`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 1 of 80
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 2 of 80
`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`30 June 2011 (30.06.2011)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2011/078879 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`G06F 3/00 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`29 November 2010 (29.1 1.2010)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Langi
`(30) Priority Data:
`2 December 2009 (02.12.2009)
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`US (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`(71) Applicants (for all designated States except US): PACK¬
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`Center Dr. Suite 210, San Diego, CA 92121-1 122 (US).
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`INDYK, Benjamin [US/US]; 1656 Pennsylvania Ave.,
`EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`San Diego, CA 92103 (US).
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(for US only): AL-SHAYKH,
`(75) Inventors/ Applicants
`Osama [JO/US]; 1240 India St., #1512, Sant Diego, CA Published:
`92101 (US). WILKENS, Dann [US/US]; 15 14 Ruben-
`— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`stein Ave., Cardiff, CA 92007 (US).
`(74) Agent: MATTSON, Brian, M.; Patents+TMS, P.C.,
`2849 Armitage Ave., Chicago, IL 60647 (US).
`the time limit for amending the
`— before the expiration of
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
`F IG. 1
`1 1
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`(57) Abstract: A system and a method transfer media content from a mobile device to a home network. A media application on
`o the mobile device may be enabled to share media content with rendering devices in the home network. A user may enable and dis -
`able transfer of the media content from the media application to a target rendering device. Further, the media application may indi
`cate visually the target rendering device and whether the media content is currently being transferred. Still further, the user may
`select a new target rendering device. Moreover, the media application may indicate network errors or other problems which may
`prevent the rendering of the media content and may enable the user to correct the network errors or the other problems.
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 3 of 80
`This application
`claims the benefit
`o f U.S. Provisional
`Serial No.: 61/283,423, filed December 2 , 2009.
`The present invention generally relates to a system and a
`method for transferring
`media content from a mobile device to a
`home network.
`More specifically,
`the present invention relates
`to a system and a method which enable a media application on the
`mobile device to share media content with rendering devices in
`the home network.
`Known mobile devices may support media functions,
`such as
`creation, discovery,
`and/or playback
`of media content
`which may include video,
`audio and/or image
`of mobile
`functions are portable music players, portable
`video players,
`portable gaming devices,
`PDAs and mobile telephones.
`Some o f
`these devices may be classified
`as general
`which have operating systems and which allow the user to install
`A mobile
`functions using built-in functions o f the mobile device, built-
`in applications
`o f the mobile device, and/or other applications
`which may include applications
`installed b y the user.
`Media home networking is gaining popularity.
`A n increasing
`number o f affordable
`such as televisions,
`stereos, gaming consoles, and digital photo frames, may support
`home networking
`such as the Universal
`Plug and Play
`(UPnP) Audio and Video
`and the Digital
`the rendering
`to connect
`to a home
`network using a suitable connection, such a s IEEE 802.11, wired
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 4 of 80
`or FireWire
`(trademark o f Apple
`Rendering devices in the home network may discover, may
`access and/or may play media content accessible using the home
`For example, accessible media content may reside on a
`media server device, such as a UPnP AV MediaServer accessible
`using the home network.
`A network-capable rendering device may
`present a user interface by which a user may discover,
`may render and/or may control the accessible
`content using the rendering device.
`Alternatively, an external
`control point may be used to discover
`and select the media
`content for rendering on an available rendering device.
`external control point may reside on a PC, a laptop computer, or
`on a mobile
`such .as a PDA or a mobile
`Alternatively, the external control point may be a standalone
`of communicating
`servers and rendering devices in the home network.
`The external
`control point may communicate
`with media server devices and
`rendering devices in the home network using home networking
`a s
`specifications, and other standard media networking protocols.
`A mobile device with media functionality may connect to a
`home network so that the media content, the applications,
`the functions available on the mobile device may be used with
`the rendering
`in the home network.
`example, a user of a mobile phone may create photographs
`videos using the camera
`o f the mobile
`Such user-
`be transferred
`streamed from the mobile phone to the home network for rendering
`on a network-capable television which may be available in the
`home network.
`the user .may experience the media
`content using a video screen which is larger and has a higher
`quality of rendering relative to the screen of the mobile phone.
`A s another example, a user of a mobile device may have access to
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 5 of 80
`music content which may be played back using the mobile device.
`Such music content may be streamed from the mobile device to the
`home network for rendering on a network-capable
`stereo in the
`home network.
`Therefore, the user may render the music content
`on a high quality stereo in the home instead of being limited to
`playback using the mobile device.
`The media content provided by a mobile device may include
`local media content stored on the mobile device a s noted in the
`two preceding
`The media
`by the
`mobile device may also include media content accessible
`to the
`mobile device which i s not locally stored on the mobile device.
`For example, the media content may be streamed from the internet
`using a media content service accessible to the mobile device.
`The media
`to the mobile
`and not
`locally stored on the mobile device may b e accessed
`using a
`on the mobile
`or a more
`general application,
`such as a mobile device web browser.
`Three well-known
`share media
`from a
`mobile device to a home network.
`In the first approach, which
`may be referred to as the "mobile-device-as-server"
`the mobile
`acts as a media
`server which makes media
`content available to other devices using the home network.
`example, the mobile device may present itself as a standard UPnP
`AV MediaServer.
`Then, control points and rendering devices in
`the home network may discover the media server and may use the
`media server to access the local media content
`stored on the
`mobile device.
`the "mobile-
`approach, such as, for example, the Nokia N95
`o f
`Corporation) ,
`(trademark o f Samsung
`and the ..Sony
`Ericsson G705 (trademark of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications
`AB) .
`The "mobile-device-as-server"
`allows the mobile
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 6 of 80
`device to share media content stored on the mobile device with
`other devices in the home network.
`However, the "mobile-device-
`as-server" approach does not allow the user to control the
`rendering using the media functions, the applications
`or the
`user interface available
`on the mobile
`The mobile
`device merely acts a s a passive media server, and the user i s
`limited to the user interfaces available on the external control
`points and the rendering devices in the home network.
`Such user
`interfaces are necessarily generic, suitable for browsing and
`using the content available on any generic media server in the
`home network.
`Thus, organization, management, manipulation, and
`other special
`features which may be provided
`by the media
`functions and the applications
`of the mobile device are not
`available and cannot be used in the "mobile-device-as-server"
`In the second approach, which may be referred to a s the
`"sharing application" approach, the mobile device may present a
`special sharing
`the media
`available on the mobile device to be directed
`to rendering
`devices in the home network under the control o f the special
`sharing application.
`For example, the Samsung i910 OMNIA phone
`provides a built-in "Connected Home Application"
`which allows
`the user to browse and select media content available on the
`phone, discover and select an appropriate rendering device in
`the home network,
`on the
`selected rendering device.
`The "Connected Home application"
`also presents controls by which the user of the mobile device
`of the
`on the
`selected rendering device using the mobile device.
`A disadvantage
`of the "sharing .application"
`approach is
`that the approach artificially separates the media experience on
`the mobile device into two areas.
`The user has various media
`and applications
`by which
`be created,
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 7 of 80
`on the mobile
`However, these functions and applications
`are unaware o f and
`cannot use rendering
`and other
`in the home
`The user has the separate sharing application
`allows the media
`stored on the mobile
`to be
`by the
`or other
`of the various
`other media
`functions and applications
`which are available
`on the mobile
`Further, the user may invest time and effort to learn
`and become familiar with one or more of the media functions and
`applications on the mobile device.
`Then, the user must invest
`additional time and effort to learn and become familiar with the
`different user interface of the separate sharing application.
`Such artificial separation o f the media experience is not ideal
`for the user.
`In the third approach,
`which may be referred
`to as the
`functions and applications
`available on a mobile device may be
`individually extended with home network sharing capabilities.
`This approach
`is followed
`to some extent
`by Nokia
`phones such a s the Nokia N95.
`The built-in applications,
`a s "Photos" or "Gallery" in such phones, expose a "Show Via Home
`Network" function in the Options menu of the application.
`function sends the media
`or rendered
`in the
`application to a rendering
`device in the home network.
`"media application
`approach i s an improvement
`the "mobile-device-as-server"
`approach because the user interface
`of the familiar
`media applications- may be used to access and select the m e d ia
`if the
`is used.
`the user interface
`of the familiar
`applications may be used to control the rendering of the media
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 8 of 80
`content on rendering devices in the home network if the "Show
`Via Home Network" function is used.
`The implementation
`of the "media application
`approach on current Nokia N-Series phones has disadvantages.
`first disadvantage i s that the "Show Via Home Network" function
`is hidden in the Options menu.
`while using the
`built-in media applications on a Nokia N-Series phone, the user
`has no indication
`that the home network
`sharing function
`available and no visible indication of the status of the home
`network or the available rendering devices.
`The user must open
`the Options
`to discover
`function, and the user must remember where the "Show Via Home
`Network" function may be found if the Options menu is closed.
`A second disadvantage
`is that
`the status
`of the home
`of rendering
`is not
`displayed and i s not accessible until the user invokes the "Show
`Via Home Network" function.
`After invoking the "Show Via Home
`Network" function, the user must wait a delay time while the
`phone accesses
`the home network
`and discovers
`the available
`rendering devices for display in a rendering device selection
`The delay time may be significant; for example, the Nokia
`N95 phone may
`a delay
`of approximately
`After waiting the delay time, the user may select an
`available rendering device from the rendering device selection
`After the user selects the rendering device, the media
`content which the user views and/or renders in the application
`is transferred
`for display on the selected rendering device.
`interface of the application to select, organize, control and
`render the media..
`The selected rendering device continues .to
`render the media content including new media content which may
`be selected by the user within the application.
`However, the
`and the mobile device
`do not display
`a visible
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 9 of 80
`o f the
`o r the
`the application
`and the mobile
`d o not display
`t o deactivate
`the external
`and the control
`t o deactivate
`the external
`i s
`in the Options
`o f the application.
`The present
`t o a system
`and a
`for transferring
`from a mobile
`t o a
`home network.
`the present
`a method
`a media
`o n
`t o a system
`the mobile
`t o share media
`in the home
`The system
`and the method
`o f controls
`and indications
`may enable
`a user
`t o use the media
`in the home network.
`T o this end,
`in a n embodiment
`o f the present
`for transferring
`from a mobile
`t o a
`i s
`has the steps
`o f displaying
`a media
`in the
`o f the
`o f a media
`b y the
`the media
`a first target
`o f the
`i n
`t o a user o f the mobile
`on the user
`o f the mobile
`the media
`the first media
`the first
`in response
`t o selection
`o n
`o f
`the media
`and indicating
`t o the user
`o f the
`i s
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 10 of 80
`indication indicates to the user of the mobile device that the
`first target rendering
`is rendering
`the first media
`content .
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of displaying
`in the user interface of the
`mobile device wherein the playback controls enable the user of
`the mobile
`to control
`of the first media
`content on the first target rendering device.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of displaying a
`webpage in the user interface of the mobile device wherein the
`first media content is identified
`as internet media content
`selected from the webpage by the user of the mobile device.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of obtaining the
`first media content from a media server located in the home
`in response to the selection
`of the media transfer
`control wherein the first target rendering device obtains the
`first media content from the media server in response to the
`of the media
`control without
`the mobile
`device transmitting the first media content to the first target
`rendering device.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step o f transmitting
`the first media content from local storage on the mobile device
`to the
`selection of the media transfer control.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of transmitting
`the first media content from a remote content provider connected
`to the mobile device by a network which i s a different network
`than the home network
`transmits the first media content to the mobile device using the
`network and the mobile device transmits the first media content
`to the first target rendering device using the home network in
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 11 of 80
`response to the selection o f the media transfer control.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of graphically
`connecting the media transfer control and the renderer selection
`control/indication using the media transfer indication while the
`first target rendering
`device i s rendering
`the first media
`content .
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of automatically
`identifying the first target rendering device from the rendering
`devices in the home network in response to identification o f the
`first media content wherein the mobile device identifies the
`first target rendering device in response to the identification
`of the first media content without selection of the first target
`rendering device by the user after the identification
`of the
`first media
`further wherein
`rendering device has media capabilities which correspond to the
`first media content.
`In an embodiment, the method has the steps o f accepting a
`series of user input events on the mobile device over a time
`period wherein each of the user input events in the series cause
`changes to a set
`of media
`the media
`application; and periodically updating a representation
`of a
`current target rendering device to reflect the changes to the
`set of media content selected in the media application wherein
`of the
`o f
`rendering device identifies the first target rendering device
`i s
`In an embodiment, the method has the steps of identifying
`a second target rendering device of the rendering devices in the
`home network wherein the renderer selection control/indication
`identifies the second target rendering device to the user of the
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 12 of 80
`rendering device wherein the first target rendering device and
`the second target rendering device are both capable of rendering
`the first media content; and detecting unavailability of the
`second target rendering device wherein the mobile device detects
`the unavailability of the second target rendering device wherein
`the renderer selection control/indication identifies the first
`target rendering device to the user in response to detection of
`the unavailability of the second target rendering device.
`In an embodiment, the media transfer control and the media
`transfer indication are a single functional element provided by
`the user interface o f the mobile device and further wherein the
`single functional element provides the media transfer control
`and the media transfer indication.
`In an embodiment, the media transfer control, the media
`control/indication are a single functional element provided by
`the user interface of the mobile device and further wherein a
`user of the mobile device uses a first invocation o f the single
`functional element to select the media transfer control and uses
`a second invocation of the single functional element to select
`the renderer
`interface displays a list o f available rendering devices in the
`home network in response to selection of the renderer selection
`control/indication and further wherein the first invocation and
`the second invocation select the single functional element in
`different ways.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of replacing the
`media transfer indication with an error indication in response
`to an error preventing the first target rendering device from
`rendering the first media content after selection o f the media
`transfer control wherein the error indication indicates that the
`first target rendering device cannot render the first media
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 13 of 80
`content .
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of replacing the
`renderer selection control/indication with error information in
`response to an error preventing
`the first target rendering
`device from rendering the first media content after selection of
`describes the error.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step o f replacing the
`media transfer control with an error correction control wherein
`selection o f the error correction control by user input in the
`user interface of the mobile device
`enables correction of an
`rendering the first media content.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step o f selecting the
`media transfer control on the mobile device after initiating
`rendering o f the
`first media
`on the
`rendering device wherein selecting the media transfer control
`after initiating rendering of the first media content on the
`first target rendering device discontinues
`rendering of the
`first media content on the first target rendering device.
`In another embodiment of the present invention, a method
`for transferring media content from a mobile device to a home
`network is provided.
`The mobile device has a user interface,
`and the home network has rendering devices.
`The method has the
`steps of displaying a media transfer control and a renderer
`selection control/indication concurrently in the user interface
`of the mobile device during execution of a media application by
`control/indication visually indicates a first target rendering
`identifying . the
`content . using
`the . media
`application; accepting first user input in the user interface of
`the mobile device wherein the first user input selects the
`renderer selection
`a list of
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 14 of 80
`available rendering devices in the home network wherein the user
`interface o f the mobile device displays the list in response to
`o f
`accepting second user input in the user interface
`o f the mobile
`device wherein
`the second user input
`a second
`device from the list o f available
`and rendering
`the media content on the second target rendering
`device .
`In an embodiment,
`the method has the step o f indicating the
`which correspond
`to the media content wherein
`list o f available
`in the home network which have the media
`which correspond
`to the media content.
`In an embodiment,
`the method has the step o f indicating
`do not
`wherein the list o f available
`in the home network
`do not have the
`media capabilities
`which correspond
`to the media content.
`In an embodiment,
`the method has the step o f automatically
`identifying the first target rendering device from the rendering
`in the
`visually indicates the first target rendering
`the mobile
`the first target
`rendering device without selection o f the first target rendering
`device b y the user.
`In an
`are a single
`element provided b y the user interface
`o f the m o b i l e device and
`further wherein the single functional element provides the media
`transfer control and the renderer selection
`In an embodiment,
`the method
`has the step o f providing
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 15 of 80
`renderer setting controls with the list o f available rendering
`devices wherein the user interface of the mobile device displays
`the renderer setting controls in response to selection of the
`renderer selection control/indication
`and further wherein the
`renderer setting controls enable a user of the mobile device to
`establishes the settings for the second target rendering device
`before the second user input and further wherein the second
`target rendering device implements the settings during rendering
`o f the media content.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of changing the
`renderer selection control/indication
`from a first icon to a
`second icon in response to selection of the second rendering
`device wherein the second icon visually indicates the second
`target rendering device.
`In an embodiment, the method has the step of accepting
`third user input in the user interface of the mobile device
`wherein the third user input selects the media transfer control
`and further wherein the rendering of the media content on the
`second target rendering device i s initiated in response
`selection of the media transfer control.
`In another embodiment of the present invention, a system
`for transferring media content to rendering devices in a home
`network using a mobile device is provided.
`The system has a
`media application executing on the mobile device wherein the
`media application enables a user to identify selected media
`content; a media transfer control which enables the user to
`identify a selected mode o f operation from a first mode of
`operation and a second mode of operation wherein the first mode
`o f operation transfers the selected media content to one or more
`o f the rendering devices in the home network and further wherein
`the second mode of operation does not transfer the selected
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 27-14 Filed 12/23/21 Page 16 of 80
`media content to any of the rendering devices in the home
`network; a media transfer indication which visually indicates
`of operation;
`a renderer
`control/indication which visually indicates a target rendering
`device from the rendering devices in the home network and which
`enables the user to change the target rendering device wherein
`the first mode of operation transfers the selected media content
`to the target rendering device.
`In an embodiment, the system has a user interface of the
`mobile device wherein the media transfer control,
`the media
`interface during execution of the media application.
`In an embodiment,
`the system has a plurality
`of media
`applications executable on the mobile device wherein each of the
`plurality o f media applications enables the user to identify the
`selected media content and further wherein each of the plurality
`of media applications provides the media transfer control, the
`In an embodiment, the media transfer control and the media
`transfer indication are a single functional element provided by
`the mobile device and further wherein the single functional
`element provides
`the media transfer
`and the media
`transfer indication.
`In an embodiment, the media transfer indication and the
`renderer selection control/indication
`are a single functional
`element provided by the mobile device and further wherein the
`single functional element provides the media transfer indication
`and the renderer selection control/indication.
`In an embodiment, the media transfer control, the media