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`Explanatory Chart
`Explanatory Notes
`The English Language in the Dictionary
`Guide to Pronunciation
`Abbreviations in This Work
`Pronunciation Symbols
`A Dictionary of the English Language
`Abbreviations and Symbols for Chemical Elements
`Foreign Words and Phrases
`Biographical Names
`Geographical Names
`Signs and Symbols
`A Handbookof Style


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`Case 6:20-cv-01216-ADA Document 41-21 Filed 10/06/21 Page 5 of 6
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`Case 6:20-cv-01216-ADA Document 41-21 Filed 10/06/21 Page 6 of 6
`Case 6:20-cv-01216-ADA Document 41-21 Filed 10/06/21 Page 6 of 6
`plunk e pochard
`plunk\'piank\ rb fimit.] »r (1805) 1: to pluck or hit so as to produce a
`quick, hollow, metallic, or harsh sound 2: to set down suddenly
`: PLUMP ~ wies1: to make a plunking sound 2: to drop abruptly
`? DIVE 3: to comeoutin favor of someone or something — used with
`for — plunk n — plunk-er n
`plank down wi (1891) : to drop abruptly: settle into position~ wo
`? to put down usu. firmly or abruptly <plinked the money down on the
`counter) b : to settle (oneself) into Position <plunked himself down on
`the bench) 2: to pay out
`pla-per-fect \pliipar-fikt\ adj [ME pluperfyth, modif. of LL plus-
`quamperfectus, lit., more than
`perfect] (15c)
`12 PAST PERFECT 2: ut-
`ae or complete — Fenurtoct n
`“plur-al\ adj
`(ME, fr. ers & L; MFplurel, fr. Lpluralis, fr. plur-,
`plus more — more at PLUS] (I4c) 1: of, relating to, or constituting a
`n — plo-ral-ly \-o-lé\ adv
`plu-ral-ism \'plur-o-li-zam\ m (1818) 1: the holding of two or more of-
`fices or Positions (as benefices) at the same time 2: the quality or
`State of being plural 3a: a theorythat there are more than one or
`more than two kinds of ultimate reality
`b : a theory that reality is
`composed of a plurality of entities
`4 2 ? a state of society in which
`members of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups maintain
`an autonomousparticipation in and development of their traditional
`culture or special interest within the confines of a commoncivilization
`* & concept, doctrine, or policy advocating this state — plu-ral-ist
`\-list\ adj or n — plu-ralis-tic \plur->"lis-tik\ adj — plu-ral-is-ti-cal-
`Ty \-ti-k(o-12\ ady
`u-ral-j-ty \pli-"ra-l>-té\ n, pl -ties (4c) 1a: the state of being plural
`b : the state of being numerous c: a large numberor quantity
`* PLURALISM 1; also : a benefice held by pluralism 3 a: a number
`greater than another b: an excess of votes over thase cast for an op-
`pla-ral-ize \'plar-2-liz\ vr -ized; ~iz-ing (1803) : to make plural or ex-
`i in the plural form — plu-ral-i-za-tion \wlar-s-lo-'za-shon\ n
`u-rip-o-tent \pld-'ri-po-tant\ adj {L plur-, plus more + E potent] (1916)
`? notfixed as to developmental potentialities : having developmental
`,Dlasticity <~ stem cell)
`Plus \'plas\ adj (L. adv, more,fr. neut. of plur-, plus, adj. akin to Gk
`pleion more, L plenus full — more at FULL] (1579) 1: algebraically
`positive 2: having, receiving, or being in addition to what is anticipat-
`ed 3a: falling high in a specified range <a grade of C~) b: greater
`than that specified © : Possessing a specified quality to a high degree
`4: electrically positive
`§ ? relating to or being a particular one of the
`two mating ac thalare required for successful fertilization in sexual
`Teproduction in some lower plants (as a fungus)
`‘plus n, p! plus-es \‘pio-soz\ also plus-ses (1654) 1: PLUS SIGN 2:an
`added quantity 3:2 Positive factor or quality 4: SURPLUS
`*plus Prep (1668) 1: increased by : with the addition of (four ~ five>
`Pe ~interest) 2: sESIDES — used chiefly in speech and casu-
`a writing <~ all this, as a sedative it has no equal —Groucho Marx)
`plus conj (ca. 1950) 1: AND <the Smyth Report, ~ an idea and some
`knowledge of bureauc:
`y. were all | needed —Pat Frank) <eats alone,
`a hot beef sandwich ~ a
`BLT ~ apple pic —Garrison Keillor) 2: in
`addition to which Cit was an achievement. Plus, I wrote the story and
`the musical score —Jackie Gleason) <it’s also pretty on my open
`shelves, ~ it smells good —Nikki Giovanni)
`usage Thespecposition plus has long been used with a meaning equiva-
`(as in “two plus two"); it is not, therefore, very surprising
`that in time people have begun to use it as a conjunction much like
`is used chieflyin speechand in informal writing.
`plus fours n p/ (1920) : loose sports knickers made four inches longer
`than ordinaryknickers
`*plush \'plosh\ n [MFpeluche} (1594) : a fabric with an even pile longer
`and Jess dense than velvet pile
`*plush adj (ca. 1645) 1: relating to, resembling, or made of plush 2
`: notably luxurious — plush-ly adv — plush-ness 7
`plushy\"plo-shé\ adj plush-i-er: -est (161 1) 1: having the texture of or
`covered with plush 2: LUXURIOUS, sHowyY — plashbneas n
`plus-sage \'plo-sij\ m (1924)
`: an amount over and above another
`es sign n (ca. 1907): a sign + denoting addition or a positive quantity
`lu-to \‘pld-(,)t6\ 1 [L Pluton-, Pluto,fr. Gk Ploutén] 1: the Greek god
`of the underworld — compare DIS
`2 [NL] : the planet with the fe
`thest mean distance from the sun — see PLANET table
`plu-toc-ra-cy \plii-"ti-kro-sé\ 7, pl -cies [Gk ploutokratia, fr. ploutos
`wealth; akin to Gkplein to sail, float — more at FLOW] (1652) 1: gov-
`ernment by the wealthy 2; a controlling class of the wealthy — plu-
`to-crat \'plii-to-krat\ n — plu-to-crat-ic \,pli-to-"kra-tik\ adj — plu-
`to-crat-i-cal-ly \-ti-k(o-)Ié\ adv
`plu-ton\'pli-,tan\ 1 [prob. back-formation fr. plutonic} (1936) : a typi-
`cally large bodyofintrusive igneous rock
`plu-to-ni-an \plii-"t6-né-an\ adj, often cap (1667) : of, relating to, or
`characteristic of Pluto or the lower world : INFERNAL
`plu-ton-ic \plii-'ui-nik\ adj (L. Pluton-, Pluto] (1833) 1: formed by so-
`lidification of magma deep withinthe earth and crystalline throughout
`<~rock> 2 often cap : PLUTONIAN
`pla-to-ni-um \pli-'té-né-am\ n [NL,fr. Pluton-, Pluto, the planct Pluto]
`(1942) : a radioactive metallic element similar chemically to uranium
`thatis formed as the isotope 239 by decay of neptunium and found in
`minute quantities in pitchblende, that undergoes slow disintegration
`with the emissionof an alpha particle to form uranium 235, and thatis
`fissionable with slow neutronsto yield atomic energy — see ELEMENT
`‘plu-vi-al \'plii-vé-al\ adj [L pluvialis, fr. pluvia rain, tr. fem. of pluvius
`rainy, fr. pluere to rain — more at FLOW](ca. 1656)
`la : of or relating
`torain b: characterized by abundant rain 2 of a geologic change : re-
`sulting from the action of rain
`*pluvial 1 (1929) : a prolonged period of wet climate
`‘ply \'pli\ vb plied; ply-ing [ME plicn, short
`(4c) 1a; to use or wield diligently busihy
`practice or perform diligently <~ 9 trade) ~ine }
`, lo ep |
`supplying something to (plied us with liquors
`of rowing orsailing over or on <the boat plieg 8!
`travel regularly over, on, or through Gets ming tive;
`apply oneself steadily 2: to go or travel result ‘ Skies)
`shy n, pl plies [ply] (1532) La: one of seVeral1 y
`sewn or laminated together b : one of the ue a. CTS (as of
`ae tee ‘ia yard
`the veneer sheets forming plywood
`a Pape
`Yer of
`*plyvt plied; ply-ing[ME plien to fold,fr. MFpli
`OHGflehian to braid, L plectere, Gx Plekein} (7 '*-Lplicg
`1909) a
`ether (~ two single yarns)
`Pivmonth Rock\'pli-math-\ [Plymouth Rock
`are supposed to have landed in 1620] (1849) sanyo “hich yf
`of medium-sized single-combed dual-purpose an Of an Armed
`plyo-met-rics \,pli-o-"me-triks\ n pl but sing or Phe fowig
`fr. plio- + -metrics (as in tsometrics)} (1981)
`NT Co
`ed rapid stretching and contracting of Muscles (
`bounding) to increase muscle power — plyo-met., by ju
`ply.wood \'pli-pwad\ n (1907) : a structural mater; ia
`of wood glued or cemented together with the gra
`DS of adj
`arranged at right angles or at a wide angle
`~pnea or -pnoea n comb form [NL, fr. Gk -pnoia
`breathe] : breath : breathing Shyperpnea)¢ :
`pneum- or pneumo- combform [NL, Partly fr. Gk
`partly fr. Gk pneumén lung)
`1: air :
`<pneumoconiosis> 3 ;: respiration <p,
`pnea-ma\'nii-ma, ‘nyli-\ n [Gk] (1884): SOUL,sPiRry
`pneumat- or pneumato~ combform IGk,fr. pre umat-
`2 : respitati
`» Prey
`+ vapor: gas <pneumatolytic)
`fr. Gi
`pneu-mat-ic \nu-'ma-tik, nyti-\ adj [Lpneumaticus,
`fr. pneumat-, pneumaair, breath,spirit, {r. pnein to a Gk
`SNEEZE] (1659) 1: of, relating to, or using gas (as rath
`b (1) : adapted forLal
`; moved or worked byair pressure’
`(2) : havingair-filled cayitie.
`flated with compressed air
`lating to the pneuma: SPIRITUAL 3: having a wel
` 1-pro;
`inine figure; exp : having a full bust
`ly &
`— Pnewmat-ica
`adv — pneu-mastic:i-ty \nd-m2"ti-so-té, inyii-\ 7
`pneu-ma-tol-o-gy\,ni-mo-"ta-l9-jé, nyd-\ 1 [NL Pneumatolgy
`preumat-, pneuma + NL -logia -logy] (1678): the aiden o8t
`ings or peottae ‘
`\nii-ma-t°li-tik, nyii-;
`(1896) : formed or forming byhot vapors or ee uj
`pressure — used esp. of minerals and ores
`pneu-mat-o-phore \nui-'ma-to-,for, hyt-, -for\ nm [ISV] (195
`muscular gas-containing sac that serves as a float on a siphé
`eee, 2: a rootoften functioning as a respiratory organ ing
`pneu-mo-coc-cus \,nii-ma-'ka-kas, myl-\ n,
`pl ~coc-ci
`“kaki, -ké\ [NL] (1890) : a bacterium (Sireptorccel
`5 pné
`that causes an acute pneumonia involving one or mo}
`re lob
`lung — pneu-mo-coe-cal \-"ka-k> adj
`fr. pneum- + Gk
`pneumonia \,ni-mo-'sis-tos-k
`L Pneumocystis carinii, species name] (1964) : a pp
`thataffects individuals whose immunological defenses have bi
`Promised, that is caused by a microorganism (Pneumocystis
`and that attacks esp. the interstitial tissue of the lungs with
`thickening ofthe alveolar septa and alveoli
`pneu-mo-graph \'nii-mo-graf, 'nyii-\ n [SVJ (1878): an ins
`recording thoracic movements or volume change during
`pneu-mo-nec-to-my \,nii-m2-'nek-to-mé, myi-\ 7, pl
`pneumon + ISV -ectomy] (ca. 1895) : excision of an entire lung’
`or morelobes of a lung
`pneu-mo-nia \nu-'m6-nys, nyi-\ n INL,fr. Gk, fr. pneumén }
`of pleumén — more at PULMONARY](1603) : a disease of i
`characterized by inflammation and consolidation followed 6
`tion and caused byinfection or irritants
`pneu-mon-ic \nti-'ma-nik, nyt-\ ad) [NL pneumonicus,
`monikos, fr. pneurmén] (1675)
`1: of, relating to, or affecting!
`+ PULMONIC, PULMONARY 2: of, relating to, or affected with,
`pneu-mo-ni-tis \yni-mo-'ni-tas, ynyii-\
`fr. Gk pneu
`nm [NL,
`1834) ; inflammation of the lungs
`pneu-mo-tho-rax \,nii-ma-'thor-,aks, nyi-, -"thor-\ 1 [NL C
`condition in which air or other gas is presentin the pleu
`which occurs spontaneously as a result of disease or injury o}
`sue or puncture of the chest wall or is induced as a therap
`sure to collapse the lung
`‘poach\'poch\ vf [ME pochen, fr. MF pocher, fr. OFpochier,
`into a bag,fr. poche bag, pocket, of Gmcorigin; akin to OE ms
`(15c) : to cook in simmering liquid
`*poach vb [MF pocher, of Gme origin: akin to ME poken f
`(1611) 1: to encroach uponesp. for the purpose of taking$
`2 : to trespass for the purpose of stealing game; also : to
`fish illegally ~ yt 1: to trespass on ¢a field ~edtoo frequent
`amateur —Times Lit. Supp.)
`2 : to take (game orfish)
`methods b : to appropriate (something) as one’s own ;
`poach-er \'pd-char\ (2p0ach] (1614) 1: one that trespasse
`2; one whokills or takes wild animals (as gameorfish) illegal
`*poachern [poach] (1861) 1: a covered pan containing @
`depressions or shallow cups in each of which an egg one ”
`over steam rising from boiling water in the bottom of the
`ae dish in which oe (as fish) can be poached
`po"-boy\'po-,bdi\ var of POOR BOY

`po-chard \'pé-chard\ n [origin unknown] (1552) : ae
`rather heavy-bodied diving ducks (esp. genus Ayi/) ”)
`and with feet and legs placed far back under the body

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