`Case 1:19-cv-00819-ADA Document 104 Filed 08/25/20 Page 1 of 3
`August 24, 2020
`Western I-I strict of Texas
`Alternative Disput- Resolution Summary
`Style of case; Neodron, Ltd. v. Dell Technologies, nc. (Lead Case)
`Civil action number:
`-n: 0-; M .,.
`Nature of suit:
`330 Patent
`Date of Mediation:
`Wednesday, July 29, 2020
`When did the case settle? D Before ADR
`El ln ADR
`[Z Did Not Settle
`What was your total fee?
`5 13,797.70
`or Cl Pro Bono
`How was this Mediation initiated?
`D b court order
`agreement of the parties
`Please provide the names, addresses, and telep one numbers of counsel:
`Reza Mirzaie, Russ August & Kabal
`12424 flushing Bhld 12m Elan:
`Los Angeles, CA 90025
`Marc Fenster, Russ August & Kabat
`Ryan Yagura, O'Melveny & Meyers
`400 Smith Hope Street 18th Elan:
`Los Angeles, CA 90071-2899
`Sean Trainor, O'Melveny & Meyers
`12424 Mlsbite 31m 12m Elm
`Los Angeles, CA 90025
`Address= Wm
`Los Angeles, CA 90071-2899
`Additional comments: The session was conducted uetween PlaintiffNeodron, Ltd, and Defendants Samsung, Member
`Case No.71:l9-cv-00903-ADA . The undersigned med ator will continile to work with the parties in an effort to settle.
`Signature of Neutral Dav id F0 1 som
`Jackson Walker LLP
`6002 Summerfield Drive, Suite B
`Texarkana, TX
`Neutral mustfile completedform in duplicate with t ,
`ADR or, i settlement occurs :rior to session, within .
` US. District Clerk within 5 days afier completion of
`d s ofneutral’3 notice b the arties a settlement.
`Case 1:19-cv-00819-ADA Document 104 Filed 08/25/20 Page 2 of 3
`Case 1:19-cv-00819-ADA Docu ent 104 Filed 08/25/20 Page20f3
`Kill?I Jackson Walker LLP
`US. District Clerk’s Office
`800 Franklin Ave, Room 380
`Waco, Texas 76701
`Augus 2], 2020
`Neodron Ltd. V. De]! Technolog'es. Inca;
`USDC WDTX Case No. 1:19—c —00819—ADA (Lead Case)
`Dear Sir or Madam:
`Enclosed please find the Alternativ Dispute Resolution Summary reporting the
`outcome of the mediation session conducted y Judge David Folsom on July 29, 2020, in the
`above-styled matter. Please tile according to
`ur normal procedure.
`Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Should you have questions or concerns,
`please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
`C rdially,
`S aron S. Montgon ry
`ssistant to Chiefjudge David Folsom (rat)
`6002 Summerfield Drive, Suite B - Te arkana. Texas 75503 | www.jw.com | Member of GLOBALAWm
`XWI Jackson Walker LLP
`6002 Summerneiu
`Suite B
`Texarkana, Texas 75503
`Case 1:19-cv-00819-ADA Document 104 Filed 08/25/20 Page 3 of 3
`Case 1:19-cv-00819-ADA Document 104 Eilgfl7 EQ§E$§8IQT Egggfiof
`33 AUG. mafia EF'H'E. '1.
`US. District Clerk’s Office
`800 Franklin Ave, Room 380
`Waco, Texas 76701