Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 1 of 13 PageID #: 2291
`Case 6:12—cv—00799—JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 1 of 13 Page|D #: 2291

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 2 of 13 PageID #: 2292
`Case No. 6:12-cv-00799-LED
`Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26 and 33, the Discovery Order, (Dkt. No. 53), and
`any other applicable Court orders and local rules, Defendant and Counterclaim-Plaintiff Micro
`Motion, Inc. (“Micro Motion”), by and through its attorneys, hereby requests that Plaintiff and
`Counterclaim-Defendant Invensys Systems, Inc. (“Invensys”) respond to the following
`interrogatories in writing under oath consistent with the Definitions and Instructions provided
`below within thirty days (30) from service hereof:

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 3 of 13 PageID #: 2293
`“Invensys” means Invensys Systems, Inc., its predecessors, successors, affiliates,
`subsidiaries, parents, assignees, joint venturers, partners, principals, employees, representatives,
`accountants, agents, officers, directors, attorneys, draftsmen, and all other persons or entities
`acting or purporting to act on its behalf.
`“You” and “your” shall refer to Invensys as defined herein.
`The term “document” is defined to be synonymous in meaning and equal in scope
`to the usage of this term in Fed. R. Civ. P. 34(a), and includes, but is not limited to, any writing,
`graphic matter, or other tangible thing, whether printed, recorded, produced by a process, or
`written or produced by hand, including, but not limited to, letters, reports, or other written
`communications, correspondence, telegrams, books, memoranda, summaries, records of oral
`conversations, original or preliminary notes, diaries, calendars, travel records or itineraries,
`forecasts, analyses, lab reports, projections, work papers, invoices, shipping papers, contracts,
`purchase orders, receipts, pamphlets, publications, catalogs, labels, packaging, displays,
`photographs, proofs, slides, videotapes, films, artwork, drawings, sketches, illustrative materials,
`models, graphs, statistical statements, notebooks, charts, plans, circulars, brochures, summaries
`of negotiations, press releases, routing slips or the like, promotional or advertising materials,
`marginal comments appearing on any document, price lists, layouts, printed publications,
`minutes or records of meetings, minutes or records of conferences, agendas, expressions or
`statements of policy, lists of persons attending meetings or conferences, reports or summaries of
`investigations, opinions or reports of consultants, studies, evaluations, records, sound recordings,
`motion pictures, computer input or output, recordings on disk or tape, tear sheets, magnetic
`recording tapes, microfilms, and other storage means by which information is retained in

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 4 of 13 PageID #: 2294
`retrievable form, and other material, whether printed, typewritten, handwritten, recorded or
`reproduced by any process, whether mechanical, electrical, optical, chemical, or otherwise,
`including drafts, revisions, foreign language versions or translations to English of any of the
`foregoing. A draft or non-identical copy is a separate document within the meaning of this term.
`“Communication” means any oral, written, electronic, or other transmittal of
`information, ideas, opinions, thoughts, or otherwise by any means from or to any person or thing.
`“Relate to,” “related to,” and “relating to,” means comprising, mentioning,
`describing, containing, enumerating, involving, or in any way concerning, pertaining, or
`referring to, being connected with, reflecting upon or resulting from, in whole or in part, directly
`or indirectly, the stated subject matter.
`“Person” is defined as any natural person or any business, legal or governmental
`entity, or association, including, but not limited to, sole proprietorships, partnerships,
`corporations, associations, or joint ventures.
`When referring to a person, “to identify” means to give, to the extent known, the
`(i) full name and, in the case of entities other than natural persons, the nature of the entity, e.g.,
`corporation, partnership, etc.; (ii) person’s present residence and business addresses and
`telephone numbers or, if unknown, the person’s last known residence and business addresses and
`telephone numbers; (iii) company or business affiliation at the date of the matter referred to; (iv)
`title and duties in the company or business with which the person was affiliated; and (v) person’s
`current company or business affiliation.
`When referring to documents, “to identify” means to give, to the extent known,
`the (i) type of document; (ii) general subject matter; (iii) date of the document; (iv) the
`circumstances of the creation of the document, including identification of the author(s),

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 5 of 13 PageID #: 2295
`addressee(s), and recipient(s); and (v) name, address, telephone number, occupation, job title,
`and employer of the present or last-known custodian of the document.
`To “identify” or “describe a communication” means to state: (i) the date, type,
`manner, and location of the communication; (ii) the identity of all parties to the communication;
`(iii) the substance of the communication; and (iv) a description of any documents relating to the
`In each instance in which you are asked to “identify” a patent or a patent
`application, whether of the United States or any foreign country, your description should include,
`but not be limited to: (i) its country and patent application date; (ii) its dates of filing and grant,
`respectively; (iii) the identity of its applicants, patentees, and assignees; (iv) its title; (v) for each
`U.S. application, the identity of any foreign counterpart or parent application or patent; and
`(vi) its current status.
`In each instance where you are asked to “identify” or “describe a product or
`process,” your description should include, but not be limited to, the product’s catalog number,
`part number, model number, series designation, trade designation, or other pertinent designation
`customarily used by the party concerned to designate such product or process and to distinguish
`it from others made by the same or different producer.
`The term “the ’646 patent,” as used herein, means United States Patent No.
`The term “the ’761 patent,” as used herein, means United States Patent No.
`The term “the ’136 patent,” as used herein, means United States Patent No.

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`The term “the ’854 patent,” as used herein, means United States Patent No.
`The term “the ’594 patent,” as used herein, means United States Patent No.
`The term “the ’062 patent,” as used herein, means United States Patent No.
`The term “the ’906 patent,” as used herein, means United States Patent No.
`The “Invensys Patents-in-Suit” means the ’646 patent, the ’761 patent, the ’136
`patent, the ’854 patent, the ’594 patent, the ’062 patent, and the ’906 patent.
`The term “the ’190 patent,” as used herein, means United States Patent No.
`The term “the ’131 patent,” as used herein, means United States Patent No.
`The “Micro Motion Patents-in-Suit” means the ’190 patent and the ’131 patent.
`“Invensys Accused Product” means each Invensys apparatus, product, device,
`and/or method that infringes and/or is accused of infringing the asserted claims of the Micro
`Motion Patents-in-Suit.
`These interrogatories seek information current as of the date of service and to the
`full extent permitted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. As these interrogatories are of
`a continuing nature, you are obligated to promptly supplement or correct any response that is

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 7 of 13 PageID #: 2297
`incomplete, inaccurate, or which requires an additional response to comply with the Federal
`Rules of Civil Procedure. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(e).
`Answer each interrogatory in full. If you cannot do so, answer to the extent
`possible, explaining why you cannot answer completely and stating any knowledge, information,
`or belief you have concerning the unanswered portion of the interrogatory. If you perceive an
`interrogatory (or portion thereof) to be inapplicable, then indicate as much rather than leaving the
`interrogatory (or portion thereof) unanswered.
`If you encounter any ambiguity in construing any interrogatory, definition,
`construction, or instruction herein, set forth the matter deemed ambiguous and the construction
`chosen or used in responding to the interrogatory.
`In construing these interrogatories, the plural shall include the singular, the
`singular shall include the plural, and a masculine or feminine term shall include all other
`genders. The words “and” and “or” mean “and/or” and should be read both ways so as to
`encompass both constructions and call for answers to be provided to both constructions. The
`word “each” includes the word “every,” and the word “every” includes the word “each.” The
`word “any” shall be understood to include and encompass “all,” and “all” should be interpreted
`to include and encompass “any.”
`If any document that is responsive to these interrogatories is known to exist but
`cannot be produced, that document is to be specifically identified as precisely as possible and the
`reasons for the inability to produce the document stated.
`In the event that a document that is responsive to these interrogatories has been
`destroyed, the response hereto shall identify: (i) the preparer of the document; (ii) its addresser
`(if different), addressee, and each recipient thereof; (iii) each person to whom it was distributed

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 8 of 13 PageID #: 2298
`or shown; (iv) the date it was prepared; (v) the date it was transmitted (if different); (vi) the date
`it was received; (vii) a description of its contents and subject matter; (viii) the date of its
`destruction; (ix) the manner of its destruction; (x) the name, title, and address of the person
`authorizing its destruction; (xi) the reason(s) for its destruction; (xii) the name, title, and address
`of the person destroying the document; (xiii) and a description of the efforts to locate the
`document and copies of it.
`As required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(5), with respect to any information you
`assert to be protected or privileged, you must expressly identify the nature of the privilege
`asserted, indicate the factual basis for the privilege, and describe the nature and content of the
`allegedly-privileged information in sufficient detail to enable others to assess the applicability of
`the asserted privilege.
`Separately for each asserted claim of the Invensys Patents-in-Suit describe in
`detail the conception, reduction to practice (actual or constructive), and all activities constituting
`diligence from conception to reduction to practice, including without limitation, an identification
`and description of: (i) when, where, and by whom each claimed invention was conceived; (ii)
`the specific contribution by each alleged inventor; (iii) the first written description of each
`claimed invention (including when and where it was made and by whom); (iv) the earliest
`priority date of each claimed invention and all bases for such priority; (v) when, where, by
`whom, and under what circumstances each claimed invention was first reduced to practice; (vi)
`the first public disclosure of each claimed invention, including when, where, by whom, and to
`whom; and (vii) all evidence and witnesses corroborating the above.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 9 of 13 PageID #: 2299
`Identify by model name, model number, and time period sold, any product or
`process made or used by anyone other than Micro Motion, including without limitation Invensys,
`which Invensys contends is covered by any of the claims of the Invensys Patents-in-Suit,
`including without limitation, any products or processes that have been marketed, advertised, or
`marked as being covered by the Invensys Patents-in-Suit, and for each such product or process
`state which claim covers it and the date of its first offer for sale and public use in the United
`For each product or process identified in response to Interrogatory No. 2, identify
`whether it was marked pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 287(a), including: (i) a listing of each patent
`number it was marked with; (ii) a description of all time periods it was marked with each
`identified patent number; (iii) a description of all time periods it was made, used, sold or offered
`for sale in, or imported into, the United States; (iv) a description, in an element-by-element chart,
`of how each asserted claim of the Invensys Patents-in-Suit reads on the product or process; and
`(v) an identification of all documents describing or supporting any of the information requested
`by this Interrogatory.
`Identify each person who was associated with preparing, filing, or prosecuting the
`Invensys Patents-in-Suit, and describe in detail the nature of each person’s involvement.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 10 of 13 PageID #: 2300
`Identify any entity or person including, but not limited to, any holding company,
`parent, subsidiary, affiliate, shareholder, or third party that has any financial interest, direct or
`indirect, in the outcome of the current litigation or in any of the Invensys Patents-in-Suit.
`Identify and describe in detail each and every instance in which Invensys has
`licensed, attempted to license, offered to license, suggested a license under, discussed a license
`under, entered a covenant not to sue, entered a technology transfer agreement, or settled a lawsuit
`that relates to the subject matter of any of the Invensys Patents-in-Suit and/or the Micro Motion
`Patents-in-Suit, including, but not limited to, the persons, places, dates, and material terms
`associated with each instance.
`Describe in detail the pre-suit investigation you or a third party on your behalf
`undertook to form the basis of your allegation that Emerson and/or Micro Motion has infringed
`any claim of the Invensys Patents-in-Suit, including, but not limited to, (i) the dates of all
`activities related to your pre-suit investigation; (ii) the persons that participated or were involved
`in your pre-suit investigation; (iii) any and all products examined, inspected, evaluated, or tested
`during the course of your pre-suit investigation; (iv) the manner in which any products were
`examined, inspected, evaluated, or tested during the course of your pre-suit investigation; and (v)
`all documents and testing results relating to your pre-suit investigation.
`Describe in detail the legal and factual bases supporting any claims for lost
`profits, reasonably royalties, or any other damages that Invensys claims to have suffered as a

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 11 of 13 PageID #: 2301
`result of any conduct by Emerson and/or Micro Motion, and identify all evidence that Invensys
`contends corroborates its claim for damages.
`Identify each and every instance in which you contend Invensys has lost a sale as
`a result of the alleged infringement of Micro Motion or Emerson, including an identification of
`(i) the customer or potential customer to whom the sale was made; (ii) the date or approximate
`date of the same; (iii) the Invensys product offered or proposed to the customer; (iv) the person
`at the customer most knowledgeable about the proposed transaction; and (v) the person at
`Invensys most knowledgeable about the proposed transaction.
`Describe in detail all sources of funding for any and all research that led to the
`alleged inventions in any of the Invensys Patents-in-Suit, identifying the name of the funding
`source, the amount of funding received from each funding source, conditions imposed by each
`funding source, and any and all agreements related to the funding and/or the ownership interests
`in the alleged inventions that arose out of the research for which funding was provided.
`For each Invensys Accused Product state in detail the complete basis for
`Invensys’s position, if any, that such Invensys Accused Product does not infringe the Micro
`Motion Patents-in-Suit, identify all documents or evidence that support this position, and set
`forth these contentions in a three-column claim chart setting out in the left column the claim
`elements, in the middle column the claim elements you contend are missing, and in the right
`column the basis for your contention that the claim element is missing.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 12 of 13 PageID #: 2302
`/s/ Kadie M. Jelenchick
`Linda E.B. Hansen, WI Bar No. 1000660
`Richard S. Florsheim, WI Bar No. 1015905
`Jeffrey N. Costakos, WI Bar No. 1008225
`Kadie M. Jelenchick, WI Bar No. 1056506
`Matthew J. Shin, WI Bar No. 1090096
`Foley & Lardner LLP
`777 East Wisconsin Avenue
`Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
`Phone: (414) 271-2400
`Fax: (414) 297-4900
`Attorneys for Defendant and Counterclaim-
`Plaintiff Micro Motion, Inc.
`Dated: August 15, 2013
`Guy N. Harrison, State Bar No. 00000077
`Harrison Law Firm
`217 N. Center Street
`Longview, Texas 75606
`Phone: (903) 758-7361
`Fax: (903) 753-9557
`Email: and

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 81-10 Filed 10/25/13 Page 13 of 13 PageID #: 2303
`I hereby certify that on August 15, 2013, the attached MICRO MOTION,
`INC. was served via electronic mail upon all counsel of record. .
`/s/ Kadie M. Jelenchick
`Kadie M. Jelenchick

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