Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 1 of 27
`Exhibit B


`( 12 ) United States Patent
`Huang et al .
`( 10 ) Patent No . : US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`( 71 ) Applicant : Neocific , Inc . , Bellevue , WA ( US )
`( 72 ) Inventors : Haiming Huang , Bellevue , WA ( US ) ;
`Xiaodong Li , Kirkland , WA ( US ) ;
`Titus Lo , Bellevue , WA ( US ) ; Kemin
`Li , Bellevue , WA ( US )
`( 73 ) Assignee : Neocific , Inc . , Bellevue , WA ( US )
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`( * ) Notice :
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days .
`( 21 ) Appl . No . : 14 / 160 , 420
`( 22 )
`Filed :
`Jan . 21 , 2014
`( 65 )
`( 65 )
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2014 / 0133444 A1
`May 15 , 2014
`Related U . S . Application Data
`( 62 ) Division of application No . 13 / 605 , 784 , filed on Sep .
`6 , 2012 , now Pat . No . 8 , 634 , 375 , which is a division
`( Continued )
`( 51 ) Int . Ci .
`H04N 21 / 438
`H04W 4 / 06
`( 52 )
`( 2011 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( Continued )
`U . S . CI .
`CPC . . . . . . . H04L 12 / 1881 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 5 / 0007
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 5 / 14 ( 2013 . 01 ) ;
`( Continued )
`( 58 )
`( 56 )
`Field of Classification Search
`CPC . . . . . . . . H04L 1 / 0003 ; HO4L 1 / 0061 ; H04L 1 / 18
`( Continued )
`References Cited
`4 / 1996 Awaji
`5 , 506 , 615 A
`5 , 659 , 545 A
`8 / 1997 Sowles et al .
`( Continued )
`Final Office Action for U . S . Appl . No . 11 / 571 , 468 , dated Mar . 18 ,
`2011 , 24 pages .
`( Continued )
`Primary Examiner - Qun Shen
`( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm — Perkins Coie LLP
`( 57 )
`In a cellular wireless network , methods and apparatus are
`disclosed for a signal broadcasting scheme that can be
`individually augmented for users with poor reception . The
`network employs a first downlink channel for broadcasting
`data to all mobile stations , a second downlink channel for
`sending signals to a specific mobile station in a cell , and an
`uplink channel for feeding back information to the base
`station . To achieve a certain user reception quality , the
`system adjusts its broadcasting parameters based on the
`statistical analysis of the feedback data . If some users still
`require better reception , the system individually augments
`their broadcast signals via the second downlink channels .
`Methods and apparatus are also disclosed for synchroniza
`tion of data distribution by base stations , which , in part ,
`allows the receivers to combine the receiving signals and
`improve their reception quality .
`15 Claims , 13 Drawing Sheets
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`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 2 of 27
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`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`Page 2
`Related U . S . Application Data
`of application No . 13 / 301 , 595 , filed on Nov . 21 , 2011 ,
`now Pat . No . 8 , 374 , 115 , which is a division of
`application No . 11 / 571 , 468 , filed as application No .
`PCT / US2006 / 011088 on Mar . 24 , 2006 , now Pat . No .
`8 , 089 , 911 .
`( 51 )
`( 52 )
`( 58 )
`( 56 )
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 3 of 27
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2011 . 01 )
`( 2011 . 01 )
`( 2011 . 01 )
`( 2011 . 01 )
`( 2011 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 60 ) Provisional application No . 60 / 665 , 184 , filed on Mar .
`25 , 2005 , provisional application No . 60 / 665 , 205 ,
`filed on Mar . 25 , 2005 .
`Int . Cl .
`H04L 12 / 18
`H04N 21 / 2385
`H04N 21 / 262
`HO4N 21 / 442
`H04N 21 / 61
`H04N 21 / 658
`H04W 72 / 00
`H04L 5 / 00
`H04L 5 / 14
`H04W 52 / 02
`H04L 1 / 00
`H04L 1 / 18
`H04W 72 / 04
`H04W 84 / 04
`H04W 92 / 10
`U . S . CI .
`CPC . . . H04N 21 / 2385 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04N 21 / 26208
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04N 21 / 44209 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04N
`21 / 6131 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04N 21 / 6582 ( 2013 . 01 ) ;
`H04W 52 / 0216 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W 72 / 005
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 1 / 0003 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L
`1 / 0061 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 1 / 18 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L
`2001 / 0093 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W 72 / 04 ( 2013 . 01 ) ;
`H04W 84 / 042 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W 92 / 10
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; YO2D 70 / 00 ( 2018 . 01 ) ; YO2D
`70 / 142 ( 2018 . 01 ) ; YO2D 70 / 146 ( 2018 . 01 ) ;
`YO2D 70 / 164 ( 2018 . 01 ) ; YO2D 70 / 168
`( 2018 . 01 )
`Field of Classification Search
`USPC . . . . . . 370 / 330 , 312 , 349 – 350 , 473 – 474 , 498
`See application file for complete search history .
`References Cited
`5 , 734 , 444 A
`3 / 1998 Yoshinobu
`5 , 794 , 116 A
`8 / 1998 Matsuda et al .
`5 , 878 , 324 A
`3 / 1999 Borth et al .
`6 , 201 , 970 B1
`3 / 2001 Suzuki et al .
`6 , 256 , 509 B1
`7 / 2001 Tanaka et al .
`6 , 292 , 474 B1 *
`9 / 2001 Ali . . . . . . .
`6 , 370 , 153 B1
`4 / 2002 Eng
`6 , 529 , 146 B1
`3 / 2003 Kowalski et al .
`6 , 701 , 528 B1 .
`3 / 2004 Arsenault et al .
`6 , 788 , 959 B2
`9 / 2004 Jokinen et al .
`6 , 950 , 624 B2
`9 / 2005 Kim et al .
`6 , 965 , 580 B1
`11 / 2005 Takagi et al .
`7 , 050 , 511 B2
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`7 , 085 , 576 B2 . 8 / 2006 Ranganathan
`7 , 184 , 726 B2
`2 / 2007 Shibata
`7 , 197 , 025 B2 . 3 / 2007 Chuah
`7 , 200 , 124 B2 *
`4 / 2007 Kim et al .
`7 , 203 , 158 B2
`4 / 2007 Oshima et al .
`7 , 324 , 832 B2 . 1 / 2008 van Rooyen
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`2 / 2008 Muller
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`9 / 2008 Lee et al .
`7 , 500 , 261 B1 *
`3 / 2009 Myers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H04H 20 / 33
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`8 , 046 , 801 B2
`1 / 2012 Huang et al .
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`1 / 2006 Dorenbosch
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`2006 / 0018347 A1 *
`1 / 2006 Agrawal
`2006 / 0019677 AL
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`. . . 370 / 328
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`. . . . . . . . . . 370 / 337
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`. . . 714 / 752
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`Application No . PCT / US06 / 11088 , filed Mar . 24 , 2006 , Application
`Neocific , Inc . , dated Jul . 28 , 2006 , 9 pages .
`International Search Report and Written Opionion for International
`Applicstion No . PCT / US06 / 22376 , Filed Jun . 6 , 2006 , Applicant :
`Neocific , Inc . , dated Mar . 27 , 2007 , 8 pages .


`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`Page 3
`( 56 )
`References Cited
`Non - Final Office Action for U . S . Appl . No . 11 / 571 , 468 , dated Jun .
`24 , 2010 , 19 pages .
`Non - Final Office Action for U . S . Appl . No . 13 / 605 , 784 , dated Mar .
`4 , 2013 , 14 pages .
`Notice of Allowance for U . S . Appl . No . 11 / 571 , 468 , dated Nov . 15 ,
`2011 , 15 pages .
`Notice of Allowance for U . S . Appl . No . 13 / 301 , 595 , dated Dec . 28 ,
`2012 , 13 pages .
`* cited by examiner
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 4 of 27


`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 1 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`i Base Station
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`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 5 of 27
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`Aug . 7 , 2018
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`Sheet 2 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
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`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 3 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`FIG . 3
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`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 7 of 27
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`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 4 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`f Band
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`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 8 of 27
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`Multiple Frequency Band AFS
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`FIG . 4
`Multiple Frequency Band AFS
`Configuration !


`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 5 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
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`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 9 of 27
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`U . S . Patent
`Aug 7 , 2018
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 6 of 13
`Sheet 6 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`Decision Making DB
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`- -
`Feedback Collector
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`- . -
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`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 10 of 27
`Transmission Mapping Engine
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`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 7 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
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`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 11 of 27
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`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 8 of 13
`es mas
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`Central Control Server
`Time reference ( 4 . 8 . , GPS )
`Distribution Adunter
`BS 13
`Time reference ( e . g . , GPS )
`Receiving Adapter
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`FIG . 8
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`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 12 of 27
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`Receiving Adapter
`Time reference ( 4 . 8 . , GPS )
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`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 9 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
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`FIG . 9
`Distribution Protocol Header
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`Packet Header
`Packet Header
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`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 13 of 27
`Original Packet Format
`Distribution Packet Format


`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 10 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`CRC Porce
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`Distribution Protocol
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`Packet Header
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`Packet Header
`Distribution Protocol
`Encapsulation & Compression
`FIG . 10
`Distribution Packet Format
`Original Packet Format
`Distribution Packet Format
`Packet Header
`Original Packet Format
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 14 of 27


`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 11 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`www .
`- Payload
`{ arket Header
`- Payload
`Packet Header
`tas more - - - waar
`- -
`- - tomate - - - - - - -
`. . . - - - -
`New data payload
`FIG . 11
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 15 of 27
`Distribution Protocol
`- -
`Packet { ?ater
`Original Packets Format
`Distribution Packet Format


`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 12 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`www .
`New data payload
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`the - - - - -
`where to
`ww where
`Distribution Protocol Header
`? ??
`FIG . 12
`New data peyond
`New data payload
`Distribution Protocol Header
`Distribution Packer
`Distribution Packet Format
`voor een * * * , - - - - - - - - - * * * * . - tein - - - -
`Packet Header
`Original Packets PR100
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 16 of 27


`U . S . Patent
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`Sheet 13 of 13
`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`ww . wen we
`A mi me
`Len = N
`Retrieve Control Info .
`Distributio " DPH
`wwwt w
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 17 of 27
`P2 )
`DA Assemble
`Original Packets
`Transmission Segment
`Len = N
`Distribution Packer
`m . net
`sim .
`o o
`" Ta [ w ] bí [ w ] Ba
`1 | TH
`71 TH
`Transmission Packet *
`FIG . 13


`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`commonly known as the single frequency network ( SFN ) ,
`which has been used in applications such as the digital video
`broadcasting ( DVB ) system .
`In the case of the DVB , the broadcasting video data ,
`5 which is in the format of Moving Picture Experts Group 2
`( MPEG - 2 ) transport streams , is coded into a mega - frame
`format and is distributed to the base stations with a time
`stamp in the synchronized bit stream . The base stations are
`This application is a divisional of , and incorporates by
`all synchronized to a common time source and use the time
`reference in its entirety , U . S . patent application Ser . No .
`137605 , 784 , now U . S . Pat . No . 8 , 634 , 375 , filed Sep . 6 , 2012 , " stamp to synchronize exact transmission time of the broad
`which is a divisional of U . S . patent application Ser . No .
`cast data . However , recently more and more new wireless
`13 / 301 , 595 , now U . S . Pat . No . 8 , 374 , 115 , filed Nov . 21 ,
`data network infrastructures use packet data networks as
`2011 , which is a divisional of U . S . patent application Ser .
`their backbone . A packet data network has a bursty packet
`No . 11 / 571 , 468 , now U . S . Pat . No . 8 , 089 , 911 , having a 371 15 arrival pattern , random receiving packet order and multiple
`date of Nov . 28 , 2007 , which is a National Phase Application
`distribution paths , which is significantly different from those
`of PCT / US2006 / 011088 , filed Mar . 24 , 2006 , which claims
`of the MPEG - 2 transport streams . Therefore , the DVB
`the benefit of U . S . Provisional Patent Applications No .
`approach is not suitable for a packet data network and for a
`SFN video broadcasting that uses a packet data network
`60 / 665 , 184 and 60 / 665 , 205 , filed on Mar . 25 , 2005 .
`20 backbone .
`The disclosed embodiments relate , in general , to wireless
`FIG . 1 illustrates system architecture of a cellular wireless
`communication and include methods and apparatus for
`signal broadcasting which is augmented by individual sig - 25 system .
`FIG . 2 illustrates a cellular system with a base station that
`nals .
`broadcasts data to mobile stations using either a downlink
`broadcast channel or a downlink regular channel .
`FIG . 3 illustrates an adaptable frame structure ( AFS ) in a
`The evolution of wireless systems has followed two 30 TDD system , wherein each subframe in a TDD frame can be
`designed to fit a special application .
`different paths : radio and television broadcasting . Wireless
`communication started with paging and dispatch systems .
`FIG . 4 illustrates two examples of channel scheduling for
`Wireless voice communication became a booming industry
`an AFS system , using multiple frequency bands .
`in the past two decades . The last five years has witnessed
`FIG . 5 illustrates another example of a system frame
`many wireless data communication systems such as wireless 35 structure configuration that has two types of 5 ms frames : a
`video frame and a data frame .
`local area network ( WLAN ) and broadband wireless access
`FIG . 6 illustrates system architecture of an Intelligent
`( BWA ) systems . With digitalization and the advancements
`Scheduling Agent ( IMA ) .
`of the digital communication technology , digital broadcast
`FIG . 7 illustrates an example of an intelligent bit stream
`ing has become a new trend with digital video broadcast
`40 scheduling for AFS .
`( DVB ) and digital audio broadcast ( DAB ) systems as
`FIG . 8 illustrates a basic architecture of a synchronized
`examples .
`packet distribution network ( SPDN ) .
`Recently , there is a trend of merging wireless technologies
`FIG . 9 is an example of a distribution data packet format .
`to provide support to multimedia applications in integrated
`FIG . 10 is another example of the distribution data packet
`environments . The third generation ( 3G ) wireless commu - 45 format
`FIG . 11 is yet another example of the distribution data
`nication systems have already integrated voice and data
`services . The recent WiMax technology is focused on a
`packet format .
`single platform to support broadband application with qual
`FIG . 12 illustrates a distribution data packet format .
`ity of service ( QoS ) .
`FIG . 13 illustrates DA and RA processes .
`Naturally , the integration of the broadcast and the com - 50
`munication systems is the next step in the evolution of the
`wireless systems , but involves many challenges . For
`example , the broadcast system needs to deal with broadcast
`Various embodiments of the invention will now be
`channels that have different characteristics . Also , the sched -
`described . The following description provides specific
`uler needs to optimally work with two downlink transmis - 55 details for a thorough understanding and enabling descrip
`sion paths : the broadcast channel and the regular ( indi
`tion of these embodiments . One skilled in the art will
`vidual ) channel . However , integration of a broadcast system
`understand , however , that the invention may be practiced
`with a communication system without sharing certain con -
`without many of these details . Additionally , some well
`trol information is not an optimized solution .
`known structures or functions may not be shown or
`In a broadcasting system , content data from the source is 60 described in detail , so as to avoid unnecessarily obscuring
`delivered to multiple transmission base stations , which
`the relevant description of the various embodiments
`broadcast to receivers using a particular transmission
`The terminology used in the description presented below
`method such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Modulation
`is intended to be interpreted in
`its broadest reasonable
`( OFDM ) . To alleviate the problem of interference from
`manner , even though it is being used in conjunction with a
`different base stations , the broadcasting data is simultane - 65 detailed description of certain specific embodiments of the
`ously transmitted by all the base stations using same time
`invention . Certain terms may even be emphasized below ;
`frequency resource . This type of network configuration is
`however , any terminology intended to be interpreted in any
`Case 6:21-cv-00026-ADA Document 12-2 Filed 04/28/21 Page 18 of 27


`US 10 , 044 , 517 B2
`server , using source coding schemes . The disclosed embodi
`restricted manner will be overtly and specifically defined as
`such in this Detailed Description section .
`ments also define a system component called IMA ( Intelli
`gent Scheduling Agent ) in the transmitter of a base station ,
`The disclosed embodiments of this invention present
`which maps multiple application streams into the underlying
`methods and apparatus for cellular broadcasting and com -
`munication systems . The multiple access technology men - 5 wireless channels based on the system control information
`tioned herein can be of any special format such as Code
`and the feedback from the receivers .
`Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) , Time Division Multiple
`The base station transmits broadcasting data to mobile
`Access ( TDMA ) , Frequency Division Multiple Access
`stations via the downlink broadcast channel or the downlink
`( FDMA ) , Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
`regular channel . The choice of scheduling method for a
`( OFDMA ) , or Multi - Carrier Code Division Multiple Access 10 particular bit stream and for a specific radio channel directly
`( MC - CDMA ) .
`impacts the system behavior , such as the system capacity
`Without loss of generality , OFDMA is employed herein as
`and performance . This is because the two types of downlink
`an example to illustrate different aspects of these embodi
`channels have different characteristics . Special arrange
`ments . The cellular broadcasting and communication system
`can operate with both the time division duplexing ( TDD ) 15 ments can be made for a group of individual mobile stations
`can operate with both the time division duplexing ( TDD ) 15
`to improve the overall coverage . Furthermore , based on the
`and frequency division duplexing ( FDD ) .
`feedback information transmitted by individual mobile sta
`In a wireless network , there are a number of base stations ,
`tions through the uplink channel , augment signals can be
`each of which provides coverage to its designated area ,
`normally called a cell . If a cell is divided in to sectors , from
`sent to selected individual mobile stations if their received
`system engineering point of view each sector can be con - 20 signals need improvement .
`sidered as a cell . In this context , the terms " cell ” and
`Cellular Broadcasting and Communication System
`For each cell , the ( downlink ) broadcast signal can be
`" sector ” are interchangeable .
`A base station serves as a focal point for distributing
`transmitted independently or in coordination .
`In one
`embodiment , multiple base stations are coordinated to trans
`information to and collecting information from its mobile
`stations by radio signals . The mobile station is the commu - 25 mit the same broadcast signal simultaneously using single
`nication interface between the user and the wireless network .
`frequency network ( SFN ) technology . The modulation and
`The transmission from a base station to a mobile station is
`coding scheme ( MCS ) of the downlink broadcast channel is
`called a " downlink " and the transmission from a mobile
`usually affected by general statistics of the wireless system ,
`station to a base station is called an “ uplink . ” The terms
`possibly obtained through pre - deployment site survey or
`" user ” and “ receiver ” have been used interchangeably . The 30 cellular network planning .
`term “ mobile station ” represents the user terminal in a fixed
`The downlink regular channel , which is usually defined
`wireless system or a portable device with the wireless
`for a single cell , carries signals that are designated to one
`communication interface . FIG . 1 shows the system archi
`mobile station . Typically , for each mobile station the regular
`tecture of a cellular system .
`ell 35 channel signal content and / or format is different . The data
`There is at least one control server ( CS ) in a multi - cell 35 Cha
`content also includes downlink data and control information
`wireless network , which controls one or multiple base
`such as digital rights management messages . The MCS of
`stations ( BS ) . The control server is connected to the base
`the downlink regular channel is determined by individual
`stations via the backbone network . The backbone network
`can be either wired network or wireless network . It can also
`user ' s downlink signal quality , which is obtained from the
`be either a circuit switched networ

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