Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 1 of 52

`NO. 6:20-cv-636-ADA
`To expedite the flow of discovery material, to facilitate the prompt resolution of disputes
`over confidentiality of discovery materials, to adequately protect information the parties are
`entitled to keep confidential, to ensure that only materials the parties are entitled to keep
`confidential are subject to such treatment, and to ensure that the parties are permitted reasonably
`necessary uses of such materials in preparation for and in the conduct of trial, pursuant to Fed. R.
`Civ. P. 26(c), it is hereby ORDERED THAT:
`“Party”: any party to this action, including all of its officers, directors, employees,
`consultants, retained experts, and outside counsel (and their support staff).
`“Material”: all information, testimony, documents, and things produced, served, or
`otherwise provided in this action by the Parties or by non-parties.
`“CONFIDENTIAL Material”: information, documents, and things the Designating
`Party believes in good faith is not generally known to others, and which the Designating Party


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 2 of 52
`(i) would not normally reveal to third parties except in confidence or has undertaken with others
`to maintain in confidence, or (ii) believes in good faith is protected by a right to privacy under
`federal or state law or any other applicable privilege or right related to confidentiality or privacy.
`This designation includes all Material referring or relating to the foregoing, including but not
`limited to copies, summaries, and abstracts of the foregoing.
`“OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY Material”: information, documents, and
`things the Designating Party believes in good faith is not generally known to others and has
`significant competitive value such that unrestricted disclosure to others would create a substantial
`risk of serious injury, and which the Designating Party (i) would not normally reveal to third
`parties except in confidence or has undertaken with others to maintain in confidence, or
`(ii) believes in good faith is significantly sensitive and protected by a right to privacy under federal
`or state law or any other applicable privilege or right related to confidentiality or privacy. The
`designation is reserved for information that constitutes proprietary financial or technical or
`commercially sensitive competitive information that the Designating Party maintains as highly
`confidential in its business, including information obtained from a non-party pursuant to a
`Nondisclosure Agreement (“NDA”), information relating to future products, strategic plans, non-
`public financial data, documents that would reveal trade secrets, licensing documents or licensing
`communications, and settlement agreements or settlement communications, the disclosure of
`which is likely to cause harm to the competitive position of the Designating Party. This
`designation includes all Material referring or relating to the foregoing, including but not limited to
`copies, summaries, and abstracts of the foregoing.
`digital signal processing (DSP) programming language, firmware source code, register transfer


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 3 of 52
`language (RTL), hardware description language (HDL), circuit simulation files, non-programing
`files that are part of the source code development suite (such as README, Release Note, log and
`input files), design files (schematics, netlists, and layout files), microcode, and/or similarly
`sensitive code or schematics (i.e., representations of any silicon mask or circuit design, diagram,
`or blueprint containing specific gate-level circuit design representations) (collectively, “Source
`Code”) that the Designating Party believes in good faith is not generally known to others and has
`significant competitive value such that unrestricted disclosure to others would create a substantial
`risk of serious injury, and which the Designating Party (i) would not normally reveal to third
`parties except in confidence or has undertaken with others to maintain in confidence, or
`(ii) believes in good faith is significantly sensitive and protected by a right to privacy under federal
`or state law or any other applicable privilege or right related to confidentiality or privacy. This
`designation includes all Materials referring or relating to the foregoing, including but not limited
`to copies, summaries, and abstracts of the foregoing. If a non-Source Code document specifically
`refers or relates to Source Code (e.g., a copy, summary, or abstract is included therein), upon
`request from the Receiving Party, the Producing Party will meet and confer in good faith with the
`Receiving Party regarding whether the Producing Party will redact the relevant portion of the
`document and make the redacted document available as non-Source Code material subject to
`appropriate alternative designation. If the Parties are unable to agree within 5 business days of the
`meet and confer, the Parties will jointly seek the Court’s assistance in resolving the dispute. Any
`document designated as “OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” information
`is automatically designated as SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION BAR in Section H.
`semiconductor fabrication processes documentation (process flow specifications, operating


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 4 of 52
`specifications, process sequence documents, die layout files, and process recipes) (collectively
`“Process Recipes”) which the Designating Party believes in good faith is not generally known to
`others, which has significant competitive value such that unrestricted disclosure to others would
`create a substantial risk of serious injury, and which the Designating Party, in the ordinary course
`of business, takes precautions to protect, and, further, which the Designating Party (i) would not
`normally reveal to third parties except in confidence or has undertaken with others to maintain in
`confidence, or (ii) believes in good faith is significantly sensitive and protected by a right to
`privacy under federal or state law or any other applicable privilege or right related to
`confidentiality or privacy. This designation includes all Materials referring or relating to the
`foregoing, including but not limited to copies, summaries, and abstracts of the foregoing. If a non-
`Process Recipe document specifically refers or relates to Process Recipe Material (e.g., a copy,
`summary, or abstract is included therein), upon request from the Receiving Party, the Producing
`Party will meet and confer in good faith with the Receiving Party regarding whether the Producing
`Party will redact the relevant portion of the document and make the redacted document available
`as non-Process Recipe material subject to appropriate alternative designation. If the Parties are
`unable to agree within 5 business days of the meet and confer, the Parties will jointly seek the
`Court’s assistance in resolving the dispute. Samsung states that it treats Process Recipe Material
`in a manner that is at least as protective as Source Code. Any document designated as “OUTSIDE
`COUNSEL EYES ONLY – PROCESS RECIPE” information is automatically designated as
`“Producing Party”: a Party or non-party that produces Material in this action.
`“Receiving Party”: a Party that receives Material from a Producing Party.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 5 of 52
`“Designated Material”: Material
`is designated “CONFIDENTIAL”,
`“Designating Party”: a Party or non-party
`that designates Material as
`“Counsel of Record”: (i) outside counsel who appears on the pleadings as counsel
`for a Party; (ii) partners, associates, and employees of such outside counsel to whom it is
`reasonably necessary to disclose the information for this litigation, including supporting personnel
`employed by the attorneys, such as paralegals, legal translators, legal secretaries, legal clerks, and
`shorthand reporters; (iii) independent legal translators retained to translate in connection with this
`action, or independent shorthand reporters retained to record and transcribe testimony in
`connection with this action. “Counsel of Record” does not include any person who is an employee,
`director, or officer of a Party or a Party’s affiliates even if that person appears on the pleadings as
`counsel for a Party.
`“Litigation Manager”: an employee or consultant in a Party’s legal department or
`intellectual property division whose responsibilities include overseeing this litigation, who is not
`a competitive decisionmaker regarding equipment for physical vapor deposition of thin films in
`semiconductor integrated circuit products and who is not a Board member or Board-appointed
`officer of that Party. For the avoidance of doubt, an individual is not a competitive decisionmaker
`solely by virtue of participating in the negotiation of settlement agreements. Each Party may have
`a maximum of one Litigation Manager. Either party may substitute its Litigation Managers with
`reasonable notice to the other party.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 6 of 52
`“Outside Consultant”: a person with specialized knowledge or experience in a
`matter pertinent to the action who has been retained by a Party or its Counsel of Record to serve
`as an expert witness or as a consultant in this action and who is not a current employee, officer, or
`director of a Party or of a competitor of a Party and who, at the time of retention, is not anticipated
`to become an employee, officer, or director of a Party or of a competitor of a Party.
`“Professional Vendors”: persons or entities that provide litigation support services
`(e.g., photocopying, organizing, storing, or retrieval of data in any form or medium, videotaping,
`translating, designing and preparing exhibits, graphics, or demonstrations, etc.) and their
`employees and subcontractors. This definition includes a professional jury or trial consultant
`retained in connection with this litigation and mock jurors retained by such a consultant to assist
`them in their work. Professional Vendors do not include consultants who fall within the definition
`of Outside Consultant.
`The protections conferred by this Order cover not only Designated Material (as
`defined above), but also any information copied or extracted therefrom, as well as all copies,
`excerpts, summaries, or compilations thereof. Nothing herein changes in any way the discovery
`provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the Court’s deadlines. Identification of any
`individual pursuant to this Protective Order does not make that individual available for deposition
`or any other form of discovery outside of the restrictions and procedures of the Federal Rules of
`Civil Procedure, the rules of the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, and
`the Court’s orders applicable to this case.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 7 of 52
`Access to Designated Material
`CONFIDENTIAL Material: Unless otherwise ordered by the Court or permitted
`in writing by the Designating Party, a Receiving Party may disclose any information, document,
`or thing designated “CONFIDENTIAL” only to:
`persons who appear on the face of Designated Material as an author,
`addressee, or recipient thereof, provided, however, that no one may show Designated Material to
`an ex-employee of a Producing Party without first notifying the Producing Party and providing the
`Producing Party with an opportunity to object prior to such disclosure;
`Counsel of Record;
`Litigation Managers to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary for this
`litigation and who have signed the “Litigation Manager Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be
`Bound by Protective Order” attached as Exhibit C;
`Outside Consultants of the Receiving Party to whom disclosure is
`reasonably necessary for this litigation and who have signed the “Acknowledgment and
`Agreement to Be Bound By Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A and the “Certification
`Of Outside Consultant” attached hereto as Exhibit B. Disclosure may be made to such Outside
`Consultants of the Receiving Party only pursuant to and after completion of the procedures set out
`in Section D below;
`witnesses of the Producing Party at deposition and/or trial, provided that
`such witnesses may not retain copies of Designated Material unless permitted by other provisions
`of this Order;
`this Court in the above-captioned civil action, and the court in any appeal
`from any of the foregoing actions, in each case including such court’s personnel;


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 8 of 52
`any designated arbitrator or mediator who is assigned to hear this matter,
`and his or her staff, who have signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement To Be Bound By
`Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A and the “Certification Of Outside Consultant”
`attached hereto as Exhibit B;
`court reporters; and
`Professional Vendors to which disclosure is reasonably necessary for this
`litigation and a representative of which has signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement To Be
`Bound By Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY Material: Unless otherwise ordered by the
`Court or permitted in writing by the Designating Party, a Receiving Party may disclose any
`information, documents, or things designated OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY Material only
`to the following in addition to those identified in Paragraphs 45-46 below regarding use of
`Designated Material at depositions:
`persons who appear on the face of Designated Material as an author,
`addressee, or recipient thereof, provided, however, that no one may show Designated Material to
`an ex-employee of a Producing Party without first notifying the Producing Party and providing the
`Producing Party with an opportunity to object prior to such disclosure;
`Counsel of Record;
`Outside Consultants of the Receiving Party to whom disclosure is
`reasonably necessary for this litigation and who have signed the “Acknowledgment and
`Agreement To Be Bound By Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A and the “Certification
`Of Outside Consultant” attached hereto as Exhibit B. Disclosure may be made to such Outside


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 9 of 52
`Consultants of the Receiving Party only pursuant to and after completion of the procedures set out
`in Section D below;
`this Court in the above-captioned civil action, and the court in any appeal
`from any of the foregoing actions, in each case including such court’s personnel;
`any designated arbitrator or mediator who is assigned to hear this matter,
`and his or her staff, who have signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement To Be Bound By
`Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A and the “Certification Of Outside Consultant”
`attached hereto as Exhibit B;
`court reporters; and
`Professional Vendors to which disclosure is reasonably necessary for this
`litigation and a representative of which has signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement To Be
`Bound By Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`otherwise ordered by the Court or permitted in writing by the Designating Party, a Receiving Party
`may disclose any information, documents, or things designated OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES
`ONLY – SOURCE CODE Material only to the following in addition to those identified in
`Paragraphs 45-46 below regarding use of Designated Material at depositions:
`persons who appear on the face of Designated Material as an author,
`addressee, or recipient thereof, provided, however, that no one may show Designated Material to
`an ex-employee of a Producing Party without first notifying the Producing Party and providing the
`Producing Party with an opportunity to object prior to such disclosure;
`Counsel of Record;


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 10 of 52
`Outside Consultants of the Receiving Party to whom disclosure is
`reasonably necessary for this litigation and who have signed the “Acknowledgment and
`Agreement To Be Bound By Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A and the “Certification
`Of Outside Consultant” attached hereto as Exhibit B. Disclosure may be made to such Outside
`Consultants of the Receiving Party only pursuant to and after completion of the procedures set out
`in Section D below;
`this Court in the above-captioned civil action, and the court in any appeal
`from any of the foregoing actions, in each case including such court’s personnel;
`any designated arbitrator or mediator who is assigned to hear this matter,
`and his or her staff, who have signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement To Be Bound By
`Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A and the “Certification Of Outside Consultant”
`attached hereto as Exhibit B; and
`court reporters.
`Unless otherwise ordered by the Court or permitted in writing by the Designating Party, a
`Receiving Party may disclose any information, documents, or things designated OUTSIDE
`COUNSEL EYES ONLY – PROCESS RECIPE Material only to the following in addition to those
`identified in Paragraph 45 below regarding use of Designated Material at depositions:
`persons who appear on the face of Designated Material as an author,
`addressee, or recipient thereof, provided, however, that no one may show Designated Material to
`an ex-employee of a Producing Party without first notifying the Producing Party and providing the
`Producing Party with an opportunity to object prior to such disclosure;
`Counsel of Record;


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 11 of 52
`Outside Consultants of the Receiving Party to whom disclosure is
`reasonably necessary for this litigation and who have signed the “Acknowledgment and
`Agreement To Be Bound By Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A and the “Certification
`Of Outside Process Recipe Consultant” attached hereto as Exhibit D. . Disclosure may be made
`to such Outside Consultants of the Receiving Party only pursuant to and after completion of the
`procedures set out in Section D below;
`this Court in the above-captioned civil action, and the court in any appeal
`from any of the foregoing actions, in each case including such court’s personnel;
`any designated arbitrator or mediator who is assigned to hear this matter,
`and his or her staff, who have signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement To Be Bound By
`Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A and the “Certification Of Outside Process Recipe
`Consultant” attached hereto as Exhibit D; and
`court reporters.
`Each person to whom Designated Material may be disclosed, and who is required
`to sign the “Acknowledgment and Agreement To Be Bound By Protective Order” attached hereto
`as Exhibit A, or the “Certification Of Outside Consultant” attached hereto as Exhibit B (if
`applicable) or the “Litigation Manager Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound by
`Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit C (if applicable) or the “Certification Of Outside
`Process Recipe Consultant” attached hereto as Exhibit D (if applicable), must do so prior to the
`time such Designated Material is disclosed to him or her. Counsel for a Party who makes any
`disclosure of Designated Material must retain each original executed certificate and, upon written
`request, must provide copies to counsel for all other Parties at the termination of this action.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 12 of 52
`At the request of the Designating Party, persons not permitted access to Designated
`Material under the terms of this Protective Order must not be present at depositions while the
`Designating Party’s Designated Material is discussed or otherwise disclosed. Pre-trial and trial
`proceedings must be conducted in a manner, subject to the supervision of the Court, to protect
`Designated Material from disclosure to persons not authorized to have access to such Material.
`Access By Outside Consultants
`Notice. If a Receiving Party wishes to disclose another Party’s Designated Material
`to any Outside Consultant, such Receiving Party must provide advance written notice by email to
`counsel for the Designating Party, which notice must include: (a) the individual’s name and
`business title; (b) business address; (c) business or profession; (d) the individual’s CV; (e) any
`previous, current or anticipated relationship (personal or professional) with any of the Parties
`(and/or their predecessors or successors in interest) or a Party’s competitor (and/or their
`predecessors or successors in interest); (f) a list of other cases in which the individual has testified
`(at trial or deposition) within the last four years; (g) an identification of all companies with which
`the individual has consulted or by which the individual has been employed within the last four
`years;1 and (h) a signed copy of (1) the “Acknowledgment and Agreement To Be Bound By
`Protective Order” attached hereto as Exhibit A and (2) one or both of the “Certification Of Outside
`Consultant” attached hereto as Exhibit B and the “Certificate of Outside Process Recipe
`Consultant” attached hereto as Exhibit D.
`1 If the Outside Consultant believes any of this information is subject to a confidentiality obligation to a
`third-party, then the Outside Consultant should provide sufficient information for the Designating Party to determine
`whether it needs to object to the Outside Consultant. In all instances, the Outside Consultant may not omit entirely
`the existence of work that was performed pursuant to a confidentiality agreement. In addition, the Party seeking to
`disclose to the Outside Consultant shall be available to meet and confer with the Designating Party regarding any
`such engagement.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 13 of 52
`Objections. The Designating Party will have seven (7) business days from receipt
`of the notice specified in Paragraph 22 to object in writing to such disclosure. Any such objection
`must set forth in detail the grounds on which it is based. After the expiration of the 7-day period,
`if no objection has been asserted, then Designated Material may be disclosed to the Outside
`Consultant pursuant to the terms of this Order. However, if the Designating Party objects within
`the 7-day period, the Receiving Party may not disclose Designated Material to the challenged
`individual absent written resolution of the dispute or Court Order. In the event the Designating
`Party makes a timely objection, the Parties must meet and confer within three business days by
`telephone or in person to try to resolve the matter by agreement. If the Parties cannot reach an
`agreement, the objecting Party may within five (5) business days following the meet and confer
`move for a protective order preventing disclosure of Designated Material to the Outside Consultant
`or for other appropriate relief. If the objecting Party fails to move for protective order within the
`prescribed period, any objection to the Outside Consultant is waived, and Designated Material may
`thereafter be disclosed to such individual. If the objecting Party timely moves for a protective
`order, Designated Material must not be disclosed to the challenged individual until and unless a
`final ruling allowing such disclosure is made by this Court or by the consent of the objecting Party,
`whichever occurs first.
`Unless otherwise agreed to in writing between the Producing Party and the
`Receiving Party, Source Code designated as “OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY – SOURCE
`CODE” may only be provided on at least two stand-alone computers (that is, a computer not
`connected to a network, the Internet, or any peripheral device, except that the stand-alone computer
`may be connected to a printer or printers and a monitor and will have a mouse connected, all other


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 14 of 52
`ports must be disabled) at secure locations, to be made available during regular business hours
`(9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time) on weekdays on five (5) business days’ notice, at Producing
`Party’s counsel’s offices in the United States or another law firm’s offices in the United States
`designated by the Producing Party (“Source Code Computers”). For Samsung, the secure locations
`will be in Palo Alto, California and at the Producing Party’s counsel’s offices in Los Angeles,
`California. The Receiving Party must identify in writing to the Producing Party the persons who
`will be conducting the inspection or will be present during the inspection no less than 48 hours in
`advance of any such inspection. Before being admitted into the secure location, an individual must
`provide a photo identification card issued by the United States federal government or the
`government of a state of the United States.
`The Producing Party will produce Source Code designated as “OUTSIDE
`COUNSEL EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” in computer searchable format and in a file
`structure and format that mirrors the file structure and format of the Source Code as maintained by
`the Producing Party in the ordinary course of business, pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 24
`above, but need not produce in executable format absent further written agreement of the parties
`or order of the Court. The Producing Party may monitor any review of Source Code designated
`as “OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE”, but only as is reasonable to ensure
`compliance with this Protective Order and in a manner that will not interfere with the Receiving
`Party’s confidential communications or otherwise invade the Receiving Party’s attorney work
`product, and that will afford the Receiving Party adequate privacy to permit the development of
`appropriate work product. The Producing Party shall provide the Receiving Party with information
`explaining how to start, log on to, and operate the Source Code Computers in order to access the
`produced Source Code. In order to verify that its Source Code has not later been altered, the


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 15 of 52
`Producing Party may benchmark the materials to confirm that the materials have not been altered
`before and after they are provided but shall not install any keystroke or other monitoring software
`on the Source Code Computers. Each time a Producing Party makes Material available for review
`on the Source Code Computers, it shall promptly notify the Receiving Party of the same and
`provide a summary of the volume and nature of such newly available Material.
`Except as otherwise provided herein, no copies of any portion of the Source Code
`may leave the secure location in which the Source Code is inspected. Further, except as provided
`herein, no written or electronic record of the Source Code is permitted. Notwithstanding the
`foregoing, the Receiving Party may request printed copies of specific portions of Source Code
`designated as “OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE.” Within five (5) business
`days of the printing request, the Producing Party must either (i) provide five (5) paper copies of
`Source Code designated as “OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” including
`Bates numbers and appropriate confidentiality labels when printed, along with a native Microsoft
`Excel file that lists the filepath and filename, as they appear on any stand-alone computer, of each
`requested file, correlated to the beginning Bates number of the corresponding print-out, or,
`alternatively, the Producing Party may brand printouts with the filepath and filename of each file,
`as it appears on any stand-alone computer; or (ii) object that a printing request is excessive and/or
`not done for a permitted purpose. The Producing Party must retain copies of any portions of Source
`Code printed and the Receiving Party is prohibited from removing the copies from the secure
`location. The entire code or an unreasonably large portion of the code must not be requested. The
`Receiving Party is not entitled to request copies in order to review blocks of Source Code
`designated as “OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” elsewhere in the first
`instance, i.e., as an alternative to reviewing the materials electronically on the stand-alone


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 16 of 52
`computers provided by the Producing Party, as the parties acknowledge and agree that the purpose
`of the protections herein would be frustrated by printing portions of code for review and analysis
`elsewhere. Printouts of the Source Code that exceed 60 contiguous pages or 20% or more of a
`specific software release will be presumed excessive unless the Receiving Party provides a
`compelling justification that such printed portions are necessary. For example, if the requested
`portion of the source code comprises a complete code module that is directly relevant to the
`operation of the accused instrumentality, yet that requested portion exceeds the aforementioned
`page limits, such request may be deemed a compelling justification. If the Producing Party objects
`within three (3) business days of a printing request that the printing request is excessive and/or not
`done for a permitted purpose, the Producing Party and Receiving Party will meet and confer within
`three (3) business days of the Producing Party’s objection. If the Producing Party and the
`Receiving Party cannot resolve the objection, the Receiving Party may, within three (3) business
`days after the meet and confer, seek the Court’s resolution of whether the request is narrowly
`tailored for a permitted purpose. The burden will be on the Receiving Party to demonstrate that
`such portions are no more than is reasonably necessary for a permitted purpose, and not merely
`for the purpose of review and analysis in another location.
`A Receiving Party of any paper copies of any Source Code designated as
`“OUTSIDE COUNSEL EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” must always keep the paper copies of
`the Source Code at the office of the Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel of Record, and in a locked
`storage container at the office of the Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel of Record when the paper
`copies of the Source Code are not in use. Outside Consultants and experts are prohibited from
`keeping copy sets. The Receiving Party may not reproduce the paper copies of the Source Code,
`absent written agreement of the Producing Party. The Receiving Party must maintain a Source


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 107 Filed 06/09/21 Page 17 of 52
`Code Access Log identifying, for each and every time any Source Code is viewed, accessed, or
`analyzed: (i) the name of each person who accessed the Source Code; (ii) the date of access; and
`(iii) the locatio

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