Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 148-4 Filed 04/18/14 Page 1 of 5 PageID #: 4409
`Case 6:12—cv—00799—JRG Document 148-4 Filed 04/18/14 Page 1 of 5 Page|D #: 4409

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 148-4 Filed 04/18/14 Page 2 of 5 PageID #: 4410
`fifth Edition
`Sybil P. Parker
`Editor in Chief
`McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`Washington. D.C.
`San Francisco (cid:9)
`New York (cid:9)
`Madrid (cid:9)
`London (cid:9)
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`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 148-4 Filed 04/18/14 Page 3 of 5 PageID #: 4411
`On the cover: Photomicrograph of crystals of vitamin a,.
`(Dennis Kunkel. University of Hawaii )
`Included in this Dictionary are definitions which have been published previously in the following works: P. B.
`1969 by McGraw-Hill. Inc. All rights reserved. J.
`Jordain, Condensed Computer Encyclopedia, Copyright (cid:9)
`Markus, Electronic-3 and Nucleonics Dictionary, 4th ed.. Copyright C. 1960, 1966. 1978 by McGraw-Hill. Inc.
`All rights reserved. J. Quick, Artists' and Illustrators' Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill. Inc. All
`rights reserved. Blahs:on' s Gould Medical Dictionary, 3d cd.. Copyright C 1956. 1972 by McGraw-Hill. Inc. All
`rights reserved. T. Baumeister and 1. S. Marks, eds.. Standard Ifondhonk for Mechanical Ens;ineers. 7th ed.
`Copyright C 1958, 1967 by McGraw-Hill. Inc. All rights reserved.
`In addition. material has been drawn from the following references: It E. Huschke. Glossary of Meteorology.
`American Meteorological Society, 1959; U.S. Air Force Glossary of Standardi:ed Terms, AF Manual 11- 1. vol.
`I, 1972; Communications-Electronics Terminology. AF Manual 1I-1, vol. 3. 1970; W. H. Allen, ed,. Dictionary
`of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use, 1st ed., National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 1965; J. M.
`Gilliland, Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Tech-
`nical Report 67158, 1967: Glossary of Air Traffic Control Terms. Federal Aviation Agency: A Glossary of Range
`Terminology. White Sands Missile Range. New Mexico, National Bureau of Standards. AD 467-424: A DOD
`Glossary of Mapping, Charting and Geodetic Terms, 1st ed.. Department of Defense. 1967; P. W. Thrush, comp.
`and ed.. ADie tionary a fMining,,Mineral • and Related Term, Bureau of Mutes. 1968: Nu( kar Terms: A Glossary.
`2d ed., Atomic Energy Commission; F. Casey, ed.. Compilation of Terms in IrifOrenalum Sciences Technohigy.
`Federal Council for Science and Technology. 19713; Glossary ofStinto Terminology. Office of Aerospace Research,
`U.S. Air Force. 1963; Natal Dictionary of Eleerronic,Technical. and lmperator Terrm, Bureau of Naval Person-
`nel, 1962: ADP Glossary, Department of the Navy. NAVSO P-3097.
`Fifth Edition
`Copyright 4'; 1994. 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976. 1974 by McGraw-Hill. Inc. All rights reserved. Primed in the United
`Stales of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no pan of this publication
`may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any mecum, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without
`the prior written permission of the publisher.
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`ISBN 0-07-0423334
`Library• of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms /
`Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief..-5th ed.
`p. (cid:9)
`ISBN 0-07-042333-4
`1. Science—Dictionaries. 2. Technology—Dictionaries.
`I. Parker, Sybil P.
`Q123.M34 1993
`503— dc20 (cid:9)
`Copyright et5 1994. Exclusive rights by McGraw-Hill. inc. for manufacture and export. This book cannot be re-
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`When ordering this title, use ISBN 0.07-113584,7,

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 148-4 Filed 04/18/14 Page 4 of 5 PageID #: 4412
`modulating signal
`modulus of rupture in bend
`a modulated high-intensity point source of light. I 'maka,lad•
`ar sg.16 ,tiib I
`module rant() ENG] A self-contained unit which serves as a
`building block for the overall structure in space technology:
`usually designated by its primary function, such as command
`module or lunar landing module.
`ICOMPUT SCI] 1. A distinct
`and identifiable unit of computer program for such purposes as
`compiling, loading. and linkage editing. 2. One memory bank
`and associated electronics in a computer. I ELECTR] A pack-
`aged assembly of wired components, built in a standardized size
`and having standardized plug-in or solderable terminations.
`[ENG] A unit of size used as a basic component for standard-
`izing the design and construction of buildings. building pans.
`and furniture. (MATH I A vector space in which the scalars are
`a ring rather than a field. (
`modulo [Marti] 1. A group G modulo a subgroup H is the
`quotient group Gill of cosets of H in G. 2. A technique of
`identifying elements in an algebraic structure in such a manner
`that the resulting collection of identified objects is the same type
`of structure. I 'maj-a,16 I
`modulo N
`[MATH] Two integers are said to be congruent
`modulo N (where N is some integer) if they have the same
`remainder when divided by N. I 'maj-a,IO 'en
`modulo N arithmetic Pam HI Calculations in which all in-
`tegers are replaced by their remainders after division by N
`(where N is some fixed integer.) I 'maj-a,16 (cid:9)
`modulo N check
`jeoraPuT serf A procedure for verification
`of the accuracy of a computation by repeating the steps in mod-
`ulo N arithmetic and comparing the result with the original result
`(modulo N). Also known as residue check. I 'iniika,16 ',en
`'click I
`modulo-two adder [C:OMPUT set) A logical circuit for adding
`one-digit binary numbers. (cid:9)
`'maka,16 ;iii 'achar f
`modulus [MATH] 1. The modulus of a logarithm with a given
`base is the factor by which a logarithm with a second base must
`be multiplied to give the first logarithm. 2. See absolute value.
`I 'milkagas I
`modulus of a congruence (MATH) A number a. such that
`two specified numbers h and c give the same remainder when
`divided by a: b and c are then said to be congruent, modulus a
`(or congruent. modulo a). I 'maka-las av a kan'grinans I
`modulus of compression See bulk modulus of elasticity.
`I 'maj•a-las av kom'preslran I
`modulus of continuity [MATH] For a real valued continuou-
`function j. this is the function whose value at a real number
`the maximum of the modulus of
`(cid:9) — f(y) where the ir
`of x — y is less than r: this function is useful in appr
`theory. (cid:9)
`'maka-las av ,kitnnanni•adt I
`modulus of decay
`IMECHI The time requires
`tude of oscillation of an underdamped har
`drop to lie of its initial value: the reci.
`factor. I ;maj-a-las av di'ka
`modulus of deformation IstEcw•.
`of a material that deforms oche-
`( 'maj-a-las ay ,t1E,fOr'rna,s'
`modulus of distance
`M is the absolute mar
`magnitude. Also '
`modulus of
`some sir
`y for
`acts in
`characteristics of a carrier. I 'mkra,I4d-in 'sir
`(common') The process or the result or the pro-
`some parameter of one wave is varied in accor-
`some parameter of another wave. IMECH ENG]
`of the fuel-air mixture to a burner in response to
`of load on a boiler. (cid:9)
`,maka'15-shan I
`obiocin capability fEt.Erral Of an aural transrniner. the
`daunt percentage modulation that can be obtained without
` lioding a given distortion figure. I ,intikalA•shan ,k.fera-
`poignricode (COMMUN] A code used to cause variations
`1 401in accordance with a predetermined scheme; normally
`otealterormodulate a carrier wave to transmit data. (cid:9)
`[commuts] The peak amplitude of an am-
`At alien craft
`' ok,modaltded wave. [ ,makala•shan 'krest I
`**Ian-doped field-effect transistor See high-electron
`*0 transistor. (cid:9)
`,mtika'15-shan :dopt 'fdld i:fekt tran'zis.
`,pulalon-deced structure [SOLID STATE] An epitaxially
`,W structure in which successive semiconductor lay-
`' 5 331:J31 different types of electrical dopants. I ,milkala.
`Es*rt 'soak-char I
`4/allonennelope IcomstuN) A curve drawn through the
`its ef a graph showing the waveform of a modulated signal.,
`=vas the waveform of the intelligence carried by the signal.
`aija`Lishan 'en-va,lop I
`Ailidlon factor (commuN1 1. In general, the ratio of the
`40ritation in the modulation actually used in a transmitter
`inctratimum variation for which the transmitter was de-
`*rd. 2.In an amplitude-modulated wave, the ratio (usually
`*tot in percent) of the peak variation of the envelope from
`ittfarixe value, to the reference value. Also known as index
`aohlaum. 3. In a frequency-modulated wave, the ratio of
`goal frequency swing to the frequency swing required for
`( ,maj•ald-shan ,falc•tar I
`Index [COMMUNI The ratio of the frequency de-
`s the frequency of the modulating wave in a frequency-
`system when using a sinusoidal modulating wave.
`snag ratio deviation. (cid:9)
`,rnakala•shan ,in,deks
`meter [ENG] Instrument for measuring the de-
`ulation (modulation factor) of a modulated wave
`expressed in percent. I ,miika'la•shan ,md-ar I
`„else [ELECTR] Increase of the modulation per-
`. „erased by nonlinearity of any tuned amplifier, usually
`IllIatnncdiate-frequency stage of a receiver. ( ,makald.
`110* I
`spectroscopy [anEcri A branch of spectros-
`d with the measurement and interpretation of
`••'transmission or reflection spectra induced (usually)
`. applied perturbation, such as temperature or tares-
`or an electric or magnetic field. ( ,rnakalA-shan
`(ENG ACOUSI An audio-frequency
`which matches impedances and transmits audio fre-
`i.elween one or more plates of an audio output stage
`Nor plate of a modulated amplifier. ( ,rniikald•shan
`With a fixed reference (commura] Phase mod-
`S pilot carrier. I ,rnitka'15.shan with a 'fist 'ref.
`cial 1. The transmitter stage that supplies
`signal to the modulated amplifier stage or that
`Modulated arnplitier stage to produce pulses at
`in radar. 2. A device that produces modulatit
`. such as by virtue of a nonlinear characteristic c
`Eng some circuit quantity in accordance with the
`'1!modulating signal. 3. One of the electrodes of
`Cqatal Ionics) Crystal which is used to midi'.
`seared light beam by the use of the Pockel's effect;
`hodulator in laser systems. I 'maka, ,krist.
`'demodulator See modem. (cid:9)
`'maj-a,lati•ar dt 'mak
`v. Inch increase the wenahilay of thole
`ir I
`A gene that alters the phenol
`• gene. I 'nad'a,f1-ar jen )
`Ides register. I 'mad-a,fl•ar ,re
`1. To alter a portion of an Instruction
`I execution will he other than normal; the
`nanently change the instruction or leave
`et only the current execution; the most
`s that of the effective address through the
`2. To alter a subroutine accordingsp1
`'mad-a,ti I
`°stmt. scil A statement in a database
`hanges to be made in the structure of the
`nicba,fi ,strak.char I
`horizontal bracket, usually in the foim of
`supporting the corona under a cornice.
`3efect of magnetron oscillation in which
`more undesired modes. 'mOdin
`fhe central axis of the cochlea. I ma'dh
`cal A general-purpose programming lan-
`Anputer program to be written as MTV&
`be compiled separately but can share a
`.ECTRI Any type of circuit assembled in
`cubical blocks that perform one or more
`I 'mara.lar 'sarkai I
`n ICC/INPUT act I The separate transiatiort
`Lge of the individual parts of a contract
`then combined into a single program by a
`taj'alar ,kartrpala•shan I
`r soil The property of functional ficiibil-
`uter system by assembling dist rete anin
`joined to or arranged with other ruu
`Kbe I
`rom a collection of modules. each of took-
`tractions are rigidly restricted. I 'mares
`HU II ol A nodding that is constructed.
`:sized units of standard sizes: uses a 4•i1
`cubical module as a reference. (ELECTS!
`riving the use of integral multiples of altiS1
`:nsions of electronic components and nitre
`is well as for spacings of holes in a clalsk
`Jard. 2. An assembly made from modals.
`bar I
`a) To vary the amplitude, frequnicy,
`or vary the velocity of the electrons left
`ime characteristic mariner 4 'mara,1111
`ler [ELECTR] Amplifier stage in SWAP
`modulating signal is introduced and win
`'maka,Ilid•od 'am-pla,11-ar
`icosuaum I Radio-frequency carrier woe
`base or frequency has been vaned:a:cordial
`to be conveyed. (cid:9)
`uouswave Irosoatns I Wave in
`lied by a constant audio-frequency
`n:tin.ya.was 'wn's
`n scattering (SPECT1
`ipy to the study of Raglan scatienng:
`ernalperturbations to lower the sy1llt1
`d permit symmetry-forbidden n)odes. sa4
`modulation to analyze second-order
`.,lacbad 'rit-man ,slcad•a-rin I
`[ELECTRI Radio-frequency stage
`coupled and in which the continuous
`modulated according to the system, .go
`tracteristics of the modulating *-3`e.
`Application el
`an (Not. am) A codon that conunis
`ription of a eistron. I :ma1.3.1Aeria 114"„„moi.
`trod* Imam] Electrode to vel001;01,
`I control the magnitude of the beams
`lek,Infid )
`sal [COMMUN] Signal which
`ions between
`normal room
`ated by a plane
`over a cylinder.
`, . (cid:9)
`„ time. I 'ni,. (cid:9)
`:lige building with a smooth wooden floor
`.„5„, (cid:9)
`of a ship or airplane are laid down and
`11..sinicted from them to lay off the steel for
`s'ee release agent. I 'mold ri,les I
`Interior of
`News Shipt
`Now tube IELECTR I Cold cathode recorder tube
`facsimile and sound-on-film recording: provides
`it (cid:9)
`c' (cid:9)

`Case 6:12-cv-00799-JRG Document 148-4 Filed 04/18/14 Page 5 of 5 PageID #: 4413
`proceed-to-transmit signal (cid:9)
`process schizophrenia
`mation can be transmitted; in certain signaling systems, both
`signals can be the same. (cid:9)
`pra'sed to si'lekt (cid:9)
`proceed-to-transmit signal
`leo/awes] Signal returned
`from a distant manual switchboard over the backward signaling
`path, in response to a calling signal, to indicate that the tele-
`printer of the distant operator is connected to the circuit.
`I przesad to tranzMit ,sig-nal
`Procellarian (even.] Pertaining to lunar lithologic map unite
`and topographic forms constituting, or closely associated with.
`the maria. I ,prieselarta-an I
`Procallarlidae vi; (cid:9)
`'tee), A family of birds in the order
`Procellariiformes comprising the petrels. fulmars. and shear-
`waters. (cid:9)
`,pro-saea'rieacle I
`Procellarliformes (cid:9)
`zool An order of oceanic birds
`characterized by tubelike nostril openings, webbed feet. dense
`plumage. compound horny sheath of the bill. and, often, a pe-
`culiar musky odor. I ,priesala,r1-alOrenaz )
`[INV iuni The part of an insect's head that lies
`anteriorly to the segment in which the mandibles are located.
`I prieselealan I
`procercoid [no,. zooI The solid parasitic larva of certain
`cucestodes. such as pseudophyllideans. that develops in the
`body of the intermediate host. { presar,kend I
`[ANA ri A projection from the central mass of an
`organism. Icometer sell To assemble, compile. generate. in-
`terpret. compute. and otherwise act on information in a com-
`[ENO] A system or series of continuous or regularly
`occurring actions taking place in a predetermined or planned
`manner to produce a desired result. (cid:9)
`' I
`process analytical chemistry I ANAI.N. !'HEM] A branch of
`analytical chemistry concerned with quantitative and qualitative
`information about a chemical process. (cid:9)
`'kem.a-stre I
`process analyzer (CHEM Leo) An instrument for determin-
`ing the chemical composition of the substances involved in a
`chemical process directly. or for measuring the physical para-
`meters indicative of composition. I 'priases
`process annealing ]Merl Softening a ferrous alloy by heat-
`ing to a temperature close to but below the lower limit of the
`transformation range and then cooling. I 'pra,sas a,naleo
`process-bound program See CPU-bound program. I 'pleases
`:haend 'preegram
`process camera
`(neves] Large camera used to produce
`materials for reproduction in printing; permits a large range of
`enlargement and reduction. I 'pra,ses ,karirra I
`process chart
`[INn ENG) A graphic representation of events
`occurring during a series of actions or operations. I 'pra,sas
`,chart I
`process color
`[GRAPHICS] Method of reproducing full-color
`originals such as paintings and color photographs: four-color
`process plates print in yellow, magenta. cyan, and black.
`I 'priesas ,kaaer I
`process control I ENG/ Manipulation of the conditions of a
`process to bring about a desired change in the output character-
`istics of the process. I 'pra,sas karetrel I
`process control chart
`IIND ENGI A tabulated graphical ar-
`rangement of test results and other pertinent data for each pro-
`duction assembly unit, arranged in chronological sequence for
`the entire assembly. I 'pra,sas kanerCil ,chart
`process control engineering (Reed A field of engineering
`dealing with ways and means by which conditions of continuous
`processes are automatically kept as close as possible to desired
`values or within a required range. I 'priasas kanarial ,ereja,nir
`process control system
`[coN-r sesI The automatic control
`of a continuous operation. I 'pre,sas kanerel ,sislAM
`process dynamics (ENO] The dynamic response interrela-
`tionships between components (units) of a complex system, such
`as in a chemical process plant. I 'pra,sas denanriks I
`processengineering (Emil A service function of production
`engineering that involves selection of the processes to be used,
`determination of the sequence of all operations, and requisition
`of special tools to make a product. ('pra,sas .enaa,nirio
`process furnace
`lc-HEM ENG] Furnace used to heat process-
`stream materials (liquids. gases. or solids) in a chemical-plant
`operation; types are direct-fired. indirect-fired, and pebble heat-
`ers. (cid:9)
`'prileas ,farnas I
`process heater
`[CHEM ENG) Equipment for the heating of
`chemical process streams (gases. liquids. or solids): usually
`refers to furnaces, in contrast to heat exchangers. I 'prileas
`flip ar )
`process heat reactor [Niuri.F.0 I A nuclear reactor that pro-
`duces heat for use in manufacturing processes. I 'priasas ;bet
`re,akear ►
`processing !cum art.).4 I Further handling, manipulation, con-
`solidation. compositing, and so on. of information to convert it
`from one format to another or to reduce it to manageable or
`intelligible information. (ENO] The act of convening material
`from one form into another desired form. I 'pre,sestio I
`processing interrupt Iromptn. seal The interruption of the
`batch processing mode in a real-time system when live data are
`entered in the system. I 'prim ses-io 'ineasapt I
`processing program (comae r sell Any computer program
`that is not a control program, such as an application program,
`or a noncontrolling pan of the operating system. such as a son-
`merge program or language translator. i 'priasevio ,pre
`processing section
`Icometrt sal The computer unit that
`does the actual changing of input into output; includes the arith.
`medic unit and intermediate storage. I 'pra,sesio ,scloshan I
`process lapse rate I MEI-I:05011 The rate of decrease of the
`temperature of an air parcel as it is lifted, expressed as —O/d .
`where is the altitude, or occasionally rfrdp, where p is pres-
`sure; the concept may be applied to other atmospheric variables,
`such as the process lapse rate of density. I 'pra,sas 'laps ,r5t I
`process layout
`In a processing plant, the layout
`of machines, equipment, and locations which groups the same
`or similar operations. I `prii,sas
`process lens lorries] A highly corrected. apochromatic lens
`used for precise color-separation work. I 'pra,sas ,lenz
`process-limited See processor-limited. I 'pra,sas :Iinead-ad
`process metallurgy[MET] The branch of metallurgy con-
`cerned with the extraction of metals from ore, and with the
`relining of metals; usually synonymous with extractive metal-
`lurgy. I 'pra,sas ,med•alereje I
`process monitoring
`(CHEM ENG) The observation of chem-
`ical process variables by means of pressure, temperature. flow,
`and other types of indicators: usually occurs in a central control
`room. I 'presses ,man-aerio I
`processor iromrur set] 1. A device that performs one or
`many functions, usually a central processing unit. Also known
`as engine. 2. A program that transforms some input into some
`output, such as an assembler, compiler, or linkage editor.
`I 'priases-ar I
`processor complex
`It omeur sell The central portion of a
`very large computer consisting of several central processing
`units working in concert. I 'prli,ses-ar ,kem,pleks I
`processor error interrupt ICOMPUT SCI I The interruption of
`a computer program because a parity check indicates an coma
`in a word that has been transferred to or within the central
`processing unit. I 'pra,ses-ar (cid:9)
`processor-limited I coMpl'r suit Property of a computer sys-
`tem whose processing time is determined by the speed of its
`central processing unit rather than by the speed of its peripheral
`equipment. Also known as process-limited. I '
`processor-memory-switch notation See PMS notation.
`I 'pra,seoar 'mem-re ,swish na,teeshan I
`processor stack pointer ICOMPI:1SCII A progranunabic mg'
`ister used to access all temporary-storage words related to an
`interrupt-service routine which was halted when a new service
`routine was called in. I 'pra,ses-ar 'stak rpOinear I
`processor status word lcompl; r sea A word comprising
` gad'
`set of flag hits and the interrupt-mask status. I 'prieserar
`as ,ward
`process piping [ENG]
`In an industrial facility. piPewnrk
`whose function is to convey the materials used for the manufac-
`turing processes. I prises &Trio I
`process planning
`IIND ENG] Determining the condiuons
`necessary to convert material from one state to another.
`I 'prieses ,plantio I
`process printing Itatarincel The printing from it "--11°,°1
`two or more halftone plates to produce intermaliate colors ""
`shades. I 'prO,ses ,printio I
`process research I sc.' Tticti I Applied research with a Kw
`or improved process in view. I 'priases risarch
`process schizophrenia[PSYCH) Schizophrenia having

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