Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 1 of 10 PageID #: 1669
`C.A. No. 6:12-cv-00799-LED



`Counterclaim-Plaintiff, §
`Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant
`Invensys Systems,
`Inc. (“Invensys”), hereby
`answers the amended counterclaims of Defendant and Counterclaim-Plaintiff Micro Motion Inc.
`(“Micro Motion”) as follows, and denies each of Micro Motion’s allegations except as set forth
`Invensys lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations in Paragraph 1, and such allegations are therefore denied.
`Invensys admits the allegations of Paragraph 2.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 2 of 10 PageID #: 1670
`Invensys admits that this Court has subject matter jurisdiction over the instant
`Invensys admits that an actual case and controversy exists with respect to Micro
`Motion’s Amended Counterclaims, Micro Motion’s Answer and Affirmative Defenses, and
`Invensys’ First Amended Complaint.
`Invensys denies that Micro Motion’s Amended
`Counterclaims have merit and denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 3.
`Invensys admits that it filed an Original Complaint and Amended Complaint for
`infringement of United States Patent Nos. 7,124,646 (“the ‘646 Patent”), 7,136,761 (“the ‘761
`Patent”), 6,311,136 (“the ‘136 Patent”), 7,505,854 (“the ‘854 Patent”), 6,754,594 (“the ‘594
`Patent”), 7,571,062 (“the ‘062 Patent”), and 8,000,906 (“the ‘906 Patent”) (collectively, the
`“Patents-in-Suit”) against Micro Motion. Invensys admits that jurisdiction and venue are proper
`in this Court.
`(Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement of the Invensys Patents-in-Suit)
`Invensys realleages and incorporates by reference its responses to the allegations
`contained in Paragraphs 1 – 4 as if fully set forth herein.
`Invensys admits the allegations of Paragraph 6.
`Invensys admits that Micro Motion denies infringement of the Patents-in-Suit, but
`denies the merits of that denial.
`Invensys admits that Micro Motion filed a purported counterclaim for declaratory
`judgment of non-infringement of the Patents-in-Suit.
`Invensys denies that Micro Motion’s
`counterclaim of non-infringement has merit and denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 8.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 3 of 10 PageID #: 1671
`Invensys admits that Micro Motion filed a purported counterclaim for declaratory
`judgment of non-infringement of the Patents-in-Suit.
`Invensys denies that Micro Motion’s
`counterclaim of non-infringement has merit and denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 9.
`(Declaratory Judgment of Invalidity of the Patents-in-Suit)
`Invensys realleages and incorporates by reference its responses to the allegations
`contained in Paragraphs 1 – 9 as if fully set forth herein.
`Invensys admits that the claims of the Patents-in-Suit are valid.
`Invensys admits that Micro Motion contends that the claims of the Patents-in-Suit
`are invalid, but denies the merits of that contention.
`Invensys admits that Micro Motion filed a purported counterclaim for declaratory
`judgment of invalidity of the Patents-in-Suit. Invensys denies that Micro Motion’s counterclaim
`of invalidity has merit and denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 13.
`Invensys admits that Micro Motion filed a purported counterclaim for declaratory
`judgment of invalidity of the Patents-in-Suit. Invensys denies that Micro Motion’s counterclaim
`of invalidity has merit and denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 14.
`(Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 5,555,190)
`Invensys realleages and incorporates by reference its responses to the allegations
`contained in Paragraphs 1 – 4 as if fully set forth herein.
`Invensys admits that U.S. Patent No. 5,555,190 (“the ‘190 Patent”): (a) is entitled
`“Method and Apparatus for Adaptive Line Enhancement
`in Coriolis Mass Flow Meter
`Measurement”; (b) lists an issue date of September 10, 1996; (c) lists Howard V. Derby, Tamal

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 4 of 10 PageID #: 1672
`Bose, and Seeraman Rajan as the inventors; and (d) that Micro Motion, Inc. is identified as the
`Invensys admits that a copy of what appears to be the ‘190 Patent is attached as
`Exhibit 1 to the Amended Counterclaims. Invensys lacks knowledge or information sufficient to
`form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 16, and such allegations are
`therefore denied.
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 17.
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 18.
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 19.
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 20.
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 21.
`(Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,505,131)
`Invensys realleages and incorporates by reference its responses to the allegations
`contained in Paragraphs 1 – 4 as if fully set forth herein.
`Invensys admits that U.S. Patent No. 6,505,131 (“the ‘131 Patent”): (a) is entitled
`“Multi-Rate Digital Signal Processor for Signals from Pick-Offs on a Vibrating Conduit”; (b)
`lists an issue date of January 7, 2003; (c) lists Denis Henrot as the inventor; and (d) that Micro
`Motion, Inc. is identified as the assignee. Invensys admits that a copy of what appears to be the
`‘131 Patent is attached as Exhibit 2 to the Amended Counterclaims. Invensys lacks knowledge
`or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph
`23, and such allegations are therefore denied.
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 24.
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 25.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 5 of 10 PageID #: 1673
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 26.
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 27.
`Invensys denies the allegations of Paragraph 28.
`Although no response is required to Micro Motion’s Prayer for Relief, to the extent
`necessary, Invensys denies all allegations contained in Paragraphs 1 through 28 in the Amended
`Counterclaims, and further denies that relief should be granted to Micro Motion.
`In addition to the defenses described below, Invensys expressly reserves the right to
`allege additional defenses as they become known through the course of discovery.
`Micro Motion has failed to state a claim against Invensys upon which relief may be
`Invensys does not and has not infringed any valid claim of U.S. Patent No. 5,555,190
`(“the ‘190 Patent”) and U.S. Patent No. 6,505,131 (“the ‘131 Patent”) (the ‘190 Patent and the
`‘131 Patent collectively referred to as “the Micro Motion Patents”)
`literally, directly,
`contributorily, by way of inducement, and/or under the doctrine of equivalents.
`The Micro Motion Patents are invalid for failure to comply with one or more provisions
`of Title 35 of the United States Code, including, but not limited to 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103,
`and/or 112.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 6 of 10 PageID #: 1674
`By reason of the proceedings in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office during the
`prosecution of the application which resulted in the issuance of the Micro Motion Patents, Micro
`Motion is estopped from claiming infringement by Invensys of one or more claims of the Micro
`Motion Patents.
`Micro Motion’s claims are barred by the doctrines of laches, waiver, unclean hands,
`and/or equitable estoppel.
`Micro Motion’s claims for damages for patent infringement are limited by 35 U.S.C. §
`287 to those damages occurring only after notice of infringement, and by 35 U.S.C. § 286 to
`those damages within six years from filing of the Amended Counterclaims.
`Micro Motion is not entitled to an injunction because Micro Motion has an adequate
`remedy at law and no basis for the grant of equitable relief.
`Pursuant to Rule 13 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Invensys Systems, Inc.
`(“Invensys”) hereby asserts the following Counterclaims against Micro Motion, Inc. (“Micro
`Motion”) and alleges as follows:
`These Counterclaims seek a declaration pursuant to the Federal Declaratory Judgment
`Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201 and 2202, that Invensys does not infringe any valid, enforceable claim of
`the Micro Motion Patents and the Micro Motion Patents are invalid.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 7 of 10 PageID #: 1675
`Invensys Systems, Inc. is a Massachusetts corporation.
`Invensys Systems, Inc.,
`through its operating division Invensys Operations Management, has a principal place of
`business at 10900 Equity Drive, Houston, Texas 77041, and does business in and has facilities in
`this District, including an office in Plano.
`According to Paragraph 3 of Micro Motion’s Amended Counterclaims, Micro
`Motion is a Colorado corporation having a principal place of business at 7070 Winchester Circle,
`Boulder, Colorado 80301.
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§§ 1331 and 1338 because this case arises under the United States Patent Act, 35 U.S.C. § 1 et
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Micro Motion by virtue of the fact that
`Micro Motion has submitted to the jurisdiction of this Court by the filing of the instant Amended
`Counterclaims. Venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b) and
`(Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement of the Micro Motion Patents)
`Invensys re-alleges and incorporates by reference, as if fully set forth herein, the
`allegations contained in the preceding Paragraphs 1 – 4.
`By virtue of Micro Motion’s filing of the Amended Complaint herein, an actual
`controversy exists between Invensys and Micro Motion with respect
`to Invensys’ alleged
`infringement of the Micro Motion Patents.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 8 of 10 PageID #: 1676
`Invensys is entitled to a judicial declaration that it has not and does not infringe
`directly or indirectly, by inducement or by contribution, literally or under the doctrine of
`equivalents, any valid, enforceable claims of the Micro Motion Patents.
`(Declaratory Judgment of Invalidity of the Micro Motion Patents)
`Invensys re-alleges and incorporates by reference, as if fully set forth herein, the
`allegations contained in the preceding Paragraphs 1 – 4.
`By virtue of Micro Motion’s filing of the Amended Counterclaims herein, an
`actual controversy exists between Invensys and Micro Motion with respect to Invensys’ alleged
`infringement of the Micro Motion Patents and the validity of the Micro Motion Patents.
`The claims of the Micro Motion Patents are invalid for failure to satisfy one or
`more conditions of patentability set forth in Title 35 of the United States Code, including, but not
`limited to, 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103, and 112.
`11. Micro Motion is entitled to a judicial declaration and order that the Micro Motion
`Patents are invalid.
`WHEREFORE, Invensys repeats its request for relief as set forth in its First Amended
`Complaint and further requests judgment that:
`Micro Motion takes nothing by its Amended Counterclaims;
`Micro Motion’s Amended Counterclaims be dismissed in their entirety with
`prejudice and judgment be entered for Invensys and against Micro Motion on
`each and every count of the Amended Counterclaims;

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 9 of 10 PageID #: 1677
`The Court enter a judgment that (i) the Micro Motion Patents are invalid, and
`(ii) Invensys does not infringe the Micro Motion Patents, directly or indirectly,
`literally or under the doctrine of equivalents;
`The Court finds this to be an exceptional case pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 285 and
`awards Invensys its reasonable attorneys’ fees; and
`Invensys be granted such additional and alternative relief as this Court deems just
`and proper.
`Invensys hereby reiterates its demand for a trial by jury as to all issues so triable.
`Date: August 9, 2013
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Claudia Wilson Frost
`Claudia Wilson Frost
`State Bar No. 21671300
`Jeffrey L. Johnson
`State Bar No. 24029638
`1000 Louisiana, Suite 2800
`Houston, TX 77002
`Telephone: 713.425.8400
`Facsimile: 713.425.8401
`Nicholas G. Papastavros
`Daniel Rosenfeld
`33 Arch Street, 26th Floor
`Boston, MA 02110
`Telephone: 617.406.6000
`Facsimile: 617.406.6100

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 60 Filed 08/09/13 Page 10 of 10 PageID #: 1678
`I certify that the foregoing document was filed electronically on August 9, 2013, pursuant
`to Local Rule CV-5(a) and has been served on all counsel who have consented to electronic
`service. Any other counsel of record will be served by first class U.S. mail on this same date.
`/s/ Claudia Wilson Frost
`Claudia Wilson Frost

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