Case 6:14-cv-00982-KNM Document 160-7 Filed 11/18/15 Page 1 of 4 PageID #: 1970
`Exhibit “P”


`Case 6:14-cv-00982-KNM Document 160-7 Filed 11/18/15 Page 2 of 4 PageID #: 1971
`oo 6:14-cv-00982-KNM Bocument 160-7 Filed 11/18/15Page 2 of 4 artery cm cere ?


`Case 6:14-cv-00982-KNM Document 160-7 Filed 11/18/15 Page 3 of 4 PageID #: 1972
`On the cover: R.epresentati@in of a fullerene molecu~e with a nob~e gas atom trapped
`inside. At the Permian~Triassic sedimentary boundary the noble gases helium and argon
`have been found tr@pped inside fullerenes. They exhHbit isotope ratios quite similar to
`those found in meterorites, suggesting that a fireball meteorite or asteroid exploded
`when it hit the Earth, causing major changes in the environment. (Image copyright ©
`Dr. Luann Beckey. R.epmduced with permission.)
`Over the six editions of the Dictionary, material has been drawn from the following references: G." M. Garrity
`et al., Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes, Release 2, Springer-Verlag, January 2002; D. W. Linzey, Vertebrate
`Biology, McGraw-Hill, 2001; J. A. Pechenik, Biology of the Invertebrates, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2000; U.S.
`Air Force Glossary of Standardized Terms, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 1, 1972; F. Casey, ed., Compilation of Terms
`in Information Sciences Technology, F_ederal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; Communications(cid:173)
`Electronics Tenn(npfogy,. ~F.;M_antiali'1 ~ -1, vol. 3, 1970; P. W. Thrush, comp. and ed., A Dictiona1y of Mining,
`Mineral, mid E~fq~&f·_.Tei"in?,.:Bure'all' 6f, 1968;.fipQOD Glossa1y of Mapping, Charting and Geodetic
`Terms, _D~par"ti'nent '~~-·?ef~n~e>,:·\9Q:;:,.J,.: ~- ;~l~(~n.<\. ®lar-Terre~1rial Physics: A Glossary of_ T~1ms and
`Abbrel:'.!fJ(Wns;--R,oyl}l._1,\Jifra,.ff E~t~blrn.hrheor.Teclintcal Report 67158, 1967; W. H. Allen, ed., D1ct1onary of
`· \J QfY:/;~_1d(:i1~·:r1iJ§.'.j@rj Ae~~tibC't/ifse, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965; Glossary of Stinfo
`.' / >tehliinOto"iy, Office of Aerospace Research, U.S. Air Force, 1963; Naval Dictiona1y of Electronic, Technical,
`and Imperative Terms, Bureau of Naval Personnel, 1962; R. E. Huschke, Glossary of Meteorology, American
`Meteorological Society, 1959; ADP Glossary, Depart1nent of the Navy, NAVSO P-3097; Glossary of Air Traffic
`Control Terms, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary of Range Terminology, White Sands Missile Range, New
`Mexico, National Bureau of Standards, AD 467-424; Nuclear Terms: A Glossary, 2d ed., Atomic Energy
`Sixth Edition
`Copyright © 2003, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by The McGraw-1-lill Companies, Inc. All rights
`reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act
`of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored
`in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written pennission of the publisher.
`ISBN 0-07-042313-X
`McGraw-Hill dictionmy of scientific and technical tenns--6th ed.
`ISBN 0-07-042313-X (alk. paper)
`I. Science-- Dictionaries. 2. Technology--Dictionaries.
`and technical tenns.
`I. Title: Dictionary of scientific


`Case 6:14-cv-00982-KNM Document 160-7 Filed 11/18/15 Page 4 of 4 PageID #: 1973
`[VERT zooj An equivalent name for Salrnonifom1es.
`{ ,in-e'o,mt }
`[ANTHRO] The external occipital protuberance of the
`{ 'in·e,iin ]
`[ORD] Point on which a gun is sighted
`initial aiming point
`to establish a reference line fron1 which direction angles for
`targets arc measured; fr01n this reference line, other aiming
`points that give the direction of the targets are measured off.
`{ i'nish·-al 'am·il) ,point}
`initial boiling point
`[CHEM ENG] According to American
`Society for Testing and Materials petroleun1-analysis distilla(cid:173)
`tion procedures, the recorded temperature when the first drop
`of distilled vapor is liquefied and falls fron1 the end of the
`{ i'nish·-al 'b6il·iIJ ,point}
`initial condition
`[COMPUT scr]
`See entry condition.
`[METEOROL] A prescription of the state of a dynamical system
`at some specified time; for all subsequent· times the equations
`of motion and boundary conditions determine the state of the
`system; the appropriate synoptic weather charts, for example,
`constitute a (discrete) set of initial conditions for a forecast; in
`many contexts, initial conditions are considered as boundary
`{ i'nish·;;il kan'dish·;;in }
`conditions in the dimension of time.
`initial condition mode See reset mode. { i'nish·;;il k;;in'dish·
`;;in ,mod}
`initial detention See surface storage.
`{ i'nish·al di'ten·chan j
`initial dip See primary dip.
`{ i'nish·al 'dip}
`initial free space
`In interior ballistics, the portion
`of the effective chamber capacity not displaced by propellant.
`{ i'nish·;;il :fre 'spas}
`[COMPUT sci] A
`initial graphics exchange specification
`standard graphics file format for three-dimensional wire-frame
`{ i:nish·BI 'graf·iks iks,chanj
`models. Abbreviated IGES.
`[NAV] The direction, at the point
`initial great-circle course
`of departure, of the great circle through that point and the
`destination, expressed as the angular distance from a reference
`direction, usually north, to that patt of the great circle extending
`toward the destination. Also known as initial great-circle
`direction. { i'nish·;;il 'grat ,sgr·k;;il ,k6rs}
`initial great-circle direction See initial great-circle course.
`{ i'nish·;;il 'grat ,sar·k0l di,rek·sh;;in }
`initial heading
`(NAV] . The aircraft heading at the beginning
`of a rating period while using gyro steering. { i'nish·;;il
`[ COMPUT scrj A routine stored in a com(cid:173)
`initial instructions
`puter to aid in placing a program in memory. Also known as
`initial orders.
`{ i'nish·gl in'str;;ik-shnnz ]
`initial inverse voltage
`[ELECTR] Of a rectifier tube, the peak
`inverse anode voltage immediately following the conducting
`{ i'nish·0l :in,v0rs 'vOl·tij]
`[COMPUT sci] 1.· To set counters, switches, and
`addresses to zero or other starting values at the beginning of,
`or at prescribed points in, a computer routine. 2. To begin an
`operation, and more specifically, to adjust the environment to
`{ i'nish·;;i,liz)
`the required starting configuration.
`initial landform
`[ GEOL] A landform that is produced directly
`by epeirogenic, orogenic, or volcanic activity, and whose origi(cid:173)
`nal features are only slightly modified by erosion. { i'nish·
`;;ii 'land,form }
`initial lead
`[ORD] The amount a gun is pointed in front of,
`above, or below a moving target when opening fire; this amount
`allows for the distance the target will travel while the projectile
`{ i'nish·al 'led J
`is in flight.
`initial line
`[MATH] One of the two rays that fonn an angle
`and that may be regarded as remaining stationary while the
`other ray (the tem1ina[ line) is rotated about a fixed point on
`it to form the angle. { i:nish·;il '!in }
`initial lock mechanism
`[ORD] Device for preventing inad(cid:173)
`vertent motion of stroking member in a cartridge-actuated
`{ i'nish·al 'liik ,mek·;;i,niz·;;irn}
`device prior to firing.
`initial mass LAERO ENG] The 1nass of a rocket missile at the
`{ i'nish·;;il 'mas}
`beginning of its flight.
`initial mass function
`[ASTRON] The distribution of the
`masses of stars at the time of their formation.
`{ i'nish·;;il 'mas
`,fa1Jk·sh0n }
`[NUCLEO] Radiation emitted from
`Initial nuclear radiation
`Lhe fireball of a nuclear explosive dming the first minute (an
`arbitrary time interval) after detonation. { i'nish·<il :nii·kle·gr
`[ i'nish·;;il '6r·d;;irz l
`initial orders See initial instructions.
`f ELECTROMAG] The limit of the nonna\
`initial permeability
`permeability as the magnetic induction and magnetic field
`strength approach 0. { i:nish·;;il ,p;;ir·me·;;i'bil·;;id·e}
`initial potential
`[PETRO ENG] The early production of an oil
`well as recorded following testing operations and recovery of
`( i'nish·
`load oil; indicates the production ability of the well.
`;;ii p;;i'ten-chal }
`[COMPUT sen A routine, used in start(cid:173)
`initial program load
`ing up a computer, that loads the operating system from a
`direct-access storage device, usua!ly a disk or diskette, into the
`computer's main storage. Abbreviated IPL. { i'nish·<il 'prO·
`gr;;im ,lad)
`initial program load button See bootstrap button. { i'nish·a!
`'pr5·gr;im ,lad :b;;it·;;in}
`initial saturation
`[PETRO ENG] A reservoir's initial relative
`content (saturation) of water, oil, and gas.
`( i'nish·;;il ,such·
`[MATER] The onset of hardening after water has
`initial set
`been added to concrete, cen1cnt, or plaster. { i'nish·Gl 'set}
`initial shot start pressure
`In interior ballistics, the
`pressure required to start the motion of the projectile from its
`initial loaded position; in fixed anununition, it includes pressure
`required to separate projectile and cartridge case and to start
`engraving the rotating band.
`[ i'nish·;;il 'shat :start ,presh·;;ir)
`initial surge voltage
`[ELEC] A spike of voltage experienced
`when a noncompensated load is first connected to a generator.
`{ i'nish·al 'sGij ,vol·tij }
`initial-value problem
`[FL MECH] A dynamical problem
`whose solution determines the state of a system at all times
`subsequent to a given time at which the state of the system is
`specified by given initial conditions; the initial-value problem
`is contrasted with the steady-state problem, in which the stale
`of the system remains unchanged in time. Also known as
`transient problem.
`[MATH] An nth-order ordinary or partial
`differential equation in which the solution aod its first (11 -
`derivatives are required to take on specified values at a particu(cid:173)
`lar value of a given independent variable.
`{ i'nisb·;;il :val·yli
`[MATH] The theorem that, if a func(cid:173)
`lnitial~value theorem
`tion f(t) and its first derivative have Laplace transforms, :md
`if g(s) is the Laplace transform off(!), and if the limit of Jg{.1)
`as s approaches infinity exists, then this limit equals the lirnil
`{ i'nish·;;il :val·yil ,thir·Gm J
`of.f(t) as t approaches zero.
`initial velocity
`[PHYS] The velocity of anything at the begin(cid:173)
`ning ofa specific phase of its motion. { i'nish·0l v;;i'Jas·;;id·e l
`initial yaw
`[MECH] The yaw of a projectile the instant ii
`leaves the muzzle of a gun.
`{ i'nish·0l 'y6}
`initiate See trigger.
`[ i'nish·e,at}
`initiating agent
`[MATER] An explosive material which has
`the necessary sensitivity to heat, friction, or percussion to make
`it suitable for use as the initial element in an explosive train.
`{ i'nish·e,ad·iIJ ,a·j;;int }
`[ORD] 1. As applied to an explosive item, the
`beginning of the deflagration or detonalion of the explosive.
`2. The first action in a fuse which occurs as a direct result of
`the action of the functioning medium. 3. In a time fuse, the
`starting of the action which is terminated in the functioning of
`the fused munition. { i,nish·e'a·sh;;in}
`initiation codon
`[GEN] A codon that signals the first amino
`acid in a protein sequence; usually AUG, but sometimes GUG.
`Also known as start codon. { i,nish·e'a·sh;;in 'ko,dan}
`initiation complex
`[CELL MOL] An intermediate of protein
`synthesis consisting of inessenger ribonucleic acid, i~itia1.or
`codons, initiation factors, and initiator transfer ribonucleic acid.
`{ i,nish·c'a·sh;;in ,kam,pleks }
`[CELL MOL] Any protein required for the
`initiation factor
`initiation of protein synthesis. { i,nish·e'a·sh;;in ,fak·tdr l
`initiation step
`[CHEM] The reaction that causes a chain reac(cid:173)
`tion to begin but is not itself the principal source of producL~­
`{ i,nish·e'a·shgn ,step]
`[CHEM] The substance or molecule (other ~ian
`reactant) that initiates a chain reaction, as in polymerizatioll;
`an example is acetyl peroxide.
`[COMPUT scr] A part of an
`operating system of a large c01nputer that runs several jobs a~
`the same time, setting up the job, monitoring its progress, _an
`performing any necessary cleanup after the job's comp!eli~n.
`[ORD] A device used as the first element of an explosive tr<!Jll,
`such as a detonator or squib, which upon receipt of the proper
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