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`Caseaae Document 36-23 Filed 03/46/22 Page 2 of 20
`LA, L.
`In re application of:
`Sorrells etal.
`Appl. No. 09/770,6
`Filed: January 29, 200
`Confirmation No.: 5430
`Art Unit:
`to be assigned
`to be assigned
`Atty. Docket: 1744.0140005
`For: Wireless and Wired Cable Modem
`Applications of Universal
`Frequency Translation. Technology
`Preliminary Amendment Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.115
`Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`Applicants respectfully request that the Examiner enter the following Amendment.
`This Amendmentis providedin the following format:
`(A) A clean version of each replacement paragraph/section/claim along with clear
`instructions for entry;
`(B) Starting on a separate page, appropriate remarks; and
`(C) Starting on a separate page, a marked-upversion entitled: “Version with
`markings to show changes made.”
`It is not believed that extensions of time or fees for net addition of claims are required
`beyondthose that may otherwise be provided for in documents accompanying this paper. However,
`if additional extensions of time are necessary to prevent abandonmentofthis application, then such
`extensions of time are hereby petitioned under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a), and any fees required therefor
`(including fees for net addition of claims) are hereby authorized to be charged to our Deposit
`Account No. 19-0036.
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`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`In the Claims:
`Pleasecplclaims67; and$6\withoutprejudiceordisclaimer.
`Please substghe the following claims 1-5 and 9-31 for the pending claims 1-5 and 9-31:
`~ 1.(Amended)
`A cable modem for down-converting an electromagnetic signal having
`complex modulations, comprising:
`an oscillator to generate an in-phase oscillating signal;
`a phaseshifter to receive said in-phaseoscillating signal and to create a quadrature-
`phaseoscillating signal;
`a first universal frequency down-conversion module to receive the electromagnetic
`signal andsaid in-phase oscillating signal;
`a second universal frequency down-conversion moduleto receive the
`electromagnetic signal and said quadrature-phase oscillating signal; wherein
`said first universal frequency down-conversion module further comprising a first
`universal frequency translation module anda first storage module, wherein said first universal
`frequencytranslation module samples the electromagnetic signal at a rate that is a function of said
`in-phaseoscillating signal, thereby creating a first sampled signal; and oo
`said second universal frequency down-conversion module further comprising a
`second universal frequencytranslation module and a second storage module, wherein said first
`universal frequency translation module samples the electromagnetic signalat a rate that is a function
`of said quadrature-phaseoscillating signal, thereby creating a second sampledsignal.
`agree erence,ieee
`et ee eteenterninearies a
`The cable modem of claim 1, wherein said quadrature-phase oscillating signal
`is out of phase with said in-phase oscillating signal by substantially 90°.
`Case 6:21-cv-00520-ADA Document 36-23 Filed 03/16/22 Page 4 of 20
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`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`The cable modem ofclaim 1, wherein said first storage device hasa first
`storagefirst port and a first storage secondport, said first storage first port being connectedto said
`first sampled signal, and said first storage second port is connectedtoafirst reference potential, and
`said second storage device has a secondstorage first port and a second storage second port, said
`secondstoragefirst port being connected to said second sampled signal, and said second storage
`second port is connected to a secondreference potential.
`The cable modem ofclaim 3, wherein said first storage deviceis a first
`capacitor, and said second storage device is a second capacitor.
`The cable modem of claim 3, wherein said first reference potential is
`substantially equal to ground, and said second reference potential is substantially equal to ground.
`The cable modem of claim 1, wherein said first sampled signal is comprised
`of two or more voltage levels.
`The cable modem of claim 9, wherein said first sampled signal is comprised
`of eight voltage levels.
`The cable modem of claim 9, wherein said first sampled signal is comprised
`of sixteen voltage levels.
`The cable modem ofclaim 1, wherein said second sampledsignal is
`comprised of two or more voltage levels.
`The cable modem ofclaim 12, wherein said second sampledsignalis
`comprisedof eight voltage levels.
`Case 6:21-cv-00520-ADA Document 36-23 Filed 03/16/22 Page 5 of 20
`Case eee Document 36-23 Filed 6@ Page 5 of 20
`The cable modem of claim 12, wherein said second sampled signalis
`comprised of sixteen voltage levels.
`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`15.(Amended) The cable modem of claim 1, wherein said first sampled signalisafirst
`information outputsignal, and said second sampledsignal is a second information outputsignal.
`The cable modem ofclaim 1, further comprising a first amplifier receiving
`said first sampled signal and outputting a first amplified signal, and a second amplifier receiving
`said second sampled signal and outputting a second amplified signal.
`The cable modem of claim 16, further comprisinga first filter receiving said
`first amplified signal and outputting a first filtered signal, and a secondfilter receiving said second
`amplified signal and outputting a secondfiltered signal.
`The cable modem ofclaim 1, further comprisinga first filter receiving said
`first sampled signal and outputtinga first filtered signal, and a secondfilter receiving said second
`sampled signal and outputting a secondfiltered signal.
`The cable modem of claim 1, wherein the electromagnetic signal has been
`transmitted over a coaxial cable to the cable modem.
`The cable modem of claim 1, wherein the electromagnetic signal has been
`transmitted by a wireless method to the cable modem.
`A cable modem, comprising:
`an oscillator to generate an in-phase oscillating signal;
`a phase shifter to receive said in-phase oscillating signal and to create a quadrature-
`phase oscillating signal;
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`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`signal andafirst information signal, wherein said in-phase oscillating signal causes saidfirst
`a first universal frequency translation module to receive said in-phase oscillating
`universal frequency translation moduleto gate said first information signal and thereby generate a
`first periodic signal havinga first plurality of harmonics;
`a second universal frequency translation module to receive said quadrature-phase
`oscillating signal and a second information signal, wherein said quadrature-phaseoscillating signal
`causes said second universal frequency translation module to gate said second information signal
`and thereby generate a second periodic signal having a second plurality of harmonics;
`a summercoupled to said first universal frequencytranslation module and to said_
`second universal frequencytranslation module, said summerto receive and combinesaid first
`periodic signal and said secondperiodic signal, and to output a combined periodic signal having a
`combinedplurality of harmonics; and
`a filter coupled to said summer,said filter to isolate at least one of said combinedplurality of
`f d
`The cable modem of claim 21, wherein said in-phase oscillating signal and
`said quadrature-phase oscillating signal have substantially the same frequency and are out of phase
`with each other by substantially 90°.
`The cable modem of claim 21, further comprising:
`a first pulse shaping module connectedtosaid first universal frequencytranslation
`module, said first pulse shaping module accepting said in-phase oscillating signal and outputting a
`first shaped oscillating signal, wherein said first shaped oscillating signal causes said first universal
`frequencytranslation moduleto gate said first information signal;
`a second pulse shaping module connected to said second universal frequency
`translation module, said second pulse shaping module accepting said quadrature-phaseoscillating
`signal and outputting a second shapedoscillating signal, wherein said second shapedoscillating
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`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`signal causes said second universal frequencytranslation module to gate said second information
`The cable modem of claim 21, wherein said first information signalis
`comprised of two or more voltage levels.
`The cable modem of claim 24, wherein said first information signal is
`comprised of eight voltage levels.
`The cable modem ofclaim 24, wherein said first information signalis
`comprised of sixteen voltage levels.
`The cable modemof claim 21, wherein said second information signalis
`comprised of two or more voltage levels.
`The cable modem ofclaim 27, wherein said second information signalis
`comprised of eight voltage levels.
`The cable modem of claim 27, wherein said second information signalis
`comprised of sixteen voltage levels.
`The cable modemofclaim 21, wherein saidfilter isolates an outputsignal,
`said output signal being transmitted from the cable modem overa coaxial cable.
`The cable modem of claim 21, wherein saidfilter isolates an output signal,
`said output signal being transmitted from the cable modem via a wireless method.
`Case 6:21-cv-00520-ADA Document 36-23 Filed 03/16/22 Page 8 of 20
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`Sorrells etal.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`Consideration of this Application is respectfully requested.
`Uponentry of the foregoing amendment, claims 1-5 and 9-31 are pendingin the application,
`with claims | and 21 being the independent claims. Claims 6, 7, and 8 are sought to be cancelled
`without prejudice to or disclaimer of the subject matter therein. Claims 1-5 and 9-31 are sought to
`be amended. These changes are believed to introduce no new matter, and their entry is respectfully
`Applicants believe that the present application is in condition for allowance. If the Examiner
`believes, for any reason, that personal communication will expedite prosecution of this application,
`the Examineris invited to telephone the undersigned at the numberprovided.
`Promptand favorable consideration of this Amendmentis respectfully requested.
`Réspéctfully submitted,
`Q. Lee
`Attorney for Applicants
`Registration No. 35,239
`G \40\ 0\
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Suite 600
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
`(202) 371-2600
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`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`Version with markings to show changes made
`In the Claims:
`1.(Amended) A [system] cable modem for down-converting an electromagnetic signal having
`complex modulations, comprising:
`an oscillator to generate an in-phase oscillating signal;
`a phase shifter to receive said in-phase oscillating signal and to create a quadrature-
`phaseoscillating signal;
`| a first universal frequency down-conversion module to receive the electromagnetic
`signal andsaid in-phase oscillating signal;
`a second universal frequency down-conversion module to receive the
`electromagnetic signal and said quadrature-phase oscillating signal; wherein
`said first universal frequency down-conversion module further comprisinga first
`' universal frequency [transfer] translation module anda first storage module, wherein saidfirst
`universal frequency [transfer] translation module samples the electromagnetic signal at a rate thatis
`a function ofsaid in-phase oscillating signal, thereby creating a first sampled signal; and
`said second universal frequency down-conversion module further comprising a
`second universal frequency[transfer] translation module and a second storage module, wherein said
`first universal frequency [transfer] translation module samples the electromagnetic signal at a rate
`that is a function of said quadrature-phase oscillating signal, thereby creating a second sampled
`2.(Amended) The [system] cable modem of claim 1, wherein said quadrature-phase oscillating
`signal is out of phase with said in-phase oscillating signal by substantially 90°.
`3.(Amended) The [system] cable modem of claim 1, wherein saidfirst storage device hasafirst
`storage first [side] port and a first storage second[side] port, said first storage first [side] port being
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`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`connectedto said first sampled signal, and said first storage second [side] port is connectedto a first
`reference potential, and said second storage device has a secondstoragefirst [side] port and a
`second storage second[side] port, said secondstoragefirst [side] port being connectedto said
`second sampled signal, and said second storage second[side] port is connected to a second
`reference potential.
`4.(Amended) The [system] cable modem of claim 3, wherein said first storage device is a first
`capacitor, and said second storage device is a second capacitor.
`5.(Amended) The [system] cable modem of claim 3, wherein said first reference potentialis
`substantially equal to ground, and said second reference potential is substantially equal to ground.
`Claims6, 7, and 8 are sought to be cancelled without prejudice or disclaimer.
`9.(Amended) The [system] cable modemof claim 1, wherein saidfirst sampled signal is comprised
`of two or morevoltagelevels.
`The [system] cable modem of claim 9, wherein said first sampled signalis
`comprised of eight voltage levels.
`The [system] cable modem of claim 9, wherein said first sampled signal is
`comprised of sixteen voltage levels.
`The [system] cable modem ofclaim 1, wherein said second sampledsignalis
`comprised of two or more voltagelevels.
`The [system] cable modem of claim 12, wherein said second sampledsignal
`is comprisedof eight voltage levels.
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`Sorrells etal.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`The [system] cable modem of claim 12, wherein said second sampledsignal
`is comprised of sixteen voltage levels.
`The [system] cable modem of claim 1, wherein said first sampled signalis a
`first information output signal, and said second sampledsignal is a second information output
`The [system] cable modem ofclaim 1, further comprising a first amplifier
`receiving said first sampled signal] and outputting a first amplified signal, and a second amplifier
`receiving said second sampledsignal and outputting a second amplified signal.
`17.(Amended) The [system] cable modem of claim 16, further comprisingafirst filter
`receiving said first amplified signal and outputtingafirst filtered signal, and a secondfilter
`receiving said second amplified signal and outputting a secondfiltered signal.
`The [system] cable modem of claim 1, further comprisinga first filter
`receiving said first sampled signal and outputtinga first filtered signal, and a secondfilter receiving
`said second sampledsignal and outputting a secondfiltered signal. .
`The [system] cable modem of claim 1, wherein the electromagnetic signal has
`been transmitted over a coaxial cable to [a] the cable modem.
`The [system] cable modem of claim 1, wherein the electromagnetic signal has
`been transmitted by a wireless methodto [a] the cable modem.
`A [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem, comprising:
`an oscillator to generate an in-phase oscillating signal;
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`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`a phase shifter to receive said in-phase oscillating signal and to create a quadrature-
`phaseoscillating signal;
`a first universal frequency translation module to receive said in-phase oscillating
`signal andafirst information signal, wherein said in-phase oscillating signal causes said first
`universal frequency translation module to gate saidfirst information signal and thereby generate a
`first periodic signal havingafirst plurality of harmonics[, said first periodic signal having an
`amplitude that is a function of said first information signal];
`a second universal frequencytranslation module to receive said quadrature-phase
`oscillating signal and a second information signal, wherein said quadrature-phaseoscillating signal
`causes said second universal frequency translation module to gate said second information signal
`and thereby generate a secondperiodic signal having a second plurality of harmonics[, said second
`periodic signal having an amplitude that is a function of said second information signal];
`a summercoupled to saidfirst universal frequency translation module andto said
`second universal frequencytranslation module, said summerto receive and combinesaidfirst
`periodic signal and said second periodic signal, and to output a combined periodic signal having a
`combinedplurality of harmonics; and
`a filter coupled to said summer,said filter to isolate at least one of said combined plurality of
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem ofclaim 21, wherein said
`in-phaseoscillating signal and said quadrature-phaseoscillating signal have substantially the same
`frequency and are out of phase with each other by substantially 90°.
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem of claim 21, further
`a first pulse shaping module connectedto said first universal frequency translation
`module,said first pulse shaping module accepting said in-phase oscillating signal and outputting a
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`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`first shaped oscillating signal, wherein said first shaped oscillating signal causes said first universal
`frequency translation moduleto gate said first information signal;
`a second pulse shaping module connected to said second universal frequency
`translation module, said second pulse shaping module accepting said quadrature-phase oscillating
`signal and outputting a second shapedoscillating signal, wherein said second shapedoscillating
`signal causes said second universal frequencytranslation module to gate said second information
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem of claim 21, wherein said
`first information signal is comprised of two or morevoltagelevels.
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem of claim 24, wherein said
`first information signal is comprised of eight voltage levels.
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem of claim 24, wherein said
`first information signal is comprised of sixteen voltage levels.
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem of claim 21, wherein said
`second information signal is comprised of two or more voltagelevels.
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem ofclaim 27, wherein said
`second information signal is comprised of eight voltage levels.
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem of claim 27, wherein said
`second information signal is comprised of sixteen voltage levels.
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`Sorrells et al.
`Appl. No. 09/770,675
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem of claim 21, wherein said
`filter isolates an outputsignal, said output signal being transmitted from [a] the cable modem over a
`coaxial cable.
`The [multiphase transmitting system] cable modem of claim 21, wherein said
`filter isolates an outputsignal, said output signal being transmitted from [a] the cable modem via a
`wireless method.
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`Case 6:21-cv-00520-ADA Document 36-23 Filed 03/16/22 Page 15 of 20
`WhatIs Claimed Is:
`ParkerVision Confidential
`A system for down-converting an electromagnetic signal having complex modulations,
`an oscillator to generate an in-phaseoscillating signal;
`a phaseshifter to receive said in-phaseoscillating signal andto create a
`quadrature-phase oscillating signal;
`a first universal frequency down-conversion module to receive the
`electromagnetic signal and said in-phase oscillating signal;
`a second universal frequency down-conversion module to receive the
`electromagnetic signal and said quadrature-phase oscillating signal; wherein
`said first universal frequency down-conversion module further comprisinga first
`universal frequencytransfer module anda first storage module, wherein said first universal
`frequency transfer module samplesthe electromagnetic signal at a rate that is a function ofsaid
`in-phase oscillating signal, thereby creating a first sampledsignal; and
`said second universal frequency down-conversion module further comprising a
`second universal frequency transfer module and a second storage module, wherein said first
`universal frequencytransfer module samplesthe electromagnetic signal at a rate that is a function
`of said quadrature-phaseoscillating signal, thereby creating a second sampledsignal.
`The system of claim 1, wherein said quadrature-phase oscillating signal is out of phase
`with said in-phase oscillating signal by substantially 90°.
`The system of claim 1, wherein said first storage device hasa first storage first side and a
`first storage secondside,said first storagefirst side being connectedto saidfirst sampled signal,
`and said first storage secondside is connected toafirst reference potential, and said second
`storage device has a secondstorage first side and a second storage second side, said second
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`Case 6:21-cv-00520-ADA Document 36-23 Filed 03/16/22 Page 16 of 20
`storage first side being connected to said second sampledsignal, and said second storage second
`side is connected to a second referencepotential.
`ParkerVision Confidential
`The system of claim 3, wherein said first storage deviceis a first capacitor, and said
`second storage device is a second capacitor.
`The system of claim 3, wherein said first reference potential is substantially equal to
`ground,and said second reference potential is substantially equal to ground.
`6. The system of claim 1,wherein the electromagnetic signal hasafirst frequency, said in-
`phase oscillating signal has a second frequency, and saidfirst sampled signal hasa first sampled
`frequency, and wherein said quadrature phaseoscillating signal has a third frequency,and said
`second sampled signal has a second sampledfrequency, wherein said first sampled frequencyis
`substantially equal to the difference between said first frequency and “n”
`times said second
`frequency, where “n”
`is a subharmonicofsaid first frequency, and said second sampled
`frequency is substantially equal to the difference between saidfirst frequency and “m’”times said
`third frequency, where “m”is a subharmonic ofsaid first frequency.
`The system of claim 6, wherein “m”
`is substantially equal to “n.”
`The system of claim 6, wherein said first sampled frequencyis substantially equal to zero,
`and said second sampled frequency is substantially equal to zero.
`The system of claim 1, wherein said first sampled signal is comprised of two or more
`voltage levels.
`The system of claim 9, wherein said first sampled signalis comprised of eight voltage
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`Case 6:21-cv-00520-ADA Document 36-23 Filed 03/16/22 Page 17 of 20
`The system of claim 9, wherein said first sampled signal is comprised of sixteen voltage
`ParkerVision Confidential
`The system of claim 1, wherein said second sampledsignal is comprised of two or more
`voltage levels.
`The system of claim 12, wherein said second sampled signal is comprisedof eight voltage
`The system of claim 12, wherein said second sampled signal is comprisedof sixteen
`voltage levels.
`The system of claim 1, wherein said first sampled signalis a first information output
`signal, and said second sampled signal is a second informationoutput signal.
`The system of claim 1, further comprisinga first amplifier receiving said first sampled
`signal and outputting a first amplified signal, and a second amplifier receiving said second
`sampled signal and outputting a second amplified signal.
`The system of claim 16, further comprisinga first filter receiving said first amplified
`signal and outputtinga first filtered signal, and a secondfilter receiving said second amplified
`signal and outputting a second filtered signal.
` =
`The system of claim 1, further comprisinga first filter receiving said first sampled signal
`and outputtinga first filtered signal, and a secondfilter receiving said second sampled signal and
`outputting a secondfiltered signal.
`~ 90 -
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`Case 6:21-cv-00520-ADA Document 36-23 Filed 03/16/22 Page 18 of 20
`The system of claim 1, wherein the electromagnetic signal has been transmitted over a
`coaxial cable to a cable modem.
`ParkerVision Confidential
`The system of claim 1, wherein the electromagnetic signal has been transmitted by a
`wireless method to a cable modem.
`A multiphase transmitting system, comprising:
`an oscillator to generate an in-phase oscillating signal;
`a phaseshifter to receive said in-phase oscillating signal and to create a
`quadrature-phase oscillating signal;
`a first universal frequency translation module to receive said in-phase oscillating
`signal anda first information signal, wherein said in-phase oscillating signal causessaid first
`universal frequency translation module to gate saidfirst information signal and thereby generate
`a first-periodic signal havinga first plurality of harmonics,said first periodic signal having an
` second periodic signal having an amplitudethat is a function of said second information signal;
`‘amplitude that is a function of said first information signal;
`a second universal frequency translation module to receive said quadrature-phase
`oscillating signal and a second information signal, wherein said quadrature-phaseoscillating
`signal causes said second universal frequency translation module to gate said second information
`signal and thereby generate a second periodic signal having a second plurality of harmonics, said
`a summer coupledto said first universal frequency translation module andto said
`second universal frequency translation module, said summerto receive and combinesaid first
`periodic signal andsaid second periodic signal, and to output a combinedperiodic signal having
`a combined plurality of harmonics; and
`a filter coupled to said summer,said filter to isolate at least one of said combined
`plurality of harmonics.
`- 9] -
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`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 21, wherein said in-phase oscillating signal
`and said quadrature-phase oscillating signal have substantially the same frequency and are out of
`phase with each other by substantially 90°.
`ParkerVision Confidential
`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 21, further comprising:
`a first pulse shaping module connected to said first universal frequency translation
`module, said first pulse shaping module accepting said in-phase oscillating signal and outputting
`a first shaped oscillating signal, wherein said first shaped oscillating signal causes saidfirst
`universal frequency translation module to gate said first information signal;
`a second pulse shaping module connected to said second universal frequency
`translation module, said second pulse shaping module accepting said quadrature-phase oscillating
`signal and outputting a second shapedoscillating signal, wherein said second shapedoscillating
`signal causes said second universal frequency translation module to gate said second information
` 25.
`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 21, wherein said first information signalis
`comprised of two or more voltage levels.
`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 24, wherein said first information signalis
`comprised of eight voltage levels.
`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 24, wherein said first information signal is
`comprised of sixteen voltage levels.
`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 21, wherein said second information signal
`is comprised of two or more voltage levels.
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`Case 6:21-cv-00520-ADA Document 36-23 Filed 03/16/22 Page 20 of 20
`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 27, wherein said second information signal
`is comprised of eight voltage levels.
`ParkerVision Confidential
`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 27, wherein said second information signal
`is comprised of sixteen voltage levels.
`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 21, wherein said filter isolates an output
`signal, said output signal being transmitted from a cable modem overa coaxial cable.
`The multiphase transmitting system of claim 21, wherein said filter isolates an output
`signal, said output signal being transmitted from a cable modem via a wireless method.
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