Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 48-10 Filed 02/16/21 Page 1 of 5
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`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 48-10 Filed 02/16/21 Page 2 of 5
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`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 48-10 Filed 02/16/21 Page 4 of 5
`On the cover: Pattern produced from white tight by 1 <:0mputer-generlted
`diffraction pl1t1 containing 529 equare aperturea erranged In • 23 x 23 array.
`(R. a. Hoover, Marahall S~ce Flight Cen-,
`On the tltle pages: Aerial photograph of the Sinai Penln1•n1la made by Gemini
`spacecraft. (NASA)
`Included in this Dictionacy are definition, which have been published previously in the following
`works: P. B. Jordain, Condel'!Jed Compuk!r Encyclopedia, Copyright C.1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`All tight.1 reserved. J. Marku1, Electri:mk, and Nucteonics Diciionary, 4th ed., Copyright Cl"l960,
`1966, 1978 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights re11erved. J. Quick, Artuts' andlllwtro.lcn' Encyr:k,pedia,
`Copyright 0 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. AU rights re1erved. Blakiston's Gould Medical Dictionary,
`3d ed., Copyright C 1956, 1972 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All right, reserved. T. Baumeister and
`L. S. Marks, eds., Standard Handbr>okfor Mechanical ErigiMeN, 7th ed., Copyright 0 1958, 1967
`by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`In addition, material has been drawn from the following referencell: R. E. Huechke, Glr>asary of
`Meteorolcg,y, AmericBll Meteorological Society, 1959; U.S. Air Fore!! Glosiary of Standardized Terms,
`AF Manual 11-1, vol. 1, 1972; Communicatioru-Electronics Terminology, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 3,
`1970; W. H. Allen, ed., DictfoMry <>f Technical Terll'IJ for Aerospace Use, 1st ed., National Aero(cid:173)
`nautics and Space Administration, 1965; J. M. Gilliland, Sr>lar-TemJtrial Ph;pics: A Glossary of
`Tmru and Abbreviati.oru, Royal Aircraft Establishment Technical Report 67158, 1%7; Glo.uary of
`Air Traffic Control Terrm, Federal Aviation Agency; A Gfojjary of Range Tmnioology, Whiie SarnL
`Missik Range, NewMt:Xko, National Bureau of Standards, AD 467-424;A DOD GlouaryefMapping,
`Charting and Ger><ktic Terms, 1st ed., Department of Defenge, 1967; P. W. Thrush, comp. and ed.,
`A Dictionary of Mining, MiMral, ·and Relaud Term.i, Bureau of Minee, 1968; Nuclear Terms: A
`Clmssary, 2d ed., Atomic Energy Comminion; F. Cuey, ed., Compilation of Terl'/1$ in Information
`Science& Techn.r>logy, Federal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; ClosJary of Stinfo Termi(cid:173)
`nolon, Office of Aerollpace Research, U.S. Air Force, 1963; Naval Dictionary of Electronic, Tech(cid:173)
`nical, and Imperative Terms, Bureau of Naval Personnel, 1962; ADP Gfo.uary, Department of the
`Navy, NAVSO P-3007.
`Foarth Edition
`Copyright 0 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights re!erved. Printed in
`the United States of America. Except M permitted under the United Statl:ll Copyright Act of l976,
`no part of this publication may be reproduced or dietributed in any form or by any means, or rttored
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`ISBN 0-07-04527(cid:143) -9
`Library of Congre111 Cataloging-in-PnhUeation Data
`McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms.
`1. Science--Dictioneries. 2. Technology-Dictionaries.
`L Parker, Sybil P.
`ISBN 0-07-045270-9
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`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 48-10 Filed 02/16/21 Page 5 of 5
`or other cause. 2. Reclaiming dry land by irrigation. { ,rel.:·
`l:i'ma:sh;m }
`[ORD J To chanic the security classification of a
`document, piece of equipment, or the like. { rc'ktas·.l·fi }
`[ BOT] Vernation in which the upper part of the leaf
`is bent down on the lower part. { 'rek·l:i,niit }
`recllned fold See recumbent fold. { ,ri'kJind 'fold }
`recloaing relay
`[ELEC) Fonn of voltage, current, power. or
`other type of relay which functions to reclo&e a circuit.
`{ 're,tloz·ig 're,la }
`[COMPUT sci] The act or proces~ of identifying
`(or a5sociating) an input with one of a set of possible known
`alternatives, as in character recognition and pattern recognition.
`{ ,rek·ig'nish·:m }
`recognition gate
`[COMPUT ~c1J A logic circuit used to select
`devices identified by a binary address code. Also known as
`decoding gate. { ,reldg 'nish·an ,git }
`recognition differential
`!Acous] For a specified listener,
`the amount by which the signal level exceeds the noise level
`reachin11 the ear when there is a 50% probability of detection
`of the signal. { ,rek·ig'nish•;m ,dif•;)'ren·ch;il }
`r.coil Su gun reaction. { 're,k6il}
`recoll adapter
`[ORD] A device fastened between a gun,
`especially an aircraft machine gun, and its mount to adApt the
`gun for mounting and to absorb the recoil. { 'rii,koil .,,dap·
`[ORD] Component of a machine gun which
`recoil booster
`traps some of the gas from the ban-el and acts to ensure positive
`recoil action when the gun is fired at angles other than the usual
`horizontal. { 're,koil ,bils·t:ir}
`recoil brake
`[ORD] That part of the recoil mechanism that
`actually absorbs the energy of recoil and stops the rearward
`movement of tbe recoiling pmts. { 're, koil , brak }
`r•coil click
`[HOROL) A device in a timepiece that prevents a
`mainspring from being wound too tightly; uses a pawl that
`recoils after winding. { 're,koil ,klik. }
`recoil elactron
`[PHYS] An electron that has been set into
`motion by a collision. { 're,koil i,lek,trii.n}
`recoil escapement Su anchor escapement. { 're,koil i,skilp·
`recoiling maa•
`[ORD] Tbc mass of the recoiling parts of a
`weapon. { ri'koiHg 'mas }
`recolling parts
`[ORr>J Those parts of a weapon which move
`in recoil. usually includini the tube. breech housing, breech(cid:173)
`block assembly, and parts of the recoil mechanism. { ri'koil·
`ig 'parts }
`recoil ion spectro•copy
`[ATOM PHYS] A method of study(cid:173)
`ing tligbly ionized and highly excited atomic sta1e5, in which
`relatively light atoms in a gaseous target are bombarded by
`highly ionized, fast, heavy projectiles, resulting in single col·
`lisions in which the target atoms are raised to very high ,tales
`of ionization and excitation while incuning relatively small
`recoil velocities. { 're,koil 'i,iin ,spek'trlis•k;i-pc }
`[ORD] Built so as to eliminate or cancel out recoil;
`most recoilless guns are designed to let part of the propellant
`gases escape to the rear. { ri'lrJJi-!;js }
`recoilleaa ammunition
`[ORD] Ammunition intended foruse
`in recoilloss rifles; provision is made in the ammunition for
`release of propellant gases in the manner and quantity necessary
`to produce the recoilless action. { ri'koH;is ,am•y;j'oish·:m}
`recoilless gun
`[ORD! A smooth-bore. open-breech,
`launcher-type artillery weapon constructed of lightweight met(cid:173)
`als and employing a muzzle-inserted propellant: it is designed
`with a firing mechanism activated electncally or mechanically
`by remote control. { ri'kcii-1:is 'g.ln}
`recoilleH rifle
`(ORD] A weapon consi3ting of a light artillery
`tube of the recoilless type and a very light mount. { ri'koi-l;is
`'rif•;il }
`reooil mechanlam
`[ORD) A hydraulic-. pneumatic-, or
`spring-type !hock ah!orbcr that dccreAscs the energy of the
`recoil gradually and so avoids violent movement of the gun.
`{ 're,toil ,melc•;i,niz·~m}
`recoil milking
`[i.uc,.Eo] A technique for detecting trans(cid:173)
`mutation rec()i! atoms knocked out of a target by heavy-ion
`bombardment. in which tbe atoms come to rest in a stream of
`helium or other gas which carries them through an orifice to a
`roui:h vacuum whcrc they arc adsorbed on a surface and their
`radioactivity detected. { 're,kciil ,milk-ig }
`recoll oll
`[MATER] A neutral, constant-viscosity oil used in
`hydropneumatic and hydrospring recoil systems.
`f PHYS l A particle that has reen set into motion
`recoil particle
`by a collision or by a process involving the ejection of another~
`particle. { 're,k6il ,piird·:i·t:>I }
`recoil pit
`(oRn] Pit dug near the breech of a gun to provide
`space for the breech when ii moves back.wl!ltl <lu1iug u:cuil. ..
`1 're,koil ,pit }
`r•coil velocity
`[ORD] Velocity in recoil of the recoiling part11'.
`of a gun. { 'rc,ki>il Y;j,liis·:id·e }
`[GEN] Any new cell, indivi<lu11l, or molecule:
`that is produced in the laboratory by recombinant DNA tech- •·
`nology or that arises naturally as a result of recombination.
`{ re'kiim·b.l·n.lnt }
`recombinant DHA technology
`In genetil: t:ugineer- ·.
`ing, a laboratory technique used to join dco,cyribonucleic acid·
`from different sources to produce an individual with a novel .
`gene combination. Also known a~ gene splicing. { rt'lciim·
`b:i·nant ,de,en'ii tek'nlil•a·je }
`[GEN] 1. The occurrence of gene combina(cid:173)
`tions in the progeny that differ from those of the parents as a
`result of independent assortment. linkage, and crossing-over.
`2. The production of genetic information in which there are
`elements of one line of descent replaced by those of another
`[PHYS] The combination and
`line, or additional elements.
`resultant neutralization of particles or objects having nnlike
`charges. such a'\ a bole and an electron or a positive ion and 1
`negative ion. { ,re,kiim·b.i'nii·sh;in}
`recombination coefficient
`[ELECTR) The rate of recombi(cid:173)
`nation of positive ions with electrons or negative ions in a gas,
`per unit volume. divided by the product of the number of
`positive ions per unit volume and the number of electrons or
`negativ.: ions per unit volume. { ,rc,kiim·b:i'na·sban ,ko·i,fish·
`recombination electrolumlnescence Su injection electro(cid:173)
`lumincscence. { ,rt,k.iim·b.i'nii·sh;m i:Iel·tro,lil-rn;i'nes·:ins}
`recombination energy
`[PHYS] The energy released when
`two oppositely charged portions of an atom or molecule rejoin
`to form a neutral atom or molecule. { ,re,kiim·ba'na•Sb;)n ,en·
`recombination mosaic
`[GEN] A mosaic prodnced as the
`result of somatic crossing-over. { ,re,kiim·b:i'nii•sh:m mo,zi·
`recombination radiation I SOLID s-r ATE] The radiation emit(cid:173)
`ted in semiconductors when electrons in the conduction band
`recombine with hole, in the valence band. { ,re,kiim•ba'nii•
`sh:m ,rii.d·e,a·sh;in }
`recombination velocity
`[i-.u:cTR] On a semiconductor sur(cid:173)
`face, the ratio of the normal component of the electron ( or hole)
`current density at the surface to the excess electron (or hole)
`chMge density at the surface. { ,re,kiirn•b;,'ni·1.h.ln v~,llis·
`[PETRO ENG] Redrilling an oil well to a new
`producing zone (new depth) when the current zone is depleted.
`{ , re-1.:.,m' ple·sh:in }
`recomposed granite
`[PETR] An ark.ose composed of con(cid:173)
`solidated feld5pathic residue that has been reworked and de·
`composed so slightly that upon ccmcnta.tion the rock resembles
`granite except that its grain is less even and it contains a greater
`percentage of quartz. Also known as reconstructed granite.
`{ ,re·l:im'poz<.l 'gran-;it}
`recomposed rock
`[PITT'R] A rock produced in place by tho
`cementation of the fragmental products of surface weathering:
`for example. a recompo~ed granite. { ,re-1,''pozd 'rlil}
`recomputed point of turn
`[NAY] An altered dead-reckon-
`ing position of an aircraft at a turning point, determined after
`wind has been established bv drift observations made before
`and after the turn. { 're•k~tn,pyud•;id ,point ;jV 't.,m }
`[GEN] The smallest deoxyribonucleic acid unit capable
`of recombination. { 'rc,kiin }
`[ELEcrRJ Method of re(cid:173)
`reconditioned carrier reception
`ception in which the earner is separated from the sidebands to
`eliminate amplitude variations and noise. and is then added at
`an increa,ed level to the sideband, to obtain a relatively undi~(cid:173)
`torted output. { ,rc·k,m'dish·and 'kar-e•;,r ri,sep·sh;m}
`[ENG] Restoration of an object to a good
`condition. { ,re•k;)n'dish•;m·io }
`(ENG} A mission to secure data concerning
`the meteorological, hydrngraphic, or geographic <:hnracteristics

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