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`Computer Networking
`A Top-Down Approach
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`A Top-Down Approach
`James F. Kurose
`University of Massachusetts, Amherst
`Keith W. Ross
`Polytechnic Institute of NYU
`Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River
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`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 131-1 Filed 12/29/22 Page 4 of 890
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Kurose, James F.
`Computer networking : a top-down approach / James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross.—6th ed.
`p. cm.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN-13: 978-0-13-285620-1
`ISBN-10: 0-13-285620-4
`1. Internet. 2. Computer networks. I. Ross, Keith W., 1956- II. Title.
`TK5105.875.I57K88 2012
`10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
`ISBN-13: 978-0-13-285620-1
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`About the Authors
`Jim Kurose
`Jim Kurose is a Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science at the
`University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
`Dr. Kurose has received a number of recognitions for his educational
`activities including Outstanding Teacher Awards from the National
`Technological University (eight times), the University of Massachusetts, and
`the Northeast Association of Graduate Schools. He received the IEEE Taylor
`Booth Education Medal and was recognized for his leadership of
`Massachusetts’ Commonwealth Information Technology Initiative. He has
`been the recipient of a GE Fellowship, an IBM Faculty Development Award,
`and a Lilly Teaching Fellowship.
`Dr. Kurose is a former Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on
`Communications and of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. He has
`been active in the program committees for IEEE Infocom, ACM SIGCOMM,
`ACM Internet Measurement Conference, and ACM SIGMETRICS for a
`number of years and has served as Technical Program Co-Chair for those
`conferences. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the ACM. His research interests
`include network protocols and architecture, network measurement, sensor
`networks, multimedia communication, and modeling and performance
`evaluation. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Columbia University.
`Keith Ross
`Keith Ross is the Leonard J. Shustek Chair Professor and Head of the Computer
`Science Department at Polytechnic Institute of NYU. Before joining NYU-Poly in
`2003, he was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania (13 years) and a
`professor at Eurecom Institute (5 years). He received a B.S.E.E from Tufts
`University, a M.S.E.E. from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Computer and
`Control Engineering from The University of Michigan. Keith Ross is also the
`founder and original CEO of Wimba, which develops online multimedia
`applications for e-learning and was acquired by Blackboard in 2010.
`Professor Ross’s research interests are in security and privacy, social networks,
`peer-to-peer networking, Internet measurement, video streaming, content distribution
`networks, and stochastic modeling. He is an IEEE Fellow, recipient of the Infocom
`2009 Best Paper Award, and recipient of 2011 and 2008 Best Paper Awards
`for Multimedia Communications (awarded by IEEE Communications Society). He
`has served on numerous journal editorial boards and conference program commit-
`tees, including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM
`CoNext, and ACM Internet Measurement Conference. He also has served as an
`advisor to the Federal Trade Commission on P2P file sharing.
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`To Julie and our three precious
`ones—Chris, Charlie, and Nina
`A big THANKS to my professors, colleagues,
`and students all over the world.
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`Welcome to the sixth edition of Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. Since
`the publication of the first edition 12 years ago, our book has been adopted for use at
`many hundreds of colleges and universities, translated into 14 languages, and used
`by over one hundred thousand students and practitioners worldwide. We’ve heard
`from many of these readers and have been overwhelmed by the positive response.
`What’s New in the Sixth Edition?
`We think one important reason for this success has been that our book continues to offer
`a fresh and timely approach to computer networking instruction. We’ve made changes
`in this sixth edition, but we’ve also kept unchanged what we believe (and the instruc-
`tors and students who have used our book have confirmed) to be the most important
`aspects of this book: its top-down approach, its focus on the Internet and a modern
`treatment of computer networking, its attention to both principles and practice, and its
`accessible style and approach toward learning about computer networking. Neverthe-
`less, the sixth edition has been revised and updated substantially:
`• The Companion Web site has been significantly expanded and enriched to
`include VideoNotes and interactive exercises, as discussed later in this Preface.
`In Chapter 1, the treatment of access networks has been modernized, and the
`description of the Internet ISP ecosystem has been substantially revised, account-
`ing for the recent emergence of content provider networks, such as Google’s. The
`presentation of packet switching and circuit switching has also been reorganized,
`providing a more topical rather than historical orientation.
`In Chapter 2, Python has replaced Java for the presentation of socket program-
`ming. While still explicitly exposing the key ideas behind the socket API, Python
`code is easier to understand for the novice programmer. Moreover, unlike Java,
`Python provides access to raw sockets, enabling students to build a larger variety
`of network applications. Java-based socket programming labs have been
`replaced with corresponding Python labs, and a new Python-based ICMP Ping
`lab has been added. As always, when material is retired from the book, such as
`Java-based socket programming material, it remains available on the book’s
`Companion Web site (see following text).
`In Chapter 3, the presentation of one of the reliable data transfer protocols has
`been simplified and a new sidebar on TCP splitting, commonly used to optimize
`the performance of cloud services, has been added.
`In Chapter 4, the section on router architectures has been significantly updated,
`reflecting recent developments and practices in the field. Several new integrative
`sidebars involving DNS, BGP, and OSPF are included.
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`• Chapter 5 has been reorganized and streamlined, accounting for the ubiquity of
`switched Ethernet in local area networks and the consequent increased use of
`Ethernet in point-to-point scenarios. Also, a new section on data center network-
`ing has been added.
`• Chapter 6 has been updated to reflect recent advances in wireless networks, par-
`ticularly cellular data networks and 4G services and architecture.
`• Chapter 7, which focuses on multimedia networking, has gone through a major
`revision. The chapter now includes an in-depth discussion of streaming video,
`including adaptive streaming, and an entirely new and modernized discussion of
`CDNs. A newly added section describes the Netflix, YouTube, and Kankan video
`streaming systems. The material that has been removed to make way for these
`new topics is still available on the Companion Web site.
`• Chapter 8 now contains an expanded discussion on endpoint authentication.
`• Significant new material involving end-of-chapter problems has been added. As
`with all previous editions, homework problems have been revised, added, and
`This textbook is for a first course on computer networking. It can be used in both
`computer science and electrical engineering departments. In terms of programming
`languages, the book assumes only that the student has experience with C, C++, Java,
`or Python (and even then only in a few places). Although this book is more precise
`and analytical than many other introductory computer networking texts, it rarely
`uses any mathematical concepts that are not taught in high school. We have made a
`deliberate effort to avoid using any advanced calculus, probability, or stochastic
`process concepts (although we’ve included some homework problems for students
`with this advanced background). The book is therefore appropriate for undergradu-
`ate courses and for first-year graduate courses. It should also be useful to practition-
`ers in the telecommunications industry.
`What Is Unique about This Textbook?
`The subject of computer networking is enormously complex, involving many
`concepts, protocols, and technologies that are woven together in an intricate
`manner. To cope with this scope and complexity, many computer networking texts
`are often organized around the “layers” of a network architecture. With a layered
`organization, students can see through the complexity of computer networking—
`they learn about the distinct concepts and protocols in one part of the architecture
`while seeing the big picture of how all parts fit together. From a pedagogical
`perspective, our personal experience has been that such a layered approach
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`indeed works well. Nevertheless, we have found that the traditional approach of
`teaching—bottom up; that is, from the physical layer towards the application
`layer—is not the best approach for a modern course on computer networking.
`A Top-Down Approach
`Our book broke new ground 12 years ago by treating networking in a top-down
`manner—that is, by beginning at the application layer and working its way down
`toward the physical layer. The feedback we received from teachers and students
`alike have confirmed that this top-down approach has many advantages and does
`indeed work well pedagogically. First, it places emphasis on the application layer
`(a “high growth area” in networking). Indeed, many of the recent revolutions in
`computer networking—including the Web, peer-to-peer file sharing, and media
`streaming—have taken place at the application layer. An early emphasis on application-
`layer issues differs from the approaches taken in most other texts, which have only a
`small amount of material on network applications, their requirements, application-layer
`paradigms (e.g., client-server and peer-to-peer), and application programming inter-
`faces. Second, our experience as instructors (and that of many instructors who have
`used this text) has been that teaching networking applications near the beginning of
`the course is a powerful motivational tool. Students are thrilled to learn about how
`networking applications work—applications such as e-mail and the Web, which most
`students use on a daily basis. Once a student understands the applications, the student
`can then understand the network services needed to support these applications. The
`student can then, in turn, examine the various ways in which such services might be
`provided and implemented in the lower layers. Covering applications early thus pro-
`vides motivation for the remainder of the text.
`Third, a top-down approach enables instructors to introduce network appli-
`cation development at an early stage. Students not only see how popular applica-
`tions and protocols work, but also learn how easy it is to create their own
`network applications and application-level protocols. With the top-down
`approach, students get early exposure to the notions of socket programming, serv-
`ice models, and protocols—important concepts that resurface in all subsequent
`layers. By providing socket programming examples in Python, we highlight the
`central ideas without confusing students with complex code. Undergraduates in
`electrical engineering and computer science should not have difficulty following
`the Python code.
`An Internet Focus
`Although we dropped the phrase “Featuring the Internet” from the title of this book
`with the fourth edition, this doesn’t mean that we dropped our focus on the Internet!
`Indeed, nothing could be further from the case! Instead, since the Internet has
`become so pervasive, we felt that any networking textbook must have a significant
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`focus on the Internet, and thus this phrase was somewhat unnecessary. We continue
`to use the Internet’s architecture and protocols as primary vehicles for studying fun-
`damental computer networking concepts. Of course, we also include concepts and
`protocols from other network architectures. But the spotlight is clearly on the Inter-
`net, a fact reflected in our organizing the book around the Internet’s five-layer archi-
`tecture: the application, transport, network, link, and physical layers.
`Another benefit of spotlighting the Internet is that most computer science and
`electrical engineering students are eager to learn about the Internet and its protocols.
`They know that the Internet has been a revolutionary and disruptive technology and
`can see that it is profoundly changing our world. Given the enormous relevance of
`the Internet, students are naturally curious about what is “under the hood.” Thus, it
`is easy for an instructor to get students excited about basic principles when using the
`Internet as the guiding focus.
`Teaching Networking Principles
`Two of the unique features of the book—its top-down approach and its focus on the
`Internet—have appeared in the titles of our book. If we could have squeezed a third
`phrase into the subtitle, it would have contained the word principles. The field of
`networking is now mature enough that a number of fundamentally important issues
`can be identified. For example, in the transport layer, the fundamental issues include
`reliable communication over an unreliable network layer, connection establishment/
`teardown and handshaking, congestion and flow control, and multiplexing. Two fun-
`damentally important network-layer issues are determining “good” paths between
`two routers and interconnecting a large number of heterogeneous networks. In the
`link layer, a fundamental problem is sharing a multiple access channel. In network
`security, techniques for providing confidentiality, authentication, and message
`integrity are all based on cryptographic fundamentals. This text identifies fundamen-
`tal networking issues and studies approaches towards addressing these issues. The
`student learning these principles will gain knowledge with a long “shelf life”—long
`after today’s network standards and protocols have become obsolete, the principles
`they embody will remain important and relevant. We believe that the combination of
`using the Internet to get the student’s foot in the door and then emphasizing funda-
`mental issues and solution approaches will allow the student to quickly understand
`just about any networking technology.
`The Web Site
`Each new copy of this textbook includes six months of access to a Companion Web site
`for all book readers at http://www.pearsonhighered.com/kurose-ross, which includes:
`Interactive learning material. An important new component of the sixth edition
`is the significantly expanded online and interactive learning material. The
`book’s Companion Web site now contains VideoNotes—video presentations of
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`important topics thoughout the book done by the authors, as well as walk-
`throughs of solutions to problems similar to those at the end of the chapter.
`We’ve also added Interactive Exercises that can create (and present solutions
`for) problems similar to selected end-of-chapter problems. Since students can
`generate (and view solutions for) an unlimited number of similar problem
`instances, they can work until the material is truly mastered. We’ve seeded the
`Web site with VideoNotes and online problems for chapters 1 through 5 and will
`continue to actively add and update this material over time. As in earlier edi-
`tions, the Web site contains the interactive Java applets that animate many key
`networking concepts. The site also has interactive quizzes that permit students
`to check their basic understanding of the subject matter. Professors can integrate
`these interactive features into their lectures or use them as mini labs.
`• Additional technical material. As we have added new material in each edition of
`our book, we’ve had to remove coverage of some existing topics to keep the
`book at manageable length. For example, to make room for the new material in
`this edition, we’ve removed material on ATM networks and the RTSP protocol
`for multimedia. Material that appeared in earlier editions of the text is still of
`interest, and can be found on the book’s Web site.
`• Programming assignments. The Web site also provides a number of detailed
`programming assignments, which include building a multithreaded Web
`server, building an e-mail client with a GUI interface, programming the sender
`and receiver sides of a reliable data transport protocol, programming a distrib-
`uted routing algorithm, and more.
`• Wireshark labs. One’s understanding of network protocols can be greatly deep-
`ened by seeing them in action. The Web site provides numerous Wireshark
`assignments that enable students to actually observe the sequence of messages
`exchanged between two protocol entities. The Web site includes separate Wire-
`shark labs on HTTP, DNS, TCP, UDP, IP, ICMP, Ethernet, ARP, WiFi, SSL, and
`on tracing all protocols involved in satisfying a request to fetch a web page.
`We’ll continue to add new labs over time.
`Pedagogical Features
`We have each been teaching computer networking for more than 20 years.
`Together, we bring more than 50 years of teaching experience to this text, during
`which time we have taught many thousands of students. We have also been active
`researchers in computer networking during this time. (In fact, Jim and Keith first
`met each other as master’s students in a computer networking course taught by
`Mischa Schwartz in 1979 at Columbia University.) We think all this gives us a
`good perspective on where networking has been and where it is likely to go in the
`future. Nevertheless, we have resisted temptations to bias the material in this book
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`towards our own pet research projects. We figure you can visit our personal Web
`sites if you are interested in our research. Thus, this book is about modern com-
`puter networking—it is about contemporary protocols and technologies as well as
`the underlying principles behind these protocols and technologies. We also believe
`that learning (and teaching!) about networking can be fun. A sense of humor, use
`of analogies, and real-world examples in this book will hopefully make this mate-
`rial more fun.
`Supplements for Instructors
`We provide a complete supplements package to aid instructors in teaching this course.
`This material can be accessed from Pearson’s Instructor Resource Center
`(http://www.pearsonhighered.com/irc). Visit the Instructor Resource Center or send
`e-mail to computing@aw.com for information about accessing these instructor’s
`• PowerPoint® slides. We provide PowerPoint slides for all nine chapters. The
`slides have been completely updated with this sixth edition. The slides cover
`each chapter in detail. They use graphics and animations (rather than relying
`only on monotonous text bullets) to make the slides interesting and visually
`appealing. We provide the original PowerPoint slides so you can customize them
`to best suit your own teaching needs. Some of these slides have been contributed
`by other instructors who have taught from our book.
`• Homework solutions. We provide a solutions manual for the homework problems
`in the text, programming assignments, and Wireshark labs. As noted earlier, we’ve
`introduced many new homework problems in the first five chapters of the book.
`Chapter Dependencies
`The first chapter of this text presents a self-contained overview of computer net-
`working. Introducing many key concepts and terminology, this chapter sets the stage
`for the rest of the book. All of the other chapters directly depend on this first chap-
`ter. After completing Chapter 1, we recommend instructors cover Chapters 2
`through 5 in sequence, following our top-down philosophy. Each of these five chap-
`ters leverages material from the preceding chapters. After completing the first five
`chapters, the instructor has quite a bit of flexibility. There are no interdependencies
`among the last four chapters, so they can be taught in any order. However, each of
`the last four chapters depends on the material in the first five chapters. Many
`instructors first teach the first five chapters and then teach one of the last four chap-
`ters for “dessert.”
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`One Final Note: We’d Love to Hear from You
`We encourage students and instructors to e-mail us with any comments they might
`have about our book. It’s been wonderful for us to hear from so many instructors
`and students from around the world about our first four editions. We’ve incorporated
`many of these suggestions into later editions of the book. We also encourage instructors
`to send us new homework problems (and solutions) that would complement the
`current homework problems. We’ll post these on the instructor-only portion of the
`Web site. We also encourage instructors and students to create new Java applets that
`illustrate the concepts and protocols in this book. If you have an applet that you
`think would be appropriate for this text, please submit it to us. If the applet (including
`notation and terminology) is appropriate, we’ll be happy to include it on the text’s
`Web site, with an appropriate reference to the applet’s authors.
`So, as the saying goes, “Keep those cards and letters coming!” Seriously,
`please do continue to send us interesting URLs, point out typos, disagree with
`any of our claims, and tell us what works and what doesn’t work. Tell us what
`you think should or shouldn’t be included in the next edition. Send your e-mail
`to kurose@cs.umass.edu and ross@poly.edu.
`Since we began writing this book in 1996, many people have given us invaluable
`help and have been influential in shaping our thoughts on how to best organize and
`teach a networking course. We want to say A BIG THANKS to everyone who has
`helped us from the earliest first drafts of this book, up to this fifth edition. We are also
`very thankful to the many hundreds of readers from around the world—students, fac-
`ulty, practitioners—who have sent us thoughts and comments on earlier editions of
`the book and suggestions for future editions of the book. Special thanks go out to:
`Al Aho (Columbia University)
`Hisham Al-Mubaid (University of Houston-Clear Lake)
`Pratima Akkunoor (Arizona State University)
`Paul Amer (University of Delaware)
`Shamiul Azom (Arizona State University)
`Lichun Bao (University of California at Irvine)
`Paul Barford (University of Wisconsin)
`Bobby Bhattacharjee (University of Maryland)
`Steven Bellovin (Columbia University)
`Pravin Bhagwat (Wibhu)
`Supratik Bhattacharyya (previously at Sprint)
`Ernst Biersack (Eurécom Institute)
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`Shahid Bokhari (University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore)
`Jean Bolot (Technicolor Research)
`Daniel Brushteyn (former University of Pennsylvania student)
`Ken Calvert (University of Kentucky)
`Evandro Cantu (Federal University of Santa Catarina)
`Jeff Case (SNMP Research International)
`Jeff Chaltas (Sprint)
`Vinton Cerf (Google)
`Byung Kyu Choi (Michigan Technological University)
`Bram Cohen (BitTorrent, Inc.)
`Constantine Coutras (Pace University)
`John Daigle (University of Mississippi)
`Edmundo A. de Souza e Silva (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
`Philippe Decuetos (Eurécom Institute)
`Christophe Diot (Technicolor Research)
`Prithula Dhunghel (Akamai)
`Deborah Estrin (University of California, Los Angeles)
`Michalis Faloutsos (University of California at Riverside)
`Wu-chi Feng (Oregon Graduate Institute)
`Sally Floyd (ICIR, University of California at Berkeley)
`Paul Francis (Max Planck Institute)
`Lixin Gao (University of Massachusetts)
`JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves (University of California at Santa Cruz)
`Mario Gerla (University of California at Los Angeles)
`David Goodman (NYU-Poly)
`Yang Guo (Alcatel/Lucent Bell Labs)
`Tim Griffin (Cambridge University)
`Max Hailperin (Gustavus Adolphus College)
`Bruce Harvey (Florida A&M University, Florida State University)
`Carl Hauser (Washington State University)
`Rachelle Heller (George Washington University)
`Phillipp Hoschka (INRIA/W3C)
`Wen Hsin (Park University)
`Albert Huang (former University of Pennsylvania student)
`Cheng Huang (Microsoft Research)
`Esther A. Hughes (Virginia Commonwealth University)
`Van Jacobson (Xerox PARC)
`Pinak Jain (former NYU-Poly student)
`Jobin James (University of California at Riverside)
`Sugih Jamin (University of Michigan)
`Shivkumar Kalyanaraman (IBM Research, India)
`Jussi Kangasharju (University of Helsinki)
`Sneha Kasera (University of Utah)
`Parviz Kermani (formerly of IBM Research)
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`Hyojin Kim (former University of Pennsylvania student)
`Leonard Kleinrock (University of California at Los Angeles)
`David Kotz (Dartmouth College)
`Beshan Kulapala (Arizona State University)
`Rakesh Kumar (Bloomberg)
`Miguel A. Labrador (University of South Florida)
`Simon Lam (University of Texas)
`Steve Lai (Ohio State University)
`Tom LaPorta (Penn State University)
`Tim-Berners Lee (World Wide Web Consortium)
`Arnaud Legout (INRIA)
`Lee Leitner (Drexel University)
`Brian Levine (University of Massachusetts)
`Chunchun Li (former NYU-Poly student)
`Yong Liu (NYU-Poly)
`William Liang (former University of Pennsylvania student)
`Willis Marti (Texas A&M University)
`Nick McKeown (Stanford University)
`Josh McKinzie (Park University)
`Deep Medhi (University of Missouri, Kansas City)
`Bob Metcalfe (International Data Group)
`Sue Moon (KAIST)
`Jenni Moyer (Comcast)
`Erich Nahum (IBM Research)
`Christos Papadopoulos (Colorado Sate University)
`Craig Partridge (BBN Technologies)
`Radia Perlman (Intel)
`Jitendra Padhye (Microsoft Research)
`Vern Paxson (University of California at Berkeley)
`Kevin Phillips (Sprint)
`George Polyzos (Athens University of Economics and Business)
`Sriram Rajagopalan (Arizona State University)
`Ramachandran Ramjee (Microsoft Research)
`Ken Reek (Rochester Institute of Technology)
`Martin Reisslein (Arizona State University)
`Jennifer Rexford (Princeton University)
`Leon Reznik (Rochester Institute of Technology)
`Pablo Rodrigez (Telefonica)
`Sumit Roy (University of Washington)
`Avi Rubin (Johns Hopkins University)
`Dan Rubenstein (Columbia University)
`Douglas Salane (John Jay College)
`Despina Saparilla (Cisco Systems)
`John Schanz (Comcast)
`Case 6:21-cv-00569-ADA Document 131-1 Filed 12/29/22 Page 18 of 890
`Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University)
`Mischa Schwartz (Columbia University)
`Ardash Sethi (University of Delaware)
`Harish Sethu (Drexel University)
`K. Sam Shanmugan (University of Kansas)
`Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts)
`Clay Shields (Georgetown University)
`Subin Shrestra (University of Pennsylvania)
`Bojie Shu (former NYU-Poly student)
`Mihail L. Sichitiu (NC State University)
`Peter Steenkiste (Carnegie Mellon University)
`Tatsuya Suda (University of California at Irvine)
`Kin Sun Tam (State University of New York at Albany)
`Don Towsley (University of Massachusetts)
`David Turner (California State University, San Bernardino)
`Nitin Vaidya (University of Illinois)
`Michele Weigle (Clemson University)
`David Wetherall (University of Washington)
`Ira Winston (University of Pennsylvania)
`Di Wu (Sun Yat-sen University)
`Shirley Wynn (NYU-Poly)
`Raj Yavatkar (Intel)
`Yechiam Yemini (Columbia University)
`Ming Yu (State University of New York at Binghamton)
`Ellen Zegura (Georgia Institute of Technology)
`Honggang Zhang (Suffolk University)
`Hui Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University)
`Lixia Zhang (University of California at Los Angeles)
`Meng Zhang (former NYU-Poly student)
`Shuchun Zhang (former University of Pennsylvania student)
`Xiaodong Zhang (Ohio State University)
`ZhiLi Zhang (University of Minnesota)
`Phil Zimmermann (independent consultant)
`Cliff C. Zou (University of Central Florida)
`We also want to thank the entire Addison-Wesley team—in particular, Michael Hirsch,
`Marilyn Lloyd, and Emma Snider—who have done an absolutely outstanding job on
`this sixth edition (and who have put up with two very finicky authors who seem con-
`genitally unable to meet deadlines!). Thanks also to our artists, Janet Theurer and
`Patrice Rossi Calkin, for their work on the beautiful figures in this book, and to Andrea
`Stefanowicz and her team at PreMediaGlobal for their wonderful production work on
`this edition. Finally, a most special thanks go to Michael Hirsch, our editor at Addison-
`Wesley, and Susan Hartman, our former editor at Addison-Wesley. This book would
`not be what it is (and may well not have been at all) without their graceful manage-
`ment, constant encouragement, nearly infinite patience, good humor, and perseverance.
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`Table of Contents
`Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet
`1.1 What Is the Internet?
`1.1.1 A Nuts-and-Bolts Description
`1.1.2 A Services Description
`1.1.3 What Is a Protocol?
`The Network Edge
`1.2.1 Access Networks
`Physical Media
`The Network Core
`Packet Switching
`1.3.2 Circuit Switching
`1.3.3 A Network of Networks
`Delay, Loss, and Throughput in Packet-Switched Networks
`1.4.1 Overview of Delay in Packet-Switched Networks