Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 1 of 77
`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 1 of 77


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 2 of 77
`Ocean Semiconductor LLC,
`MediaTek Inc. and MediaTek USA Inc.
`Civil Action No.: 6:20-cv-1210-ADA
`Pursuant to Rules 34 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Local Rules,
`Defendants MediaTek Inc. and MediaTek USA Inc. (collectively, “MediaTek”) hereby object
`and respond to Plaintiff Ocean Semiconductor LLC’s (“Ocean”) First Set of Requests for
`Production of Documents Nos. 1-42 (the “Requests”) as follows.
`The general objections and qualifications listed below are hereby incorporated by
`reference and made part of MediaTek’s response to every request, regardless of whether they are
`or are not reiterated within the specific responses below.
`MediaTek bases its objections and responses upon information presently available
`and will further supplement or amend these objections and responses as discovery progresses.
`Discovery is ongoing and MediaTek is still pursuing its investigation and analysis of the facts
`and law pertaining to this lawsuit and has not yet completed such investigation and analysis.
`MediaTek responds to each Request as it interprets and understands each Request
`with respect to the issues in this lawsuit. If Ocean asserts a different interpretation of any


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 3 of 77
`Request, MediaTek reserves the right to supplement or amend its responses or objections.
`Ocean’s Requests also contain terms or phrases with specific legal significance. Neither
`MediaTek’s objections nor responses, nor the production of documents or things in response to
`any request, are an admission or indication that such documents are relevant to any legal theory,
`or that any of the legal terms used have any applicability in their legal sense to any documents or
`things produced by MediaTek in response to the Requests. MediaTek objects to each Request
`that calls for legal conclusions or includes factual characterizations by Ocean. By responding,
`MediaTek does not accept or admit to the truth or accuracy of Ocean’s factual characterizations.
`Any response that indicates that MediaTek will produce documents or things
`should not be construed to mean that responsive documents in fact exist; only that, if such
`relevant, non-privileged, non-objectionable documents or things exist, are in MediaTek’s
`possession, custody, or control, and are located after a reasonable search of the location or
`locations where responsive documents or things are likely to be located, such documents or
`things will be produced in a timely manner.
`MediaTek objects to the Requests, and the Definitions and Instructions that
`accompany them, to the extent that they seek to impose obligations and demands on MediaTek
`greater than or more extensive than those required by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the
`Local Rules of the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, or any other
`applicable authority.
`MediaTek objects to each Request that seeks production of “any,” “each,”
`“every,” or “all” documents or things when a subset of documents or things will suffice to
`provide the requested information. The burden or expense of collecting the documents or things
`called for by any such Request outweighs its likely benefit.


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 4 of 77
`MediaTek objects to each Request that calls for documents or things that are not
`within the possession, custody, or control of MediaTek.
`MediaTek objects to each Request, and the Definitions and Instructions that
`accompany it, that requests that MediaTek creates or produces documents or things that
`MediaTek does not maintain in the ordinary course of its business, or that MediaTek create or
`produce documents or things in a particular format or at a particular level of detail that MediaTek
`does not maintain in the ordinary course of its business.
`MediaTek objects to each Request that calls for production of documents or
`things that are publicly available or equally available to Ocean, and therefore are of no greater
`burden for Ocean to obtain than for MediaTek to obtain.
`MediaTek objects to each Request that seeks documents or things that MediaTek
`is not permitted to disclose pursuant to confidentiality obligations to third parties or by court
`order. To the extent any such documents or things are responsive, relevant, and non-privileged,
`MediaTek will produce that information and/or those documents in accordance with the Court’s
`standing protective order and after complying with its obligations to third parties and/or court
`10. MediaTek objects to each Request that seeks documents or things protected from
`disclosure by the attorney-client privilege, work product doctrine, common interest privilege, or
`any other privilege or immunity against disclosure (collectively, as used here, “privilege”).
`Nothing contained in these responses should be considered a waiver of any privilege. MediaTek
`does not intend to produce documents or things that would divulge any privileged information.
`Any such disclosure is inadvertent and shall not be deemed a waiver of any applicable privilege.


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 5 of 77
`11. MediaTek objects to each Request as it is either (1) not limited as to time, in
`which case it is overly broad and unduly burdensome or (2) necessarily seeks information and
`documents that encompass time periods not relevant to the above-captioned action. Patentees
`may not recover under § 271(g) for any product in the possession of or in transit to the alleged
`infringer before notice of infringement. 35 U.S.C. § 287(b). Any Request seeking Information
`before October 2020, when Ocean sent its first demand letter to MediaTek, is therefore not
`relevant to any claim or defense in this action.
`12. MediaTek objects to each Request, and the Definitions and Instructions that
`accompany them, that alters the plain meaning of any specific Request, on the ground that such
`alteration renders the request vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and/or unduly burdensome.
`13. MediaTek objects to the Requests as premature to the extent that they call for
`documents or things that are the subject of expert testimony when the parties have not yet
`engaged in expert discovery or exchanged expert reports. MediaTek will produce such
`documents or things, if appropriate, in accordance with the applicable schedule in this case
`and/or any discovery and procedural stipulation between the parties governing this Action.
`MediaTek objects to these Requests to the extent they prematurely seek information related to
`MediaTek’s contentions in this Action.
`14. MediaTek objects to the Requests as unduly burdensome and not proportional to
`the to the needs of the case (considering the importance of the issues at stake in the action, the
`parties’ access to relevant information, the parties’ resources, the importance of the discovery in
`resolving the issues, and whether the burden or expense of the proposed discovery outweighs its
`likely benefit) to the extent they call for the search and production of email or other
`electronically stored information (ESI). Ocean has not shown good cause for any such request or


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 6 of 77
`proposed a procedure identifying custodians and search terms it believes MediaTek should
`search as required by the Court’s Order Governing Proceedings. MediaTek
`15. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Plaintiff,” “Ocean Semiconductor,”
`“Ocean,” and to any Request incorporating those terms on the grounds that they encompass
`entities or individuals other than plaintiff Ocean Semiconductor LLC because i) they seek
`information more readily available to Ocean, and ii) they seek information that is not
`proportional to the needs of the case, considering the importance of the issues at stake in the
`action, the parties’ access to relevant information, the parties’ resources, the importance of the
`discovery in resolving the issues, and whether the burden or expense of the proposed discovery
`outweighs its likely benefit.
`16. MediaTek objects to the definition of “MediaTek,” “Defendants,” “You,” “Your,”
`and to any Request incorporating those terms on the grounds that they encompass entities or
`individuals over whom MediaTek does not have control and over whose documents MediaTek
`does not have possession, custody, or control. MediaTek Inc. and MediaTek USA Inc. provide
`these responses exclusively on their own behalf and do not purport to speak for others.
`17. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Other Defendant,” “Other Defendants,”
`and to any Request incorporating those terms on the grounds that they encompass entities or
`individuals other than the named defendants in related district court litigations (1:20-cv-12310
`(D. Mass.), 1:20-cv-12311 (D. Mass.), 4:20-cv-00991 (E.D. Tex.), 6:20-cv-01211 (W.D. Tex.),
`6:20-cv-01212 (W.D. Tex.), 6:20-cv-01213 (W.D. Tex.), 6:20-cv-01214 (W.D. Tex.), 6:20-cv-
`01215 (W.D. Tex.), 6:20-cv-01216 (W.D. Tex.)) and are therefore not proportional to the needs
`of the case, considering the importance of the issues at stake in the action, the parties’ access to


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 7 of 77
`relevant information, the parties’ resources, the importance of the discovery in resolving the
`issues, and whether the burden or expense of the proposed discovery outweighs its likely benefit.
`18. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Infringing Instrumentalities” and any
`Request incorporating this term on the grounds that it is vague, ambiguous, and seeks
`information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. The
`definition of “Infringing Instrumentalities” includes “similar systems, products, devices, and
`integrated circuits including, for example, products manufactured at 16nm technology node.”
`However, Ocean’s Requests do not explain
`in what way
`the unnamed “Infringing
`Instrumentalities” are to be similar to the enumerated ones. Further, Ocean’s deficient
`Infringement Contentions did not provide notice of infringement theories as to any MediaTek
`products, nor has Ocean shown how they are “reasonably similar” to each other, if at all. See
`Honeywell Int’l, Inc. v. Acer Am. Corp., 655 F. Supp. 2d 650, 656 (E.D. Tex. 2009) (“[Plaintiff]
`must demonstrate that its PICs gave [defendant] notice of a specific theory of infringement and
`that the products for which it seeks discovery operate in a manner reasonably similar to that
`theory”). Ocean’s Infringement Contentions merely indiscriminately name all of the products
`listed on MediaTek’s website without tying the products to fabrication by a specific foundry or
`demonstrating any evidence that those products are fabricated using the ASML, PDF, and
`Applied Materials tools accused of performing the asserted claims. It would be unduly
`burdensome and not proportionate to the needs of the case for MediaTek to produce documents
`relating to each of its products, especially where Ocean has not tied those products to the alleged
`infringement in this case and MediaTek will not do so. MediaTek will not provide information
`about any systems, products, devices, or integrated circuits for which Ocean has not provided
`reasonable notice of corresponding infringement allegations. MediaTek also objects to this


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 8 of 77
`definition as vague and ambiguous in that includes items that are not MediaTek product numbers
`or cannot be reasonably associated with MediaTek product numbers, including Helio G, Helio A,
`Helio P, Helio X, mid-range 4G devices, Google Mobile Services express devices, MiraVision,
`and MT81XX SPI.
`19. MediaTek objects
`the definition of “LineWorks” and any Request
`incorporating this term on the grounds that Ocean’s Infringement Contentions did not provide
`notice of infringement theories as to any LineWorks systems and therefore it is vague,
`ambiguous, and seeks information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of
`admissible evidence. MediaTek will not provide information about any systems, products,
`devices, or integrated circuits for which Ocean has not provided reasonable notice of
`corresponding infringement allegations.
`20. MediaTek objects to the definition of “ASML Manufacturing Equipment” and
`any Request incorporating this term to the extent it includes “similar lithography, metrology, and
`inspection systems designed, developed, assembled, and/or manufactured by ASML (e.g.,
`systems with similar technical and functional features).” Ocean’s deficient Infringement
`Contentions did not provide notice of infringement theories as to unnamed ASML products, nor
`has Ocean shown how they are “reasonably similar” to the TWINSCAN and YieldStar, if at all.
`See Honeywell Int’l, 655 F. Supp.2d at 656. Therefore, this term is vague, ambiguous, and seeks
`information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.
`MediaTek will not provide information about any systems, products, devices, or integrated
`circuits for which Ocean has not provided reasonable notice of corresponding infringement


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 9 of 77
`21. MediaTek objects to the definition of “AMAT Manufacturing Equipment” and
`any Request incorporating this term to the extent it includes “similar APC/FDC and/or factory
`automation systems designed, developed, assembled, and/or manufactured by Applied Materials
`(e.g., systems with similar technical and functional features).” Ocean’s deficient Infringement
`Contentions did not provide notice of infringement theories as to unnamed Applied Materials
`products, nor has Ocean shown how they are “reasonably similar” to E3 and SmartFactory, if at
`all. See Honeywell Int’l, 655 F. Supp.2d at 656. Therefore, this term is vague, ambiguous, and
`seeks information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible
`evidence. MediaTek will not provide information about any systems, products, devices, or
`integrated circuits for which Ocean has not provided reasonable notice of corresponding
`infringement allegations.
`22. MediaTek objects to the definition of “camLine Manufacturing Equipment” and
`any Request incorporating this term on the grounds that Ocean’s Infringement Contentions did
`not provide notice of infringement theories as to any camLine Manufacturing Equipment.
`Therefore, this term is vague, ambiguous, and seeks information that is not reasonably calculated
`to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. MediaTek will not provide information about
`any systems, products, devices, or integrated circuits for which Ocean has not provided
`reasonable notice of corresponding infringement allegations.
`23. MediaTek objects to the definition of “PDF Manufacturing Equipment” and any
`Request incorporating this term to the extent it includes “similar analytics systems designed,
`developed, assembled, and/or manufactured by PDF Solutions (e.g., systems with similar
`technical and functional features).” Ocean’s deficient Infringement Contentions did not provide
`notice of infringement theories as to unnamed PDF products, nor has Ocean shown how they are


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 10 of 77
`“reasonably similar” to Exensio, if at all. See Honeywell Int’l, 655 F. Supp.2d at 656. Therefore,
`this term is vague, ambiguous, and seeks information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to
`the discovery of admissible evidence. MediaTek will not provide information about any systems,
`products, devices, or integrated circuits for which Ocean has not provided reasonable notice of
`corresponding infringement allegations.
`24. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Manufacturing Equipment” and any
`including because
`terms ASML
`Manufacturing Equipment, AMAT Manufacturing Equipment, camLine Manufacturing
`Equipment, and PDF Manufacturing Equipment and MediaTek incorporates those objections as
`if set forth herein. MediaTek further objects to the definition of “Manufacturing Equipment” to
`the extent it includes “similar in-house, proprietary, and/or third-party equipment and/or tool
`(e.g., systems with technical and functional features similar to any ASML Manufacturing
`Equipment, AMAT Manufacturing Equipment, camLine Manufacturing Equipment, and/or PDF
`Manufacturing Equipment) designed, developed, assembled, manufactured, used, utilized,
`installed, implemented, and/or deployed by You for the manufacture, fabrication, and/or
`assembly of any and all Infringing Instrumentalities.” Ocean’s deficient Infringement
`Contentions did not provide notice of infringement theories as to unnamed ASML, Applied
`Materials, camLine, or PDF products, nor has Ocean shown how these unnamed products are
`“reasonably similar” to the TWINSCAN, YieldStar, E3, SmartFactory, or Exensio, if at all. See
`Honeywell Int’l, 655 F. Supp.2d at 656. Therefore, this term is vague, ambiguous, and seeks
`information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.
`MediaTek will not provide information about any systems, products, devices, or integrated


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 11 of 77
`circuits for which Ocean has not provided reasonable notice of corresponding infringement
`25. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Equipment Manufacturers” and any
`Request incorporating this term to the extent it encompasses any manufacturer of Manufacturing
`Equipment Ocean did not include in its Complaint or Infringement Contentions and is therefore
`vague, ambiguous, and seeks information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the
`discovery of admissible evidence. MediaTek will not provide information about any systems,
`products, devices, or integrated circuits for which Ocean has not provided reasonable notice of
`corresponding infringement allegations.
`26. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Third-Party Manufacturers” and any
`Request incorporating this term to the extent it encompasses any third-party manufacturer of
`Infringing Instrumentalities Ocean did not include in its Complaint or Infringement Contentions
`and is therefore vague, ambiguous, and seeks information that is not reasonably calculated to
`lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. MediaTek will not provide information about any
`systems, products, devices, or integrated circuits for which Ocean has not provided reasonable
`notice of corresponding infringement allegations.
`27. MediaTek objects to the definition of “MES” and any Request incorporating this
`term to the extent it encompasses any systems Ocean did not include in its Complaint or
`Infringement Contentions and is therefore vague, ambiguous, and seeks information that is not
`reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. MediaTek will not provide
`information about any systems, products, devices, or integrated circuits for which Ocean has not
`provided reasonable notice of corresponding infringement allegations.


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 12 of 77
`28. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Prior Art” and to any Request
`incorporating that term to the extent it calls for a legal conclusion. MediaTek will interpret “prior
`art” consistently with the requirements set forth in Title 35 of the United States Code.
`29. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Identify” and “Identity,” and to any
`Request incorporating these terms, as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome,
`and to the extent that they purport to create obligations that exceed the scope of permissible
`discovery in that they seek information that i) is not proportional to the needs of the case,
`considering the importance of the issues at stake in the action, the parties’ access to relevant
`information, the parties’ resources, the importance of the discovery in resolving the issues, and
`whether the burden or expense of the proposed discovery outweighs its likely benefit, and ii) is
`not relevant to any party’s claim or defense.
`30. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Describe,” and to any Request
`incorporating this term, as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome, and to the
`extent that they purport to create obligations that exceed the scope of permissible discovery in
`that they seek information that i) is not proportional to the needs of the case, considering the
`importance of the issues at stake in the action, the parties’ access to relevant information, the
`parties’ resources, the importance of the discovery in resolving the issues, and whether the
`burden or expense of the proposed discovery outweighs its likely benefit, and ii) is not relevant
`to any party’s claim or defense.
`31. MediaTek objects to the definition of “Relate to,” “Related to,” “Relating to,”
`“Concerning,” and to any Request incorporating any of these terms, as vague, ambiguous, overly
`broad, and unduly burdensome, and to the extent that they are meant to be different from,


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 13 of 77
`inconsistent with, or broader than their plain meaning. Any such definition is inherently vague,
`ambiguous, misleading, and unreasonable.
`32. MediaTek incorporates by reference its General Objections and Qualifications as
`set forth in MediaTek’s Responses to Plaintiff’s First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-15).
`Documents sufficient
`identify all Your products,
`the Infringing
`Instrumentalities, that are/were manufactured, fabricated, and/or assembled by, or on behalf of,
`You, Third-Party Manufacturer(s), and/or Equipment Manufacturer(s) through the use,
`utilization, installation, implementation, and/or deployment of any and all Manufacturing
`Equipment since December 2014, including the identification of all versions and models of any
`such product.
`MediaTek incorporates its General Objections and Qualifications as set forth above.
`MediaTek also objects to this Request to the extent it seeks documents not reasonably available
`to MediaTek. Specifically, this request seeks documents in the possession of Third-Party
`Manufacturers and Equipment Manufacturers. MediaTek further objects to this Request as
`overly broad, unduly burdensome, and beyond the scope of permissible discovery to the extent
`that it seeks documents related to an irrelevant time period. In particular, this Request seeks
`documents relating to documents on MediaTek products since December 2014, including
`information before October 2020, when Ocean sent its first demand letter to MediaTek.
`Patentees may not recover under § 271(g) for any product in the possession of or in transit to the
`alleged infringer before notice of infringement. 35 U.S.C. § 287(b). Documents relating to


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 14 of 77
`MediaTek products before October 2020 are therefore not relevant to any claim or defense in this
`action. MediaTek further objects to this Request because it seeks information about
`Instrumentalities that were not accused in this action, either in Ocean’s Complaint or its
`Infringement Contentions. MediaTek will not provide information about these unaccused
`instrumentalities as they are not relevant to any claim or defense in this action. MediaTek
`further objects to this Request because it seeks information relating to MediaTek’s activities
`outside of the United States. U.S. patent law “makes no claim to extraterritorial effect.”
`Deepsouth Packing Co. v. Laitram Corp., 406 U. S. 518, 531 (1972). Conversely, territoriality is
`satisfied when and only when one of the domestic actions of making, using, selling, or importing
`is proved to be present. Carnegie Mellon Univ. v. Marvel Tech. Grp., 807 F.3d 1283, 1306 (Fed.
`Cir. 2015).
`Subject to and without waiving the General Objections and Qualifications, as well as the
`specific objections above, and to the extent MediaTek understands this request, MediaTek asserts
`that it does not have responsive, relevant, and non-privileged documents within its possession,
`custody, or control. MediaTek is unable to identify products pursuant to Request for Production
`No. 1 because it does not manufacture, fabricate, or assemble any product itself, nor does it have
`knowledge as to what equipment is involved in the manufacturing, fabrication, or assembly of its
`Further, Ocean’s Infringement Contentions merely indiscriminately name all of the
`products listed on MediaTek’s website without tying the products to fabrication by a specific
`foundry or demonstrating any evidence that those products are fabricated using the ASML, PDF,
`and Applied Materials tools accused of performing the asserted claims. It would be unduly
`burdensome and not proportionate to the needs of the case for MediaTek to produce documents


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 15 of 77
`relating to each of its products, especially where Ocean has not tied those products to the alleged
`infringement in this case and MediaTek will not do so. MediaTek will not provide information
`about any systems, products, devices, or integrated circuits for which Ocean has not provided
`reasonable notice of corresponding infringement allegations. MediaTek is continuing to
`investigate the subject matter of this Request and will supplement, amend, or revise its response
`to this Request pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(e) or as may be warranted in light of ongoing
`discovery, to the extent any non-privileged, relevant documents responsive to this Request are
`Documents relating to the use, sale, or offer for sale within the United States, and/or
`importation into the United States, of each product identified in Request for Production No. 1,
`since December 2014, including the identification of all versions and models of any such
`MediaTek incorporates its General Objections and Qualifications as set forth above.
`MediaTek further objects to this Request to the extent it impermissibly shifts Ocean’s burden of
`proof regarding domestic action of infringement to MediaTek. MediaTek also objects to this
`Request to the extent it seeks documents not reasonably available to MediaTek. Specifically,
`this request seeks documents in the possession of Third-Party Manufacturers, Equipment
`Manufacturers, or MediaTek customers. MediaTek further objects to this Request as overly
`broad, unduly burdensome, and beyond the scope of permissible discovery to the extent that it
`seeks documents related to an irrelevant time period. In particular, this Request seeks documents
`relating to documents on MediaTek products since December 2014, including information before


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 16 of 77
`October 2020, when Ocean sent its first demand letter to MediaTek. Patentees may not recover
`under § 271(g) for any product in the possession of or in transit to the alleged infringer before
`notice of infringement. 35 U.S.C. § 287(b). Documents relating to MediaTek products before
`October 2020 is therefore not relevant to any claim or defense in this action. MediaTek further
`objects to this Request because it seeks information about Instrumentalities that were not accused
`in this action, either in Ocean’s Complaint or its Infringement Contentions. MediaTek will not
`provide information about these unaccused instrumentalities as they are not relevant to any claim
`or defense in this action. MediaTek further objects to this Request because it seeks information
`relating to MediaTek’s activities outside of the United States. U.S. patent law “makes no claim
`to extraterritorial effect.” Deepsouth Packing Co. v. Laitram Corp., 406 U. S. 518, 531 (1972).
`Conversely, territoriality is satisfied when and only when one of the domestic actions of making,
`using, selling, or importing is proved to be present. Carnegie Mellon Univ. v. Marvel Tech.
`Grp., 807 F.3d 1283, 1306 (Fed. Cir. 2015).
`Subject to and without waiving the General Objections and Qualifications, as well as the
`specific objections above, and to the extent MediaTek understands this request, MediaTek asserts
`that it does not have responsive, relevant, and non-privileged documents within its possession,
`custody, or control. MediaTek is unable to identify products pursuant to Request for Production
`No. 1 because it does not manufacture, fabricate, or assemble any product itself, nor does it have
`knowledge as to what equipment is involved in the manufacturing, fabrication, or assembly of its
`products. MediaTek is continuing to investigate the subject matter of this Request and will
`supplement, amend, or revise its response to this Request pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(e) or as
`may be warranted in light of ongoing discovery, to the extent any non-privileged, relevant
`documents responsive to this Request are located.


`Case 6:20-cv-01214-ADA Document 54-8 Filed 02/16/22 Page 17 of 77
`Documents sufficient to identify any and all Third-Party Manufacturers contracted,
`engaged, retained, instructed, or requested by, or on behalf of, You to manufacture, fabricate,
`and/or assemble those products identified in Request for Production No. 1, since December
`2014, including the location of any and all manufacturing and/or fabrication facilities where such
`products are/were manufactured, fabricated, and/or assembled.
`MediaTek incorporates its General Objections and Qualifications as set forth above.
`MediaTek also objects to this Request as overly broad, unduly burdensome, and beyond the
`scope of permissible discovery to the extent that it seeks documents related to an irrelevant time
`period. In particular, this Request seeks documents relating to Third-Party Manufacturers since
`December 2014, including information before October 2020, when Ocean sent its first demand
`letter to MediaTek. Patentees may not recover under § 271(g) for any product in the possession
`of or in transit to the alleged infringer before notice of infringement. 35 U.S.C. § 287(b). Third-
`Party Manufacturers information before October 2020 is therefore not relevant to any claim or
`defense in this action. MediaTek further objects to this Request because it seeks information
`about Instrumentalities that were not accused in this action, either in Ocean’s Complaint or its
`Infringement Contentions. MediaTek will not provide information about these unaccused
`instrumentalities as they are not relevant to any claim or defense in this action. MediaTek
`further objects to this Request because it seeks information about Third-Party Manufacturers that
`were not accused in this action, either in Ocean’s Complaint or its Infringement Contentions.
`MediaTek will not provide information about these unaccused Third-Party Manufacturers as they
`are not relevant to any claim or defense in this action. Media

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