`Case Action No. 6:21-CV-569-ADA
`Pursuant to the Court’s Scheduling Order, the Court’s Standing Order Governing
`Proceedings in Patent Cases, and the Court’s Standing Order on Pretrial Procedures and
`Requirements in Civil Cases, Plaintiff Touchstream Technologies, Inc. (“Plaintiff” or
`“Touchstream”) and Defendant Google LLC (“Defendant” or “Google”) (collectively, “the
`Parties”) submit the following proposed questions for voir dire examination at trial and jury
`To the panel as a whole:
`In the trial of this case, the parties are entitled to have a fair, unbiased and
`unprejudiced jury. If there is any reason why any of you might be biased or
`prejudiced in any way, you must disclose such reasons when you are asked to do
`so. It is your duty to make this disclosure.
`You will be called upon in this case to decide liability, and you may be called upon
`to award money damages if you find that they are appropriate. Do you have any
`religious, philosophical, or other belief that prevents you from acting as an impartial
`juror in this case?
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 219 Filed 06/20/23 Page 2 of 10
`Do you have strong feelings either way about your ability to follow my instructions
`in a civil case like this where one party is seeking money damages from another?
`(a) The plaintiff in this case, Touchstream, will be making claims that could result
`in the awarding of substantial monetary damage awards. Based on that and your
`own opinions about money damages awarded in trial, how many of you, regardless
`of the evidence, would be unwilling to consider damages that exceed a certain
`number or threshold? In other words, is there an amount of monetary damages
`above which you would reject, regardless of the evidence?
`(b) Google contends that it does not infringe and that it does not owe any damages
`to Touchstream. However, if you find infringement but the evidence does not
`support a damages award, can you turn Touchstream away with nothing?
`(c) If you find infringement, will you award only the amount that Touchstream
`proves by a preponderance of the evidence?
`Is there any reason you could not follow the Court’s instructions in this case as to
`how the jury should determine the issue of whether a patent is infringed?
`Is there any reason you could not follow the Court’s instructions as to how the jury
`should determine the issue of whether a patent is valid?
`Is there any reason, such as poor vision, difficulty hearing, another medical reason,
`or personal hardship, that would make it difficult for you to serve on this jury?
`Do you have difficulty understanding spoken or written English?
`Have you heard of, or have any knowledge of, the facts or events in this case?
`(10) Have you, a relative, or a close friend had any experience with patents, patent law,
`patented technology, or the United States Patent and Trademark Office?
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 219 Filed 06/20/23 Page 3 of 10
`(11) Do you have any opinions about patents, patent rights, or the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office that might make it difficult for you to listen to the evidence
`with an open mind?
`(12) Does anyone have a negative view of the way in which patents are awarded or
`(13) Do you, someone close to you, or your employer own patents?
`(14) This case involves a patent dispute, including issues of patent infringement and
`patent validity. Have you, anyone close to you, or your employer ever been
`involved in a dispute about patent rights (either as an individual or as part of a
`a. Raise your hand if you have a negative view of intellectual property or
`patent lawsuits.
`b. Can you please describe the circumstances of that dispute and how you
`(or a family member or close friend) were involved?
`(15) Have you, a relative, or a close friend ever invented or designed anything?
`a. If so, did you, your relative, or your friend apply for a patent?
`(16) Have any of you thought about trying to patent or trademark an idea or invention
`or feel that you may be in a position to invent something of value someday?
`a. If so, can you elaborate?
`(17) Do any of you work for a company that relies, or that regularly applies for, and are
`regularly awarded patents?
`(18) Have you personally, or has the company you worked for ever been, in your mind,
`falsely accused of any type of business wrongdoing or patent infringement?
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 219 Filed 06/20/23 Page 4 of 10
`(19) Have you, or any member of your immediate family ever been employed by the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office?
`a. If “yes,” please describe this employment.
`(20) Do you have any training, experience, or specialized knowledge relating to
`computers, computer software, or app development?
`a. If “yes,” please describe your experience.
`(21) Do you have any background in licensing in general? In licensing intellectual
`property/patents specifically?
`(22) Do you recognize or know anyone on the Court staff or whom you have come to
`recognize as being part of the Court staff?
`(23) Do you recognize or know any of your fellow jurors?
`(24) The lawyers and law firms involved in these cases are:
` Firms:
`o Jones Day
`o Potter Minton PC
`o Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.
` Lawyers:
`o Fiona A. Bell
`o Jordan T. Bergsten
`o Samuel G. Bernstein
`o John R. Boule, III
`o Justin R. Donoho
`o Lauren Douville
`o Ryan D. Dykal
`o Philip Alexander Eckert
`o Kyle Edward Friesen
`o Edwin O. Garcia
`o Jackson J. Gilkey
`o Michael W. Gray
`o Shaun William Hassett
`o Michael C. Hendershot
`o Sharon A. Israel
`o Michael E. Jones
`o Tharan Gregory Lanier
`o Samuel J. Laroque
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 219 Filed 06/20/23 Page 5 of 10
`o Andrew M. Long
`o Robert McClendon
`o Evan M. McLean
`o Gary M. Miller
`o Gurneet Singh
`o Tracy Ann Stitt
`o Jennifer L. Swize
`Do any of you or your immediate families know any of the attorneys or law firms
`I have just named?
`a. Whom do you recognize or know?
`b. How do you know each other?
`c. Would that relationship affect your ability to give a fair trial to all of the
`parties in this case?
`d. Have you, a family member, or a close friend ever worked for any of
`the parties or law firms in this case?
`(25) The potential witnesses in this case are:
` Kevin Almeroth
` Majd Bakar
` George Bonanto
` Nandi Byer
` Mark Chandler
` Jamie Cohen
` Chris Cooke
` Kyle Cuthbert
` Michael Dodd
` Andre Golueke
` Amberish Kenghe
` Farinaz Khorsand-Raven
` Rajiv Lulla
` Michael Maigret
` Christopher Martinez
` Ketan Mayer-Patel
` Herb Mitschele
` Shanna Preve
` Micahel Rinzler
` Corey Robins
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 219 Filed 06/20/23 Page 6 of 10
` Scott Roepnack
` Micah Rupersburg
` David Strober
` Matt Van Der Staay
` Meher Vurimi
` Jack Weixel
`Are you familiar with any of these potential witnesses?
`a. Whom do you recognize or know?
`b. How do you know each other?
`c. Would that relationship affect your ability to give a fair trial to all of the
`parties in this case?
`d. Have you, a family member, or a close friend ever worked for any of
`the parties or law firms in this case?
`(26) Have you or a member of your household ever worked in the legal field?
`a. If “yes,” when, what was your job title and where did you work?
`(27) Have you, a family member, or a close friend ever worked for any of the parties,
`Touchstream/Shodogg and Google, or law firms, Shook Hardy & Bacon, Jones
`Day, and Potter Minton, in this case?
`a. Would that relationship affect your ability to give a fair trial to all of the
`parties in this case?
`(28) Are any of you familiar with Touchstream Technologies or Shodogg?
`(29) Have any of you or someone close to you ever had a business relationship with
`Touchstream or Shodogg?
`(30) Does anyone have strong feelings about Touchstream or Shodogg whether
`favorable or unfavorable?
`(31) Are any of you familiar with Google or Alphabet Inc.?
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 219 Filed 06/20/23 Page 7 of 10
`(32) Have any of you or someone close to you ever had a business relationship with
`(33) Does anyone have strong feelings about Google whether favorable or unfavorable?
`(34) Do you own stock in any of the parties (Touchstream/Shodogg or Google) or have
`any interest, financial or otherwise, in the outcome of this case?
`a. Would that relationship affect your ability to give a fair trial to all of the
`parties in this case?
`(35) Have you ever started your own business either on your own or with someone else?
`(36) Have you, or someone close to you, ever been formally accused of any kind of
`business wrongdoing?
`(37) Do you currently hold a leadership position in any community organization?
`(38) Does anyone currently work, or has anyone worked in the past, for a city, county,
`state, or federal government agency?
`a. If “yes” please describe that employment.
`(39) Other than family law matters, have you or anyone close to you ever been a
`plaintiff, defendant, or witness in a lawsuit or administrative complaint?
`(40) Has anyone served on a jury in a civil case?
`(41) Raise your hand if you have a negative view of civil lawsuits.
`(42) Has anyone ever participated in a focus group or served as a mock juror that was
`related to patents?
`(43) Have you ever served on a mock jury or participated in a focus group that was
`related to software of any type?
`(44) Have you read, watched, listened to, or heard about news reports regarding the
`defendant, Google, whether recently or in the past?
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 219 Filed 06/20/23 Page 8 of 10
`(45) Do you use or have you ever used a Google product?
`a. If yes, what was your experience with that Google product?
`b. If yes, did you use the casting functionality in one of those Google
`products, such as, for example, a Chromecast?
`(46) Have you ever had a negative experience with a Google product?
`(47) Are any of you the designated tech person in your family or among your friends –
`i.e., the one who has to set up new devices and teach the rest of the family how to
`use them?
`(48) By contrast, would any of you describe yourselves as not tech savvy or generally
`uncomfortable with technology?
`(49) How many of you have negative feelings about the tech industry and large
`technology corporations?
`(50) Do you feel large corporations take advantage of small businesses?
`(51) How many of you have negative feelings about large corporations?
`(52) How many of you have positive feelings about large corporations?
`(53) Have you ever worked for a small business or a startup company? If so, please
`(54) As the Court will explain later, the verdict in this case has to be unanimous one way
`or the other. If you are the last holdout, will you go along with the others contrary
`to your view of the evidence?
`(55) Do you know of any other matter which you believe should be called to the Court’s
`attention as having some bearing upon your qualifications or ability to sit as a juror,
`or which you think may prevent you from rendering a fair and impartial verdict?
`(56) Does anyone feel that you may not be able to judge this case fairly and impartially?
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 219 Filed 06/20/23 Page 9 of 10
`If you’re selected to sit as a juror on this case, will you be able and willing to render
`a verdict based solely on the evidence presented at trial and the law as Judge
`Albright gives it to you in his instructions – disregarding any other ideas, notions,
`or beliefs about the law you may have encountered in reaching your verdict?
`(58) All of us here today bring certain experiences, training, or education that may
`influence the way we see the issues in this case. I’m going to read to you a list of
`different industries. If any of you, or someone you know well, has had any training,
`education, or experience in any of the following areas, please raise your hand:
`a. Issuing patents, copyrights, trademarks, or laws relating to patents,
`copyrights or trademarks?
`b. Business/Finance/Accounting?
`c. Information technology sales and/or marketing?
`d. High technology computer systems, either hardware or software?
`e. Corporate product development?
`f. Cloud-based computing or storage?
`(59) Do you have a leadership role at work or as a volunteer?
`(60) Do you occasionally or frequently run meetings?
`See standalone attached Juror Questionnaire.
`The parties also reserve the right to ask additional questions of each juror based on the
`responses by each potential juror to the juror questionnaire.
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 219 Filed 06/20/23 Page 10 of 10
`Date: June 20, 2023
`Respectfully submitted
`By: /s/ Edwin O. Garcia (with permission)
`One of Its Attorneys
`Michael E. Jones
`Patrick C. Clutter
`Shaun William Hassett
`Potter Minton PC
`110 N College, Suite 500
`Tyler, TX 75702
`Tel: 903-597-8311
`Email: mikejones@potterminton.com
`Email: patrickclutter@potterminton.com
`Email: shaunhassett@potterminton.com
`Evan M. McLean, pro hac vice
`Michael C. Hendershot, pro hac vice
`Tharan Gregory Lanier, pro hac vice
`Jones Day
`1755 Embarcadero Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94303
`Tel: (650) 739-3939
`Email: emclean@jonesday.com
`Email: mhendershot@jonesday.com
`Email: tglanier@jonesday.com
`Edwin O. Garcia, pro hac vice
`Jones Day
`51 Louisiana Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20001
`Tel: (202) 879-3695
`Email: edwingarcia@jonesday.com
`By: /s/ Samuel G. Bernstein
`One of Its Attorneys
`Ryan D. Dykal (Pro Hac Vice)
`B. Trent Webb (Pro Hac Vice)
`Jordan T. Bergsten (Pro Hac Vice)
`2555 Grand Boulevard
`Kansas City, MO 64108
`(816) 474-6550
`Fax: (816) 421-5547
`rdykal@shb.com | bwebb@shb.com |
`Michael W. Gray (TX Bar No. 24094385)
`Fiona A. Bell (TX Bar No. 24052288)
`Andrew M. Long (TX Bar No. 24123079)
`600 Travis Street, Suite 3400
`Houston, TX 77002
`(713) 227-2008
`Fax: (713) 227-9508
`mgray@shb.com | fbell@shb.com |
`Gary M. Miller (Pro Hac Vice)
`Justin R. Donoho (Pro Hac Vice)
`Samuel G. Bernstein (Pro Hac Vice)
`111 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 4700
`Chicago, IL 60606
`(312) 704-7700
`Fax: (312) 558-1195
`gmiller@shb.com | jdonoho@shb.com