ 7. Acro-
`nym for Conference on Data Systems Languages.
`An organization founded by the U.S. Department
`of Defense. CODASYL is dedicated to the develop-
`ment of data-management systems and languages,
`among them the widely used COBOL business
`\k6d\ n. 1. Program instructions. Source
`code consists of human-readable statements writ-
`ten by a programmerin a programming language.
`Machine code consists of numerical instructions
`that the computer can recognize and execute and
`that were converted from source code. See also
`data, program. 2. A system of symbols used to
`convert information from one form to another. A
`code for converting information in order to con-
`ceal it is often called a cipber. 3. One of a set of
`symbols used to represent information.
`\kdd\ vb. To write program instructions in
`a programming language. See also program.
`codec \k6‘dek\ x. 1. Short for coder/decoder.
`Hardware that can convert audio or video signals
`between analog and digital forms. 2. Short for
`compressor/decompressor. Hardware or software
`that can compress and uncompress audio or video
`data. See also compress”, uncompress. 3. Hard-
`ware that combines the functions of definitions 1
`and 2.
`code conversion \k6d° kan-verzhan\ n. 1. The
`process of translating program instructions from
`one form into another. Code may be converted at
`the source-languagelevel (for example, from C to
`Pascal), at the hardware-platform level (for exam-
`ple, from working on the IBM PC to working on
`the Apple Macintosh),or at the language level (for
`example, from source code in C to machine code).
`See also code!
`(definition 1). 2. The process
`of transforming data from one representation to
`another, such as from ASCII to EBCDIC OFfro
`two’s complementto binary-coded decimal,
`Code Division Multiple Access \kdd da-vizh*s
`mul‘ta-pl ak’ses\ n. A form of multiplexing n
`which the transmitter encodes the Signal, usin,
`pseudo-random sequence that the receiver also
`knowsand can use to decodethereceived signal
`Each different random sequencecorresponds to ,
`different communication channel. Motorola Uses
`Code Division Multiple Access for digital cellular
`phones. Acronym: CDMA (C’D-M-A’). Also called
`spread spectrum.See also multiplexing,transmitter.
`code page \k6d" paj\ 1. In MS-DOSversions 3,3
`and later, a table that relates the binary character
`codes used by a program to keys on the keyboard
`or to the appearance of characters onthedisplay.
`Code pages are a means of providing support for
`character sets and keyboard layouts usedin differ-
`ent countries. Devices such as the display and the
`keyboard can be configured to use a specific code
`page and to switch from one code page (suchas
`United States) to another (such as Portugal) at the
`user’s request.
`coder \k6dar\ n. See programmer.
`code segment \k6d° seg’mant\ 7. 1. A memory
`segment containing program instructions. 2. A
`named and segregated portion of a program's
`codetypically performing a specific class of oper-
`ations. Code segments in this sense are often
`loaded into memory as memory segments. The
`main program segment is kept in memory, and
`auxiliary segments are loaded only whenthey are
`code snippet \k6d’ snip‘at\ n. 1. In a graphical
`user interface, programming instructions embed-
`ded in a menu optionor button defined by the
`user. The snippet—consisting of one or morelines
`of source code—determines what the option oF
`button does when chosenorclicked on. 2. A small
`piece of programming codethatis part ofa larger
`program. Usually the code snippet performsa spe
`cific function or task.
`coding form \k6‘déng form*\ n. A sheet of paper
`ruled with horizontal and vertical lines to aid in
`writing source code for older languages that have
`position-dependent syntax (such as FORTRAN).
`Most programmers now use graph paper if they
`use paperatall.