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`Case 6:14-cv-00982-KNM Document 147-16 Filed 11/09/15 Page 4 of 4 PageID #: 1511

`accordimely @ ace
`ac-cord-ing-ly \a-'kor-din-lé\ adv (i4c) 4: in accordance : CORRE-
`accrete \o-"krét\ vb acecret-ed; ac-cret-ing [back-formation fr. gecre-*:
`tion] vi (1784) ;
`to grow or become attached by accretion ™ +t: te
`cause to adhere or become attached; also: ACCUMULATE
`according to prep (t4c}) 1: in conformity with 2: as stated or at-
`tested by 3: depending on
`ac-cre-tion \o-"kré-shan\ n EL accretion. accretio, fr. acerescere -—- more:
`ai ACCRUE] (1615) 1: the process of growth or enlargement by.
`ty. Akkerd chord,
`fr. F
`radual buildup: as a: increase by external addition or accumulation:
`tias by adhesion of external parts or particles)
`the increase ofland
`accord, fr. OF acort] (18319 : a porta-
`ble keyboard wind instrument
`by the action of natural forces 2: a product of aceretion: es: a:
`which the wind is forced past
`extraneous addition (~s of grime> — ac-cre-tion-ary \-sha-ner-5\ ad;
`reeds by means of a hand-operated
`~~ acrerestive \o-(kre-tiv\ adj
`bellows — atcordison-ist \-dé-a-
`lacecrmal \o"kril-ol\ 2 (1880) 1: the action or process of acerving,
`: something that accrues or has accrued
`taccordion adj (1885)
`: folding or
`4neernal adj (1917) : being a method of accounting that recognize
`income when earned and expenses when incurred regardless of whe
`creased or hinged to fold like an ac-
`cashis received or disbursed
`cordion fan o~ Pleat} (an ~ door)
`acerne \o-'kril\ #b ac-crued; aceeru-ing [ME acreuen, prob, fr, MF
`\o-‘kést, -"kast\ wf
`(MEP ac-
`coster, ultim. fr. L ad- + costa rib,
`aerene increase, fr, acreisire to increase, fr. L acerescere, fr. ad- + ere
`side — more at coast] (1612) : to
`scere to Brow —— more at CRESCENT] vi (15c} B+ to comeinto existence
`approach and speak {fo often in a
`as a Jegally enforceable claim 2 a: to come about as a natural
`growth, increase, or advantage (the wisdom that -~s with age)
`hb: te
`challenging or aggressive way
`come as a direct result of some state or action (rewards due to the femi.
` \,a-,kiish-imiin,
`nine will ~~ to me —Germuine Greer> 3: to accumulate or be adde
`‘kiish-\ 0 [
`the time or act
`of giving birt!
`periodically <interest ~s on a daily basis) ~™ vf: to accumulate o
`have due after a period of time <-~ vacation time) — ac-eraoable:
`ac-cou-cheur \,a-kii-'shor\ « EF] (1759): one that assists at a birth;
`\krii-a-bal\ adj-— ac.cruement \-"krii-mont\ 1
`lacecount \o-'kaint\ # (14c)
`ae-cultur-ate \s‘kol-cha-rit, a-\ pt -abed; -atdnag [back-formation
`a: arecord of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a
`fr. acculturation] (1930): to change through acculturation
`particular item or a particniar person or concern bs a statement of
`ac-cal-tur-a-tion \o-kal-cho-'ra-shan, a-\ n (1880) 2: cultural modi.
`transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance 3 a: a
`fication of an individual, group, ar people by adapting ta or borrowt
`statement explaining one’s conduct
`6b: a statement or exposition of
`traits from another culture; also; a merging of cultures as a result of
`reasons, causes, or motives (no satisfactory ~ of these phenomena> e¢
`prolonged contact 2: the process by which a human being acquires
`: a reason for an action : BASIS <on that ~ I must refuse) 4 a: a
`the culture of a particular society from infancy — ac-cul-tur-a-tion-al:
`formal business arrangement providing for regular dealings or services
`\-shnal, -sho-n°l\ adj ~~ ac-cul-tur-a-tive \9-"kal-cha-ra-tiv, a-\ adj
`(as banking. advertising, or store credit} and involving the establish-
`accmudate \a-‘kyii-m(yls-laty vb -lated; -lating [L accumulaty
`ment and maintenance of an account; alse + CLIENT, CUSTOMER b
`pp. of gecumulare, fr. ad- 4+ cumulare to heap up — more at CUMU.
`: money deposited in a bank account and subject to withdrawal by the
`LATE] vf (15c)}:
`to gather or pile up esp, little by Httle : amass (~
`depositor 3 a: VALUE, IMPORTANCE {it's of no ~~ to me} bi ESTEEM
`fortune} “ viz:
`to increase gradually in quantity or number |
`{stood high in their ~~) 6: ADVANTAGE Cturned her wit to good ~) 7
`acewmulation \o-kyii-m(y}s-la-shon\ a (5c) 1: something that
`a: careful thought: CONSIDERATION Chave to take many things into ~>
`has accumulated or has been accumulated 2: the action or process of:
`b: a usu. mental record: TRACK <keep ~ of all youdo) 8: a descrip-
`accumulating ;
`the state of being or having accumulated 3: increas
`tion of facts, conditions, or events : REPORT, NARRATIVE (the newspaper
`or growth by addition esp. when continuous or repeated ¢-~ of interest)
`~~ of
`the fired <by all ~s they're well-offalso + PERFORMANCE (a
`so-co-mu-la-tive \o-'kyti-m(y)s-J4-tiv, -lo-\ adj (ca. 1651)
`Bo: Cum
`straightforward ~~ of the sonata) —- on account : with the price
`LATIVE (an age of rapid and ~ change> 2: tending or given to accu
`charged to one’s account — on account of : for the sake of: by rea-
`mulation — ac-cu-mudastive-ly ady — accumudlative-mess a.
`son of — on no account: under no circumstances — on one’s own
`ac:cumueda-tor \o-'kyii-m(y)o-da-tar\ n (1748); one that accumulates;
`as ata device (as in a hydraulic system) in which a fluid is collecte
`1 3 on one’s own behalf 2: at one's own risk 3: by one-
`self: on ane’s own
`and esp. in which it is kept under pressure as a means of storing energy:
`taccount yb (ME, fr. MP acompter,
`fr. a- (fr. 1 ad-) + compter to
`bp Brit: STORAGE BATTERY ©; a part (as in a computer) where number:
`are totaled or stored
`count} vw (i4c} 2: to think of as: CONSIDER <-~s himself lucky)
`to probe into: ANALYZE -~ wi 4; to furnish a justifying analysis or
`accwracy \Va-kyo-ra-sé, 'a-k(o-}ra-\ 1, pi «cies (1662) 1: ireedom
`from mistake or error; CORRECTNESS 2 a: conformity to truth or¢
`explanation — used with for écoutdn't ~™ for the loss> 2 a: to be the
`sole or primary factor —- used with for (the pitcher ~ed for all three
`a standard or model : EXACTNESE bh: degree of conformity of a mea
`putouts> b& : to bring about
`the capture, death, or destruction of
`sure toa standard or a true value — compare PRECISION 2a
`something ¢~ed for two rabbits)
`accurate \a-kyo-rat, 'a-k(a-)rot\ adj (L accuratus, fr. pp. of aveurare
`accountabibi-ty \o-,katm-ta-"bi-lo-te\ n (1794) 5 the quality or state .
`to take care of, fr. ad- + cura care]
`(1396) 1; free from error esp. as!
`of being accountable; esp; an obligation or willingness to accept re-
`the result of care (an ~~ diagnosis> 2: conforming exactly to truth o
`sponsibility or fo account for one's actions (public officials lacking ~>
`toa standard: EXACT <(providmg ~ color> 3: able to give an accurate:
`ac-counbable \a-"katn-te-bal\ adj (l4c) 2: subject to giving an ac-
`result (an ~ gauge) S¥ see CORRECT —~ accurately \a-kys-rot:
`count ; ANSWERABLE 2: capable of being accounted for : EXPLAIN-
`-——- accusrafemess
`ABLE Sy)m see RESPONSIBLE — ac-conntable-ness \-"katn-to-bal-nas\
`n-—accoumbably \-ble adv
`accursed \o-‘karst, "kor-sad\, or acscurst \o"korst\ adj [ME acursed,
`fr. pp. of acursen to consign to destruction with a curse,fr. a- (ir. OF d
`ac-coun-tan-cy \o-"katin-t’n(t)-sé\ 1 (1854): the profession or practice
`of accounting
`perfective prefix) + cursen to curse —~ more at ABIDE] (13c) 1; bein
`‘accountant \2-"kain-t’at\ n (L5c) 1: one that gives an account or
`under or as if under a curse 2: DAMNABLE —- ac-curs-edely \-'kar-
`sod-la\ aedy — ac-ccurs-ed-ness \-"kar-sad-nas\ 7
`is accountable 2; one whois skilled in the practice of accounting or
`ac-cusal \o-“kyii-zel\\ n (1594): ACCUSATION
`who is in charge of public or private accounts — ac.coun-tant-ship
`\-Pate)-ship\ 2
`b+ the act of accusing
`acemsaction \,a-kya-'za-shon, RVG a(ide)
`Zgceountant adj (i5c) obs + ACCOUNTABLE, ANSWERABLE (I stand ~ for
`: the state or fact of being accused 2: a charge of‘wrongdoing
`as great a sin -——-Shak.>
`lac.cusastive \e-'kyii-za-tiv\ adj (ME,fr. MF or Li ME accusatif, fr.
`account executive # (1931): a business executive (as in an advertising
`aceusativus, fr, aecusatus, pp. of aecusare} 5c} 13 of, relating to, o
`being the grammatical case that marks the direct object of a verb or th
`agency) responsible for dealing with a client’s account
`abject of any of several prepositions 2; ACCUSATORY
`accounting \a'katnetig\ « (ca. 1716) 1: the system of recording
`and summarizing business and financial
`transactions and analyzing,
`4accusative n (ca. 1620):
`the accusative case of a language: a form i
`the accusative case
`verifying, and reporting the results; also :
`the principles and proce-
`dures of accounting 2 a: work done in accounting or by accoun-
`acewsa-tory \o-‘kyii-zo-,t6r-8, -tdr-\ adj (4c) + containing or. ex
`tants b: an instance of applied accounting or of the settling or pre-
`pressing accusation : ACCUSING
`senting of accounts
`acense \o-"kyiiz\ vb acecuseds accusing [ME, fr. OF aeuser, fc
`necount payable n, pi accounts payable (ca. 1936):
`the balance duc
`aecusdre to call io account, fr. ad- + causa lawsuit] ve (i4e} 1:
`to a creditor on a current account
`charge with a fault or offense : BLAME 2: to charge with an offense:
`aecount receivable n, pl accounts receivable (1936): a balance due
`judicially or by a public process ™ yi:
`to bring an accusation ——~ ate
`from a debtor on a current account
`cuseer \o-"kyil-zar\ a — ac-cus-Ingely \-'kyil-zin-le\ ody
`ae-cou-tre or ac-cou-ter \a-"kil-tar\ vi -cou-tred or -coutered; -cau-
`ac-ensed n, pi aceused (1593): one charged with an offense; esp:
`defendant in a criminal case
`tring or -quu-ter-imy \-"kil-to-rin,
`-"kil-trip\ [F accoutrer,
`fr. MP
`acoustrer, fr, a- + costure seam, fr. assumed) VL consutura —— more at
`accustom \e-kes-tam\ vf [ME, fr. MF acostumer, fr. a- (fr. L ad} £
`couture} (1596) : to provide with equipment or furnishings : OUTFIT
`costume custom] (15c)}: to make familiar with something through us
`of experience —~ a¢-cus-tom-ation \kes-te-'ma-shon\ #
`ac-cou-tresment or ac-cou-ter-ment \s-"kil-tra-mont, -‘kii-tar-mont\ #
`aecus-tomed \s-‘kos-tomd\ adj (.5c} 1: often used or practiced
`4 a: EQUIPMENT, TRAPPINGS; specif: a soldier’s outfit usu. not
`i CUSTOMARY Cher ~ cheerfuiness> 2: adapted to existing conditions
`including clothes and weapons — usu. used in pl
`Bb: an accessory
`<eyes ~~ to the dark) 3: being in the habit or custom <-~ to making:
`decisions) svi see USUAL — acecusstomed-mess \-tam(d)-nos\ ho.
`itern of clothing or equipment — usu. used in pl.
`2 archaic:
`the act of
`C/DC \'n-()s8-dé-C)s8\, adi {fr. the likening of a bisexual person f
`accoutring 3: an identifying and often superficial characteristic or
`device — usu. used in Bl. c~s of power that define our diplomacy ——
`an electrical appliance which can operate on either alternating or direct
`Elizabeth Drew)
`current] (ca, 1960); pisexuaL ib
`face \'Us\ n [ME us, fr. MF, fr. L, unit, a copper coin] (14c)
`1 a: a
`acecredsdt \a-kre-dat\ vt (L aocreditus, pp. of accredere to give credence
`to, fr. ad- 4+ credere to believe — more at chepp)] (1545) 1: to give
`die face marked with one spot b: a playing card marked in its center
`official authorization to or approval of: a: to provide with creden-
`with one pip ¢! a domino end marked with one spot Zt a very:
`tials; esp: to send (an envoy) with letters of.authorization b: to rec-
`smail amount or degree ; PARTICLE 3: a point scored esp. ona service
`fas in tennis or Handball) that an opponent fails to touch 4: a gol
`ognize or vouch for as conforming with a standard. £1 to recognize
`score of one stroke on a hole; also: a bole made in one stroke 51.4
`{an educational institution) as maintaining standards that qualify the
`combat pilot who has brought down at least five enemy airplanes
`graduates for admission to higher or more ‘specialized institutions or
`for professional practice 2+ to consider or recognize as outstanding
`: one that excels at something — ace in the hole 1: an ace deal
`syn see APPROVE —— ac-cred-ietable \-da-to-
`face down to a player (as in stud poker} and not exposed until,
`bol\, adj —- ac-cred-i-ta-tion \s-,kre-da-'ta-shan, -da-\ n
`showdown 2: an effective and decisive argument or resource held CCE_LG115990

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