Doe #4 v., Inc. et al

4:19-cv-01641 | Texas Southern District Court

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Division Houston
Judge Judge Sim Lake
Filed May 3, 2019
Terminated July 18, 2019
Nature of Suit 360 Personal Injury - Other
Cause 28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury
Jury Demand Defendant
Last Updated: 1 year, 5 months ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
7/23/2019Certified Mail Receipt Returned as to Harris County District Clerk, executed on 7/23/19 re: 33 Document(s) Sent - receipt attached, access restricted to court users for privacy reasons -, filed. (dmorales, 5) (Entered: 07/24/2019)
  • Motion to RemandGranted
MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting 6 MOTION to Remand. This action is remanded to the 157th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas. Case terminated on 7/18/2019. (Signed by Judge Sim Lake) Parties notified. (aboyd, 4) (Entered: 07/18/2019)
  • Motion to Remandby Π
REPLY to Response to 26 MOTION to Remand, filed by Jane Doe #4. (Cook, Louie) (Entered: 07/01/2019)
  • Motion to ContinueGranted
ORDER granting 29 Agreed MOTION for Continuance of Rule 26(f) Report and Initial Conference Deadlines, Deadlines terminated (Signed by Judge Sim Lake) Parties notified. (aboyd, 4) (Entered: 06/28/2019)
  • Motion to Continueby Δ
Agreed MOTION for Continuance of Rule 26(f) Report and Initial Conference Deadlines by, Inc., filed. Motion Docket Date 7/19/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Raiff, Michael) (Entered: 06/28/2019)
  • Motion to Remandby Δ
RESPONSE in Opposition to 26 MOTION to Remand, filed by G6 Hospitality, LLC. (Ponig, Christina) (Entered: 06/24/2019)
  • Motion to Remandby Δ
RESPONSE in Opposition to 26 MOTION to Remand, filed by, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Russell H. Falconer, # 2 Falconer Decl. Ex. 1, # 3 Falconer Decl. Ex. 2)(Raiff, Michael) (Entered: 06/24/2019)
  • Motion to Remandby Π
MOTION to Remand by Jane Doe #4, filed. Motion Docket Date 6/24/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Proposed Order)(Harris, David) (Entered: 06/02/2019)
5/21/2019 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES by G6 Hospitality, LLC, filed.(Ponig, Christina) (Entered: 05/21/2019)
5/21/2019 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES by, Inc., filed.(Raiff, Michael) (Entered: 05/21/2019)
  • Motion to Substitute CounselGranted
ORDER granting 22 Unopposed MOTION to Substitute Attorney Christina E. Ponig in place of Andrew T. McKinney IV, Attorney Andrew T McKinney, IV and Tory Ford Taylor terminated (Signed by Judge Sim Lake) Parties notified. (aboyd, 4) (Entered: 05/21/2019)
  • Motion to Substitute Counselby Δ
Unopposed MOTION to Substitute Attorney Christina E. Ponig in place of Andrew T. McKinney IV by G6 Hospitality, LLC, filed. Motion Docket Date 6/11/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Ponig, Christina) (Entered: 05/21/2019)
5/20/2019 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES by Jane Doe #4, filed.(Harris, David) (Entered: 05/20/2019)
5/17/2019 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES by NNJP, LLC, filed.(Sunosky, James) (Entered: 05/17/2019)
5/14/2019 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES by John Brunst, Michael Lacey, James Larkin, Leeward Holdings, LLC, Medalist Holdings, LLC, Scott Spear, filed.(Barnard, Michael) (Entered: 05/14/2019)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac ViceGranted
ORDER granting 15 Motion for Kristin A. Linsley to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (Signed by Judge Sim Lake) Parties notified. (aboyd, 4) (Entered: 05/14/2019)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac ViceGranted
ORDER granting 13 Motion for Ronald G. London to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (Signed by Judge Sim Lake) Parties notified. (aboyd, 4) (Entered: 05/14/2019)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac ViceGranted
ORDER granting 12 Motion for Robert Corn-Revere to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (Signed by Judge Sim Lake) Parties notified. (aboyd, 4) (Entered: 05/14/2019)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac Viceby Δ
MOTION for Kristin A. Linsley to Appear Pro Hac Vice by, Inc., filed. Motion Docket Date 6/4/2019. (Raiff, Michael) (Entered: 05/14/2019)
5/9/2019NOTICE of Appearance by Russell H. Falconer on behalf of, Inc., filed. (Falconer, Russell) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac Viceby Δ
MOTION for Ronald London to Appear Pro Hac Vice by John Brunst, Michael Lacey, James Larkin, Leeward Holdings, LLC, Medalist Holdings, LLC, Scott Spear, filed. Motion Docket Date 5/30/2019. (Barnard, Michael) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac Viceby Δ
MOTION for Robert Corn-Revere to Appear Pro Hac Vice by John Brunst, Michael Lacey, James Larkin, Leeward Holdings, LLC, Medalist Holdings, LLC, Scott Spear, filed. Motion Docket Date 5/30/2019. (Barnard, Michael) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
5/9/2019NOTICE of Consent to Removal by John Brunst, Michael Lacey, James Larkin, Leeward Holdings, LLC, Medalist Holdings, LLC, Scott Spear, filed. (Barnard, Michael) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
  • Motion to Extend TimeGranted
ORDER granting 8 Agreed Motion for Enlargement of Time to Answer or Otherwise Respond to Plaintiff's Petition and Request for Expedited Ruling (Signed by Judge Sim Lake) Parties notified. (aboyd, 4) (Entered: 05/09/2019)
5/8/2019ORDER granting 7 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Motion to Dismiss (Signed by Judge Sim Lake) Parties notified. (aboyd, 4) (Entered: 05/08/2019)
  • Motion to Extend Timeby Δ
Agreed MOTION for Extension of Time Expedited Agreed Motion for Enlargement of Time to Answer or Otherwise Respond to Plaintiff's Petition by, Inc., filed. Motion Docket Date 5/29/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Raiff, Michael) (Entered: 05/08/2019)
  • Motionby Δ
Unopposed EMERGENCY MOTION, Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time Filing Deadline for Motion to Dismiss( Motion Docket Date 5/29/2019.) by John Brunst, Michael Lacey, James Larkin, Leeward Holdings, LLC, Medalist Holdings, LLC, Scott Spear, filed. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Granting Emergency Motion for Extension of Time)(Barnard, Michael) (Entered: 05/08/2019)
5/6/2019NOTICE Certificate of State Court Notice of Removal by, Inc., filed. (Raiff, Michael) (Entered: 05/06/2019)
5/6/2019CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE IN A REMOVED ACTION by, Inc., filed.(Raiff, Michael) (Entered: 05/06/2019)
  • Order
ORDER for Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference and Order to Disclose Interested Persons. Initial Conference set for 7/19/2019 at 02:00 PM in Courtroom 9B before Judge Sim Lake. (Signed by Judge Sim Lake) Parties notified. (aboyd, 4) (Entered: 05/06/2019)
5/6/2019NOTICE of Appearance by Matthew S. Parmet on behalf of Jane Doe #4, filed. (Parmet, Matthew) (Entered: 05/06/2019)
5/4/2019 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by, Inc., filed.(Raiff, Michael) (Entered: 05/04/2019)
5/3/2019NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Harris County 157th District Court, case number 2018-12747 (Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0541-22372585) filed by, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit /Declaration of Russell H. Falconer in Support of, Inc.'s Notice of Removal, # 2 Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit 6, # 8 Exhibit 7, # 9 Civil Cover Sheet)(Raiff, Michael) (Entered: 05/03/2019)