`(Excerpt of April 2, 2020 Meet and Confer Transcript)
`think we agree about that.
`Page 9<.
`I mean. what I had
`Page 95
`KR. BRABl:R, All right. And this is
`talke d to Lu.a..nn a.bout a.nd I ch.ink wb&t
`Jamie again.
`I think the market !11.lrveyo,
`makea sense 1s r-eally__juat a b'ullet- point
`think that issue ic reool ved. As nu.ming
`X iGcue ha~ been reool ve~ Y issues are
`5 Apple agrees?
`KR. BRABRR.: And t.he.n t.he litigat.ion
`I think those are stil l
`outstanding and we need a court order on
`KR. PENSAB£NE : Correct .
`MR. BEABER, Okay. That is
`everything from my list. So if there io
`1 0
`o.ti11 remaining, by each cat:egor,y.
`think - -
`I don• t know that the court would
`appreciate additional argument or
`poai tiona. It seems lik e that should have
`been done and was done in the briefing.
`You can te 11 me if you guys have a
`different vie...,., but that ,
`I th.ink, wa.$ the
`cource that we were proposing.
`l chink "Ne
`nothing further ,
`think there a.re
`some to- do items on both pa.rtiec ' oide, and
`if there is no other i1umeo 1 we wi l l start
`to put together a joint report and
`obviously abare it with you all to get
`feedback , comments and al 1 that good stuff.
`Jue t to be cl ear, on
`this joint report , ai..s Tiffany was aaying,
`are we envisioning this as being ju.at a
`plain vanilla bullet point list, or are we
`going co -- of our positioru;, or are we
`going to be having some argument?
`2 4
`...-ould be fine "'ith that.
`I think it"s just
`going to be subject t.o people potentially
`hav ing different ideas of what. is a
`statement as opposed to argument, but
`think the goal we have in mind is the same.
`MR. 8&AB£R: Yes,
`! think our idea
`';,{as just the catesori'eG, there are
`cub-isauec under each of thece, and J uat
`id~tifyin__g wh i ch &re open, which atie not. .
`MR. P!!NSABEl'IE: Okay , yes. That
`makec aenc.e.
`MR. BEASE.R: Okay. So t.hat ' G what