Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 1 of 10 PageID #: 9316
`Case No. 6:12-CV-00799-LED

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 2 of 10 PageID #: 9317
`Emerson Electric Co. and Micro Motion, Inc. (collectively, “Micro Motion”)
`respectfully request that the Court amend the Fifth Amended Docket Control Order, (Dkt. No.
`212), to move the December 5, 2014 deadline for Micro Motion to serve its damages-related
`rebuttal report to December 23, 2014. This amendment is necessary because Invensys is unable
`to produce its damages expert, Mr. W. Christopher Bakewell, for deposition until the week of
`December 15, 2014, which is after Micro Motion’s rebuttal report is due. To accommodate the
`proposed deadline shift for the damages-related rebuttal, Micro Motion also respectfully requests
`that the December 19, 2014 expert discovery deadline be extended until January 9, 2015, to
`permit any deposition Invensys may like to take of Micro Motion’s damages expert. No other
`deadlines, including the December 5, 2014 deadline for Micro Motion’s non-damages related
`rebuttal expert reports, are impacted by Micro Motion’s requests.
`Micro Motion’s counsel has attempted, without success, to reach an agreed-upon
`schedule to address Mr. Bakewell’s unavailability. Despite repeated requests to Invensys’s
`counsel over the past 24 days to discuss a modification to the Docket Control Order, Invensys’s
`counsel has ignored Micro Motion’s inquiries – despite contacting Micro Motion on unrelated
`matters. It was not until 4:53 p.m. (Central) today that Invensys’s counsel contacted Micro
`Motion, withdrawing the offer to make Mr. Bakewell available for deposition and otherwise
`insisting on Micro Motion’s compliance with the December 5, 2014 rebuttal report deadline.
`Invensys’s counsel has also ignored Micro Motion’s counsel’s request to meet and confer on the
`present Motion when it became clear that Court intervention was necessary.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 3 of 10 PageID #: 9318
`The parties designated expert witnesses and served expert reports on those issues
`in which they bear the burden of proof on October 6, 2014.1 Per the parties’ agreement, rebuttal
`expert reports are due December 5, 2014. Expert discovery closes on December 19, 2014. (Dkt.
`No. 212 at 3.) Under the current schedule, the joint pretrial order is not due until July 31, 2015,
`more than three months after the briefing on Daubert and dispositive motions. (Id.) Trial is
`scheduled to begin on October 13, 2015. (Id. at 1.)
`Consistent with the schedule in this case, Micro Motion served its expert reports
`directed to invalidity issues of the Invensys patents-in-suit, and Invensys served expert reports
`relating to alleged infringement and purported damages. Thereafter, the parties agreed to
`produce (and have since produced) their respective invalidity and infringement experts for
`deposition before rebuttal reports are due on December 5, 2014. Micro Motion is poised to serve
`any rebuttal expert reports on liability-related issues by December 5.
`Invensys has not made its damages expert, Mr. Bakewell, available for deposition
`despite Micro Motion’s repeated requests to do so. (Declaration of Kadie M. Jelenchick, Exs. A,
`C-F.) Specifically, Micro Motion asked that Mr. Bakewell be produced for deposition no later
`than December 2, 2014 – before the rebuttal expert due date. (Id. at Ex. A.) Invensys’s initial
`response to this request was that Mr. Bakewell was not available the entire month of November.
`(Id. at ¶ 2.) Thereafter, on November 11, Invensys indicated that Mr. Bakewell would not be
`available until the week of December 15, which is after the deadline for rebuttal reports. (Id. at
`Ex. B.) No specific date has been provided. (Id.)
`1 The parties agreed to a three-day extension to the original October 3, 2014 deadline.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 4 of 10 PageID #: 9319
`Given Mr. Bakewell’s unavailability, Micro Motion proposed modifying the
`deadline for its damages rebuttal report to December 23, 2014, to permit Micro Motion to depose
`Mr. Bakewell before serving its rebuttal expert report. Micro Motion proposed similarly
`extending the December 19, 2014 close of expert discovery – only with respect to damages – to
`January 9, 2015, to give Invensys the opportunity to depose Micro Motion’s expert. (Id. at Ex.
`C.) Micro Motion’s counsel discussed a possible schedule modification with counsel for
`Invensys on November 12, 2014. Since that discussion, and until minutes before Micro Motion
`filed the present Motion, counsel for Invensys had not responded to Micro Motion’s counsel’s
`four email inquiries and one voicemail to discuss these issues. (Id. at Exs. C-F.) More
`specifically, Micro Motion counsel’s contacted Invensys’s counsel on November 19, 21, 24, and
`25, 2014, via email, and called Invensys’s counsel on November 25, 2014. (Id.) Except for
`Invensys’s November 21, 2014 promise to “discuss Mr. Bakewell’s availability” with Micro
`Motion the week of November 24, (Id. at Ex. G), which did not happen, Invensys has not
`responded to any of Micro Motion’s requests.
`At 4:53 p.m. (Central) today, Invensys’s counsel contacted Micro Motion,
`withdrawing the offer to make Mr. Bakewell available for deposition and otherwise insisting on
`Micro Motion’s compliance with the December 5, 2014 rebuttal report deadline, purportedly
`because Invensys does not have access to certain discovery. Invensys unilaterally proposes that
`Mr. Bakewell is now permitted to serve a supplemental damages report at some undisclosed
`future date, and Micro Motion’s damages expert may rebut that supplement seven days
`thereafter. In the meantime, Invensys dictates that no depositions of either Mr. Bakewell or
`Micro Motion’s damages expert will go forward.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 5 of 10 PageID #: 9320
`The proposed deadline extensions for Micro Motion’s rebuttal damages report and
`close of expert discovery will not impact any other deadlines in this case, including the
`Serving expert rebuttal reports directed to liability issues (December 5, 2014);
`Filing letter briefs for Daubert and summary judgment motions (January 22,
`Filing dispositive motions (March 16, 2015);
`Filing the joint pretrial order (July 31, 2015); and
`Trial (October 13, 2015).
`Under Rule 16(b)(4) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a party seeking to
`amend a docket control order must show “good cause.” In determining whether a party has met
`this standard, court typically consider four factors: (1) the explanation justifying the need for the
`amendment, (2) the importance of the amendment, (3) potential prejudice to the opposing party,
`and (4) the ability to mitigate any such prejudice. See Ciena Corp. v. Nortel Networks Inc., 233
`F.R.D. 493, 494 (E.D. Tex. 2006).
`Good Cause Exists To Modify The Docket Control Order.
`Amending the Docket Control Order deadline for service of Micro Motion’s
`damages rebuttal report is necessary because Micro Motion is entitled to know the entirety of
`Mr. Bakewell’s opinions regarding Invensys’s alleged damages so that Micro Motion can
`respond fully in its rebuttal report.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 6 of 10 PageID #: 9321
`To the extent Mr. Bakewell is deposed after Micro Motion serves its damages
`rebuttal report, under the schedule in the case, Micro Motion is precluded from automatically
`supplementing its rebuttal expert report, leaving any newly-raised opinions during the
`deposition, unchallenged. Thus, requiring Micro Motion to serve its damages rebuttal before Mr.
`Bakewell’s deposition only increases the potential costs for both parties and the need for more
`motion practice to allow amendments to expert reports. In addition, by requiring Micro Motion
`to serve its damages rebuttal report before Mr. Bakewell is deposed, Invensys has a roadmap to
`Micro Motion’s critiques of Mr. Bakewell’s report, which unfairly gives Mr. Bakewell an
`opportunity to attempt to bolster his deficient opinions through deposition (or later supplement).
`These dangers are eliminated by permitting Micro Motion to serve its damages rebuttal report
`after Mr. Bakewell is deposed and the entirety of his opinions have been disclosed. Indeed, as
`noted above, the parties agreed to produce their expert witnesses in connection with infringement
`and invalidity opening reports prior to the rebuttal report due date.
`Invensys Is Not Prejudiced By The Proposed Amendments.
`Invensys is not prejudiced by the contemplated amendments to the Docket
`Control Order. First, the parties discussed and agreed to produce their respective expert
`witnesses for deposition before any rebuttal reports were due, and Invensys never indicated that
`Mr. Bakewell should be treated any differently. Invensys should not be permitted to circumvent
`the parties’ agreement by simply refusing to make Mr. Bakewell available in a timely manner or
`ignoring the issue. Mr. Bakewell’s report was served October 6, 2014, which was two months
`before Micro Motion’s rebuttal report was due, and, if he was unavailable between October 6
`and December 2, 2014 to sit for his deposition, it could not be prejudicial to grant a brief
`extension of the due dates to permit the deposition.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 7 of 10 PageID #: 9322
`Second, in light of the parties’ agreement to resolve certain discovery issues in
`advance of the November 12, 2014 hearing on outstanding motions, Micro Motion agreed to
`supplement its production of sales information as well as allow Invensys’s counsel to inspect
`Micro Motion’s customer list. (See Dkt. No. 241 at 2-4.) Per the parties’ agreement, Mr.
`Bakewell has the opportunity to supplement his expert report to incorporate any of the newly-
`produced sales information or information gleaned from the inspection. (Id.) A portion of the
`sales information was produced on November 21, 2014, and Invensys’s counsel inspected the
`customer list November 21 and 25, 2014. The remaining sales information will be produced by
`December 5, 2014. Invensys’s final hour complaints that this supplementation is deficient (or
`somehow justifies Invensys’s unilateral modification of the scheduling order) ring hollow.
`Micro Motion’s agreement to produce additional sales information and permit Mr. Bakewell’s
`supplementation was premised on its ability to respond to these issues in its rebuttal report. (Id.)
`Invensys agreed “to adjust the due date of this report as appropriate.” (Id.)
`Finally, trial in this case is approximately eleven months away. Micro Motion’s
`proposed modifications to the schedule will not impact any of the pretrial deadlines or the trial
`date. Even if extending the deadlines as Micro Motion proposes might somehow prejudice
`Invensys, there is plenty of time in the schedule to ameliorate any prejudice.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 8 of 10 PageID #: 9323
`For the foregoing reasons, Micro Motion respectfully requests that the Court
`amend the December 5, 2014 deadline for service of Micro Motion’s rebuttal expert report
`directed to damages issues and the close of expert discovery with respect to the same to
`December 23, 2014 and January 9, 2015, respectively.
`Dated: November 26, 2014
`Respectfully submitted,
`Guy N. Harrison, State Bar No. 00000077
`Guy Harrison Law Offices
`217 N. Center Street
`Longview, Texas 75601
`Phone: (903) 758-7361
`Fax: (903) 753-9557
`/s/ Kadie M. Jelenchick
`Linda E.B. Hansen, WI Bar No. 1000660
`Richard S. Florsheim, WI Bar No. 1015905
`Jeffrey N. Costakos, WI Bar No. 1008225
`Kadie M. Jelenchick, WI Bar No. 1056506
`Foley & Lardner LLP
`777 East Wisconsin Avenue
`Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
`Phone: (414) 271-2400
`Fax: (414) 297-4900
`Attorneys for Emerson Electric Co. and
`Micro Motion, Inc.

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 9 of 10 PageID #: 9324
`I certify that on November 25, 2014, I attempted to schedule a meet and confer
`with Invensys’s counsel to discuss the requested relief in this Motion, which was relief that I
`previously sought to discuss on at least five occasions, including a November 12, 2014 in-person
`conversation with Ms. Claudia Frost, and in four email communications directed to Ms. Frost
`and/or Ms. Dawn Jenkins, dated November 19, 21, 24, and 25, 2014. On November 25, I also
`phoned Ms. Frost and left her a voicemail requesting that we set a time to meet and confer
`regarding the requested relief in this Motion. I communicated that I was available for a meet and
`confer either the evening of November 25, 2014, or the morning of November 26, 2014.
`Neither Ms. Frost nor any other counsel for Invensys returned my call, indicated that the
`proposed time slots were unworkable, or otherwise contacted me about the relief sought. It was
`not until 4:53 p.m. (Central) today that Invensys’s counsel contacted me, withdrawing the offer
`to make Mr. Bakewell available for deposition and otherwise insisting on Micro Motion’s
`compliance with the December 5, 2014 rebuttal report deadline. In light of the repeated silence
`in response to my inquiries, the upcoming December 5, 2014 deadline for service of rebuttal
`reports, and Invensys’s last-minute unilateral attempts to modify the Docket Control Order,
`Micro Motion was left with no choice but to file this Motion.
`/s/ Kadie M. Jelenchick
`Kadie M. Jelenchick

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 244 Filed 11/26/14 Page 10 of 10 PageID #: 9325
`I hereby certify that on November 26, 2014, I electronically filed the foregoing
`document with the Clerk of Court using the CM/ECF system which will send notification of such
`filing via electronic mail to all counsel of record.
`/s/ Kadie M. Jelenchick
`Kadie M. Jelenchick

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