Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 1 of 12
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`Plaintiff, )
` ) Case Number
`vs. ) AU:20-CV-00765
` )
`CORPORATION, ) Austin, Texas
`Defendant. ) April 11, 2023
` Adam G. Price, Esquire
` Christopher V. Goodpastor, Esquire
` DiNovo Price, LLP
` 7000 North MoPac Expressway
` Suite 350
` Austin, Texas 78731
` (512)539-2626;
` G. Blake Thompson, Esquire
` Mann, Tindel, Thompson
` 112 E. Line Street, Suite 304
` Tyler, Texas 75702
` (903)657-6003;
` Jeffrey Lance Johnson, Esquire
` Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP
` 609 Main, 40th Floor
` Houston, Texas 77002


`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 2 of 12
`Angela M. Hailey, CSR, CRR, RPR, RMR
`Official Court Reporter, U.S.D.C.
`262 West Nueva Street
`San Antonio, Texas 78207
`Proceedings reported by stenotype, transcript produced by
`computer-aided transcription.
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`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 3 of 12
`S T A T U S C O N F E R E N C E
`(Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 9:03 a.m.)
`* * *
`THE COURT: Please be seated.
`Bandspeed, LLC versus Realtek Semiconductor Corporation.
`THE COURT: Good morning. Can we have appearances
`MR. PRICE: Good morning, Judge. My name is Adam
`Price for plaintiff, Bandspeed, and I'm here with my colleague
`Chris Goodpastor.
`MR. GOODPASTOR: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MR. THOMPSON: Good morning, Your Honor. Blake
`Thompson here for Realtek, and also with me is Jeffrey Johnson.
`We're ready to proceed.
`THE COURT: Okay. We're here for a status conference
`to see exactly where we are in this case. Now, I had dinner
`last night with Judge Yeakel, who by the way is in unusually
`fine form getting ready to retire, and to say there wasn't a
`tinge of jealousy there would be the understatement, I think.
`But nonetheless, he indicated that he understood there would be
`some or some progress had been made toward resolving this case
`by way of settlement. Am I right, wrong or was he wrong?
`MR. PRICE: I think I can address that. Adam Price
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`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 4 of 12
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`for plaintiff, Bandspeed. With respect to this case, we have
`had discussions. I think we're optimistic that we can get
`something done. And in talking with counsel in the hall, our
`thought is if we push Markman out a little bit, the actual
`hearing, that will give us some time to maybe get this done and
`also would accommodate schedules. In terms of Bandspeed as a
`whole, there are several Bandspeed cases and those are in
`different stages discussions.
`THE COURT: I only had this one, right?
`MR. PRICE: That's correct, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Who's got the other ones?
`MR. PRICE: Judge Yeakel currently has them.
`COURTROOM DEPUTY CLERK: He hasn't transferred them
`yet. There's a few.
`THE COURT: I think you can count on them probably
`landing here. I'm going to be picking up 200 to 250 of his
`cases, I think.
`MR. THOMPSON: We're in agreement with plaintiff's
`counsel, we would like to push the Markman hearing back to
`maybe August or so and it would give us some time, number one,
`just for scheduling, but also give us some time to explore
`possible resolution as well.
`THE COURT: You know, my experience -- thank you,
`counsel. My experience -- well, there's two ways to look at
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`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 5 of 12
`S T A T U S C O N F E R E N C E
`this. You have the old Sam Sparks way to look at it. And
`Sam's view is that you need a hot iron on people's nether
`regions to get things done. Judge Yeakel and I are more of the
`hopeful type of judges, I think. We like to think that if we
`give somebody a continuance in order to work on the case and
`try to get it settled, that they actually will do that and not
`take it and put it on the shelf and go to something else, which
`unfortunately does happen. And so I think that the truth
`probably lies somewhere between Sam Sparks and David Ezra and
`Lee Yeakel, I don't know. But I am inclined to take you
`gentlemen at your word that you'll, you know, try to work this
`Now, are these other -- I don't know anything about
`these other cases. Are they against the same parties?
`MR. PRICE: No, Your Honor. Same patents where
`there's overlap of patents, but they are against different
`THE COURT: Different parties, okay.
`MR. PRICE: The patents generally relate to blue
`tooth, so fairly widespread use of the technology.
`THE COURT: Sure, of course. All right, so what dates
`do you want? Don't get too crazy now.
`MR. THOMPSON: I think from our side, Your Honor,
`anything August 1st and beyond.
`THE COURT: We're talking about for the Markman
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`S T A T U S C O N F E R E N C E
`hearing now.
`MR. THOMPSON: That's correct.
`MR. PRICE: That would work for us, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Let's see, who knows what will work for
`me. My schedule is becoming nuts.
`COURTROOM DEPUTY CLERK: Do we know how long it will
`THE COURT: I would imagine it wouldn't take more than
`a day and a half maybe, two days at the most.
`MR. PRICE: If I might ask, Your Honor, we would be
`inclined to present our expert by declaration and not live. If
`we were to do a non-live witness hearing, I think this could be
`done in two hours.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. PRICE: There have been many Bandspeed cases, so
`there's a lot of history there and a lot of terms have already
`been construed, so I think there's a lot to go on.
`THE COURT: Well, there hasn't been a lot of Bandspeed
`cases in front of me, so I have to start from ground zero.
`Remember that. I used to represent banks and I would come
`before these various federal judges, this is during the savings
`and loan crisis, you may or may not remember that. I was
`involved in all those cases, and I remember we were in Indiana,
`I think, we were in Indianapolis. And all the lawyers had been
`traveling around the country, we had all been in these same
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`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 7 of 12
`S T A T U S C O N F E R E N C E
`cases, so we all knew what all the facts were. Of course, the
`judge was a very good judge, he just didn't know the history of
`it. So we're brabbling back and forth about this, that and the
`other thing and he says, "Wait a minute, wait a minute,
`counsel, I wasn't there." You know.
`And I think this happens frequently when counsel are
`involved in a series of related cases you. Kind of forget that
`the judge -- it's not as big a problem when you have a jury,
`Markman isn't in front of a jury, so the trial might be
`obviously, but the Markman isn't, so you lose sight of the fact
`that you need to start at ground zero.
`MR. PRICE: We will do that, Your Honor.
`MR. THOMPSON: Your Honor, do you like in-person
`tutorial like Judge Yeakel? How do you handle your Markman.
`THE COURT: Yes, I do it exactly like Judge Yeakel
`does it. He and I have a very similar background. He and I
`went through officer candidate school, same place, just about
`the same time. I got appointed by President Reagan. He was a
`Bush appointee, so I have a few years on him there, but he's a
`few years on the other side of me where it counts.
`MR. THOMPSON: Well, I think knowing that, we would
`probably think at least half a day or longer, maybe a full day,
`but at least half a day.
`THE COURT: We'll set a day aside. The reason I want
`to get this set, to be honest with you, is that there is going
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`S T A T U S C O N F E R E N C E
`to be a tsunami of cases coming down. I'm going to get a lot
`from Judge Yeakel. I'm going -- I think a couple hundred at
`least, may be more, I'm going to get some of Judge Pitman's
`cases also. That's perfectly fine. I'm perfectly capable of
`doing that, I've always had a heavy docket. They used to send
`me all over the country to try complex cases, so I'm not
`worried about that. That's not the problem. The problem is
`there's only so many days in the year and so many hours in a
`day, and you don't want to be on the back end of the train, so
`to speak. I mean, it could take a very long time to get to
`your case. So that's why we're trying to move these things
`forward. And that's basically what Judge Yeakel and I were
`talking about, because he has the same view of things as I do,
`So I think August should be all right. I think you'll
`be fine in August. Do I have time in August?
`COURTROOM DEPUTY CLERK: You do. August 9th.
`THE COURT: How about August 9th?
`MR. PRICE: Fine for the plaintiff, Your Honor.
`(Discussion off the record with Courtroom Deputy
`THE COURT: She was just trying to clarify whether I
`wanted the tutorial, so to speak, as Judge Yeakel used to do it
`in the chambers or in the courtroom, but we'll do that in the
`chambers just like Judge Yeakel does.
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`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 9 of 12
`S T A T U S C O N F E R E N C E
`MR. THOMPSON: August 9th will be fine for us as well.
`THE COURT: And then we can move into the courtroom.
`We'll do it all in one day.
`MR. PRICE: If it's more efficient for Your Honor, we
`could also present a tutorial that's prerecorded and share it
`with the other side and they could respond to it and we could
`submit them.
`THE COURT: I don't care. Whichever you wish to do.
`You know, I actually like to ask questions, so maybe we ought
`to do it live.
`MR. PRICE: That's fine.
`THE COURT: How are your teaching skills?
`MR. PRICE: It won't be me, Your Honor, it will be my
`MR. THOMPSON: Depends on the topic.
`THE COURT: Well, I've been teaching law school for 38
`years, and I think my teaching skills have kind of gone down
`hill, I don't know. All right. So let's figure on August 9th
`we'll do the tutorial and then we'll do the Markman and we'll
`finish it up and get it all done, and I'll take some time and
`put out an order.
`MR. PRICE: Will the tutorial be off the record and
`not part --
`THE COURT: Yeah, I don't think Judge Yeakel does it
`on the record, does he?
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`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 10 of 12
`S T A T U S C O N F E R E N C E
`MR. PRICE: No, he doesn't record them.
`THE COURT: Everything I've ever said, I think, in a
`professional capacity for the last -- well, not the last 52
`years I've been a lawyer, but the last 35 years I've been a
`federal judge has been on the record, so I don't mind being on
`the record, but I think that would not be particularly
`productive. I'm happy to put it on the record if you want it
`on the record.
`MR. THOMPSON: We're fine either way. Whatever your
`preference is fine with us.
`THE COURT: All right. We won't put that on the
`record. The actual Markman hearing, of course, will be on the
`record. Okay, August 9th. Is there anything else, counsel,
`that you would like to bring up at this point while I have you
`MR. PRICE: Nothing from Bandspeed, Your Honor.
`MR. THOMPSON: Nothing from Realtek, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. Very good. Thank you very much.
`MR. PRICE: Thank you, Your Honor.
`MR. THOMPSON: May we be excused?
`THE COURT: Thanks very much, counsel. Have a good
`rest of the week. We'll see you on August 9th. The regular
`filings that you -- do you need deadlines on those for your
`Markman? Have they all been filed already?
`MR. PRICE: We're fully briefed, Your Honor.
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`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 11 of 12
`S T A T U S C O N F E R E N C E
`THE COURT: You're fully briefed. Okay. I just got
`the case, as you know. I haven't had a chance to look at it,
`so I will. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it.
`MR. PRICE: Your Honor, we did give hard copies to
`Judge Yeakel's --
`THE COURT: We got them. We work pretty close
`(9:17 a.m.)
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`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 61 Filed 07/08/23 Page 12 of 12
`S T A T U S C O N F E R E N C E
`* * * * *
` I certify that the foregoing is a correct transcript from
`the record of proceedings in the above-entitled matter. I
`further certify that the transcript fees and format comply with
`those prescribed by the Court and the Judicial Conference of
`the United States.
`Date signed: July 8, 2023
`/s/ Angela M. Hailey
`Angela M. Hailey, CSR, CRR, RPR, RMR
`Official Court Reporter
`262 West Nueva Street
`San Antonio, Texas 78207
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