Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 1 of 22
`Exhibit E


`( 12 ) United States Patent
`Li et al .
`( 10 ) Patent No . : US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`* Oct . 15 , 2019
`( 71 ) Applicant : Neocific , Inc . , Bellevue , WA ( US )
`( 72 )
`Inventors : Xiaodong Li , Kirkland , WA ( US ) ;
`Haiming Huang , Bellevue , WA ( US ) ;
`Titus Lo , Bellevue , WA ( US ) ; Ruifeng
`Wang , Sammamish , WA ( US )
`( 73 ) Assignee : Neocific , Inc . , Bellevue , WA ( US )
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`( * ) Notice :
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days .
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis
`claimer .
`( 21 ) Appl . No . : 15 / 676 , 421
`Aug . 14 , 2017
`( 22 ) Filed :
`Prior Publication Data
`( 65 )
`US 2018 / 0183558 A1
`Jun . 28 , 2018
`Related U . S . Application Data
`( 63 ) Continuation of application No . 14 / 720 , 554 , filed on
`May 22 , 2015 , now Pat . No . 9 , 735 , 944 , which is a
`continuation of application No . 14 / 248 , 243 , filed on
`Apr . 8 , 2014 , now Pat . No . 9 , 042 , 337 , which is a
`continuation of application No . 13 / 115 , 055 , filed on
`May 24 , 2011 , now Pat . No . 8 , 693 , 430 , which is a
`continuation of application No . 11 / 908 , 257 , filed as
`( Continued )
`( 51 )
`Int . Cl .
`H04L 5 / 00
`H04L 27 / 26
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 58 )
`( 52 )
`H04L 1 / 00
`( 2006 . 01 )
`H04W 72 / 04
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`H04 ) 11 / 00
`( 2009 . 01 )
`H04W 52 / 14
`U . S . CI .
`. . H04L 5 / 0053 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04J 11 / 005
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 1 / 0003 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L
`1 / 0009 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 1 / 0029 ( 2013 . 01 ) ;
`H04L 5 / 006 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 5 / 0007
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 5 / 0044 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L
`27 / 2601 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W 52 / 146 ( 2013 . 01 ) ;
`H04W 72 / 04 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W 72 / 048
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 5 / 0094 ( 2013 . 01 )
`Field of Classification Search
`CPC . . . . . H04L 5 / 0053 ; H04L 1 / 0003 ; H04J 11 / 005
`See application file for complete search history .
`Primary Examiner — Chandrahas B Patel
`( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm - Perkins Coie LLP
`( 57 )
`A method and system for minimizing the control overhead
`a multi - carrier wireless communication network that
`utilizes a time - frequency resource is disclosed . In some
`embodiments , one or more zones in the time - frequency
`resource are designated for particular applications , such as a
`zone dedicated for voice - over - IP ( VOIP ) applications . By
`grouping applications of a similar type together within a
`zone , a reduction in the number of bits necessary for
`mapping a packet stream to a portion of the time - frequency
`resource can be achieved . In some embodiments , modular
`coding schemes associated with the packet streams may be
`selected that further reduce the amount of necessary control
`information . In some embodiments , packets may be classi
`fied for transmission in accordance with application type ,
`QoS parameters , and other properties . In some embodi
`ments , improved control messages may be constructed to
`facilitate the control process and minimize associated over
`head .
`18 Claims , 12 Drawing Sheets
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 2 of 22


`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`Page 2
`Related U . S . Application Data
`application No . PCT / US2006 / 038149 on Sep . 28 ,
`2006 , now Pat . No . 7 , 948 , 944 .
`( 60 ) Provisional application No . 60 / 721 , 451 , filed on Sep .
`28 , 2005 .
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 3 of 22


`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 1 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`FIG . 1
`' ' ' '
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 4 of 22


`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 2 of 12
`US 10 . 447 , 450 B2
`Channel decoding
`Subchoni demod .
`Freq . est . Timing est . Chnnl . Est .
`FIG . 2
`ilt !
`wwwmwwmwwmwwmwwmwwmwwmwwmwwmwwmwww … … … … … … … … …
`Subchannel and
`symbol construction
`23 Channel encoding and nodulation
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 5 of 22
`Frame & symbol synchronization
`- T - -


`U . S . Paten
`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 3 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`- 300
`Time slots
`FIG . 3
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 6 of 22
`( . . Subchannels


`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 4 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`Bich Br = v % Bch
`FIG . 4
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 7 of 22


`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 5 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`SAMMAP 2222 222 2233 $ 33 PAAAAP 3 3 2 3 3 $
`Subcarriers for subchannel 3
`Subcarriers for subchannel 2
`FIG . 5
`Subcarriers for subchannel 1
`Silent subcarriers
`Pilot subcarriers
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 8 of 22


`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 6 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`Zone 2
`Zone 1
`FIG . 6
`V3 , MCSI : 2
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 9 of 22
`VAMCSI ; = 1
`VMCSI - 4


`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 7 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`- - - - - - - - -
`Classification Rules
`RTP Payload
`Incoming Packets
`Data Queue
`Data Queue
`Voice Queue
`Voice Queue
`+ + +
`+ + + + +
`+ + + + + +
`+ + +
`+ + + + +
`+ + + + +
`+ + +
`+ + + + +
`+ + + + + +
`+ + + +
`+ + +
`+ + +
`+ + +
`+ +
`+ +
`FIG . 77
`OFDMA Transmitter
`| _ 720 _ _ 725 _
`1 P Header UDP Header RTP Header
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 10 of 22
`: : : : : :
`: : : : : : : : :
`: : : : : : :
`: : : :
`: : :
`: : : : :
`: : :
`: : :
`715 Ethernet Header


`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 8 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`- 850
`Es with QPSK 1 / 8 codes
`Es with QPSK VA codes
`Es with QPSK L codes
`Es with 16QAM codes
`FIG . 8B
`850 FIG . 8A
`VIE :
`AMAP Subheader
`Type - 01 , Length - 3
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 11 of 22


`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 9 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`- 900
`Mi338 3
`33 34
`1 /
`23 24
`\ / zne 2
`920 -
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 12 of 22
`36 37
`38 39
`920 FIG . 9


`U . S . Patent
`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 10 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`into silence period
`VZone allocation after voice connection ( VCD 2 ) goes
`FIG . 10A
`VZone allocation before voice connection ( VCID 2 ) goes
`into silence period
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 13 of 22


`U . S . Patent
`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 11 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`VCD 6 : VCD 10
`VCD 11
`VCD 1
`VCD 12
`VZone allocation after voice connection ( VCID 2 ) goes
`into silence period
`VCD 8
`FIG . 10B
`VCD 9
`VCID 10
`VCID 11
`VCD 12
`VCD 5
`VCD 6
`VZone allocation before voice connection ( VCID 2 ) goes
`into silence period
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 14 of 22
`VCD 3


`U . S . Patent
`Oct . 15 , 2019
`Sheet 12 of 12
`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`VZone allocation after voice connection ( VCID 2 ) goes
`into silence period
`FIG . 10C
`. .
`VCD 6
`VCID 4 .
`VZone allocation before voice connection ( VCD 2 ) goes
`into silence period
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 15 of 22


`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`requirements , the allocated resource region is irregular from
`connection to connection . As a still further example , the
`modulation and coding scheme for each connection is iden
`tified by a 4 - bit MCS code , identified as either a downlink
`5 interval usage code ( DIUC ) or an uplink interval usage code
`( UIUC ) . Another 2 bits are used to indicate the coding
`repetition in addition to 3 bits for power control . Overall , the
`overhead of a MAP message is 52 bits . For applications such
`as voice - over - IP
`( VOIP ) , the payload of an 8 Kbps voice
`This application is a continuation of , and incorporates by
`reference in its entirety , U . S . patent application Ser . No . 10 codec is 20 bytes in every 20 ms . The overhead of the MAP
`14 / 720 , 554 , filed on May 22 , 2015 , which is a continuation
`message alone can therefore account for as much as 32 . 5 %
`of U . S . patent application Ser . No . 14 / 248 , 243 , filed on Apr .
`of the overall data communication , thereby resulting in
`8 , 2014 , now U . S . Pat . No . 9 , 042 , 337 , which is a continu -
`relatively low spectral efficiency . It would therefore be
`ation of U . S . patent application Ser . No . 13 / 115 , 055 , filed on
`beneficial to reduce the overhead in a multi - carrier packet
`May 24 , 2011 , now U . S . Pat . No . 8 , 693 , 430 , which is a 15 communication system to improve the spectral efficiency of
`continuation of U . S . patent application Ser . No . 11 / 908 , 257 ,
`the system ,
`filed on Jul . 14 , 2008 , now U . S . Pat . No . 7 , 948 , 944 , which
`is a national stage application of PCT / US06 / 38149 , filed
`Sep . 28 , 2006 , which claims the benefit of U . S . Provisional
`FIG . 1 illustrates the coverage of a wireless communica
`Patent Application No . 60 / 721 , 451 , filed on Sep . 28 , 2005 . 20
`tion network that is comprised of a plurality of cells .
`This application is related to , and incorporates by refer -
`FIG . 2 is a block diagram of a receiver and a transmitter ,
`ence in
`its entirety , U . S . patent application Ser . No . 13 / 631 ,
`such as might be used in a multi - carrier wireless commu
`735 , filed on Sep . 28 , 2012 , now U . S . Pat . No . 8 , 634 , 376 .
`nication network .
`FIG . 3 is a block diagram depicting a division of com
`munication capacity in a physical media resource .
`FIG . 4 is a graphical depiction of the relationship between
`The disclosed technology relates , in general , to wireless
`a sampling frequency , a channel bandwidth , and usable
`communication and , in particular , to multi - carrier packet
`subcarriers in a channel .
`communication networks .
`FIG . 5 is a graphical depiction of the structure of a
`multi - carrier signal in the frequency domain .
`FIG . 6 is a block diagram of a time - frequency resource
`utilized by a wireless communication network .
`Bandwidth efficiency is one of the most important system
`FIG . 7 is a block diagram of a classifier for classifying
`performance factors for wireless communication systems . In
`packet based data communication , where the traffic has a 35 received packets by application , QoS , or other factor .
`bursty and irregular pattern , application payloads are typi -
`FIGS . 8A and 8B are block diagrams of representative
`cally of different sizes and with different quality of service
`control message formats .
`( QoS ) requirements . In order to accommodate different
`FIG . 9 is a block diagram of a special resource zone with
`applications , a wireless communication system should be
`unit sequence defined in time - first order .
`able to provide a high degree of flexibility . However , in 40
`FIGS . 10A - 10C are block diagrams illustrating the real
`order to support such flexibility , additional overhead is
`located of resources within a resource zone .
`usually required . For example , in a wireless system based on
`the IEEE 802 . 16 standard ( “ WiMAX ” ) , multiple packet
`streams are established for each mobile station to support
`different applications . At the medium access control ( MAC ) 45
`A system and method for minimizing the control overhead
`layer , each packet stream is mapped into a wireless connec -
`a multi - carrier wireless communication network that
`tion . The MAC scheduler allocates wireless airlink
`utilizes a time - frequency resource is disclosed . In some
`resources to these connections . Special scheduling mes -
`embodiments , one or more zones in the time - frequency
`sages , DL - MAP and UL - MAP , are utilized to broadcast the
`resource are designated for particular applications , such as a
`scheduling decisions to the mobile stations .
`50 zone dedicated for voice - over - IP ( VOIP ) applications . By
`In the MAP scheduling message defined by IEEE802 . 16 ,
`grouping applications of a similar type together within a
`there is significant control overhead . For example , each
`zone , a reduction in the number of bits necessary for
`connection is identified by a 16 bits connection ID ( CID ) .
`mapping a packet stream to a portion of the time - frequency
`The CID is included in the MAP message to identify the
`resource can be achieved . In some embodiments , modular
`mobile station . The maximum number of connections that a 55 coding schemes associated with the packet streams may be
`system can support is therefore 65 , 536 . Each mobile station
`selected that further reduce the amount of necessary control
`has at least two management connections for control and
`information .
`management messages and a various number of traffic
`In some embodiments , packets may be classified for
`connections for application data traffic . As another example ,
`transmission in accordance with application type , los
`each connection includes the identification of an airlink 60 parameters , and other properties . An application connection
`resource that can correspond to any time / frequency region
`specific identifier ( ACID ) may also be assigned to a packet
`that is allocated for communication . The resource allocation
`stream . Both measures reduce the overhead associated with
`is identified in the time domain scale with a start symbol
`managing multiple application streams in a communication
`offset ( 8 bits ) and a symbol length ( 7 bits ) and in the
`network .
`frequency domain scale with a start logical subchannel offset 65
`In some embodiments , improved control messages may
`( 6 bits ) and a number of allocated subchannels ( 6 bits ) . Due
`be constructed to facilitate the control process and minimize
`to the fact that different applications have different resource
`associated overhead . The control messages may include
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 16 of 22


`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`a communication signal containing the data that is input to
`information such as the packet destination , the modulation
`the transmitter 200 . Other forms of transmitter may , of
`and coding method , and the airlink resource used . Control
`course , be used depending on the requirements of the
`messages of the same application type or subtype , modula
`communication network .
`tion and coding scheme , or other parameter may be grouped
`The receiver 205 comprises a reception component 230 ,
`together for efficiency .
`While the following discussion contemplates the applica
`a frame and synchronization component 235 , a fast Fourier
`tion of the disclosed technology to an Orthogonal Frequency
`transform component 240 , a frequency , timing , and channel
`Division Multiple Access ( OFDMA ) system , those skilled in
`estimation component 245 , a subchannel demodulation
`the art will appreciate that the technology can be applied to
`component 250 , and a channel decoding component 255 .
`other system formats such as Code Division Multiple Access 10 The channel decoding component de - interleaves , decodes ,
`( CDMA ) , Multi - Carrier Code Division Multiple Access
`and derandomizes a signal that is received by the receiver .
`( MC - CDMA ) , or others . Without loss of generality ,
`The receiver recovers data from the signal and outputs the
`OFDMA is therefore only used as an example to illustrate
`data for use by the mobile device or base station . Other
`the present technology . In addition , the following discussion
`forms of receiver may , of course , be used depending on the
`uses voice - over - IP as a representative application to which 15 requirements of the communication network .
`the disclosed technology can be applied . The disclosed
`FIG . 3 is a block diagram depicting the division of
`technology is equally applicable to other applications
`communication capacity in a physical media resource 300
`including , but not limited to , audio and video .
`( e . g . , radio or cable ) into frequency and time domains . The
`The following description provides specific details for a
`frequency is divided into two or more subchannels 305 ,
`thorough understanding of , and enabling description for , 20 represented in the diagram as subchannels 1 , 2 , . . . m . Time
`various embodiments of the technology . One skilled in the
`is divided into two or more time slots 310 , represented in the
`art will understand that the technology may be practiced
`diagram as time slots 1 , 2 , . . . n . The canonical division of
`without these details . In some instances , well - known struc
`the resource by both time and frequency provides a high
`tures and functions have not been shown or described in
`degree of flexibility and fine granularity for resource sharing
`detail to avoid unnecessarily obscuring the description of the 25 between multiple applications or multiple users of the
`embodiments of the technology . It is intended that the
`resource .
`terminology used in the description presented below be
`FIG . 4 is a block diagram representing the relationship
`interpreted in its broadest reasonable manner , even though it
`between the bandwidth of a given channel and the number
`is being used in conjunction with a detailed description of
`of usable subcarriers within that channel . A multi - carrier
`certain embodiments of the technology . Although certain 30 signal in the frequency domain is made up of subcarriers . In
`terms may be emphasized below , any terminology intended
`FIG . 4 , the sampling frequency is represented by the vari
`to be interpreted in any restricted manner will be overtly and
`able fs , the bandwidth of the channel is represented by the
`specifically defined as such in this Detailed Description
`variable Boh , and the effective bandwidth by the variable Box
`section .
`( where the effective bandwidth is a percentage of the chan
`35 ( Where the
`I . Wireless Communication Network
`nel bandwidth ) . The number of usable subcarriers within the
`FIG . 1 is a representative diagram of a wireless commu
`channel is defined by the following equation :
`nication network 100 that services a geographic region . The
`geographic region is divided into a plurality of cells 105 , and
`wireless coverage is provided in each cell by a base station
`( BS ) 110 . One or more mobile devices ( not shown ) may be 40
`fixed or may roam within the geographic region covered by
`the network . The mobile devices are used as an interface
`is the length of the fast Fourier transform . Those
`Where N
`between users and the network . Each base station is con
`skilled in the art will appreciate that for a given bandwidth
`nected to the backbone of the network , usually by a dedi -
`cated link . A base station serves as a focal point to transmit 45 of a spectral band or channel ( Bob ) , the number of usable
`information to and receive information from the mobile
`subcarriers is finite and limited , and depends on the size of
`devices within the cell that it serves by radio signals . Note
`the FFT , the sampling frequency ( f ) , and the effective
`that if a cell is divided into sectors , from a system engineer -
`bandwidth ( B
`) in accordance with equation 1 .
`ing point of view each sector can be considered as a cell . In
`FIG . 5 is a signal diagram depicting the various subcar
`this context , the terms “ cell ” and “ sector ” are interchange - 50 riers and subchannels that are contained within a given
`able .
`channel . There are three types of subcarriers : ( 1 ) data
`In a wireless communication system with base stations
`subcarriers , which carry information data ; ( 2 ) pilot subcar
`and mobile devices , the transmission from a base station to
`riers , whose phases and amplitudes are predetermined and
`a mobile device is called a downlink ( DL ) and the trans -
`made known to all receivers , and which are used for
`mission from a mobile device to a base station is called an 55 assisting system functions such as estimation of system
`uplink ( UL ) . FIG . 2 is a block diagram of a representative
`parameters ; and ( 3 ) silent subcarriers , which have no energy
`transmitter 200 and receiver 205 that may be used in base
`and are used for guard bands and as a DC carrier . The data
`stations and mobile devices to implement a wireless com -
`subcarriers can be arranged into groups called subchannels
`munication link . The transmitter comprises a channel encod -
`to support scalability and multiple - access . The subcarriers
`ing and modulation component 210 , which applies data bit 60 forming one subchannel may or may not be adjacent to each
`randomization , forward error correction ( FEC ) encoding ,
`other . Each mobile device may use some or all of the
`interleaving , and modulation of an input data signal . The
`channel encoding and modulation component is coupled to
`A multi - carrier signal in the time domain is generally
`a subchannel and symbol construction component 215 , an
`made up of time frames , time slots , and OFDM symbols . A
`inverse fast Fourier transform ( IFFT ) component 220 , and a 65 frame consists of a number of time slots , and each time slot
`radio transmitter component 225 . Those skilled in the art
`is comprised of one or more OFDM symbols . The OFDM
`will appreciate that these components construct and transmit
`time domain waveform is generated by applying an inverse
`# usable subcarriers = -
`XN fft
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 17 of 22


`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-5 Filed 04/28/21 Page 18 of 22
`information necessary to map to an arbitrary starting and
`fast - Fourier - transform ( IFFT ) to the OFDM symbols in the
`ending coordinate in the entire time - frequency resource .
`frequency domain . A copy of the last portion of the time
`Within each zone 6050 , 605b , . . . 605n , the time
`domain waveform , known as the cyclic prefix ( CP ) , is
`frequency resource may be further divided in accordance
`inserted in the beginning of the waveform itself to form an
`OFDM symbol .
`5 with certain rules to accommodate multiple packet streams
`V1 , V2 , . . . Vm . For example , as depicted in FIG . 6 , zone
`In some embodiments , a mapper such as the subchannel
`and symbol construction component 215 in
`FIG . 2 is
`605a is divided into multiple columns and the packet
`designed to map the logical frequency / subcarrier and OFDM
`streams are arranged from top down in each column and
`from left to right across the columns . The width of each
`symbol indices seen by upper layer facilities , such as the
`MAC resource scheduler or the coding and modulation 10 column can be a certain number of subcarriers . Each packet
`modules , to the actual physical subcarrier and OFDM sym
`stream V1 , V2 , . . . Vm may be associated with an application .
`bol indices . A contiguous time - frequency area before the
`For example , V , is the resource segment to be used for the
`mapping may be actually discontinuous after the mapping
`first voice packet stream , V , is the resource segment to be
`and vice versa . On the other hand , in
`a special case , the
`used for the second voice packet stream , etc . While the zone
`mapping may be a “ null process ” , which maintains the same 15 605a is divided and the packet streams numbered starting at
`time and frequency indices before and after the mapping .
`an origin of the zone , it will be appreciated that the division
`The mapping process may change from time slot to time
`of the time - frequency resource in accordance with certain
`slot , from frame to frame , or from cell to cell . Without loss
`rules may start at other origin locations within the zone as
`of generality , the terms “ resource ” , “ airlink resource ” , and
`well . Segments within each zone may be dynamically allo
`" time - frequency resource ” as used herein may refer to either 20 cated by the system as requested and released by the system
`the time - frequency resource before such mapping or after
`when expressly or automatically terminated .
`such mapping .
`When the zones are further subdivided into time - fre
`II . Airlink Resource Zones
`quency segments in accordance with certain rules , a map
`Various technologies are now described that may be
`ping of packet streams to segment may be achieved using a
`utilized in conjunction with the wireless communication 25 one - dimensional offset with respect to the origin of the zone
`network 100 in order to reduce the amount of control
`rather than the two - dimensional ( i . e . starting time - frequency
`overhead associated with the use of system resources . By
`coordinate and ending time - frequency coordinate relative to
`reducing the control overhead , greater spectral efficiency is
`the starting point of the zone ) mapping method discussed
`achieved allowing the system to , among other benefits ,
`above . Calculation of such an offset may require knowledge
`maximize the amount of simultaneously supported commu - 30 of a modulation and coding scheme that is associated with
`nications .
`a particular packet stream . For example , Table 1 below sets
`FIG . 6 is a map of a time - frequency resource 600 that is
`forth representative modulation and forward - error correc
`allocated for use by the wireless communication network
`tion ( FEC ) coding schemes ( MCS ) that may be used for
`100 . As described above , in a typical wireless system based
`voice packet streams under various channel conditions .
`on the IEEE 802 . 16 standard ( “ WiMAX ” ) , multiple packet 35
`streams are established for each mobile device to support
`different applications . At the medium access control ( MAC )
`layer , each packet stream is mapped into a wireless connec
`tion . As a result , various applications carried in packet
`streams may be spread throughout the available time - fre - 40 1
`quency resource . To overcome the inefficiencies associated
`with maintaining this mapping , FIG . 6 depicts an alternative
`way of managing multiple packet streams . The time - fre
`quency resource 600 may be divided into one or more zones
`In some embodiments , the MCS may be selected to utilize
`6050 , 605b , . . . 605n . Each of the zones 6050 , 605b , . . . 45
`modular resources . For example , as illustrated in Table 1 , 80
`605n is associated with a particular type of application . For
`raw modulation symbols are needed to transmit 160 infor
`example , zone 605a may be associated with voice applica -
`mation bits using 16QAM modulation and rate - 1 / 2 coding ,
`tions ( e . g . , VoIP ) , zone 605b may be associated with video
`the highest available MCS in the table . The resource utilized
`applications , and so on . As will be described in additional
`detail below , by grouping like applications together the 50 by this highest MCS is called a basic resource unit ( “ Unit ” ) ,
`amount of control overhead in MAC headers is reduced .
`i . e . , 80 raw symbols in this example . The resource utilized
`Zones may be dynamically allocated , modified , or termi -
`by other MCS is simply an integer multiple of the basic unit .
`For example , four units are required to transmit the same
`nated by the system .
`When applications of a similar type are grouped together
`number of information bits using QPSK modulation with
`within a zone , a reduction in the number of bits necessary for 55 rate - 1 / 4 coding . The MCS index ( MCSI ) conveys the infor
`mapping a packet stream to a time - frequency segment can
`mation about modulation and coding schemes . For a known
`be achieved . In some embodiments , the identification of the
`vocoder , MCSI also implies the number of AMC resource
`time - frequency segment associated with a particular packet
`units required for a voice packet . Those skilled in the art will
`stream can be indicated by the starting time - frequency
`appreciate that coding and signal repetition can be combined
`coordinate and the ending time - frequency coordinate rela - 60 to provide lower coding rates . For example , rate - 1 / 8 coding
`tive to the starting point of the zone . The granularity in the
`can be realized by a concatenation of rate - 1 / 2 coding and
`time coordinates can be one or multiple OFDM symbols ,
`4 - time repetition .
`and that in the frequency coordinates can be one or multiple
`The decision process for selecting the proper MCS of a
`subcarriers . If the time - frequency resource is divided into
`packet can vary by application . In some embodiments , the
`two or more zones , the amount of control information 65 process for voice packets can be more conservative than that
`necessary to map to a location relative to the starting point
`for general data packets due to the QoS requirements of the
`of the zone may be significantly less than the amount of
`voice applications . For example , when the signal to inter
`symbols Units
`Information bits


`US 10 , 447 , 450 B2
`allocates a fixed amount of resource to each voice connec
`ference noise ratio ( SINR ) is used as a threshold for select -
`tion . The system uses AMC and matches it with adaptive
`ing the MCS , the threshold value for voice packets is set
`multi - rate ( AMR ) voice coding to improve the voice quality .
`higher than that for general data packets . For example , the
`Moreover , unused resources in one application zone may be
`SINR threshold of QPSK with rate - 1 / 2 coding for voice
`5 allocated for other applications .
`packets is 12 dB , while that for general data packets is 10
`In a system with one or multiple application zones , the
`dB .
`remaining resource unused by the application zones can be
`If a MCS from Table 1 is selected for each packet stream
`treated as a special resource zone . The special resource zone
`contained in
`a particular zone , the offset to
`a segment
`may be irregular in shape . For example , FIG . 9 depicts a
`representing a particular packet stream may be easily cal -
`10 time - frequency resource 900 having three defined zones
`culated . For example , an index VZI , VZI , . . . VZI ,
`905 , 910 , and 915 . The remaining resource area that is
`shown at the origin of each segment that is contained in the
`shaded in the figure represents the special resource zone .
`zone 605a . The index for any selected packet stream is
`The MAC scheduler may track the time - frequency resources
`defined as the sum of all basic resource units associated with
`in this special zone and broadcast the resource allocation in
`each packet stream preceding the selected packet stream ,
`a special zone MAP message . In some embodiments , the
`with an optional adjustment depending on the location 15
`special zone MA

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