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`10. Zoogeog. oriental (def..3),
`Case 1:20-cv-00765-DAE Document 54-1 Filed 03/29/23 Page 4 of 4
`DAE Document 54-1 Filed 03/29/23 Page 4 of 4
`Case 1:20-cv-00765-
`wdependent assortment
`Indian corn
` contents. b,
`Conergyently as'
`"book 3h
`Indians. Abbr.: Ind 3. a member of any apla
`4n index, ae
`3 Prologue. —v.t. 20. to provide with
`reneeent au/dit, an audit of aAgopeneesesortment. (194. + See law of[nde
`peoplesnative to or inhabiting
`India or the East Indi
`Tve to indicate:
`topic. 22. to se.approach
`1. to enter in an index, as a name orate: warm breezes indexing the
`4. a citizen of the Republic o India. 5. sien -vimatruc-
`'y con-
`m an outsid
`politicalt Of spring. 23. to
`or morsil
`Place (a book) on an official listas who performs a required task or carries Ohi fs and not
`the book. 24 harmful: The commissar insisted on in-
`tions of superiors: We have too many chiefs n Indus.
`byved from internal audit).
`“°OUnting firm
`the Amer-
`in order to re
`4. to Fotate (work) on a milling machine
`enough Indians.
`6. Astron.
`the constellatio
`vent ax/lom, Logic, Math.
`shee oe milling operation at a new position.
`—ad). 7. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of
`15, OF
`doPernst cannot be proved by usingthe ‘ediereta
`es, taxes, etc.) automatically accord-
`ican Indians or their
`languages. 8. of, pertaining
`ingto chang.
`characteristic of India or theEast Indies. 9. made of
`ra cost-of-living level or another economic
`dian corn: Indian meal.
`set inflation.
`(1360-1400; ME < L:
`the set:
`(én/de_ pen/den tés/
`dic-, show, declare’noice at
`FSS) Spanish.
`in Latin America)y pe Pe
`N-* + -dec-
`(comb. form of
`11. Phytogeog. belon ing or oboe. (oa googTeP ie
`one index: INDICATE; akin to TEACH) + -s nom. sin
`division comprising India south of the Himalayas, 8; T-
`ypports OF workstoward political independence
`cal, adj.—IdeeEle, ad). —Index-er, n. —Index’> Pakistan andSri Lanka. {1350-1400; < ML Indianu
`who ka supporting radical changesin an existing
`x’beal-ly, adv. —in/dex-iess, adj.
`MEIndien < OF < ML as above. See INDIA, -AN
`on’ or
`from an honey system of governmeste
`the auto- —Usage. Because Christopher Columbus mista enly
`t of w
`matic adjustment7aek 88’shon), n. Econ.
`vent suspen/sion, an automoti
`‘ages, taxes, pension benefits,
`believed that
`the Caribbean island on which he ae
`pend” in which each wheelis attached|techn fr:
`ing or shot Se according to changes in the costofliv-
`landed was the subcontinent of India, he called nS
`habitants INptans. Eventually, that name was plie
`inflation CINDERosindicator, esp. to compensate for
`ndently, so that a road bump affecting one wheal
`almost all the indigenous, non-European inhabitants ©
`Pereffect on the ck (1925-30)
`North and South America. In modern times INDIAN May.
`in’dex card
`ndfent var’iable, Math.
`a vari
`refer to an inhabitant of the subcontinent of India or of
`in. (7.6 x 12.7 chiteed relatively small, as 3 x 5
`dere relation whose value determines tose or
`tion and usually filed j
`noting or recording informa-
`the East Indies, to a citizen of the Republic of India, or
`functio of other variables,as x in the relation y = 3x2 ce
`valuesofONSTable. [1850-55] cs
`in’dex crime’
`in an index.
`to a memberof an aboriginal American people.
`h’), adj.
`1. extensi
`statistics Pe s, & crime included in the yearly crime
`In the 18th century the term American Indian came to
`0; 0 called’te Federal Bureau of Investigation.
`be used for
`the aboriginal
`inhabitants of the United
`pth (in’dept!
`nsive, thorough,
`in-depth analysis of the
`2 OF
`States and Canada; it now includes the aboriginal peo-
`level of criminal mei an index of the general
`ee orfully developed.
`problem. 2.'well-
`ples. of South Amerie as well: (When necense>: furthe!
`In-dex Ex-pur.
`istinctions are made with
`such terms as
`(in’de rél’,
`-rol’), Pharm., Trad.
`teesof pl.
`Indices Ex-purgetenon ent can Indian and South American Indian.) The term:
`eerof more :
`Amerindian and Amerind subsequently developed in tht
`Mee 82 t8r78 V7, -tor’-). Rom. Cath. Ch; 1
`a list of
`ribea-ble (in/di skri/be bal),
`now included
`to reduce ambiguity. For
`some, especiall;
`ee extraordinary for description:@acnet of
`among North American Indians, the preferred designa
`rum, forbidden to asin the Index Librorum Prohibito-
`tion is Native American. All these terms appear in ed
`int (< NL: lit., expurgateryindec Oeoon
`gcribable confusion;
`indescribable euphoria.
`ited writing. Whether one or several will gain ascend
`ne + DESCRIBABLE] —in/de-scrib/a-bil/i-ty, In/de-
`means fin’ger, forefinger.
`ancy over the others remains to be seen.
`terib/a-ble-ness, n, —In/de-scrib/a-bly, adv.
`The only pre-European inhabitants of North Americ
`syn. overwhelming,indefinable, unutterable.
`feaating fossil, Geol., Paleontol. a widely distributed
`to whom INDIAN or other terms using the word INDIA
`struct-i-ble (in/di struk/ta bel),
`are not applied are the Eskimosor Inuit. See Eskimo.
`at of narrow range in time, regarded as characteris-
`eittoh that cannot be destroyed.
`(1665-75; Sin
`imitansoYoageeonloKicalformation, used esp. in deter-
`In-di-an-ea (in/dé an’a), n. 1. Robert (Robert Clarke
`destructibilis. See IN-°, DESTRUCTIBLE
`[180S190} ted
`formations. Also called guide
`born 1928, U.S. painter of pop art. 2. a state in the ce:
`pil’i-ty, in/de-struct/I-ble-ness, n. —in/de-strucy’|.
`tral United States: a part of the Midwest. 5,490,17
`kvdex fund’,
`a fund, as a mutual fund or pension
`bly, ad
`6,291 sq. mi. (93,995 sq. km). Cap.: Indianapolis. Abb
`iran .& portfolio that contains many ofthe securi-
`—Syn. unbreakable, permanent, enduring.
`IN (for use with zip code), Ind. 3. a city in W cent:
`listed in a major stock index in order to match the
`je-teremiena-ble (in/di tar’mo nabol),
`ene: incapable of being sacertained. 2.i tye
`Performanceof the stock market generally.
`Fennsylvania. 16,051. — tn/dl-ar/an,In-di-an-ian (ir
`in’dexing serv/ice, a service that indexes the con- Sgn) S98)ad.,.0:
`ble of being decided or settled.
`(1480-90; < LL indéter-
`nts of a number of publications for use in printed or
`minabilis. See IN-°, DETERMINABLE] —Iin/de-ter/ml-na-
`ble-ness, n. —in/de-ter’mi-na-bly, adv.
`machine-readable form.
`(InDEXx + -1NG?]
`In-dex Li-brorrum Pro-hib-i-to-ru
`(in’deks li-
`in-de-ter-mi-na-cy (in/di tar’me nasa), n,
`the con-
`brér’oam pro hib/i tér’am,
`ition or quality of being indeterminate;
`ant (1640-50; INDETERMIN(ATE) + cAeYI
`In-di-ces Li-bro-rum Pro-hib-i-to-rum (in/’de séz/
`i brér’am_
`pré hib/i tér’em, -brér’am_ pro hib/i tér/-,
`jeter/minacy prin/ciple,
`18-). Rom.
`Cath. Ch. a list of books forbidden to be read
`See uncer
`except from expurgated editions or by special permis-
`romeeeorex ‘xpurgatorius. (< NL: index of prohib-
`in-de-ter-mienate (in/di tar’manit), adj. 1. not de-
`terminate; not precisely fixed in extent; indefinite; un-
`in-dex-link (in’deks lingk”
`certain. 2. not clear; vague. 3. not established. 4. not
`aeiae Ent f el
`2ore ), v.t. Chiefly Brit. Econ.
`settled or decided.
`5. Math. a.
`(of a quantity) un-
`defined, as 0/0. b. (of an equation) able to be satishied by
`in’dex num/ber, Statistics. a quantity whose varia-
`more than one value for each unknown. 6. Bot, (of an
`tion over a period of time measures the change in some
`inflorescence) having the axis or axes not ending in a
`Coan Also called Index.
`Math. something whose valu:e is not s
`flower or bud, thus ——e further elongation. —n. 7.
`in’dex of leading in/dicators, E
`fied: used esp.

`Econ. See leading
`in abstract algebra; a variable.
`1400; ME < L!
`IN-°, DETERMINATE] —In/de-ter/-
`in’dex of refrac/tion, Optics. a number indicating
`mi-nate-ly, adv. —in/de-ter’/mi-nate-ness, n.
`the speed of light in agiven mediumaseither the ratio
`—Syn. 2. ambiguous.
`of the speed of light in a vacuum to that in the given
`In’dian’a bal/lot, a ballot on which the candi
`medium (absolute index of refraction) or the ratio of
`in’/deter’minate sen’tence, Criminal Law.
`are listed in separate columns by party. Also
`Mot. Cf. Massachusetts
`the speed of light in a specified medium to that in the
`imposed by a court, that has relatively wide
`ven medium (relative Index of refraction). Symbol: n
`office-block ballot.
`imits or no limits, as one of imprisonmentfor one to ten
`iso called Index, refractive Index. {1820-30}
`In’dex plate’, Mach. a plate perforated with rows of In/diana Dunes’ Na/tional Lake/shore, a
`different numbers of equ:ally spaced holes as a
`in-de-ter-mi-na-tion (in/di tar/ma na/shon), n.
`area in N Indiana, on Lake Michigan:established i
`guide for
`the quality or condition of being indeterminate. 2. an
`for recreation and conservation purposes; com}
`indexing work.
`unsettled state, as of the mind.
`shoreline, dunes, bogs, and forests. 14 sq. mi. (36 s:
`In’/dex set’, Math. a set whose elements are used to
`NATE + -10N}
`In’dian a/gency, headquarters of an Indian
`indicate the order of the elements of a sequence,series,
`(1815-25, Amer.]
`n._ Philos.
`tar’me niz/em),
`in-de-ter-minsism (in/di
`- the doctrine that human actions, though influenced
`In/dian a/gent, anofficial representing the U.
`somewhat by preexisting psychological and other condi-
`‘taut in dealing with an Indian tribe or tribes.
`tions, are not entirely governed by
`them butretain a
` oA
`certain freedom and spontaneity. 2. the theory that the
`in’dian al/mond,
`a Malayan tree, Terminc
`will is to some extent independentofthe strength of mo-
`weaeae IMUTAN
`tappa, having edible seeds, planted widely in the
`as a street tree.
`tives, or may itself modify their strength in choice.
`4 DETERMINISM] —In/de-ter/min-ist, n.,
`Se anSie oy
`In-dieansap-orlis (in/dé a nap/elis), n. a city
` Delhi bade,
`adj. —in/de-ter/min-is/tic, adj.
`the capital of Indiana, in the central part. 700,8
`Index (n/deks), n., pl. -dex-es, -di-ces (-do séz/), v.
`Indianapolis 500,
`a 500-mile oval-track
`ee 1. (in a nonfiction book, monograph,etc.) a more or
`rear-engine cars having
`particular specificatic
`on detailed alphabetical] listing of names, places, and
`annually in Indianapolis,
`ipeics along with the numbers of the pages on which
`in’dian bal/sam. See Peru balsam.
`ee are mentioned or discussed, usually included in or
`In/dian bean’, catalpa.
`(1835-45, Amer.)
`meastituting the back matter. 2. a sequential arrange-
`ent of material, esp. in alphabetical or numerical order,
`In’dian bi/son,
`the gaur.
`pe inaething used or serving to point out; a sign, token,
`In/dian bread’, 1. See corn bread. 2. tuck
`ine ‘cation: a true index of his character. 4. some-
`(in’dé 0), n.
`1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S
`(1645-55, Amer.)
`ot dnloe ons rising 25 states and 7 union territo-
`guide that directs attention to some fact, condition,etc.; a
`In’dian bread/root, breadroot.
`inst "8 principle. 5. a pointer or indicatorin a scientific
`colony; gained independence
`ing wment.
`6. a piece of wood, metal, or thelike, serv-
`In/dian club/, a metal or wooden club sha
`Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Common-
`ce 4 pointer or indicator. 7. Computers. a. a value
`large bottle, swung singly or in pairs for exe
`wealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950. 844,000,000; 1,246,880
`withaentifies andis used to locate a particular element
`sq. mi. (3,229,419 sq. km). Cap.: New Delhi. 2. a subcon-
`contan @
`data array or table. b. a reference table that
`tinent in S Asia, occupied by Bangladesh, Bhutan,the
`ins the keys or references needed to address data
`Republic of India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sikkim. [< L <
`shape Also called fist, hand. Print. a sign in the
`Gk India, equiv.
`to Ind(6s) the Indus river (< OPers
`Boi of a hand with extended index finger, used to
`Hindu lit., the river; c. Skt sindhu) + -ia -1a)
`nt out a
`aph, etc. 9. a light,
`Smooth card
`cular note, para
`board stock.
`the forefinger. 11. a
`nedlea (in/dé a), n. a word used in communications to
`ee the letter I.
`(1950-55) 2 2
`of oe or formula See some property, ratio, etc.,
`ething indicated:
`index of
`growth; index of intelli-
`In/dian co/bra, a highly venomous cobra
`a sturdy, heavyweight
`fabric con-
`weeCie weave, used esp. in upholstery. Also
`Statistics. See index number. 13. Econ.
`commonin India, having markings resembl
`Price i
`index. 14. Algebra. a. an exponent. Ss, fe
`spectacles on the back of the hood. Also ca
`called In/dia cot/ton.
`cled cobra.See illus. under cobra.
`a radical ~ defining
`the n-th
`Vi isa
`radical hain
`Guing index three. c. a su
`In’dia drug’get, drugget (def. 1).
`In/dian corn’, 1. corn’ (def. 1). 2. any p
`ript or superscript in-
`(sometimesLc.) 1. a black pigment con-
`88 the anePosition of an objectin a series ofsimilar objects,
`“a vetaack mixed with glue or size. 2. a liquid
`mpts 1, 2, and3in the series x), Xx 23:
`CONCISE PRONUNCIATION KEY: act, cape, dare, part; »
`ink from this. Also called Chinese Ink.
`15. Horol. a leverlike regulator for a
`ox, dver, Order, oil, b5ok, boot, out; up. Urge; child:
`(cap.) Rom. Cath. Ch. a. See Index Lt
`_ 1. Also called American Indian,
`that; zh as in treasure. 2 = a as in alone, eas ir
`ene Corseringion., Native American. a memberof
`ibitorum. b. See Index Expurgatorius. 17.
`easily, o as in gallop, u as in circus,"
`as in fire (f
`mater) Cap.) any list of forbidden or otherwise restri
`1 and n can serve as syllabic consonants, as in cra
`th aboriginal
`people of America or of any of the aborig-
`button (but/n). See the full key inside the front ¢na
`deemed morally or politically harmful by authori-
`i al North
`South American stocks, usually excluding
`18, Opti’of disapproved books relating to Communism.
`the Eskimos. 2. any of the indigenous languages of the
`index of refraction. 19. Obs. a. a table of
`-brdr’am pré hib/i tér’-, 1é-), 1
`i} Hirate Indianagolis
`club i

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