Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 1 of 52 PageID #: 4027
`Maxell Ltd.’s Motion to Compel
`Apple to Produce Timely Discovery
`September 17, 2019


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 2 of 52 PageID #: 4028
`Apple’s Discovery Misconduct
`• Deadlines are due dates, not start dates
`• Must comply with all discovery obligations
`– Expert discovery obligations do not obviate fact discovery obligations
`– Facts must be disclosed even if Apple does not want or like them
`– Partial answers make for incomplete discovery
`• “Have not gotten to it yet” is not good cause
`2 2


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 3 of 52 PageID #: 4029
`Apple’s Discovery Misconduct
`• Disputes are two-pronged: timing and scope
`• Apple focuses on timing to avoid the genuine disputes on scope
`• An effort to kick the can down the road
`– to avoid doing the real work of discovery
`– hoping the case will be transferred
`– hoping to ignore discovery obligations for a bit longer
`• The parties have real, substantive disputes now
`3 3


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 4 of 52 PageID #: 4030
`Document Production


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 5 of 52 PageID #: 4031
`Substantial Completion of Document Production
` • July 10, 2019: Deadline to Comply with Paragraphs 1 & 3 of the Discovery
`Order (DCO, D.I. 46)
`• Paragraph 3(b):
`Discovery Order, D.I. 42
`5 5


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 6 of 52 PageID #: 4032
`Substantial Completion of Document Production
` • August 14, 2019: Deadline to Comply with P.R. 3-3 and 3-4 (DCO, D.I. 46)
`• P.R. 3-4:
`Local Patent Rule 3-4
`6 6


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 7 of 52 PageID #: 4033
`Substantial Completion of Document Production
` • Taken together, document production should have been substantially
`complete no later than August 14, 2019
`• Today, on September 17, production still missing:
`– License Agreements
`– Marketing Materials
`– Internal Corporate Organization and Policy Materials
`– Apple Technical Documents (e.g., Internal Technical Specifications,
`Software Design Guides, FCC Testing Documents)
`– Third Party Technical Documents
`– Service Manuals
`7 7


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 8 of 52 PageID #: 4034
`Apple treats deadlines as starting dates, not due dates
` Document Production Correspondence
`Interrogatory Responses
`Aug. 2, 2019 Ltr. Apple to Maxell
`8 8
`Apple Response to Rog No. 9


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 9 of 52 PageID #: 4035
`Substantial Completion of Document Production
` • In briefing, Apple asserts the deadline is the date for productions to
`Opposition at 2
`9 9


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 10 of 52 PageID #: 4036
`Substantial Completion of Document Production
`10 10


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 11 of 52 PageID #: 4037
`Substantial Completion of Document Production
`“Comply”, not “Begin Compliance”
`11 11


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 12 of 52 PageID #: 4038
`Apple Suggests it is Complying
` • “Apple has consistently advised Maxell the status of Apple’s production of
`the requested document categories. With over seven months left in fact
`discovery, Maxell’s aspersions of “prejudice” ring hollow and are without
`explanation or basis.” Opposition at 1.
`• “To date, Apple has produced over 775,000 pages of documents and made
`available for inspection nearly 700,000 source code files, and its productions
`continue.” Opposition at 1-2.
`• “Apple is already acting in a diligent and reasonable manner consistent with
`local practice in this District.” Opposition at 2.
`12 12


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 13 of 52 PageID #: 4039
`No Intention to “Comply”
` • Apple has never provided a date for anticipated completion, other than
`the “close of fact discovery”
`• Apple’s rolling productions to date are overstated
`– Of the 13,169 documents produced, nearly 1/3 (4,263) are duplicates
`– Large portion of documents are publicly available website pages
`• Apple admits that it has not produced whole categories of documents
`(will address some during interrogatories discussion)
`13 13


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 14 of 52 PageID #: 4040
`Apple Knows What to Produce
`• Apple admits it is aware of the legal theories and factual bases—it must produce
`the corresponding documents
`14 14
`Apple Initial Disclosures, at 3.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 15 of 52 PageID #: 4041
`Maxell Substantially Completed Document
` • Maxell has not mis-represented its own production
`– Production was substantially complete by July 10
`– Documents produced after July 10 are almost entirely third party
`• July 29 production of pre-suit communications were
`communications with non-party Maxell Corporation of America
`15 15


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 16 of 52 PageID #: 4042
`Maxell Has Not “Rushed to Court”
`• Maxell followed the discovery dispute process faithfully
`– Maxell provided 3 written statements regarding materials that should be
`produced and support where appropriate – July 10, 15, and 19 (this is after June
`18 letter identifying documents that should be produced)
`– Apple provided written response July 25, Aug 12
`• Apple asked for a specific deadline from Maxell to see if the parties are at an impasse
`• Maxell offered September 6; Apple refused any date (including Sept 30)
`– Parties were aware of each others’ positions prior to meet and confer
`• Clearly prolonging argument on issues would not be fruitful; two meet and confers confirmed the
`impasse, including last week
`• Notably, Maxell is moving on timing and scope, on items Apple explicitly stated it would not timely
`produce (scope addressed with interrogatories)
`16 16


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 17 of 52 PageID #: 4043
`Requested Relief
` • Apple should be ordered to substantially complete its document
`production—of all relevant documents—by September 30
`– “substantially complete” is not a difficult concept for experienced
`– Scope of contested documents addressed with the interrogatories
`Motion at 1
`17 17


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 18 of 52 PageID #: 4044
`Responses to Maxell’s First Set of


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 19 of 52 PageID #: 4045
`Interrogatory Nos. 2, 7, 8
`• Apple Response: Apple has not engaged in any acts that constitute direct or indirect
`infringement of any valid claim of any Patent-in-Suit, either literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, willfully or otherwise. Apple will disclose its non-infringement
`defenses in its rebuttal expert report, according to the schedule contemplated by the
`Docket Control Order (D.I. 46), as required by the local rules in the Eastern District of
`Texas. On the basis of its objections, Apple will not otherwise respond to this
`19 19


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 20 of 52 PageID #: 4046
`Interrogatory Nos. 2, 7, 8
`• Apple Response: Apple has not engaged in any acts that constitute direct or
`indirect infringement of any valid claim of any Patent-in-Suit, either literally
`or under the doctrine of equivalents, willfully or otherwise. On the basis of its
`objections, Apple will not otherwise respond to this interrogatory at this
`20 20


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 21 of 52 PageID #: 4047
`Interrogatory Nos. 2, 7, 8
`• Apple Response: Apple has not engaged in any acts that constitute direct or indirect
`infringement of a valid claim of any Patent-in-Suit, either literally or under the doctrine of
`equivalents, willfully or otherwise. At an appropriate time contemplated by the Docket
`Control Order (D.I. 46), Apple will disclose expert opinions relating to acceptable
`alternatives to the purported inventions claimed by Patents-in-Suit. On the basis of its
`objections, Apple will not otherwise respond to this interrogatory at this time.
`21 21


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 22 of 52 PageID #: 4048
`Interrogatory Nos. 2, 7, 8
`• No. 2: Non-infringement contentions.
`• No. 7: Steps taken to avoid infringing any claim of any Patent-in-Suit.
`• No. 8: Non-infringing alternatives.
`• Apple Position: Refuse to respond because prematurely calls for expert
`22 22


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 23 of 52 PageID #: 4049
`Interrogatory Nos. 2, 7, 8
`• Maxell only seeks facts currently within Apple’s possession, not expert opinion
`Interrogatory No. 2 (noninfringement):
`23 23
`Apple Initial Disclosures, at 3.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 24 of 52 PageID #: 4050
`Interrogatory Nos. 2, 7, 8
`• Maxell only seeks facts currently within Apple’s possession, not expert opinion
`Interrogatory No. 7 (acts to avoid infringement):
`– Facts, not expert opinion
`– Steps taken in the past to avoid infringement cannot arguably fall within the purview
`of expert testimony or be categorized as seeking a non-infringement position
`– Apple either did or did not take steps to avoid infringement; these are facts, not
`expert opinion
`– In meet and confer, Apple offered to provide this information if/when Apple
`decides to rely on it
`• That it not the standard for discoverability!
`24 24


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 25 of 52 PageID #: 4051
`Interrogatory Nos. 2, 7, 8
`• Maxell only seeks facts currently within Apple’s possession, not expert opinion
`Interrogatory No. 8 (noninfringing alternatives):
`– Facts, not expert opinion
`– District has held that a defendant must identify non-infringing alternatives prior to
`the deadline for expert disclosures to enable a plaintiff to conduct discovery into
`the technical feasibility and acceptance of the alternative.
`• Godo Kaisha IP Bridge 1 v. Broadcom Ltd., No. 2:16-cv-134-JRG-RSP (E.D. Tex., Apr. 20, 2017)
`– Must be able to explore the feasibility, adequacy, acceptance of alleged alternatives;
`cannot be done after close of fact discovery
`• Apple engineers?; customers?; suppliers?; carriers?
`25 25


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 26 of 52 PageID #: 4052
`Interrogatory Nos. 2, 7, 8 – Requested Relief
`• Provide full, complete responses to the interrogatories
`• In a timely manner (by September 30)
`• Be held to the responses absent good cause
`– No never-ending “supplemental responses” without good cause
`– Responses are due by their deadlines, not when Apple is ready to disclose
`the facts to Maxell
`– No “Seventh Supplemental Response . . .” on the last day of fact discovery
`26 26


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 27 of 52 PageID #: 4053
`Interrogatory No. 3
`27 27


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 28 of 52 PageID #: 4054
`Interrogatory No. 3
`• Apple states it is undertaking review of, and will produce, licenses “reasonably
`relevant to the technology and/or functionalities accused in this case and
`reasonably proximate to the dates of a hypothetical negotiation or negotiations
`asserted by Maxell”
`– What is “reasonably relevant”?
`• Apple refuses to say
`• No details at all about how relevance determination is being made
`– Apple objects to each description of accused feature or functionality—
`claims not to understand
`28 28


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 29 of 52 PageID #: 4055
`Interrogatory No. 3
`– What is “reasonably relevant”?
`• Apple objects to each description of accused feature or functionality—claims not to
`29 29


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 30 of 52 PageID #: 4056
`Interrogatory No. 3
`• Even if “reasonably relevant” licenses acceptable, still have disputes
`• Apple refuses to provide information regarding how the
`royalty/consideration of licenses determined
`• Apple refuses to provide a date by which production will be substantially
`30 30


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 31 of 52 PageID #: 4057
`Interrogatory No. 3 –
`Maxell did not “rush to court”
` • Maxell:
`Maxell Letter, July 19, 2019
`31 31
`Apple Response to Rog No. 3


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 32 of 52 PageID #: 4058
`Interrogatory No. 3 – Requested Relief
`• Provide full, complete response to the full interrogatory
`– all licenses or an agreed scope
`– information on royalty determinations
`• In a timely manner (by September 30)
`• Be held to the response absent good cause
`32 32


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 33 of 52 PageID #: 4059
`Interrogatory No. 4
`33 33


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 34 of 52 PageID #: 4060
`Interrogatory No. 4
`34 34


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 35 of 52 PageID #: 4061
`Interrogatory No. 4
`• Sales networks and distribution channels are relevant:
`– Damages
`– May have information regarding operation, use, and marketing of
`accused products
`• How are the functionalities and features used and valued by customers, vendors,
`and carriers?
`• What functionalities and features are emphasized, touted, or otherwise marketed
`by customers, vendors, and carriers?
`35 35


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 36 of 52 PageID #: 4062
`Interrogatory No. 4 (Sales Data) – Maxell did not
`“rush to court”
` • Maxell:
`Maxell Letter, July 19, 2019
`36 36
`Apple Response to Rog No. 4


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 37 of 52 PageID #: 4063
`Interrogatory No. 4 – Requested Relief
`• Provide full, complete response to the full interrogatory
`– Information on entities responsible for sales and distribution
`– Information on customers
`• In a timely manner (by September 30)
`• Be held to the response absent good cause
`37 37


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 38 of 52 PageID #: 4064
`Interrogatory No. 5
`38 38


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 39 of 52 PageID #: 4065
`Interrogatory No. 5
`39 39


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 40 of 52 PageID #: 4066
`Interrogatory No. 5
`• Actions taken are relevant:
`– Damages and willfulness
`• Steps to avoid infringement
`• Acknowledgement of potential infringement
`• Details of Apple’s knowledge and understanding of the patents
`• How the actions correspond with Apple’s standard procedures
`• Nothing done at all?
`40 40


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 41 of 52 PageID #: 4067
`Interrogatory No. 5 – Requested Relief
`• Provide full, complete response to the full interrogatory
`– Information on actions taken as a result of notice/awareness
`• In a timely manner (by September 30)
`• Be held to the response absent good cause
`41 41


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 42 of 52 PageID #: 4068
`Interrogatory No. 6
`42 42


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 43 of 52 PageID #: 4069
`Interrogatory No. 6
`43 43


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 44 of 52 PageID #: 4070
`Interrogatory No. 6
`• Interrogatory could have been directed to “relevant components”
`– Maxell narrowed scope and targeted discovery to only 21
`44 44


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 45 of 52 PageID #: 4071
`Interrogatory No. 6
`• Apple’s objections are not credible
`– Apple’s sophisticated engineers and counsel must understand
`these relatively common industry terms
`45 45


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 46 of 52 PageID #: 4072
`Interrogatory No. 6
`• Apple asserts interrogatory comprises at least 21 discrete
`– At most, it’s 2:
`• Identification of Part: Supplier and Internal/Supplier model numbers
`required to be able to identify part and discuss with both Apple and
`• Cost of each Part
`– Asking for information on the components; Maxell should
`not be penalized for trying to help Apple understand the
`information being sought
`46 46


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 47 of 52 PageID #: 4073
`Interrogatory No. 6
`• If Apple is collecting relevant documents, it must know the identity
`of these parts
`• Production of BOMs Not an Acceptable Response
`– Apple has produced over 3,000 Bills of Material – averaging
`~30/accused product
`– BOMs are up to 500 pages long (see example)
`– Do not state the effective dates
`– Difficult for those outside Apple to identify relevant components
`when nomenclature used by Apple is unknown
`• Not OMM Associate vs Mayer Brown Associate, but Apple as opposed to others
`47 47


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 48 of 52 PageID #: 4074
`Interrogatory No. 6 – Requested Relief
`• Provide full, complete response to the full interrogatory
`– Fill out the chart
`– Alternative: give a one-day deposition on the sole topic of this chart (time
`not to count against party deposition time)
`• In a timely manner (by September 30)
`• Be held to the response absent good cause
`48 48


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 49 of 52 PageID #: 4075
`Interrogatory No. 9
`49 49


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 50 of 52 PageID #: 4076
`Interrogatory No. 9
`• Forecasts and projections are relevant:
`– Damages, where calculated as a lump-sum royalty
`• In meet and confer, Apple asked Maxell to wave this request since
`Apple does not intend to rely on projections or forecasts
`– That it not the standard for discoverability!
`50 50


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 51 of 52 PageID #: 4077
`Interrogatory No. 9 – Requested Relief
`• Provide full, complete response to the full interrogatory
`– Produce forecasts and/or projections
`• In a timely manner (by September 30)
`• Be held to the response absent good cause
`51 51


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 81-2 Filed 09/18/19 Page 52 of 52 PageID #: 4078
`Thank you!
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